Dixie Goes All Republican


Meanwhile, the South has become a monolithic GOP voting bloc in the House and state legislatures … we have bet the farm on the Republicans.

“In 2010, the Alabama legislature went Republican for the first time in 136 years. In 2011, Republicans won the Mississippi statehouse and Louisiana’s legislature—for both, a first since Reconstruction. That leaves Arkansas as the Holdout State.

But Arkansas is wobbling. If its legislature falls to Republicans this year—the odds are 50-50 or better—all 11 states of the old Confederacy will be in GOP hands. And the political current that is transforming the South from a Democratic bastion into the bedrock of Republican strength nationally will be nearly complete.

In Arkansas, the ever-so-slow Republican trend accelerated in 2010. Republicans not only increased their state legislative seats by 50 percent, they also won two open U.S. House seats previously held by Democrats. This November, the one Democratic seat left (of the state’s four) is all but certain to be captured by Republican Tom Cotton, an Iraq war veteran….”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We gotta hammer this fact home to Yankees. The South is a republican fortress they cannot and will not overcome. A thorn in their side from here on out. Maybe they’ll let us go eventually.

  2. On balance – a good thing.

    Now guard against Neo Con intrigues – White Southerners love all things military, guns, so they are susceptible to Neo Con propaganda to fight expensive wars against Iraq, Iran…. Serbia?!!, Russia? Germany? Maybe against White separatists in the Pacific Northwest.

    In particular, watch out for fake populist, Conservative GOP folk spokesman like Ted Nugent, Hank Williams Jr., some NASCAR driver. The powers that be are always trying to find, use fake populist folk heroes to get the White South to support wars that have nothing to do with the White South or else ignore or accept horrors like mass NW immigration. Also, be on guard for the big business wing of the GOP that loves cheap NW labor – like the Onion King mayor of Georgia who insist that he need NW illegal immigrant labor, because White Americans won’t work 7 days a week in hot fields for sub minimum wage without a day off.

    But, again, on balance the White GOP takeover of the South is a good thing.

  3. Oh, and one more thing.

    All proud White Southerners must swear to remove Lindsay Graham from the US Senate. What’s with that?

  4. I wish I had bought some stock in Chick-Fil-A a couple of months ago. I’d be on Easy Street right now.

    Chick-Fil-A is beating out American Blue Chip stocks on Wall Street. Thank God! We’re saved! Chick-Fil-A has saved our economy!

    Praise Jesus ; Say “Amen” brethren : “Amen”.

  5. Serbia was, by and large, a liberal cause. I did not know Wesley Clark was Jewish either. Michael Rose had to read him the riot act with his over reaction to the Russians
    at the airfield.

  6. Thanks Hunter for reminding us that our folks took down Arlen Specter, Bob Bennet and Dick Lugar.

    So how is Lindsey Graham still around?

    This is a stain on South Carolina and the entire South as White populists in Pennsylvania took out Arlen Specter, White populists in Utah took out Bob Bennett (and Chris Cannon, but not Orin Hatch) amd White populists in Indiana took down Dick Lugar. So why is lisping, mass illegal amnesty, queer Lindsey Graham still a US Senator from South Carolina?

  7. You must be honest and recognize that illegal (Mexican) immigration is a bipartsan affair. The Democrats want mamacita and papacito as voters. The Republicans want them as laborers (a permanent scab class) who will do dangerous work for cut rate prices. Also the black “big bang” is making the black population increase relative to the White. When the black population percentage increases a little more it will make it impossible for Republicans to get elected. Haven’t you caught on that “there ain’t a dimes bit of difference between Democrats and Republicans”? These words were uttered by George Wallace a long time ago. Republicans support Israel. Democrats support the Jews. Nobody supports the dispossesed (soon to be former) White majority.

  8. john king says:
    August 11, 2012 at 3:51 pm
    When the black population percentage increases a little more it will make it impossible for Republicans to get elected. Haven’t you caught on that “there ain’t a dimes bit of difference between Democrats and Republicans”?

    Jack Ryan replies:

    That’s way too negative and way to defeatist. The Black White demographics are stable – the Black/White racial demographics look good for us in the South, Midwest. The Black American birth rate is way down since the 1970s, at virtual replacement levels – that you liberals, planned parenthood.

    The key is to just get down and local, get organized, find new, young talent.

    When is our own Hunter Wallace going to run and win an Alabama State representative’s race?

    As Elvis Presley once say:

    “A little less talk and little more action”

  9. And still the jibber jabber about abstract hooey that dissapates like a fart given enough time.

    Wait folks till the phrase “anti-white” is thrown into the political ring if you want to see fireworks.

    We at the Swarm absolutely destroy the anti-white left. If you debate abstract hooey they usually can take it to a draw, via magic thinking.

  10. Jack-

    It was actually “A little less conversation, a little more action”. Sorry, I had correct you. I remember the song because it was the opening theme from that show ‘Las Vegas’ with James Caan, from few years ago.

  11. Southerner Elvis did more to introduce Negro music into the conciousness of White Americans than anyone else.

    He was a drug addict.

  12. Elvis pushed race-mixing, albeit in a subtle way, but he did push it on White America. That’s why the commie jews loved elvis to kibbles-and-bits.

  13. Obama wins, more and more fence-sitters realize that there is no electoral path to victory and contemplate partition.

    Texas is the lynch pin, it can link the South West, Midwest and Dixie into a viable 25 state bloc.

    That bloc would siphon white rural counties from the the remaining states until they were merely anti-white urban islands. In 1 to 2 generations, those islands would be totally non-white failed states ready for recolonization or indifference.

    Can’t wait for this election to be over!

  14. No way Joe. Elvis was the king.

    And Elvis made a special pilgrimage to President Richard Nixon offering his services to take on the John Lennon and Oko who Elvis felt were corrupting America’s youth.

    Elvis served in the US army in Germany, Elvis married White – though his daughter did not. Elvis never went in for Leftist, anti White politics.

    Andy Griffith sold us out way, way more than Elvis Presley.

  15. This descendent of the Confederates you show movie clips about, can’t get excited about Paul Ryan who is a classic “Linclon Republican” with emphsis on “Lincoln”.

    Paul Ryan taking grannies medicare, or SSI and giving it to Israel or spending it on wars for Israel, ain’t my idea of good government.

    Romney and Ryan are going to have to work hard to get my vote!

  16. @jack ryan

    Yes*. But Aunt Bee baked the best Apple Pie this side of Heaven. Surely that can’t be denied.

    *I shall make my Pilgrimage To Graceland right after I take my dog for a walk around the block. Yes sirre bob.

  17. Must one carry a bible with oneself when pilgrimaging to Graceland? And if so, should it be a Schofeld bible? I would imagine so.

  18. @yt
    My doc here in Northern California wants me to smoke “medical marijuana”. I don’t do hard-core.

    Just some weed now and then* : I Got The Doctor’s Note.

    * and some delicious Northern California white wine* from The Vineyards planted by Northern Italian immigrants, who proved to be a Great Boon to Northern California, naturalmente.

    We don’t do moonshine. We have more refined taste.

  19. Excuse the typo : I forgot the ” * ”

    *Northern Italian’s don’t do moonshine : We have more Refined taste.

  20. Joe says:

    “We don’t do moonshine. We have more refined taste.”

    Jack Ryan reponds:

    The jury is still out on that question. In the meantime, don’t insult Elvis Presley the “King of Rock and Rock” and a bonafide, true Southern American patriot born in Tupelo, Mississippi, Presley moved to Memphis, Tennessee, with his family at the age of 13.

    Here’s the story of Elvis making a pilgrimage to see President Nixon, offering his services to the FBI to break the insideous foreign, commi influence of John Lennon on America’s youth:


  21. This monolith is the natural outcome of the “lesser of two evils” political system we have. Even the most dim-witted Southerner can feel the enmity that Democrats have for us, but the “lesser evil” pandering Republicans are able to conceal theirs, I guess.

    Southerners are just as stupid as any other form of Amurrican. They have now been completely shut out of the political system, so it’s pretty much a wash, anyway.

    The Romney-Ryan ticket illustrates this well. They are both “conservatives” from two of our most “progressive” states, Massachusetts and Wisconsin. AWOL on all cultural issues save solicitude for negroes and Jews, their only concerns are economic ones.

    So the Republican interests coalesce into bowing before negroes, Jews, and money. Not really much of an alternative to the extreme anti-white Democrats, but to most Amurricans, its all they got, so they willingly embrace it and pretend that everything is fine and dandy. Mammon or Moloch, that’s the choice we have before us. What a joke.


    Deo Vindice

  22. Andy Griffith was all Southern on the outside, and did have some southern virtues, but he was also an actor first and foremost, a student of (lest we forget, archliberal, even though the Sean Penns curse him for a nark) Elia Kazan, and a devotee of leftist causes from day one. We shouldn’t make him out as any exemplar because of his characters being so likeable and real.

    Elvis also had some good qualities. He was a nice guy, if gullible and disinclined to think. He had more raw talent musically than Frank Sinatra, and that’s no mean feat. His music survives and his image is still a Southern, White icon. But keep in mind: his music was largely black music, and he was a Jew under the Israeli Law of Return from all evidence.

    Although I have lived several years in the South, I am not a Southerner and am not here to tell anyone what Southerners ought to do or not do. But it seems to me that there are lots better Southern icons of cinema and music than Andy Griffith and Elvis Presley. For music, I’d probably pick Johnny Mercer, whose music beat the Broadway Jews at their own game, and only rarely has even a tinge of non-White cast.

  23. The only way it does any good is this: forget Congress, if you have both chambers of all the state houses and all the governorships, then you have to start passing draconian anti-immigrant laws and laws severely curtailing public benefits, to flush out the South. Enforce the law until the Feds strike it down, and have another identical law waiting in the wings, and pass it immediately, and enforce it until the Feds strike it down again. Keep doing this, over and over, creating chaos and uncertainty in the lives of all the immigrants, and an air of open and virulent hostility towards them. Let them and the Feds know that it’ll never, never end until they go away.

    Immigration is THE issue, even the debt doesn’t matter in comparison. If the South doesn’t use its GOP lock to address this, then it doesn’t matter who controls anything, the country is finished.

  24. Funny how a performer — in this case Elvis, a “good old-fashioned country-boy” from Tupelo, shows up on the “music scene” introducing negro music, and negro style, to White America : Following right on -the -heels of Brown vs Board of Education.

    Funny that?

    Do you think this was a coincidence?

    What exactly did Billie-Jo throw off the Tallahatchie bridge? Is the Tallahatchie bridge near-by Tupelo?

    Google :

    ” Elvis was a Jew”* :

    “I’m looking at ghosts and empty sockets”

    * Actually, he was part-Jew, part-Baptist.

    Part-Jew + Part Baptist = Cognitive Dissonance. That’s for sure. I’m not suprised he turned into a drug addict.

    I feel bad for Elvis. I Did like him. Great Elvis Song [ my favorite] :

    ” take my hand precious lord” :

    YouTube it.

  25. Denise, Mitt and Ryan may well be the best choice but until you know the geneology of their mothers, don’t say they are White.

    Eisenhower, the terrible Swedish Jew, certainly passed for White. But he did the bidding of the Cabal. And he executed Operation Keelhaul on the surrendered German nation together with that other Zionist warmonger the Jew Churchill.

    These were the real death camps that Amerkwan Edjewmacation doesn’t cover.

  26. mitt and ryan are really chinese. please don’t associate them whith whites. laughing online.

    yes. eisenhower was part jew. Reagan was All-White and he did the same “bidding” as eisenhower. I guess reagan wasn’t really white either, he was egyptian-chinese mongrel. everybody knows that.laughing online.

  27. @jack ryan
    I’m not defeatist but at age 44 I’m passed the youthful indiscretion of voting for the “lesser of two evils”. I see the choice between Romney and Obama like the choice between death by cyanide or hanging. I would rather see Obama be President for 4 more years because Obama is honest in his anti-White hatred. He associates openly with Jeremiah Wright, Eric Holder and other black radicals. Romney is also an anti-White and he hopes that his White skin color will con enough of us into voting for him. If our ship of state, the USS America, is heading toward the iceberg I would rather have a colored guy at the captain’s wheel for a little comic effect. If we want to talk about reproductive rates, hear this: White 1.83, Black 2.11, Hispanic 2.99. Republicans may pander to Whites with vague pro-white rhetoric around election time, but their record of anti-White policies compares well with Democrats. Don’t forget that the Chairman of the Republican Party, a fellow with the strange name of Rence Priebus was once an “intern” at the NAACP. Here are accomplishments of Republicans as it concerns Whites: President Eisenhower(R) ordered the 101st Airborn to Little Rock to forcibly desegragate a school. President Nixon (R) started racial quotas ie affirmative action. President Reagan (R) signed the first amnesty for illegal aliens. President Bush Jr (R) send an amicus brief during the Supreme Court’s case on racial quotas in higher education (Jennifer Gratz case). The amicus brief was in support of racial quotas. I visited the border at El Paso in 1991 (Bush I) and I saw Mexicans swimming the Rio Grande and crossing our border. There were huge holes in the fence. Nobody was stopping them in the middle of the day! To Jack Ryan and others who think the GOP is going to be pro-White, you are simply out of your minds. You are living a delusion. The mess that White America is in was caused by picking “the lesser of two evils” generation after generation. Thinking that a little more voting will change things is like trying to convince someone at a bar that you can drink your way to sobriety.

  28. Oscar the Grinch is dead on! It all comes down to immigration, both illegal AND legal. It’s got to stop or we as a people are done.

    I couldn’t give a fig at this point about the economy, jobs, deficit, Obamacare, gay marriage, abortion, etc. If we lose our culture to immigration, we’re done PERMANENTLY!

  29. @john king

    You’re listing anti-White things done by Republicans on the federal level. While the Republican Party on the state level is technically the same entity, it’s really another ballgame. I agree with Jack and Hunter both that the Republican Party – through control of state legislatures and governorships – could possibly rescue the South. Washington, DC is a completely different story though, and having no hope in the GOP at that level is warranted.

  30. Dixie going all Republican would make me happy if the GOP was pro White and Pro South. Perhaps we can turn the party of lincoln around, but for the now…. I see no cause for celebration. It only slows down the inevitable and I’m uncertain that’s an advantage.

    Now guard against Neo Con intrigues – White Southerners love all things military, guns, so they are susceptible to Neo Con propaganda to fight expensive wars against Iraq, Iran…. Serbia?!!, Russia? Germany?
    Jack Ryan

    Very true. It would be better to harness that energy in a more positive manner, like… letting us sign up for foreign militaries to sow the oats and come back home with our citizenship intact. That would also create a pool of military experience to draw on without costing us anything as a nation. Use to be a popular idea. However, most Southrons would prefer not to brawl with Europeans. It’s easier to get us fired up to stomp on brown skins. You never hear folks in my AO bash Russians and most tend to think we could ignore each other and everything would work out just fine. Mention the chicoms, mexicans or hajjis though…..

    Serbia was about sucking up to moslems to get them to like us.

    We’d like yankees better down here, if more yankees acted like Vendikar. To be fair there are a few yankees here that are fine with the idea of our ways being no better then their ways, but to few

  31. “If we want to talk about reproductive rates, hear this: White 1.83, Black 2.11, Hispanic 2.99.”

    Cut the benefits and it starts to self-correct at once.

    Cut and fence out all immigration, and then tia and tio no longer sneak here to help out with the free childcare before they begin to shit out their own little grease-blobs. No benefits, no school or hospital access, no free extended family help, no govt income to supplement their artificially low Dem-induced wages: TFR dropping, dropping…

    Cut the benefits and tell the blacks they have to work from now on, and watch how they either move to Minnesota or else take up lives as confirmed bachelorettes and old maids so they can hang on to their (relative) leisure. TFR plunging, plunging…

    Cut the benefits and white families have more money to fund family formation. TFR rising, rising…

    Cut immigration and the greasies no longer have a political base.

    Cut immigration, and public schools are useable again for the humans who built them; white families are no longer in the double-bind of paying taxes for schools that are really just storage space for grease-blobs, while at the same time paying a second time over for private schools, just for the seceurity of knowing your children won’t be assaulted and raped. Total savings + efficiency + security + stability = TFR rising, rising…

    Cut the benefits, and end immigration, (in short, drain the swamps) and watch as in-town urban real estate once again becomes affordable and safe: young white families can stay in the city without expensively pulling up stakes and relocating to some remote suburban mountain outpost, just so they can raise daughters who won’t be raped. Watch in amazement as robust commerce returns to a safe and peaceful CBD, and with it, a viable tax base for still more improvement and hence still more robust commerce.

    Put up fences (both physical and legal) to prevent the orcs from crawling back into town, once the place has been cleaned up, no thanks to them. Similarly, fence out the scheming Asians and the grasping Subcons and the heinous Muslims, as well as… well, you know.

    Cut the benefits, end immigration, and it all starts to self-correct.

    If you have the state houses and the governor’s mansions, do it. When the Feds intervene, do it again in slightly different guise. Then do it again. And again. Make them send troops. Call out the National Guard in reply, and make sure the cameras are rolling to see the standoff. Coordinate, let every state in the Union see what you’re doing, they will imitate. Keep doing it until the whole country knows, and approves.

  32. Immigration is a key issue, but stopping immigration will not get rid of the millions of brown turd-world scum here already.

    The GOP is definitely Anti-White! They are going to disappear after Civil War II.

    A New White Supremacist Party will take its place, and the Vampire Squids and their darkie pets will be liquidated!

  33. @ RobRoy “….Wait folks till the phrase “anti-white” is thrown into the political ring if you want to see fireworks….”

    True. Right now people here let what HW calls BRA frame the debate of “immigration.”

    They keep it nice and SAFE— by framing the debate around Economics. Marxists like it, (real ones as well as Marxist-rasied people who really believe they are conservatives), Theocrats for the Open South Border love to hide behind it, and the Fascist Militarist-Corporatist like it.

    But all of them keep the immigration debate on Economics when Immigration is really Anti-White.

    If you really believe we have BRA— then your issue would not be economics. The issue is Genocide. (Immigration plus assimilation)

  34. All the candidates are Anti-white, and people seem to be starting to resent that they are forced to vote for anti-white policies when they are white people. Ryan is Anti-white, but so is everyone offered.

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