Caribbean Project: Napoleon Bonaparte: White Nationalist


This is fascinating: Napoleon restored slavery in Guadeloupe and French Guiana, arrested and imprisoned Toussaint L’Ouverature, attempted to restore slavery in Saint-Domingue, banned negroes and mulattoes from the soil of the French Republic, and criminalized miscegenation and interracial marriage in France:

“Years later, questioned by his friend Truguet about what he had done in Saint-Domingue, an enraged Bonaparte declared that, had he been in Martinique during the Revolution, he would have supported the English rather than accept an end to slavery. “I am for the whites because I am white; I have no other reason, and that one is good,” he said. “How is it possible that liberty was given to Africans, to men who had no civilization, who did not even know what the colony was, what France was? It is perfectly clear that those who wanted the freedom of the blacks wanted the slavery of the whites.”

Note: This excerpt comes from Laurent DuBois’ A Colony of Citizens: Revolution and Slave Emancipation in the French Caribbean, 1787-1804.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. VIVE L’EMPEURER! thanks for this hunter now i can spit this in the face of all those joe-esque “napoleon+rothschild” commenters

  2. Google :
    ” Napolean + Mental Illness + Jew Commies + Paris Commune”

    for information and facts about 19th century Europe.

    Google : ” Jeter un froid” to find out what I think of Napolean.

  3. “I am for the whites because I am white; I have no other reason, and that one is good,”

    That is fine logic.

  4. Vous devez vous rappeler : Quatorze Mots! Quartorze Mots!

    [ That’s ALL you need to know in life, Quartorze Mots :

    Enfoncer des portes ouvertes.

  5. Amen, JimmyGears.

    +1 for Napoleon realizing that those proto-communists intended freedom of the blacks and slavery for the whites. Prescient.

    Vive Napoleon!

  6. Curiously enough Cadet Napoleone Di Buonaparte (his actual name) filled out an application to become a Royal Navy officer, while he was estranged from the French army in Corsica. A shame that he was not offered a commission. Cod have used him to smash some nigger targets in the Caribbean and Africa. It’s a shame he lead 600,000 French, Poles, Belgians, Dutch, Germans to their death in Russia.

    Never make war on Russia!

  7. The Revolutionaries in France overturned the throne and altar of France on the tomb of Jacques de Molay when they inaugurated the Revolution 1789.

    They wanted the slavery of the French and the extermination of Whites who opposed the new Revolutionary order – both in France and in the colonies. The Revolution was opposed in the Loire, in the Vendee and in Brittainy by the Couter Revolution for both throne and altar. The Chouannerie had widespread support in the colonies – that is why the Jacobins used the Blacks to genocide the Whites who were en bloc for the ancien regime. That is why they freed the Blacks.

  8. ““I am for the whites because I am white; I have no other reason, and that one is good,””

    That quote should be emblazoned on bumper stickers and tee shirts.

  9. Louis 16: White Nationalist

    It’s not just Napoleon. On the other side of the French revolution, the king’s government had some good sense too. In 1777, the government had a decree forbidding French people to take Black servants in France. They also forbade all Blacks and mulattoes to enter the country and ordered the deportation of those who would come after 1777. In 1758, they had another decree forbidding marriages with non-Whites.

    Flawless Logic

    First page of an article by a pro-miscegenation historian.

  10. ““I am for the whites because I am white; I have no other reason, and that one is good,””

    That quote should be emblazoned on bumper stickers and tee shirts.

    Yeah, it should. That used to be commonsence.

  11. The ideological poison spread from The Puritans in Britain, to the Patriots in the US, to the Jacobins in France and then back to New England.

  12. This is information our historians should be examining in deep detail and research
    and passing it on to faculties and students in every university in the world let alone
    the U.S.! I was fortunate enough to come across “Sex and Race in the Americas”
    by Joel Augustus Rogers when I was a student at Roosevelt University during the 1960’s. I don’t recall his mentioning Napoleon’s phobic, racist fear of blacks, but
    he does give considerable mention of Alexandre Dumas. Needless to say that even at that ‘far left’ liberal college where Dr. St Claire Drake taught African History, none of the contents of that revealing text ever became material for course study or even mentioned to my knowledge and none of my history major classmates whom I knew broached the subject either!

    Erick Dean Tippett
    Retired Musician/Teacher
    Chicago, Illinois

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