About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @Hunter

    Romney to run with former child star Paul Ryan who played Pugsley Addams in the TV series the Munsters.

  2. An all White ticket opposed to another four years of Holder/Obama.
    Yes, a good pick. This may bring up his numbers within the White blue collar working class.

  3. Looks like Romney actually wants to make more of a policy fight of it. This will also keep more traditional economic conservatives on the reservation come election day.

  4. If he would stop acting like a wimp, he could beat Obama. The welfare ad and Ryan as VP are the only two positive things he has done all summer. He should put Ryan out there and tell him to go after Obama on TANF welfare, Medicaid, and EBT.

  5. Do you think Romney and Ryan can get enough Yankees to vote for them in the Midwest and Pennsylvania? What would it say about the North if Yankees voted for Obama over two of their own guys?

  6. “Ryan mentions the Catholic principle of subsidiarity as an influence on his thinking. He believes that the best government is a government closest to the people. […] ‘I reject [Objectivism]. It’s an atheist philosophy. It reduces human interactions down to mere contracts and it is antithetical to my worldview. If somebody is going to try to paste a person’s view on epistemology to me, then give me Thomas Aquinas. Don’t give me Ayn Rand’.” – Paul Ryan (R-WI), quoted in “Ryan Shrugged”, Robert Costa, National Review, April 26, 2012 Link

    Likes subsidiarity and Aquinas. Doesn’t like materialism and Objectivism.

    Mitt could have done worse. Way worse.

  7. Oh man … this race just got a lot more interesting. We’re going to have a Yankee doubleheader in November taking on Obama and Biden. The South will certainly go for Romney and Ryan. No doubt about that.

    So the North has to choose between Obama and two White men from the North. Will Yankees vote for their own kind or will they vote to reelect Obama?

  8. Where I grew up in the NE, it could motivate a lot of Whites to vote just from a racial stand point.

    Should get intresting. I just commented to my wife that the Ryan bashing begins tomorrow. I’m sure his stance on cutting entitlements will be turned into a racial topic.

    I look forward to the debates.

  9. Hunter I know you’re smarter than this. Please do some research before buying into the blind hype. Ryan is a neocon. He supported Tarp for the exact same reasons as obama. He backed the auto bailout, the patroit act, and the ndaa. His budget was a sham projected over decades instead of dealing with the present reality and he wrote an oped against big banks last year who happen to be romenys top donors. The man is a fraud.

  10. “Will Yankees vote for Obama over Romney and Ryan because “Obama is for the working man”?

    Romney absolutely has to take some blue collar Midwest industrial “rustbelt” states like Wisconsin, Michigan, the paradigmatic Ohio, or even Pennsylvania away from Obama if he hopes to win the Electoral College. Ohio is a tough nut to crack. Unemployment has gone way down there from 11 to 7 percent and Obama’s poll numbers are up and he is playing to that strength with very effective industrial policy rhetoric like this:


  11. From a white-interests point of view (and indeed, just from an election-winning point of view) it’s the best choice Romney could have made, maybe even the only one.

    If nothing else, it shows Romney has a bit of fight in him, and indicates that maybe he’s gonna play to win.

    Ryan won’t win over hard-baked Northern liberals whose entire worldview is basically predicated on hating whites; but he’ll probably vaccuum up a good bit of the white-ethnic vote that used to vote Democrat back when all the candidates were white and there was no racial knife-fight at the presidential level. The white Catholics (Irish, Italians, Poles, a few stray groups) will smell both where their interests lay and also it’ll stiffen their identity-politics spine: Ryan is young, very very smart, well-spoken, has a bit of an attack dog in him, a national profile, a solid resume, and a history of wrestling with economic problems using actual serious thought.

    The VP debates will now be Irishman vs. Irishman, but Biden is the imbecile poorly-spoken kiss-ass lapdog to a black socialist, it’s embarrassingly apparent, and that will raise white-ethnic hackles when they see they have a “strong” alternative to represent them in Ryan. (Had Romney picked some aristo WASP, these loyalties would not come out of the woodwork.)

    Don’t know if it’s enough to swing the states that need to be swung, but it’s a helluva lot smarter than Pawlenty or Rubio; Rubio, symbolically, would have been waving the racial flag of surrender, and tacitly admitting that white identity is no longer at the core of this nation’s identity.

    Wish I could get Romney and Ryan alone in a room for about three hours, and explain to them what to do next.

  12. So the North has to choose between Obama and two White men from the North. Will Yankees vote for their own kind or will they vote to reelect Obama?

    Not even an issue in the minds of Whites up north. The south vs. north is not even on the radar up north. Just doesn’t even exist.

    This will be if Romney can motivate the conservative northern White voters to show up to cast a vote. If he can, he could pull it off. He needs to tap into the frustrations. His opposition to freebes is a good star, he should run with it. His choice of Ryan is a good start. Only time will tell what his strategy is.

    An all White ticket is a breathe of fresh air for many up north, could get them to vote.

  13. Again, Romney and Ryan will win the election if they can only persuade their fellow Yankees to vote for them over Obama and Joe Biden. We’re talking about a real high bar here.

    All you got to do … is get someone other than Indiana and Ohio to switch sides and turn on Obama and Eric “My People” Holder.

  14. “if they can only persuade their fellow Yankees to vote for them”

    The Northern and Midwestern white-ethnics aren’t “Yankees”. They are Northeasterners (not the same as a “Yankee” despite what you think) and they typically have extensive personal and family experience with black violence and black bullshit, and they typically are quite sour on non-white immigrants. Don’t listen to what you hear from the soft-handed modern Catholic bishops: the white ethnics have got two eyes in their heads.

  15. It would be fun to see Romney/Ryan flip the Irish and Italians in Massachusetts. I don’t know what the demographics are these days, so I don’t know if it could make the difference. It would be quite entertaining to see Obongo lose Mass. But then again, Massachusetts was pissed off enough to vote in Scott Brown, and the Elizabeth Warren campaign is an embarrassment that isn’t doing the hard left-liberals any favors in converting the squishes.

    The white-ethnics know, at bottom, that they pay net taxes and that blacks and Hispanics don’t, and that they are paying for all the entitlements for blacks and Hispanics but will have their own access to entitlement gravy limited or denied (with much glee) by Affirmative-Action bureaucrats. So the whole “Mediscare” meme of the Dems may fall on deaf ears with them; they know something must be done, and they can probably be persuaded that the shared hit Ryan wants them to take is a better deal than the full-on frontal hit that Obama wants them, and them alone, to take, while his _real_ constituency skates.

    The possibilities for interesting campaign rhetoric are enticing.

  16. “We’re using Yankee in the broader sense of the word here … Northern Whites”

    You don’t understand: there _is_ no broader sense of the word. The Northern white-ethnics are a distinct people, with a distinct culture and distinct attitudes, that are separate from the literal “Yankee”. Think of the difference between Harvard and Fordham University, between Yale and Holy Cross.

  17. We’re going to be cheering on Sean in Nevada, Rudel in Oregon, 313Chris in Michigan, Sam in Wisconsin, Oscar in New York, and Mosin in Pennsylvania. All you guys have to do is convince White people in your own states NOT to vote for Obama and Holder.

    Can you do it?

  18. I correctly predicted on here that Ryan would be the VP pick.

    Now I’m predicting that Romney will win Michigan.

  19. Hunter, you’re a smart guy. The yankee label is ridiculous. Everyday Northerners have no idea, or even care about yankee vs. dixie.

    To me, it’s racial. For now, we are all under BRA. When we break BRA, then we can break up the nation, regional.

  20. Oh wow. Now I have to vote Romney. Paul Ryan knows the only way to kill the Federal beast, strip it of it’s coercive financial power.

  21. Yeah, I know.

    I usually use Yankee to refer to real Yankees like Brooks D. Simpson or Mitt Romney or George H.W. Bush, but in the South, it is also common to use “Yankee” to refer to all Northern Whites above the Mason-Dixon line.

  22. I am off the fence. I will vote for an all White ticket, just to cancel out a vote for an insane obama voter.

    I am in a swing state (NV).

  23. Ryan is German-Irish-Catholic. Huge blocks of potential voters to draw from in Wisconsin. Couldn’t do better if he walked on water.

  24. I think we were right a while back, Romney has a Rust-Belt strategy. Appeal to the majority white manufacturing heartland hit hardest by the depression. It’s really their only hope. His-pandering is fantasy land. Romney has to be smart enough to know this.

    If he can take the Rust-Belt, between that and Dixie Obama can’t win. Could he be trying to pull off in the Midwest what Nixon pulled off in the South?

  25. Remember what Brutus of Indiana said about Northern Whites?

    He said they would vote for Obama because he is for “the working man.” Now we are going to find out in November. Will Northern Whites vote for Obama or two White guys from the North?

    That would be a son of a bitch if Romney and Ryan win every state south of the Ohio river only to lose because Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Ohio, Iowa, and New Hampshire go for Obama.

  26. Northeastern white-ethnics are almost never more than a generation (at most, maybe two) away from exhausting, poor-to-middling-pay blue-collar work. Everyone in the Irish and Italian and Polish and even Greek communities (they sort of count) is descended from people who worked really hard all their lives, didn’t go to college, had the basic necessities of life but rarely the luxuries, and were always somehow on the front lines of the receiving end of the benefits of vibrancy and diversity. The Yankees and the Jews scarpered off to Brookline and Sharon and Connecticut: diversity is for the goyim, don’t you know.

    The white ethnics are clear-eyed about racial matters in a way that insulated, superior, moneyed WASPs and venomous, resentful Jews are not. The Jews weaponized the blacks and immigrants against the white ethnics deliberately; the WASPs were simply too high-minded and removed to care very much.

    We will see if Romney/Ryan can walk this tight-rope successfully: the white ethnics used to vote Dem because the Dems used to be the union party, and back in the old days unions actually did make the hard lives of working white-ethnics easier. But that is no more: the Dems are now the raving, rabid anti-white party, and increasingly people understand this.

    It’s an interesting tactical problem for the GOP: the Dems are going to try to paint Romney as the indifferent rich guy and Ryan as the maniac grandma-starving ideologue, and make themselves out to be the champions of the white working class — when in reality, no party in American history has ever been more against the white working class than the present-day Dems. Not just ‘against’ them — but toxically, venomously, murderously so: a party that would kill them if it could.

    It will require a very clever and dexterous amount of dog-whistling and sophisticated speechifying for the GOP to spell this out without falling into the “racist” briar patch. Who knows, maybe they don’t even care, it’s not like they have at any time in the recent past.

    But 2012 is Waterloo. This is the last chance to reverse the trends. If Romney doesn’t win this, we are talking either civil war/secession, or else complete white extermination.

  27. Romney will get 95 percent of the White vote in Alabama. The challenge for Northern Whites is simply not to split 50/50 for Obama over Romney. Obama got about 56 percent or so of the White vote in Wisconsin in 2008.

  28. Here’s the White vote in the 2008 election:


    Obama won 51 percent of the White vote in Michigan, 54 percent in Wisconsin, 48 percent in Pennsylvania, 51 percent in Iowa, 54 percent in New Hampshire, 47 percent in Ohio, 60 percent in Oregon, 47 percent in Nevada, and 44 percent in Colorado.

    He only won 39 percent in Virginia, 35 percent in North Carolina, and 42 percent in Florida.

  29. Even if you live in a solid-blue state where your vote won’t change anything, it is extremely important that you vote in this election so that we can gauge what our real numbers are. Even if Obama wins the Electoral College, the total national vote will be published; so everyone should make it a priority to vote regardless, so we can all see what and where our strengths and weaknesses are, what the proportions are, etc etc.

  30. “Obama got about 56 percent or so of the White vote in Wisconsin in 2008.”

    Keep in mind that in 2008 Bush was utterly despised (and rightly so), McCain/Palin was a joke of a ticket, and people had high hopes for Obama, he had some ostensibly impressive cred, he talked a good game, and nobody knew what he would actually do yet. People were disgusted with the Iraq war, Bush was an embarrassment to the country on the international stage, and Palin promised to again make us look like a bunch of rubes. (I actually kind of like Palin, but the truth is what it is.) The idea of having a smart, well-spoken black president who wasn’t (we were told) a frothing race man, seemed to hold out some promise of redemption from the black hole of the Bush years.

    But now, of course, Obama has a record, and a lot of whites don’t like it. Romney/Ryan have a target-rich field in which to romp, to peel off white votes. And they aren’t embarrassing, they have serious, tested skills and intellectual firepower. Here’s hoping they have the balls and the nous to figure out how to do it right.

  31. Great insights in this thread. May I bring up important factors not considered? Height, hair and demeanor. John McCain was short, frumpy and irritable. His voice was unpleasant and that comb-over looked silly. Romney Is 6’2″ tall looks presidential, speaks well with a very pleasant tone in his voice. Ryan is about the same height, also speaks well and throws out facts and figures effortlessly. Both have good hair and have kept their bodies in decent shape. They’ll attract more women than McCain did. Bank on it!

  32. “Can you do it?”

    I constantly hammer liberals with anti-war rhetoric about how Obama is a murderer of wedding parties with his predator drones (I actually go to peace marches, and Occupy rallies, and hang out with anarchists at anti-Israel BDS boycott-divestiture-sanctions rallies), that he is a liar who truckled under to the Wall Street interests with the bank bailouts, and even appointed to government some of the same bankers that caused the crisis in the first place. The enthusiasm for Obama is definitely NOT there this time around but unfortunately Ralph Nader isn’t on the ballot this time around either so the only hope is to get them to vote for the Pacific-Green candidate or not vote at all.

    Some of the younger (and even not so young) folks I talk to say they may even write-in Ron Paul. All in all though Oregon is a tough sell for Romney. It’s gone from “lean Obama” to “likely Obama” in the polls over the last few months. Oregon used to elect more Republicans but too many goddam Californians have moved up here. It’s an implicit WN move but they don’t seem to drop their political affiliations.

    Rural Oregon and even some areas of the Portland suburbs are pretty conservative but the Dems have gerrymandered the Congressional districts so that it splits 4-1 for the Democrats whereas a cleaner districting would make it 3-2. Even so, hunting is big, the beaners are violent especially on Saturday night, and a couple of the Dem congressmen and a lot of state legislators are pro-gun so Oregon remains a concealed carry permit “shall issue” state and one of five states where machine guns and silencers are legal for civilians. That’s really not much of a right anymore given that US citizens can’t own any automatic weapons built after 1986 due to the Clinton gun control act.

    BTW, in case you were wondering, the TV show Portlandia is not a satire. It’s a documentary. 🙂

  33. ‘This will also keep more traditional economic conservatives on the reservation come election day.’

    Racialists can also find something to like about Rep. Paul Ryans ‘cut this!’ ideology:

    ‘You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.”


  34. (sorry for double post)

    Excellent choice!

    Ryan is probably the only Veep candidate that could make me vote for Romney (aside from Rand Paul, who was a big long-shot)

    He wants to cut the hated Fed. Beast government! Obama even called him a ‘Social Darwinist’ ( http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/apr/03/obama-accuses-republicans-social-darwinism-budget )…. well as a Conservative Libertarian (Buchanan & Rothbard!) I happen to think that America 2012 could use a healthy dose of Social Darwinism.

    There are too many dysgenic Blacks running around causing Black Flash Mobs, getting their EBT cards filled. There are too many liberal degenerates running around fulfilling their degenerate lusts on the government dole (slattern Sandra Fluke)…

    Also like that Paul Ryan is a Conservative Gen Xer like me. Finally someone is going to be on a National Ballot that I can sort of really, really relate too.

  35. “Great insights in this thread.”

    Yeah, see what this crowd is capable of, when the crackpots like Joe and Fr. John+ are busy with their chew-toys some place else?

    Literary tip…

    for all you Southerners who can’t conceive of what I mean by “white-ethnics,” read Jack Kerouac’s brilliant short novel “Maggie Cassidy”, about a working-class Catholic family of French-Canadians who’ve immigrated into industrial northern Massachusetts. A beautiful description of their earthy, over-crowded, family-centered, streetwise life — could just as easily describe much of the Irish, Italian, and Polish communities. Plus, (and this is lost on many) Kerouac was without a doubt the greatest prose stylist of American English in the post-war era: every paragraph sings with poetry.

    His best book is “The Dharma Bums” (NOT “On the Road”) which you should also check out some time just for its mind-blowingly luminous writing; but it’s about California, so its relevance here is nil. Just a great read for its own sake.

    But “Maggie Cassidy” — wow, man, my whole younger life in under 200 pages! And I’m not even French!

  36. I agree with you, Hunter. He is a good choice. Probably wins Wisconsin for Romney, a state Obama cannot win the presidency without.

  37. Good comments on this thread. This is an inspired choice. It proves that Romney is serious about the debt/deficit issue and is prepared to take an axe to the fedgov behemoth. Obama should be attacked above all for his gross fiscal irresponsibility. After adding $5.3 trillion in new debt in just 4 years, he has effectively turned the US into Big Greece, except there is no other country or institution big enough to bail America out. The mantra should be, “We can’t afford another 4 years of Obama”. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    From a geographic point of view this is a ballsy move. Not only are Romney and Ryan both Northerners, they’re both *far* Northerners from two of the bluest states in the union. The GOP are attacking the Democrats from within two historic Dem strongholds, New England and the Upper Midwest. Call it the Cold State Strategy(tm).

    Now they just have to hope that anti-Mormon/Catholic prejudice doesn’t depress white turnout in the South.

    Which brings us to religion, especially Ryan’s. Either the GOP starts winning over white ethnic Catholics in the North, or they’re going to go out of business sooner rather than later. I’m not 100% sure, but I think Ryan might be the first Catholic ever on a Republican presidential ticket. Ryan’s Catholicism will surely trump that of Washington DC lifer Joe Biden, and possibly give the GOP a winning edge in industrial belt states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

    And if this ticket of two tall, handsome white men with good hair can’t decisively win the white female vote, then we are well and truly fucked as a race. If white women prefer the anti-white ticket of Jug Ears and Hairplugs over Romney and Ryan, then American men better start mass importing mail-order brides from Eastern Europe that better reflect their values.

    All in all this is a very good choice. I hope this inspires some of the Romney-haters on this board to reconsider their position. I’m looking at you, Hunter 😉 Now the choice is clear on November 6, white vs anti-white. Choose accordingly.

  38. Of course its too early to make confident predictions, so much could happen (even a single event*) that could change things, etc., etc., But I’ve thought for some time now that a Romney landslide is coming.

    He’ll win every state McCain won, and take back North Carolina, Virginia, and Indiana.

    He’ll take most of the typical swing states of Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Ohio, New Mexico, New Hampshire, and Florida. New Mexico may be too far gone demographically; perhaps Florida. The rest are Romney’s.

    Pennsylvania is often talked about as a swing state, but its gone Dem for the last five or six elections. Its in play, and likely Romney’s.

    Wisconsin and Michigan, Dem strongholds, are in play. Romney wins Wisconsin, possibly Michigan.

    By early October (maybe mid-), Oregon and maybe New Jersey will look like possibilities. By late October, at least one more strong solid Dem state will be polling about 50/50.

    Race matters; and it certainly will this election. Romney will take over 300 Electoral College votes.

    Or I could be completely wrong; who knows?

  39. If Obama loses (D.V.), it’ll be mighty interesting to speculate what his list of presidential pardons will look like, on his way out the door. I think you should start a betting sheet on that.

    Keep in mind that this guy has no intention whatsoever of remaining in American elected public life after his presidential term(s): it’s all Ford Foundation and the UN and speaking gigs and NGOs from here. So he’s got nothing to lose, and no-one to be accountable to. My guess is, it’ll be a real hum-dinger.

  40. Why do I have a bad feeling about our single white women vote?
    At least it’s not some dumb broad or an hispanic.

  41. “And if this ticket of two tall, handsome white men with good hair can’t decisively win the white female vote, then we are well and truly fucked as a race. If white women prefer the anti-white ticket of Jug Ears and Hairplugs over Romney and Ryan, then American men better start mass importing mail-order brides from Eastern Europe that better reflect their values.”

    Purple-lips isn’t anti-white, he’s anti-White Man.
    Obama and Julia: power couple.

  42. ‘Wisconsin and Michigan, Dem strongholds, are in play. Romney wins Wisconsin, possibly Michigan.’

    Even if Romney loses Wisconsin, Obama may have to spend alot of money just to keep it. That will be money he won’t be able to spend in other swing states and may hobble his campaign.

    Remember that Obama is behind Romney is taking in donations.

    ‘By early October (maybe mid-), Oregon and maybe New Jersey will look like possibilities.’

    Oregon is basically a red state if you take away all the SWPLs from Portland. Depress the SWPL turnout, and Oregon might go for the Rom-ster.

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