About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I am quite happy about the Ryan pick because of all the enthusiasm from Electoral Politics white nationalists:

    if Romney loses, as many have pointed out, the Electoral Right will have gone down swinging.

    In that event, the Electoral Right will have that gut punch “moment” that there really is no Electoral Path to victory, and that practical politics is where we need to channel our focus and energy (see also Chick-Fil-A).

    I think many here can’t have that “moment” until they get amped up and emotionally invested.

  2. jeppo,

    Romney is going to win 95 percent of the White vote in Alabama and Mississippi.

    It doesn’t matter what I do. IMO, this election is now squarely a test of whether Northern Whites will vote for two Yankees over Obama and Biden. Can Yankees stop themselves from voting for Obama and Democrats?

    That’s always been the real question.

  3. I doubt northern whites will budge. Too mulish.

    I am a fan of last stands though. At least Romney didn’t flinch and pick a chick or a spic. Going down swinging is preferable to cringing.

  4. Hunter? Can you block him? Please…

    Bob McDonnell would have been equally good. Nice timbre in his voice. If Romney loses this is obviously 2016 material.

  5. @…. Robert Oculus III says:
    August 11, 2012 at 5:37 am
    “Ryan mentions the Catholic principle of subsidiarity as an influence on his thinking. He believes that the best government is a government closest to the people. […] ‘I reject [Objectivism]. It’s an atheist philosophy. It reduces human interactions down to mere contracts and it is antithetical to my worldview. If somebody is going to try to paste a person’s view on epistemology to me, then give me Thomas Aquinas. Don’t give me Ayn Rand’.”

    Well, he ONLY said that for political reasons.

    At first —-and after being voted “BIGGEST BROWN NOSER” for his class, he swore by Ayn Rand:

    Wiki says, ” At an Atlas Society meeting celebrating Ayn Rand’s life in 2005, Ryan said that “The reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand”,[24] and “I grew up reading Ayn Rand and it taught me quite a bit about who I am and what my value systems are, and what my beliefs are. It’s inspired me so much that it’s required reading in my office for all my interns and my staff.”[25] In response to criticism from Catholic leaders, in 2012 Ryan distanced himself from Rand’s Objectivist philosophy, telling National Review, “I reject her philosophy. It’s an atheist philosophy. It reduces human interactions down to mere contracts and it is antithetical to my worldview”, and noting that his views were more aligned with those of the Roman Catholic philosopher and saint, Thomas Aquinas, than Ayn Rand. “Don’t give me Ayn Rand,” he said in 2012.[26]….

    He also worked in marketing.

    One more empty tool, imo.

    Had he stuck to his guns against his catholic rulers, and not “towed the party line” for his career— he would be worth looking at. But the public will not do that research, and his “BIGGEST BROWN NOSER” AWARD will be vanished soon. He also seems to talk from notes.

    Expect a huge open South Border. The past vote will get him in, though—- and THEN he will reverse himself for Romney (whose family is really Mexican) and his rulers, the catholic sect, just as he did on the Ayn Rand question.

    His vote against the Dream Act was only to promote him further up—- so that, with more power, he can actually drive it through with his mexican running mate (romney)

  6. Robert O–

    It seems a little dishonest to leave out that part of the story, as it seems a real window into his character and loyalties

  7. Sorry—

    I know that all sounds harsh. But totally denying your position, totally reversing it like that (especially just because people criticize you) —- well, he’ll do it again. And he will do it on the open border

  8. Looking at the human props behind Romney. Nicely turned out white couple. Black looks pleasant enough. The black woman just got off her sail foam, oh she looks interested. The Hispanic lassie keeps patting her makeup foundation and continuous fidgetting. She’s chewing gum.

  9. LOL

    Ryan is walking off the battleship Wisconsin. He promises to “Restore America.” Now all our Yankee friends have to do is vote for their own guy over Obama.

    But will they do it?

  10. Note to Romney get a TV producer to keep the visual props from getting on phones. The black girl keeps on phoning! Sail foam.

  11. One more thing, sorry—

    Mitt’s winning would be helpful—- in that now the neo-con public who is NOT IN THE MILITARY will be more awakened. Anyone in the military does have an investment in the republicans, in that they tend toward taking tax redistribution from workers and giving it to warfare paychecks over welfare and Ebt type paychecks.

    Military should vote for Mitt/Ryan. It’s in their economic interest and face it, they aren’t going to chose “freedom and principles” over their pocketbook, if they can siphon more money off the paying public (who doesn’t live on taxes at all).

    It’s the non Welfare-or-Warfare paychecks who have nowhere to go, no representation, (and the few stragglers in the military who still think endless war is a bad idea, and just joined to fight, like any mercenary, out of hunger).

  12. Ryan is good at snark. The thinking man’s Hannity perhaps?

    More notes on presentation. He should take the jacket off for next speech. Make sure the chicks behind are not chewing gum. They look like cows chewing cud. Strip the people behind the speaker from their phones. The white guy is texting now.

  13. He’s a very confident guy and he’s not a fool. So Romney made a good choice. Standard boilerplate GOP speech though.

  14. ‘I am a fan of last stands though. At least Romney didn’t flinch and pick a chick or a spic. Going down swinging is preferable to cringing.’

    Lets join him in his last stand, before America truly is drowned in a Rising Tide of Color.

    Think of Romney- Ryan as one last ride off into the sunset after putting up the good fight.

  15. “Likes subsidiarity and Aquinas. Doesn’t like materialism and Objectivism.
    Mitt could have done worse. Way worse.”

    Yea, but PUGSLEY?

    “Ryan is German-Irish-Catholic. Huge blocks of potential voters to draw from in Wisconsin. Couldn’t do better if he walked on water.”

    Hell, most Americans wouldn’t know JC if He appeared to them in person… like Joew.

  16. Well, Joe might not be up yet but I see Dixiegirl is and back on her favorite anti-Catholic hobby horse.

  17. “Mosin Nagant says:
    August 11, 2012 at 1:12 pm
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOxb6pWvNnw&feature=related At the end of the video clip, Paul Ryan suggests it would not be impossible or too difficult to “start over now and come up with a new health plan” to fix everything”

    FLAWLESS. THAt is designed to appeal to scared selfish old White people, and stupid stupid wimmin. Sugar Daddy Sam is gonna still take care of you hun – don’t worry. We’ll just do it right. Not like that stupid Nigra.”.

    That’s the message.

    I don’t care if he’s lying to them. They deserve it.


  18. “Fr. John+ says:
    August 11, 2012 at 2:30 pm
    “Likes subsidiarity and Aquinas. Doesn’t like materialism and Objectivism.
    Mitt could have done worse. Way worse.”

    Yea, but PUGSLEY?

    “Ryan is German-Irish-Catholic. Huge blocks of potential voters to draw from in Wisconsin. Couldn’t do better if he walked on water.”

    Hell, most Americans wouldn’t know JC if He appeared to them in person… like Joew.”

    El Oh El. Sad but true – and very funny.

    Who cares?


  19. “John says:
    August 11, 2012 at 1:34 pm
    The black woman has now wandered off. Where did she go?”

    To call Moochelle. Their plot to kill Mittens and Hot Lips on camera in front of Da White Debbils didn’t work as planned.

    “Day too tall and da seku-tee too good. Dang. Da Man keepin da bruthas and sistas down. Dang”.

  20. “FLAWLESS. THAt is designed to appeal to scared selfish old White people, and stupid stupid wimmin.”

    Well, at least he’s easy on the eyes. He’s got that going for him to get the stupid stupid wimmin vote.

  21. This is a good move by Romney. These are the two most normal people that have run for President in the last 40 years. I think this ticket will turn Yankees.

  22. We do need a better health care system. But not a universal one where the white middle class pays taxes to support blacks and hispanics. Which, I’m convinced, was the entire purpose of Obamacare.

  23. Look at the bright side: Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Newt, Nuke Santorum, Col. Allen West, Sarah Palin, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Rimrata Haley, and Congoleeza Rice were not on that stage this morning.

    It could have been a lot worse. I mean a lot worse. Paul Ryan is somewhat serious … relatively speaking.


  24. It’s a good pick. Romney and the GOP have a decent/good chance of taking the swing state of Wisconsin.

  25. Hunter – the Yankess I know are voting for Mittens. They’ve vote for a used tampon at this point, over ONigger. Hot Lips is just an extra-dishy scrupmtious dessert. You have no idea…I’m even talking about the Dems. Oh – they may TELL their Commie Ward Apparachiks that they will vote for their Glorious Leader – but they won’t.

    The stupid stupid wimmins will vote Hop Lips. Come on stupid Dem Wimmin – get yer Republican Cherry busted by a Blue Eyed Man. All a Nigger ever does is cum and run – and grabs yer purse on the way out the door. Hot Lips will take you out to dinner, and tell you how pretty you are. He may even leave a good tip, in your purse.

    Hot Lips has a real purty mouth, he does.


  26. I doubt a single state like Wisconsin will defy a wider polling trend on the presidential level. The last time the Yankee (Northerner) really turned on the Dems was Dukakis. That was an electoral college rout.

    A single state won’t defy a wider trend. If Obama keeps above 50% he wins. Local results won’t deliver salvation because they won’t happen. Ryan and Romney will need to nationally beat Obama and Biden on the moral level.

    Biden needs to be exposed as a beta male lead around on a chain by a nigger. Obama needs to be pummelled as a would be Mugabe:

    His Excellency Admiral General Obama
    Biden -Zanu PF

  27. Good choice? Why? Has Ryan abandoned his neocon fellow-travelling support for the wars and military spending NOT being curtailed?
    You mean it’s okay to shed even more White blood for Ashkenazi racial causes?


    Jack Ross says:
    August 11, 2012 at 10:04 am
    The whole reason the Ryan cult emerged was because, in contrast to the Pauls, he explicitly calls for gutting social spending in order to save military spending, i.e. the empire.

  28. I know a White man, who got dumped by his White Wife. He went over t othe Phillipines and bought hisself a nice sweet Brown Slant. I actually like both of them, personally. (No chance of kids. She’s his “kid” and he’s the Daddy she never had ) He’s a “Conservative” by the by.

    I ran into him recently. I joshed a bit, and asked, “So who are you voting for”

    He paused – froze stock still, really – regarded me for what seemed an Eternity – and said, very very quietly, “Well there’s only one choice”.

    He meant Mittens. Republican. GOP.


    He’d tell ya he meant Republican. But he meant “White”. All the Conservatards /TeaTards I know would say “Republican” – but they mean “White”.

    And his voice…well is was very quiet, but very very….deep. From the depths of his Being. A voice, from a Good Soul that has somehow found Itself stranded in the Deepest Depths of Hell, and was waiting for God, or Jesus, or some-one any-one to notice that he didn’t belong there. And to pull him out. That’s what he sounded like.

    I don’t know EVERY single Conservative Yankee in Yankeeland. There are a LOT of crazed genetically-deranged Hebes up here. They still LOVE Niggers. Even the ones that don’t HATE Whites more than ANYTHING. And they have a lot of power and shekels.

    I’m just reporting on the Yanquis I know – and their reactions.

  29. “….Well, Joe might not be up yet but I see Dixiegirl is and back on her favorite anti-Catholic hobby horse….”

    It’s a known fact that I feel analysis is incomplete without looking at this group— but I was pointing out the other half of the quotation that RO deleted, about Ryan’s retracting his political stance due directly to criticism of him by Rome. That’s valid.

    It’s the open border policy that I protest and the resulting romanization of the country. Which is fair enough.

    HW is right—- the scare tactics put forward, like Condaleeza, make him look better.

    There’s a chance Mitt will win now, and continue with the “browning of America,” which we are told is “inevitable.”

  30. “Hunter Wallace says:
    August 11, 2012 at 3:41 pm
    There are a bunch of stupid conservatives on Kosher Republic talking about how they prayed it would be Col. Allen West or Rubio.”

    I don’t have anything to do with that crowd. I can’t account for them.

    EVERYONE I know that went to my local Chick Fil A Support Party is voting for Mittens. (There was a least a thousand of us. I think the turn out was greater than that – but it was at least a thousand) Or a used tampon, if set forth as the GOP pick. But Mittens it is. The guy, and his super smart wife, who organized the outing, LOVE Mittens. LOVE him. Roll around on the floor of their Mittens Worship Room, every inch papered by Mittens Pics, and worship Mittens.

    I must call them today, and wallow in their glee. We will have a Glee Wallow. They are really White. And they live in a REALLY White town.

  31. And @ more of the same says:
    August 11, 2012 at 2:31 pm
    Well, Joe might not be up yet but I see Dixiegirl is and back on her favorite anti-Catholic hobby horse….

    It’s not wrong for the Anglo-Celt upper South and Appalachia to try to explain why they don’t want people to try to equate the “hierarchy and traditional values” of Rome as being synonymous with their own culture.

    I’m very interested in hearing any emergent Wasp voice in America— and not like Andrew Fraser, who places like TOO push forward. His book “The Wasp Question” make me and other angry.

    It’s nothing personal. But the Anglo-Celt upper South and Appalachia seem to have totally lost their tongue. The Virginia South, which is somewhat different from Louisiana, and its people should have a “voice.” NC is similar, and shares the east-west mountain divide that Virginia has.

    That’s all. And now I’ll shut up.

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