About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Ryan is also suspiciously Randian. That’s the regime we have had under Greenspan for donkey’s years already.

  2. And about Mitt, I just don’t get it—

    He could be as white as paper, but if his agenda is opening borders to black and brown people, and sending white boys to big wars to die, and continuing health plans to wipe out boomers (big white group), um… not that there is a choice.

  3. After the intial wave of relief that Rubio wasn’t the nominee, now comes the thunderstorm:



    Of the 242 Republicans in the House, only five have a lower immigration grade from Numbers USA. Ryan has an F on amnesty and F- on reducing foreign workers and ending chain migration.

    Ryan has cosponsored five amnesties, including the misnamed Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act,which was identical to a bill introduced by Ted Kennedy and John McCain and would have granted amnesty to virtually every single illegal alien in the country and massively increased legal immigration.

    In the last Congress, Ryan appeared to have slightly backtracked on amnesty. But he still promoted gutting employer sanctions. And a close examination of his statements shows that he was simply refocusing his efforts on increasing legal immigration.

  4. Romney did not pick Ryan. He was given a choice.

    I told you nothing will change under romney. It will just occur at a slower pace or a private pace.

  5. I can’t help myself. I feel like a good rant!

    I notice a lot of white people voting for Romney but they said they wouldn’t vote for Paul. Said he was too soft on immigration. Excuse me? A bunch of hypocrites who claim they are looking to restore America. Like hell they are. Fools. Blind, selfish, fools.

    I’m going to be laughing a lot over the next four years regardless of who wins.


  6. Ryan was a horrible but unsurprising choice. Romney/Ryan is the dream ticket for immigrants, feminists, the MIC, Israel, corporations, plutocrats, financiers, banks, globalists and people in the top 0.01%. For everyone else, it might as well be Satan and the Grim Reaper. No one but the most uninformed and willingly deluded White people in the country will vote for this ticket.

  7. I’ve seen Paul Ryan speak, met him once. I don’t know Lew, he doesn’t walk on water for us but he’s a true small government guy. He is really about as anti-Federalist as you’ll ever get from a big time pol today.

  8. I’m disappointed with them on the immigration issue. Every candidate that rings my door bell gets my canned anti-immigration speech. Every phone call from campaign workers gets an earful. The local congressional candidates in my district two years ago were all on the same page with me. We’ll have to pressure the guys at the top to do the right thing.

  9. Hunter, every politician who gets elected by whites should be receiving massive scrutiny on immigration, regardless of position in government.

    We know the media is corrupt and working against our interests. The media works against us on everything, not just reporting black-on-anything crime. The whole system is rigged against “white, old-fashioned, un-enlightened” Americans. Unless more of us see it, we are not going to change anything! I have been settling for decades. I am tired of “pick one.” None are people I would normally choose to govern over me. You, too, will get to a breaking point. I’ve reached my breaking point. I get it. The system is not corrupt/broken some of the time. It is not corrupt/broken when it only comes to certain issues. Special interests control our country, both foreign and domestic and voting for their candidate is not going to stop the rot. The average American has very little influence over his/her candidate. BTW, where is the outrage over lobbying? I lived in DC for years, it is far worse up close.

  10. The more I think about it, the only thing really valuable about this pick is that Romney didn’t pick a non-white. Which makes downballot all the more important. For example, in Missouri, sending Todd Akin (lifetime NumbersUSA grade of A+ and 96%, one of the first to join Tom Tancredo’s immigration restriction caucus) to the Senate.

  11. Dixiegirl, the reason your Catholic “analysis” is suspicious and meaningless is because you hate men, a hatred of men that came from your mother, and therefore you love abortion and so you hate the Catholic Church. Your mommy thinks Catholics ruined her faith. But men did, and she passed it on to you. And then you “analyze” down from that perspective. It comes from bias, and it’s boring.

    One thing I have begun to think though, from reading your comments, which come from a real bitter and entitled female perspective, is that if the South and North were male and female, the North would undoubtedly be male. Everyone knows about the “iron fist in the velvet glove” southern women. My brother is married to one. None of y’all Southerners can do a damn thing without your wimminz behind you. In fact although the North may have been the aggressors in the Civil War, I wouldn’t be surprised if tensions escalated in the South because Southern men were getting the shit henpecked out of them.

    Which is exactly what your posts read like. Man hating henpecking.

    You Southern boys need to get a handle on your women.

  12. Romney could easily have picked a non-with Tea Party or donor favorite. He didn’t. Therefore he is admitting it doesn’t make a difference. The GOP is the white man’s party and he is so much as admitting this.

  13. TOS- Dr. Greenspin never claimed to be an Objectivist. Miss Rand diagnosed him as being a social climber. Her name looked good on his CV (same for Branden).
    I go back in Objectivism to when NBI was still a going concern.

    Greenspin wrote the gold article as Rand would have gone ballistic if he hadn’t.
    In that article he calls for fractional reserve (loans made from nothing, as today), with a dinky gold “backing” for window dressing. A REAL gold standard does not have loans made from nothing.

  14. Yeah sure both parties are Jew controlled, whatever.

    I want Romney’s white grandkids playing with Ryan’s white kids in the Rose Garden.
    Good white families in the White House please.

    Let’s get the closet case, his ape wife, two preening niglets and don’t forget “the First Grandma” out of the White House. May their names and memories be obliterated!

  15. Yeah sure both parties are Jew controlled, whatever.

    Uh, you’re the only one who mentioned Jews.

    But whatever.

  16. To borrow a tired youtube meme: Rand should have stayed in the kitchen.

    Here’s to fumigating the White House with some good, all-white disinfectant.

  17. I don’t care if he has some corporate masters. During the Hunter’s hated “Gilded Age of the Infernal Corporate Yankee”, DIXIE was free to do as she pleased with her negro problem. Smaller government doesn’t just mean Globodyne Inc. is free to do as they please, it also means Johnny Lunchcounter doesn’t have to feed the wildlife if he so chooses.

  18. Romney’s main goal is to redistribute White wealth. Unlike Obama, Romney just wants the transfers going to the globalists at the top rather than the Blacks/Hispanics at the bottom.

  19. @Hunter Wallace:

    “Again, Romney and Ryan will win the election if they can only persuade their fellow Yankees to vote for them over Obama and Joe Biden.”

    If Ryan IS the choice, I don’t think it will be that hard.

    I told a Republican operative who was trying to push Rice or Rubio that, if Romney has a lick of sense, he will avoid any kind of Diversity for his VP.

    For one thing it is a waste of time. Not a single Diversity vote will come out of it. Negros look at Rice, Powell, Cain, West, etc., as “house niggers.” That’s why I can never get over the view of Karl “The Architect” Rove as smart, much less a genius. The Rove Strategy has done more to destroy than empower the Republican Party. Lee Atwater, he’s not.

    Anglos are completely ignorant of how much diverse Hispanic groups loathe each other. There is great infighting that the Republicans are too stupid to exploit. Rubio is a Cuban and most of the “pipple leevin’ in da chaddos” are not going to walk away from all the benefits and freebies the Dems will pay them for their vote for a Mexican conservative much less Cubans who they see as more privileged than the rest of the Latinos and Mestizos.

    It’s a waste of time picking a woman. The 2008 election proved one aspect of women; they will NOT fight to the wall for another woman. They allowed Hillary Clinton to be thrown under the bus for Obama and they did not punish the Democrat Party by defecting to the Republican Party when Sarah Palin was selected to be the vice president. Moreover, they did not raise unholy hell or withhold their vote when the MSM savaged both Clinton and Palin with vile, sexist remarks.

    Women are predictable voters. Conservative women vote Republican and liberal women vote Democrat. A lot of women are wives and most women are mothers, so the only hope the Republicans have of pulling independent women with liberal bents to go with them is if they stress bread-and-butter issues and have a great plan to fix the economy.

    The Republicans are best off if they avoid some idiotic evangelist like Mike Huckabee or some other religious nut like Sanctorum and focus on an intelligent, articulate, slightly edgy White male who is strong on economics and job growth and can present an intelligent, coherent program for bringing in jobs that will end “The Mancession” and uplift their unemployed or underemployed White husbands to bring more income into the family. If the Republicans understand that women are more interested in financial security than abortion rights, they will repeat the Clinton memes about “keeping abortion safe, legal and … above all … rare.” Oh yeah, “it’s the economy, stupid.”

    The second reason why I told the Republican operative it would be a stupid idea to pick a Diversity for VP is that it would alienate the one bloc of voters that could swing this election. It is the one bloc of voters that the Talking Headcases on MSM pointedly ignore and want the Republicans to throw away in a fruitless attempt to court Diversity votes.

    If Romney wants to galvanize The Unmentionables into getting enough energy to coming out and voting for him, the LAST thing he will do is put a Diversity on the ticket. Let’s call a spade a spade. The Unmentionables are all those increasingly marginalized and pissed off White lower, working and middle class male voters and they are sick unto death of women and minorities being rammed down their throats while watching their jobs relentlessly insourced and outsourced by women and minorities.

    Either Romney or some one in Romney’s campaign is dog-whistling for all they are worth to The Unmentionables in order to fire them up to vote Republican on election day for a candidate whose only difference from Obama is skin-deep. Picking a Ryan or a McDonnell would dog-whistle that a Romney Administration would end all this Anti-White activity against them. Picking a Rubio or Palin or Rice would dog-whistle that Romney will keep the same Affirmative Discrimination practices against White Men intact.

  20. “Yeah sure both parties are Jew controlled, whatever.

    Uh, you’re the only one who mentioned Jews.

    But whatever.”

    So now the parties aren’t controlled by Jews? I was just trying to sum up an Occupy rant against Israel and the bourgeoisie. My apologies I thought Jews controlled both parties.

  21. @Hunter Wallace:

    “We’re using Yankee in the broader sense of the word here … Northern Whites. Will they vote for two of their own guys over Obama?”

    LOL, I don’t think our Southron friends have any idea of how little anyone north of the Mason-Dixon line think of themselves as Yankees. They view it as a pejorative thrown at all Americans by foreigners. At least it used to be that way before the Mexicans started calling all Americans gringos.

    Most of the folks up north think of themselves as Midwesterners or Easterners. Even the folks in New England don’t refer to themselves as Yankees. They would tell you that they are Nor’easteners. Most of them think that of all the New England, Massachusetts is Yankee land. Particularly, the Boston Brahmins, like John Kerry.

    The only thing I can’t figure out is why The War Between The States didn’t generate a change in terminology for both sides. For example, Southrons referred to the South as Dixie; why accept the moniker of “Rebels,” when they could have called themselves “Dixons” and referred to the Northerners as “Masons?”

    Language is everything in a propaganda war. He that controls the language, often controls the outcome of any fight.

    I am more surprised that the South didn’t do more to push for a national confederacy, by referring to Lincoln and others as Federates intent on inflating the power of the federal government over everybody rather than seceding from the Union altogether.

    Sorry for my ramble, but “What if” scenarios always pop up in my mind at the oddest times.


  22. @Landshark:

    “Dixiegirl, the reason your Catholic “analysis” is suspicious and meaningless is because you hate men, a hatred of men that came from your mother, and therefore you love abortion and so you hate the Catholic Church. Your mommy thinks Catholics ruined her faith. But men did, and she passed it on to you. And then you “analyze” down from that perspective. It comes from bias, and it’s boring.”

    Landshark, I respect your “pro-life” position, but I hope that you understand that any government that is empowered to compel women to carry an unwanted child is also empowered to compel women to abort a wanted child. We need to be careful about unlocking a door that swings both ways and could swing against us with a government coup.

  23. @oscar the grinch:

    “Ryan won’t win over hard-baked Northern liberals whose entire worldview is basically predicated on hating whites; but he’ll probably vaccuum up a good bit of the white-ethnic vote that used to vote Democrat back when all the candidates were white and there was no racial knife-fight at the presidential level. The white Catholics (Irish, Italians, Poles, a few stray groups) will smell both where their interests lay and also it’ll stiffen their identity-politics spine: Ryan is young, very very smart, well-spoken, has a bit of an attack dog in him, a national profile, a solid resume, and a history of wrestling with economic problems using actual serious thought.”

    I might add that these White ethnic enclaves were the first White groups in the North to have Diversity imposed on them by the Fair Housing Ordinances where they saw their neighborhoods destroyed overnight by block busters and government agents posing as potential buyers to force them to sell their homes to Negros.

    Google Detroit to look at the ruins of St. Stanislaus parish. All of this happened to White Catholic ethnic neighborhoods shortly after the federal government started its destruction of working class White Protestant areas in the South.

  24. “Landshark, I respect your “pro-life” position, but I hope that you understand that any government that is empowered to compel women to carry an unwanted child is also empowered to compel women to abort a wanted child. We need to be careful about unlocking a door that swings both ways and could swing against us with a government coup.”

    Good grief. Has Lynda become the only woman here with any sense?

  25. I’m beginning to see why Romney went to Poland.


    It’s an appeal to white ethnics. I have to credit Romney with some brains here. Still the Poles, Irish and Germans and whatnot are unreliable. They have their own supremacy agendas.

    All I can say is good luck to them if they wish to wage an electoral race war in Michigan and Wisconsin. All the best lads.

  26. Denise- your comments are utterly hysterical.

    DixieG- you wrote: “I’m very interested in hearing any emergent Wasp voice in America— and not like Andrew Fraser, who places like TOO push forward. His book “The Wasp Question” make me and other angry.”

    Fraser is pushing the envelope big time over at T.O.O. His book’s a masterpiece of historiography, racial analysis, and above all, religious truth. He’s calling for the restoration of English Orthodoxy, apart from Roman hegemony- a restoration of the Sede Vacante of Rome, since 1100A.D. I consider that a stroke of bloody genius as well as pointing out who has KEPT it vacant, lo, these twenty centuries!

    He’s also preaching racial solidarity among whites, a restoration of a monarchy that is not Papal/Filioquist/Thomistic- indeed, a Christian Monarch, for a change.

    I cannot laud that book enough. He’s an Aussie, though, so his analysis of the North/South divide in the USA is of course, non-existent. But that’s a very minor point, in an otherwise seminal work of analysis.

  27. @Landshark:

    “Good grief. Has Lynda become the only woman here with any sense?”

    I am going to assume that you are too young to remember when government took over the reproduction decisions of individuals. Both events happened at virtually the same time. By governments with polar opposite agendas. But the result was the same; families were devastated and children were hurt.

    Please google “Romanian War Orphans” and the “One Child Rule” in China.

    FYI, I don’t like abortion. I know a lot of women make this choice when they are feeling panicky and overwhelmed. I do my best to talk them out of it and come armed with all kinds of literature to help them with prenatal care and to keep and raise their own child, if necessary.

    However, the idea of the government getting involved even to save unwanted children scares me, because it wouldn’t be a big step to empower them to kill wanted children. I’m paranoid that way.

  28. Abortion isn’t a one size fits all issue.
    Absolute bans are good in socially stratified countries where early children encumber the peasantry financially, tying them to soil and making their lives a little bearable in the process. That’s the case in D.R.

    In our socialist societies where my taxes will go towards educating and in 18 or so years, imprisoning your foul-mouthed little cross-eyed mongrel every abortion saves me money.

  29. I get it. We have to kill children ourselves or Government will kill them. Sounds good.

    It’s not worth arguing over. It’s cool.

  30. This is what abortion has made us — people who don’t stand for jack shit. That has created more cross-eyed mongrels than it has destroyed.

    Laws against abortion make men stand for something. Yes. We need to be made to stand for something. Obviously if a free-for-all worked we’d have a closed border, safe streets and neighborhoods, and a balanced budget. Laws against abortion were just a cultural baseline.

  31. The fact is, in terms of White heritage, woman have the choice to miscarry or carry to term. Always have. Because there is such a thing as traditional medicine.

    Women do not enlist the state and those who have sworn the Hippocratic Oath to absolve them of that choice.

    To procure a miscarriage is a sin. It is a mortal sin, the destruction of an innocent life, for which the woman will go to hell unless she repents. But women can still make this choice. Many have done so. And some have repented and received forgiveness from God and the absolution of the Church.

    Life is complex. Sometimes for reasons, pressures, lack of trust, terrible ordeals, the needs of herself and / or others, a woman decides to kill her unborn. This is a terrible decision and a woman who knows her own White heritage takes the matter into her own hands if that is what she decides to do.

    Look at a film like Rob Roy. Mary has been raped. She thinks she is carrying the child of the bastard who says of himself: ” I am but a bastard abroad, as big a whore as my mother ever was”. And he is in charge of events that history records as ‘the Highland Clearances.’ Of her unborn, she tells her husband: “I could not kill it”.

    Correctly the dialogue assumes that women have this sovereign choice because their own heritage gives them that choice. In the film, believably, the wife honestly tells her husband her decision. And she expects him to be angry with her because what she is in essence telling him is that she is expecting him to provide for a child that may be a bastard. But she faces his wrath and tells him because that is kind of relationship they have.

    What she doesn’t do is come whining to the Jew abortion industry that has been organised for the decimation of the White race.

    It is a reality that women have the choice to end the life of their unborn. And they also have the choice to seek out the Church for penance and there find understanding and abolution for the terrible grief they will cause their God and the grief they will cause themselves.

  32. @Landshark
    Try telling white women to stop sex-selecting* for girls– see how far you get.

    * Try telling white women to stop getting abortions, fuggedaboudit.

    The Jews love this: That’s why Denise was way disambiguous about the abortion issue the other day at her Goddess blog : Turn it into a black/white racial issue, hopefully whites will accept their own white women getting abortions, because supposedly black women get more abortions, per capita. But I don’t think that’s true ; And even if it is, no one at “OD” seems at all concerned with white women killing their white babies. I disregard Landshark, always have ; Just as disambiguous as everyone else in Mayberry.

    “OD” supports white women getting abortions, albeit subtly of course, can’t be too obvious. They may catch on.

    Another reason out of, Oh, I don’t know, about 100,000 , “OD” is a jew talmudic shit-hole website. I suspected, well, I kinda knew, as such the very first day I found Mayberry. I definitely knew for sure the very first time Fr John popped in to “inform” me that “OD” is some kind of “Amish community”*, and he was the religious leader of the “community” : I knew for sure then.

    I’m suprised it took you all so long to boot me off.

    * Laughing Online Big-Time.

    [ you need to send Denise and Fr John to a good, professional acting school. They’re way too obvious. Lynda too : Send La Popessa to acting school. Devout Catholics don’t say the kinds of things Lynda says. They just don’t. That was always obvious to me]

    Heck. “You All” could benefit from some [ better yet : alot of] professional acting lessons. “You All” can’t “act” for shit, especially Dixiegirl.

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