About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is the most depressing news I’ve read lately. I thought they had burned down the second one, but I guess that was a different mosque.

    We are finished as a people. It is over.

  2. Apelius – Dear God! What’s wrong with you. I have my moments of despair – but there’s nothing like giving up to guarantee defeat!

    Say, instead, “The White Race is in our Darkest Hour – but we will make the light shine!”

    Or even, “The South is in it’s Darkest Hour – but the light will shine unto us again!”

    Ye Gods. Don’t give up. I won’t ever give up. Not even after death. I’ll just come back meaner than ever, and as a Vengeful Spirit – travel will be much easier.

    Don’t EVER give up.

  3. Sorry Denise. I don’t give way to despair much, as according to my beliefs it is a sin.

    I do have my moments, though. Don’t worry. I’ll bounce back and be the obnoxious ass you are more familiar with.

    Quitting is never an option. Die hard.

    Deo Vindice

  4. Besides, you don’t really think that someone who fervently believes in such a quixotic thing as a resurrected Dixie could ever stay down for long, do you?

    The South will rise again.

    Deo Vindice

  5. They tried to build a Mega-minaret in Oxford. Legal wrangling for years. I think it was blocked. It’s a sad day for Tennessee.

  6. What about christian* retards* waving confederate* flags? Are confederate* christian* retards* any smarter?

    * Redundancies.

  7. Just today I was explaining to a libtard why Islam is incompatible with Civilization(note I do not write ‘Western’ civilization). I was surprised to make some headway with my victim. They had never heard of the fact that there is no such animal as a seperation of mosque and state and that every true Muslim would want the state to be totally consumed by Islam. I went on to educate them on the fact that Christianity resolved the issue of religion and state centuries ago and that current atheist agitation was an attempt to eradicate Christianity to replace it with a religion centered around worship of the state(not rationalism and science, note their opposition to the facts of HBD). My opponent was college educated and had never come across these concepts after six years of undergrad and graduate studies in the humanities!

  8. May God damn this bulding, and cause it to be struck by lightning, burning to the ground.

    Deo Volente
    zum Gottes Willen
    Ainsi soit-il.

    May Christendom’s subjects rejoice on the day it happens, as well.

  9. I just graduated from the college that is in Murfreesboro, TN. I went there from 2000-2002, then did six in the Army, and came back for four more. What I tell you is the truth.

    The first time I went to school the town was relatively safe and I didn’t remember seeing many Muslims at all.

    Now, the African in America President of the university has been reaching out the “youths” from Memphis. Crime has gotten worse on campus and the town has gotten blacker and more violent. The black fraternity events on campus are obnoxious. I’ve complained more than once about the loud rap music blaring through campus during a school day. In my final semester you could see a large group jumping around like an African tribe to songs with lyrics such as “Cooking dope on the boat, at the same damn time. Doing two bad bitches at the same damn time.” This qualifies as equality! I’m emphatic when I say FUCK DIVERSITY.

    Now, it isn’t uncommon to see women walk down the street in full burkhas, while their man is in shorts and sandals no less. It is a pretty disheartening scene.

  10. If you build it They will Come.

    Eruvs and mosques in White populations should always be opposed. These projects are a rallying point for the racially aware. This is the opportunity to wake up what Horace the Avenger calls the normal White people and the DWLs.

    This mosque is an opportunity for action on the ground and I don’t mean burning it down. I mean getting over there and talking to the locals. Do they want hallal shops? Do they want burka patrols? Do they want the school PTAs stacked with people who are pushing for hajibs? Do they want prayer sirens going off 7 times a day?

    In a city in S France where there is French Counter-Revolutionary action the Moosles banded together to prevent the Cathedral bells from ringing the Angelus and they wanted the statues of King St Louis, the Crusader King taken down. This is Moosles – they always want the destruction of White heritage.

  11. I hate DC for this garbage far more than I hate Muslims.

    Where is Charles Martel. And can we have him start in DC?

  12. There is another aspect to this that we are overlooking–namely the faceless, nationless, stateless corporations who are creating low wage jobs for these invaders, and likely subsidizing their housing.
    Truthfully, my heart drops every time I read of Southern states reaching to make themselves magnets for business, because this is what will happen every time
    Capitalism knows no borders, and has no loyalty except to the almighty dollar.
    The economy exists for the happiness of the Citizens, and not vice versa.
    They come promising jobs for the locals, but then import low wage non-whites to do the work. How long will we fall for this.
    Capitalism, like democracy, is a sham.

  13. “The economy exists for the happiness of the Citizens, and not vice versa.”

    What? The economy is a measurement. Citizens exist for the happiness of themselves. What the citizens do can be measured, and the sum total we can label.

    “Capitalism knows no borders, and has no loyalty except to the almighty dollar.”

    Capitalism is the idea that a person’s property belongs to that person.

    “The faceless, nationless, stateless corporations…come promising jobs for the locals, but then import low wage non-whites to do the work.”

    This isn’t capitalism, nor is it economics. You correctly view this as a hostile group of outsiders. Southern states reach out to find business, in my opinion, because the shitty citizens demand the bullshit they see on the television. They elect the bastards that do this so-called reaching out. It’s not some phantom with the scary name of capitalism or economics, it’s the goddamned citizens killing themselves.

  14. Sure, white citizens voted for massive immigration and forced integration and white citizens voted to have all their jobs shipped to 3rd world countries.

    Oh wait, no we didn’t. We were never asked and protested at the time. All these things they said we MUST have, we were given no choice, they said they were for our own good.

  15. Now to me, if it’s the US government providing the weapons, the logistics, the protection from prosecution, and the resources to launder the cash, then it’s the US government who is actually the drug cartel with the Sinaloa’s providing nothing but cover.
    The War on Drugs is Just a Turf War: Feds Arm Cartels and Banks Reap the Profits
    Posted on August 11, 2012 by willyloman
    by Scott Creighton

    “Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal ends… John Lennon

  16. Denise says:
    August 11, 2012 at 5:57 pm
    Apelius – Dear God! What’s wrong with you. I have my moments of despair – but there’s nothing like giving up to guarantee defeat!

    Jack Ryan responds:

    Very well said Denise. Never give up, and if you/we do go down, go down fighting with a smile on our lips.

    Middle Tennessee is not lost to NW Muslim immigrants/invaders by a very long shot. I went to college at Vanderbilt in Nashville, returned 6 years after graduation to work in Tennessee Conservative/Populist politics with strong White nationalist issues of immigration/foreign policy. Yes, Whites in Tennessee are very aware that Ay-rabs and other Muslims are coming to the great state of Tennessee, but the White Christian ratio to NW Muslim immigrants in Middle Tennessee is certainly much higher than the Arab Muslims to Coptic Christian ratio in Egypt. My experience leads me to conclude that we need to have some visible presence of the NW/Muslim invader in the area to get local Whites concerned, active about the national issue. If Whites live in some still all White are of North America like North Dakota that it’s impossible to get the locals to work for immigration control in places like California, Texas or Chicago.

    Here’s a joke about Muslims coming to Tennessee that I heard in the mi 1990s:

    “Question: how do you know that Arab Muslim terrorists are from Tennessee?”

    Answer: when their terrorist demands include….. a six pack of Bud and some fishing gear?”


  17. Murfreesboro still has some southern gumption. Sadly, a mosque went up late last year in my area and I heard nothing about it until one day I saw a stream of ragheads driving out after their Friday prayers, and they just ignored all the traffic lights and kept pouring out, ignoring the wrecks they nearly caused by flipping infidels the finger. They turned a former movie theatre into a g-d- mosque. I think they have been asking such publications as the Tennessean (newspaper here in Nashville) not to mention such projects because they know the backlash it will cause. Kurdish Pride and Somali gangs are ruining this city, and the local news goes out of its way to hide these truths.

    Also, my area has a bunch of uppity gov’t employed-middle class niggers, and they all think Islam is the best-est thing ever, even though this isn’t the Niggeration of Islam, but the real-deal, salafist Islam. Wonder if they’ve seen what’s happened to blacks in Libya and if they know that ‘abd, “slave” as in ‘Abdullah, is also used to describe blacks?

  18. “Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I’m liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That’s what’s insane about it.” John Lennon

    Lennon was a Frankfurt School tool, miscegenation promoter, psychedelic drug promoter, and multiculturalist.

    Timothy Leary of the Weather Underground also promoted LSD. And the WU was really a spin off of the Frankfurt School.

    The cover of the Pepper album included: Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud – and they are the foundation of the Frankfurt School.

    The Frankfurt School had “insane objectives” and Lennon was the perfect useful idiot helping with their long range objectives.

  19. my area has a bunch of uppity gov’t employed-middle class niggers, and they all think Islam is the best-est thing ever, even though this isn’t the Niggeration of Islam, but the real-deal, salafist Islam. Wonder if they’ve seen what’s happened to blacks in Libya and if they know that ‘abd, “slave” as in ‘Abdullah, is also used to describe blacks?

    Doubtful. Blacks are so fuckin’ stupid they don’t realize Whites are the only group that doesn’t regard Blacks as animals.

  20. @ Some Guy

    Nashville and Tennessee gave tax breaks to Dell to open a center here, and then after a few years they began only hiring those “refugees” from refugee resettlement scams to work there. A book could be written on the refugee resettlement industry, big business, and the two parties. They started slowly outsourcing their operations to Bangladesh, and having the white IT people stay late hours to train their replacements on the other side of the globe, and then giving them pink slips. I’ve personally known people affected by this.

    And if you oppose giving these companies tax-breaks to create outsourcing centers, you get called anti-business or anti-jobs. We need a small amount of anti-capitalist sentiments, just a tiny bit, don’t get me wrong, in order to bring about economic nationalism. All MBAs are trained to look for a comparative advantage, and of course America and Dixie can’t compete with third world slave wages. This has to be tackled through politics, not economics, because the globalist financial elite will give any “pro-business” politicians donations to keep America’s wealth fleeing our shores. .

  21. “Islam is the only religion in the history of man that has demonstrated itself capable of organizing the Negro in a manner approaching civilization.”

    What fatuous twaddle. Black Southern Baptist congregations are not organized criminal conspiracies like Black Muslim mosques and the total anarchy of Muslim Somalia.

    Those black ladies with the flowery hats serving fried chicken at Sunday church socials are the heart and soul of black civilization such as it is.

  22. “The Frankfurt School had “insane objectives” and Lennon was the perfect useful idiot helping with their long range objectives.”

    Insanity isn’t dual in nature: there can be multiple insanities, and they don’t necessarily cancel each other out. As for Lennon: clock, broken, twice a day, etc.

    “Every day –right now, as we speak– thousands and thousands of hidden bureaucrats are carefully, quietly, diligently plotting your total destruction. Some of them even know it.”
    — Thomas Pynchon

  23. le raciste révolutionnaire says:
    August 12, 2012 at 3:57 pm
    @ Some Guy

    Nashville and Tennessee gave tax breaks to Dell to open a center here, and then after a few years they began only hiring those “refugees” from refugee resettlement scams to work there. A book could be written on the refugee resettlement industry, big business, and the two parties. They started slowly outsourcing their operations to Bangladesh, and having the white IT people stay late hours to train their replacements on the other side of the globe, and then giving them pink slips. I’ve personally known people affected by this.

    I knew an IT person who did that. I told her to get all the American IT workers to screw up the works. Mis-inform, give the Indians bad instructions, destroy systems, etc.

    She wouldn’t do it. She was SHOCKED. “We are all a global family! We would never do something like that”.

    She was not married, and had 2 very sick parents she was caring for. She was really scared. I told her Sanjay and Abdul don’t give a DAMN about taking her job, and won’t think a single thought about her, and her parents.

    She simply was too “horrified” by my suggestions to reply. She kept babbling about honor, etc. I finally got so disgusted that told her she was a stupid bitch, that her idiocy sickened me. That she was taking it right up the butt, and asking for more. This was years ago. That was the last time we spoke.

  24. Denise — tell people that if they call a phone-info center and they get a person with an Indian (or other foreign) accent, ignore the person and immediately ask, in an annoyed tone of voice, to speak to a supervisor. This may or may not involve a fuss. If it does involve a fuss, so much the better, prolong it and have fun with it: it’s sucking up their valuable time, and causing problems for the Indian employee (whose performance as we all know is “being monitored and recorded for quality purposes.”) If it doesn’t involve a fuss, that’s fine, too. Eventually, one way or the other, you get to the supervisor.

    Now you have the supervisor. Is he also an Indian? If so, ask to speak to an American supervisor. If he asks why, tell him you, the customer, are an American, and you can barely understand his thick foreign accent. That your reason for calling involves your personal finances, and so therefore clarity and intelligibility are paramount, you don’t want to have a misunderstanding that could cost you money, and that you can’t understand HIM. That having company reps who cannot make themselves easily understood to their customers is very poor customer service, and very poor company policy. It’s being recorded, and some other corporate drone will hear all this eventually, so spell it out clearly. Make this take time, too. Time is money. Their money.

    Once you finally get to the actual American supervisor, suddenly become much more gracious and polite, (remember, now you’re relieved to finally be speaking to a human), but maintain your grievance and your edge, good golly, so many hoops to jump through for such a simple question, this is taking so much time for both of us, I’m sorry to inconvenience you but your call rep inconvenienced me, this would have all been so much easier if I had somebody normal to speak to at the start. What’s “normal”, you ask? Ah, you know. This is fun to play at.

    Now, you can do one of two things:
    a) the serious practical route: explain that you’re a long-time customer, you value their company’s service but at the same time YOU ARE VERY MUCH AWARE that other companies besides theirs offer the same service, and who knows, maybe you’ll switch if you need to; explain that you have a culturally-specific problem, which is why you called instead of using the automated service, and you simply cannot understand Rashid and Gupta, and the poor quality of service therefore reflects badly on the company and badly on the American supervisor; remind him (actually, worry aloud, as if you were concerned) that the call is being “monitored and recorded” and will go into his file and his performance review, and you’re so sorry if this whole mixup reflects badly on him; explain your problem, let him solve it (don’t make trouble at this point — let him solve it, quickly and easily! See that? It all gets done so much faster when there’s an American on the line!), and then be very gracious and thankful that “finally” this mess got cleared up, this all could have gotten solved so much faster if you only could have spoken to an American in the first place, thank you Mister American, it’s been a pleasure doing business with you. Where are you from? Ohio? Ah, wow, I have two cousins who live in Ohio, what part are you from? Lovely part of the country, anyway, thanks so much for helping me, etc etc.

  25. “Every day –right now, as we speak– thousands and thousands of hidden bureaucrats are carefully, quietly, diligently plotting your total destruction. Some of them even know it.” – Thomas Pynchon

    Then, he must have watched: “9/11 Missing Links” 2:07 hr

    I watched it on youtube this morning – it was recommended by “Zion Crime Factory”

    ZCF was removed from by its server host, again. I guess ZCF is doing a really good job to be constantly legally targeted.

    I wasn’t impressed with “Loose Change” , but “9/11 Missing Links” was good.

  26. The citizens beg and plead for this stuff to happen. The general populace is more interested in living the life broadcast to them through media than in actually building a culture. We just ask for foreign companies to come in so we can play in the rat race. The populace has no interest in science, innovation, invention, not even localism. The real defeat didn’t come in 1865, the defeat came with mass media.

    I get it, I’m a white heterosexual male scientist born and raised in Tennessee whose best work prospects are currently in the food industry. Just the other day when searching for jobs I went to a company’s website only to see they had job fairs for hispanics and blacks, two separate job fairs. Another job I would have been qualified for was being handled by a black recruiting company, so naturally I didn’t waste my time applying. Every where you look there are programs for the advancement of everyone but white and asian males. G.R.I.T.S. is a good example, it stands for Girls Raised in Tennessee Science. I’m part of the underclass, an intelligent, well-educated, military veteran that is white and male. I’m precisely what isn’t wanted. I ranted a little, sorry, I’m just very frustrated. I’ve done everything I’m supposed to do and I’m supposed to be mad at who? The foreigners? Why? They are doing what anyone would do. I’m mad at the damn populace.

    Does it surprise me that no one really cares about foreigners being brought in to work instead of indigenous whites (so to speak)? No, American Idol and the like are just to popular…

  27. Someguy says:

    I get it, I’m a white heterosexual male scientist born and raised in Tennessee whose best work prospects are currently in the food industry. Just the other day when searching for jobs I went to a company’s website only to see they had job fairs for hispanics and blacks, two separate job fairs.

    It gets worse.

    “US Catholic Church used as Mexican Government Office” – 17 min video


  28. It’s my own countrymen robbing me. Willingly! Hell, I try speaking to my father about this stuff and he never answers back. I ask if he doesn’t like the subject and he replies that it is just a dead horse, nothing I can do about it. I tell him he’s defeated, he denies it. Yet he still goes with the status quo, blaming the Democrats or whomever while never admitting that his generation is explicitly party to this outcome. I lay out sound evolutionary principles, follow it up with a juxtaposition of white vs black intelligence, and he answer with “I flat out refuse to believe that they are genetically mentally inferior.” He blames the culture. I tell him, Dad, sub-Saharan Africans never invented the wheel. It didn’t work. It’s my countrymen, my own family, that would rather worship the “noble savage” than admit their positions are killing their own families.

  29. Know how you feel, Someguy. I have a brother who insists the “low expectations” we have for blacks explain everything. He still lives in Tennessee where we grew up. Must be something in the water there these days.

    Deo Vindice

  30. Apuleius, I’ve left Tennessee and am temporarily in Georgia. And I’m leaving the South for the Mountain West or a state like Arizona or New Mexico. Southern women are too fat and too spoiled and just love the suburban lifestyle (read, denial of living life and buying into the stupid mass media’s whims and wishes). I never recovered after being stationed in Europe for over 3 years and experiencing good women. I’ll come back if it becomes its own country, but until then I simply can’t take it any longer.

  31. “I never recovered after being stationed in Europe for over 3 years and experiencing good women.”

    Truer words were never spoken. I never even realized that I didn’t really know what sex was (or more importantly, I had failed to understand that _everything_ is a kind of sex) until I started going with non-American women… Australians, mostly, but the occasional European or half-Asian.

    American women, hang your heads in shame. You are a collective disgrace to your sex.

    Want to know why men don’t want to commit? You give them exactly zero worth committing to.

  32. My father is worse.
    He’s a micro-racist.
    Meaning he is racially aware but refuses to extrapolate politically.
    This cycle he’s already donated a sizeable amount to Obama (after supporting Paul last time).
    When pressed he admits racial differences and that “things will even out over a few thousand years”. His “longterm” look at things is impossible to argue with. He’s a “in the future we’ll all be brown so what” type.

  33. Amazing isn’t it, Oscar?

    My last steady girlfriend was a German, over six and half years ago now. This woman was a runway and photo model, has a business degree, paints pictures for a living, trains horses on her spare time as a hobby, loves to ski, loves to go out dancing, loves traveling, and has a wealthy family that has a history of owning technical and mechanical companies. And what exactly did I come back too? Chubby women with tons of makeup that are waiting for their prince charming and that mostly only enjoy watching television, eating, and shopping and have no capacity for intelligent conversation. FFS, I should have stayed in Germany!

  34. And if I brought a Negress home he’d hold me down while Mom slit my throat and cried. But he has a check for Obama. Obama has been getting by off handouts his whole life. If I asked my Dad for money he’d slap me.

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