Paul Ryan’s Immigration Position


Taking a break from WBTS 2 … Paul Ryan is even more of an unreliable, Janus faced flip flopper on immigration than Mitt Romney:

“Roy Beck, president of Numbers USA, which advocates for tougher immigration laws, said this week that Ryan’s overall record on immigration-related bills “is a rogue’s list of pro-amnesty [positions].”

“If you want somebody who’s pro-amnesty and pro-immigration, he’s in the top 10 percent of Republicans,” Beck said in a phone interview Tuesday, noting Ryan’s past support for George W. Bush’s immigration overhaul, measures to legalize illegal-immigrant farm workers and others allowing illegal immigrant students to receive in-state tuition benefits.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. He’s also a Neo-con warmonger. And he loves all the government’s social programs. I don’t see anything good about this man. If anything, he seems even worse than Romney.

  2. He is as bad as Romney, but he is White, from the midwest, and people like him. It’s a start, but he is a complete politician.

    Other than Ayn Rand being an atheist, there is nothing in her books that should cause even a pre-Vatican II Catholic to turn against Objectivism as personified in her novels as Ryan did. God is not against success, being successful, and providing jobs for people who want them and want to do as good of job as they can.

  3. I’d love to ask Paul Ryan why his mother immigrated to Florida to retire. I think he’s trying to get her to come home by flooding Wisconsin with Mexicans on the basis of the old “at least they’re not niggers” argument.

    That’s my theory. Of course, people always tell me I see the world differently. I think they’re just being polite.

    Ayn Rand was just another atheist secular Jew. She peddled a bogus philosophy to confused people who were revolted by the excesses of liberalism. Objectivism is just another abstract universalist utopian scheme without the altruism. Its chief appeal is to adolescents and Peter Pan type baby boomers who always want to get their way regardless of consequence.

    Paul Ryan is as Catholic as Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, or Ted Kennedy.

    Deo Vindice

  4. The neocon desire is that we give up every conservative Christian social position in the name of fiscal sanity, which, by the way, they will not deliver either. Instead we will get expanded war.

    Screw them with a red hot poker. Screw them to hell. Romney, Ryan and the whole Republican establishment. I am irate beyond words.

  5. I’ve tried to explain to my brother back in England just how disgustingly Jewish the neoconservatives are. He just doesn’t understand that conservatism has radically different taxonomies. That there is an anti-war but nationalist sentiment among conservatives, he has no clue. Pat Buchanan and Richard Perle merge over there somehow.

  6. Apuleius says:
    ‘I’d love to ask Paul Ryan why his mother immigrated to Florida to retire. I think he’s trying to get her to come home by flooding Wisconsin with Mexicans on the basis of the old “at least they’re not niggers” argument.’

    From what I’ve read she lives in Florida only 3 months of the year during winter.

  7. Apuleius says:

    Objectivism is just another abstract universalist utopian scheme without the altruism.

    I have never studied Objectivism. I have read all of Rand’s novels a couple of times. And I disagree that there is no altruism. The altruism is all people finding their proper place in life and being happy with such. Granted she makes assumptions. But when this country is telling less than 85 IQ negroes to go to college, is there altruism in that?

    Its chief appeal is to adolescents and Peter Pan type baby boomers who always want to get their way regardless of consequence.

    Get their way regardless? Again I disagree. If one doesn’t act in the best interests of all involved, and legally, it will and should come back come back upon them and be their downfall.

  8. Maybe you should reread Rand’s novels. I don’t think you were paying attention.
    I also recommend her work “The Virtue of Selfishness” to make the point even better.

    I stand by my original comment. She peddled a bogus philosophy to confused people who were revolted by the excesses of liberalism.

    Deo Vindice

  9. Quit blaming the poor old boomers. I worked hard for my money even if I did like Atlas Shrugged especially the part where Francisco d’Anconia positions himself on the roof of the mill and picks off rioting strikers with rifle fire. (I’ll bet that scene never makes it into Part II of the movie!)

  10. Ayn Rand was a barren woman who left no offspring because the self-sacrifice involved with being a mother contradicted her philosophy of selfishness.

    That sounds like a recipe for white extinction to me.

    Deo Vindice

  11. Any Raynd was generally full of shit. Apuleius is right. She sold extreme individualism to whites.
    I’ll take my economics from Adam Smith.

  12. Wasn’t there a lot 0f sex in one of Rand’s books? I don’t care, but generally church’s don’t go for that sort of thing.

  13. “Quit blaming the poor old boomers. I worked hard for my money even if I did like Atlas Shrugged especially the part where Francisco d’Anconia positions himself on the roof of the mill and picks off rioting strikers with rifle fire. (I’ll bet that scene never makes it into Part II of the movie!)”

    Yeah, it will be glorious, Rudel, when your age group is dead and most everyone has no pension, no Social Security check, and makes about the equivalent of 8 bucks an hour. I get a kick about how the Social Security thing doesn’t apply to those who are already 55. Nice. We don’t want to cut off all the old timers who are drawing SS and nice pensions now but don’t want anyone else to get it, since that might run the money out before you guys die. It will be a Good Thing when one has to work until they die.

    And I also get a kick out of the “the kids will take you in and pay for everything so it won’t matter.” That is some funny shit, there. Sure, a few will take care of the parents in their old age. But have you noticed people today? LOL! And we won’t talk about how the kids are supposed to afford it, on the great wages and benefit packages “Conservatives” are queer over promoting and blowing the Neal Boortz’s and Limbaugh paymasters over.

    Let’s take to the streets and demand the lowest wages possible right now, get it over with. Heil The Fortune 500! They got to compete on the world stage, ya know. So let’s do our part and go back to turn of the 20th century working conditions and pay.

    I can’t wait.

  14. The first nation that drops out of the EU/IMF money scheme will set it off. Iceland is doing well, they told the EU to pound sand and have arrested banksters.
    Greece has had enough and it is showing. I am not privy to back room deals, but I know the people of Greece are not having it anymore.
    My brother in law told me the Greek police are working local from area to area to evict and kick out illegals. Iraqi and Afgan refuges are now getting processed the hell out.
    Bad news is they are coming here.
    I hope Greece tells the IMF to pound sand as well. That move may snowball.

  15. The Injuns got it right with their old. Move camp without waking Great great grandpa up. Eskimos used icefloes.

  16. Would still rather have Romney and Ryan setting Immigration Policy then Obama!

    Remember some of Romneys family got booted out of Mexico by Mexican Revolutionaries. I imagine he probably doesn’t care much for the the brown people because of that.

    Also I doubt that a Mormon would want to flood Mormon Utah with ‘Catholics’…

  17. Mormons love the brown skins; they do all sorts of mission work down there. Vdare covers Mormons and mexicans fairly well

  18. @ …..Murricans don’t care:

    Yes, I’d never heard of Bob and Dave until this moment and don’t watch t.v. (try to force myself but it’s too disgusting).

    These are CANADIANS (not Americans) and they chose a WASP ICON, C.S. Lewis, then fill his mouth with the f-word and so on.

    Canadian Socialists (and they all are practically) HATE Americans and make vids like this…

    What does this have to do with Americans?

  19. Rudel,

    you say, Quit blaming the poor old boomers. I worked hard for my money…

    Boomer Blamers are all over t.v. Another avenue –that NO ONE takes— would be to look at their challenges in BRA. I used to hate them, until I talked to someone born in 1939. The lady told me about all these food rations (WWII) and the propaganda, the “victory gardens,” and said she was sure her whole childhood she was going to starve (even though it wasn’t even a vague possibility, in reality), just the way my generation was having childhood nightmares every night about nukes. Also, they had to hide under seats in their school, to practice air raid bombing in a part of the u.s. where it just wasn’t going to happen.

    In other words, they had their own version of the Terror Culture, that keeps ’em in line.

    Now… the Hispanification of the u.s. can be furthered if Paul Ryan and Mittens can just step up WIPING OUT the “boomers” (serious Wasp contingent) while using the money to beef up the Imported Populations.

    Gosh, maybe Rino-Ryan can make his little Latino-u.s.a. happen by 2032 instead of 2040, and that’s real hopeful! Mitt can break happy bread then with his many Mexican relatives, who are still live down there, apparently.

    The BOOMER BLAME MEME is out there because they are Genociding u.s. Wasps. (Again). That is the demographic that will be (again) decimated when the Health Care Money (again, Mitts program) transfers from the “aging” (this is a code word for wasp) population to the “younger people” (code word for latino) who “really need it.”

    Seriously… dare someone to ask them directly about which populations their “programs” wipe out and why it’s not considered Genocide by them.

    HW seems to think Virgil Goode is the best candidate. So, I’ll tell any women friends without husbands to ask (they should vote like their husbands, imo) that’s who they should vote for.

    Maybe these “republicans” should be deported to Paraguay, maybe Argentina, since that’s where they all seem to wind up living when they leave office, anyway, and their relatives are already there.

  20. ‘Vdare covers Mormons and mexicans fairly well’

    Do you have any links?

    I know that Vdare does cover the whole ‘Irish Catholic’ (San Patricos) well so I would be willing to check out any links.

  21. Paul Ryan’s “position” on immigration?

    Yeah, right. Any date on this particular “position”?

  22. Women should be barred from political discussion, for as minimal reason as to preserve bandwidth, but especially sanity.

  23. @ “….Remember some of Romneys family got booted out of Mexico by Mexican Revolutionaries. I imagine he probably doesn’t care much for the the brown people because of that…”

    Think they got run out of the u.s., which is how they wound up in Mexico. But now, some of the family still lives in Mexico, and saw a spot somewhere (maybe a vid, can’t remember) where one of his relatives was talking about how the u.s. becoming Mexico is such a great thing.

    Like all these Northern Euros want to be a) genocided b) ruled over by a foreign people

    Immigration is really the only issue AT ALL— and Ryan-Romney are every bit the same total FAIL as the incumbent.

    All other issues devolve on the border issues and feed into it. “Health” is to do in the Generational Americans and steal the benefits they paid into (even if you were against social security and all that crap in the first place, the fact is there was a “contract” with those Americans)—- Do in Boomers, transfer “benefits” to Spanish brown people.

    That hyperbolic propaganda against “Anglo slavers” was used to do that is so gross and dishonorable.

  24. “just the way my generation was having childhood nightmares every night about nukes.”

    The only time I remember ever being concerned about the thermonuclear holocaust (of me) was when I was 13 years old and sitting in our living room waiting for the grandfather clock to to reach the time which Kennedy said was the deadline for the Russian ship to turn back at the blockade line. When we let the ship through anyhow I knew that it (and all those stupid duck and cover under the classroom desk drills) was total bullshit and never gave WWIII a second thought again.

    I guess I was still under the influence of anti-communist propaganda though as I signed up right after high school and went over to shoot slopes in Vietnam.

  25. “Yeah, right. Any date on this particular “position”?”

    Right after each focus group or poll on the matter in a swing state of course!

  26. If you vote for R n R you are voting for anti-white DWLs. Is there any real disagreement on this?

    Who is going to get away with pushing more of an anti-white agenda. A DWL or a black man?

    Ask yourself that. Ask it real hard.

  27. Who is going to get away with pushing more of an anti-white agenda. A DWL or a black man?

    Ask yourself that. Ask it real hard.

    Amen, LS!

    How simple do you have to make it for people? What idiot wouldn’t understand it?

  28. It can’t be that easy Bill. Not even I want to believe it. I do NOT WANT TO BELIEVE IT. Yet I know it is true.

  29. and lastly

    ” “Yeah, right. Any date on this particular “position”?”

    Right after each focus group or poll on the matter in a swing state of course!”

    Yep. No way around that fact which is why I say all pol’s are lairs and not to be trusted

    LandShark has the right of it, a White DWL will get away with more anti-White bullshit and will do it in a stealthy, under the table manner. I think those things do more damage in the long haul, because they are little, pills of poison that go unnoticed until they exploded. Or imploded

    Boomers have their share of blame, but it all started going wrong way before them. I think we hit the point of no return under the Boomer watch, but the driving ideology of our problems where around with the Founding Fathers. Hell been around longer then them too. Boomers were the 1st generation to be so heavily indoctrinated in all of it. I don’t believe in blame shifting, but these things were done to Boomers just as they have done these things to younger generations

  30. Y’all don’t forget which generation it was that raised boomers. I mean, might parental influence account for something?

    Buy War Bonds!

  31. Ah, and lest the war generation receive too much blame, consider the crowd that went for the 19th Amendment.

    Yerr, Stoner might actually have something.

  32. Sam Adams, levelist wanted to redistribute property after the secession from Britain

    early 1900’s amercian socialist party wanted a govt guaranteed retirement, govt a social safety network, a progressive income tax, direct election of senators, a tax on inheritance, free and compulsory public education, soft money….. they got everything they wanted and they won.

    Germans who came here after the failed 1848 rebellion were communist and heavily influenced the early Republican party according to the book Red Republicans ( I think. Might not have the correct name) feminism goes back to the 1840’s and used marxist arguments…..

  33. Stonelifter, thanks for the links.

    Looks like I have some thinking to do after reading that stuff…

    (I had forgotten all about the ‘Utah Compact’!)

  34. @Stonelifter et al:

    Many WN’s assume that the hostile elite is targeting White people for elimination by flooding the country with Mestizos. However, I have a theory that Negros are the target. There is a low-intensity but vicious brown-black race war raging even now. Mestizos are moving into Negro neighborhoods and purging them by killing as many of them as they can. In one well known case, a Negress who was in the military and deployed to Iraq had to be summoned to Los Angeles in order to attend her son’s funeral, because he had been gunned down by a Mestizo gang.

    Interestingly enough, the authorities do nothing in cases like these. The only reason why George Zimmerman is being prosecuted is because the crime beat reporter screwed up by releasing news of the Trayvon Martin shooting without verifying that the “white” suspect was indeed White. Remember that when it comes to reporting crimes, the police authorities only list a subject as Hispanic IF he is the victim not the suspect of a crime. If he is the suspect, he is automatically classified as White. The reporter obviously saw that George Zimmerman (not Jorge Zavala) killed Trayvon Martin and envisioned a big, blond German dude instead of a swarthy little Peruvian. By then TS had HTF and the MSM had to make the best of a bad situation first, with the White Hispanic nonsense and then a bunch of other penny ante BS.

    If the reporter had caught Zimmerman’s real race, it would have been a non-event, because it did not fit the violent White racist narrative they want to tell. Even then, the authorities did everything they could to drag their heels on formally charging Zimmerman with ANYTHING, hoping he would take the hint and get out of the country to lay low in Peru for a while. That is why they are being so hard on him now. Imagination their frustration. The whole matter could have been swept under the rug if he had just made an extended visit to Mamacita’s family for a couple of years.

    In any case, I think TPTB see Mestizos as the new Model Minority. Don’t believe when they say that about the east Asians who are proving very adept at competing with DWLs and the YKW for plum positions. The Negros are getting too out of control with their demands now that BRA is going broke. That’s why they are amnestying all these Mestizos.

    That doesn’t mean Whites are out of the woods. They are hoping that Whites will intermarry with Mestizos, believing that White parents are less likely to object if their children intermarry with Mestizos in hope of producing a grandchild that resembles a swarthier Caucasian than if their little princess hooked up with a Negro or their son got Asian fever to produce grandchildren that looked nothing like them.

    If working class Whites are blended into a Mestizo majority, that means a less violent, slightly more intelligent Mestizo class that is still easy to control. The goal is a Latin American “color continuum” racial system, where the lighter skins rule from higher up in the hierarchy. Of course the YKW and the DWLs will make sure THEIR kids remain unamalgamated.

  35. Could be Clytemnestra, could be.

    I have no idea what the end game is, or if there is an end game, or when things will go wrong. Mostly I think there isn’t. “they” don’t look that far down the road, and I figure it won’t occur in my life time. Which is why my efforts have been toward my kids and the young men of their generation

  36. @Stonelifter:

    Because of the times we live in, I can’t speak as freely as I post on this board, but I DO think, even though we see all this picture media putting the Negro thug with the droopy pants and the backwards BB cap next to the pretty, blue-eyed blonde White girl that the preference is for Whites to blend with Mestizos.

    Case in point, the number of Latino scholarships and positions that allow preferential hiring for Latinos is the classic carrot and stick approach to Whites who don’t want their children to marry out. Mind you, Latinos did not just use to be classified as Whites only for crime stats, but across the board. Now they are getting all these minority preferences and affirmative discrimination in their favor that one would think would go to Negros ONLY in reparation for SLABERY. Why?!

    Because these scholarships are meant to incentivize Whites to be more receptive to their little princess marrying a Latino so their (hopefully) slightly swarthier Caucasoid grandchildren can get them and go to college.

    Of course, I have opted for my own version of Japhethite taquiyah. I tell the children in my immediate and extended family and close friends to get fluent in Spanish, check the Latino-Hispanic designation (a lot of Whites come from Latin based European countries, like France and Italy) and, if necessary even change their names to sound more Spanish. It’s legal to change one’s name and its technically NOT lying if one of your ancestors comes from a Latin based country.

    But if I deal with some idiot White libtard who has swallowed the Koolaid to the point of pushing miscegenation, then I gleefully keep my mouth shut and even smile and nod my head as if in agreement. S/he is setting his/her children to be lower on the hierarchy in a color-continuum racial system. I intend to make sure the White children that I care about are as close to the top as they can get. I urge others on this board to do the same.

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