There Is No California



Driving across California is like going from Mississippi to Massachusetts without ever crossing a state line.

Consider the disconnects: California’s combined income and sales taxes are among the nation’s highest, but the state’s annual deficit is still about $16 billion. It is estimated that more than 2,000 upper-income Californians are leaving per week to flee high taxes and costly regulations, yet the state government wants to raise taxes even higher. California’s business climate already ranks near the bottom in most surveys. Its teachers are among the highest paid, on average, in the nation, but its public-school students consistently test near the bottom of the nation in both math and science.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What conservative whites have stood for in California, especially with regard to their Propositions and courts, is beyond belief.

  2. How soon until the national review bans VDH for skimming too close to reality? or are they passing off california as librulism’s failure.

  3. Demographics is destiny. It is only a matter of time before CA and other South Western states secede, de facto or de jure. No bunch of gringos in DC is gonna tell proud Latinos what to do!

    The Feds will be too discredited and too preoccupied with other issues to stop it.

    When the dominoes begin to fall opportunities for other states to secede will be impossible to ignore.

    Hunter, I believe you will get what you want and all in your own lifetime. The evil, universalised anti-White system will beget its own demise.

  4. Demographics is destiny. It is only a matter of time before CA and other South Western states secede, de facto or de jure. No bunch of gringos in DC is gonna tell proud Latinos what to do!

    There’s no way Hispanics want to secede. Not as long as there’s White taxpayer money to be had. They snuck across the border to leave their own failed skunk nests to come to the land of the gringo. Sure, they’ll bitch about us and call us raciss, but there’s no way they leave the U.S. Federal (read white taxpayer) Teat. Not a chance in hell.

  5. In the article cited, California is described as “two states.” But most other states are also “two state systems”: one smaller, weaker, peasant state ruled by its urban master state.

  6. John, the White taxpayer money is running out. The only other thing keeping things going is trillions of debt dollars and inflation. It’s unsustainable. What will Hispanics do when the anti-White Fed system collapses? If they don’t go back to their failed skunk nests what will they do? Become “good Americans”?

    Anyway, I think there is a silver lining in all the present dark clouds. Our would be White genocide psychopaths have sown the seeds of their own destruction. It may take another century but I believe there is a bright future for our race.

  7. @more of the same:

    “John, the White taxpayer money is running out. The only other thing keeping things going is trillions of debt dollars and inflation. It’s unsustainable. What will Hispanics do when the anti-White Fed system collapses? If they don’t go back to their failed skunk nests what will they do? Become “good Americans”?”

    The experience in Texas with the September 1, 2001 attack and the economic downturn of 2009 is that the Hispanics will slink back home to Mexico. Right after 911, there was about three months where construction sites could not find “an undocumented worker.”

    They were forced to hire Americans, because the “undocumented workers” figured that the Department of Homeland Security would notice that our southern border was wide open and station troops there to seal it as well as purge the country of all “undocumented immigrants” since the folks who took down the Twin Towers had overstayed their visas and were in the USA illegally.

    Because they were afraid the USA would do what Mexico would do and demand that their “undocumented residents” leave in the most violent fashion imaginable, they got the puck out of Dodge.

    Likewise, during the initial economic downturn when companies started laying them off, many of them decided it was the perfect time to return to Mexico, because they had already met their goal of paying off their homes and rancheros and the rest was just gravy.

    When FEDGOV finally goes bust, I guaran-damn-tee it that ALL those folks are going to leave the USA and head back to their homelands like rats jumping off a sinking ship.

    When they do, what WE need to do is shut the door behind them and LOCK it. But not before we string up every politician and Wall Street crony of theirs that we can lay our hands on!

  8. The very secession I support is that of California. It won’t happen, but I relish the thought of all those darling coasties tasting reality once our economy collapses. I really cannot wait.

  9. “John, the White taxpayer money is running out. The only other thing keeping things going is trillions of debt dollars and inflation. It’s unsustainable. What will Hispanics do when the anti-White Fed system collapses? If they don’t go back to their failed skunk nests what will they do? Become “good Americans”?

    Yeah, I know. My premise is that while there is still money to be extracted from white taxpayers, they’ll not secede. When the Whites’ money runs out, all bets are off. At that point, who would care if they seceded anyway, although it is a loss, as there is beautiful and valuable country in the SW and California. But it really is all about demographics. Wherever Third Worlders are, there is the Third World. Leave them spectacular land, like California, or South Africa, or Rhodesia, complete with splendid weather and first world infrastructure, and within a generation it will be primitive. They lack the human capital for it to turn out any other way (without White or NE Asian supervision).

    Anyway, I think there is a silver lining in all the present dark clouds. Our would be White genocide psychopaths have sown the seeds of their own destruction. It may take another century but I believe there is a bright future for our race.
    I sure hope you’re right about this. Somehow, some way, our people will need a place to call their own, because sharing space with the Other means we are living in the Third World conditions they invariably create.

  10. “Besides the North-South dichotomy, there is urban-rural dichotomy.” – It is fairly interesting that the bicameral structure that kept the more conservative hinterlands in the political process also checked the self-destructive tendencies of the left, atleast until it was ended.

  11. John says:

    August 19, 2012 at 2:34 am


  12. ‘we should not let Californians leave their state and infest others with their insanity

    Too late.

    In ‘Death of the West’ Pat Buchanan laid out the fact that about 100,000 Whites are leaving California every year.

    Sadly many of them are ending up here in Oregon, turning it into a blue state. I am old enough to remember when we in Oregon had two Republican Senators, now we have two Democrats…

  13. freinds from out West say they’ve ruined their home states as well. we have the damnyankee transplants and other folks get the californians. What is wrong with these people? They have to flee their home but what to make their new home just like the hell hole they left

  14. If and when the next civil war comes to pass don’t think it will resemble the last War Between the States. It will be more like the Spanish Civil War where something like 50% of the total casualties were from executions. The savages will be used by our mortal enemies in an attempt to exterminate us. You can see this by the hysterical rhetoric coming from the Obama campaign and the MSM directed at invertebrates like Romney/Ryan. Can you imagine their reaction to open advocates of White survival?

  15. …The savages will be used by our mortal enemies in an attempt to exterminate us…

    No different then the last time, only the scale of things would be different

  16. California may be in bad economic straits, but it’s still a great place to live. Maybe that’s why I keep meeting transplanted Southerners, Midwesterners, and Yankees here.

    And hey, at least we don’t have the huge negro population [originally imported to this continent by Southerners and Yankeers (gee, thanks guys)] that the North and South have.

    When the SHTF, Whites in the South and North are screwed.

  17. Cali,

    none of that Negro issue matters. There are 1 billion of them in Africa. Another 60 years 2 billion.

  18. When the SHTF, Whites in the South and North are screwed.

    To be sure we all will reap the benefits of diversity when the SHTF but CA more than any other state is the epitome of diversity and multiculturalism especially considering that most numbers don’t begin to address the burgeoning masses from the invasion.

    According to 2011 US Census Bureau estimates, California’s population was 39.7% Non-Hispanic White, 6.6% Black or African American, 13.6% Asian, 1.0% American Indian, 0.4% Pacific Islander and 3.6% from two or more races. 38.1% of the total population are Hispanics or Latinos of any race.

  19. and we are much better armed with much better gun laws

    an 81% rating by the brady campaign is not good news, It’s the highest rating of any state.

    NC gets a 16% rating which makes us the best state in the South according to the brady campaign ie the worse state and…

    good luck with the negros, beaners and your gun laws…

  20. That a million dollar house on the Pacific Coast can be purchased for $100K in the interior raises the question, why aren’t we looking for a village for sale, or a community college or church college for sale? If we are all that we say we are, we could have an entire legal entity at our disposal. Purchased and organized in the right way, we could preserve the homes and real property of our cohort while including ways to keep it the way we want it.

    White settlers have lived among savages before…it’s always been the greedy and the tolerance fanatics among us who opened the wrong doors. We know that and there are many ways to manage that problem.

  21. Keep telling yourself that.

    Up until very recently, CA was a heavily White, conservative state.

    The Mexican population in CA is very recent and can easily be removed. After all, Mexico is right next door.

    The East Coast (North and South) is the model for diversity as it is where imported African populations were first settled (and continue to grow). Like I said, thanks a lot guys! lol

    Today blacks are flocking back to the South in huge numbers.

    I’ll take Mexicans over negroes any day.

    When the SHTF I’m afraid the South, in particular, will be overrun by armed negro mobs controlled by federal officers.

    With those kinds of numbers, you guys are screwed.

  22. John says at August 19, 2012 at 6:22 pm to Time To Buy a Village: “Some nig lawyer will roll up and sue you for a restrictive covenant.”

    I’ve begun to be very suspicious when someone rolls in and gets defeatist about what is plainly a good idea. In fact, one lawyer I have talked with told me that it would be eminently possible providing the entire property was held in trust to benefit, for example, a community college or church. I have to say to John that your instantly throwing cold water on an introductory idea without any discussion is dismaying and against the best interests of white liberationists.

    And why the need to use a slur? Aren’t we better than that?

  23. “NC gets a 16% rating which makes us the best state in the South”

    According to your link both Virginia @ 15% and Alabama @ 14% have slightly worse Brady ratings.

  24. California is a sad case. No state has fallen so far, so fast.

    At one time, California was paradise on earth. Then the “invasion” began…
    The transformation from paradise to cesspool proceeds apace.

    Best avert your eyes and look elsewhere. California is too far gone now to save.
    The Amurrican train wreck state, always first down the track in true “progressive” fashion, is now the new improved “Aztlan” empire of dysfunction…

    Quo vadis, Dixie?

    Deo Vindice

  25. ….Gringo is a tax slave. Paying money to feed Pablo….

    Pablo AND his anti-white-white tax-career friends who step on every dollar he gets to administrate Pablo in all the various programs, or in extra police protection to manage Pablo, and so on.

    It’s a self-defeating cycle, already well in motion in NET (Northeast Transplant) areas.

    The non-tax-career-supported Whites CUT EXPENSES, often by cutting things that add tax revenue: like, they drive their own trash to a dump, or make less money and pay less to get more quality of life, or take buses downtown to avoid parking fees, or move, or don’t buy new things to avoid the taxes, or whatever.

    So much is public now—- that as soon as non-tax-career-supported people cut expenses, the State has to ramp up charges to keep its usual profit margin.

    That won’t work—- but the cycle keeps spiraling down—- until more centralization seems the solution (because somebody else, in some other state, or some other country, seems to have the money they need).

    It’s fascism (militarist-centralist-corporatist), it’s all leftism, it’s feudalism— there should be a summary word for all the things that boil down to Takerisms.

  26. California is just another case where the parasites overwhelm their host, causing its and their own eventual demise.

    The upside is that California will be the first to break away, like a rotting limb falling off.

    Deo Vindice

  27. @Time To Buy A Village, August 19, 2012 at 4:49 pm: That a million dollar house on the Pacific Coast can be purchased for $100K in the interior raises the question, why aren’t we looking for a village for sale

    Because most people would prefer fighting Negroes and mojados every day to living in Fresno.

    I have no desire to live in a cult compound, utopian commune, or Aryan army camp. I want to live in the real world. If the time comes to fight, I’ll bunker up with the neighbors I have, or I’ll GTFO.

    I would only “buy a village” with people I trust. Here is a list of people I trust, in order of precedence:

    1. My immediate family

    2. My extended family

    3. Our fellow parishioners

    4. My friends


    227. Used car salesmen

    228. People on the Internet

    229. Cops

    230. Elected officials

  28. Sorry Rudel I was trying to be sarcastic and clearly failed, worse from a pro gun stand point best from the brady campaign folks stand point and not as either as other states down here.

  29. We aren’t rated well in some areas, GOA gives a D or a C. Which doesn’t reflect the reality on the ground.

    I think it has to do with how the law is written. Not just “shall issue” part either. The county sheriff has to much discretion for some folks. In a rural county like mine, it is a great law and non issue. Our sheriff approves all permits, class 2, 9 you name it for White folks with clean records. You have to meet the minimum federal requirements, do the paper work etc. Doing the paper work and waiting on the paper work is no fun, but the sheriff here doesn’t make it any more painful then it already is.

    2 counties over in Raleigh…. good luck on any permit.

    It’s an odd holdover from Jim Crow. I’m ok with the system as is. Sucks if your a White man in one of the lost counties but it works well in “real” NC.

  30. @SomeGuy, August 20, 2012 at 12:50 am “228. People on the internet.” Haha, priceless. At least you trust us more than cops.

    No one on the Internet has ever busted my rib cage with a nightstick, as a San Francisco cop did back in 1986.

  31. “No one on the Internet has ever busted my rib cage with a nightstick, as a San Francisco cop did back in 1986.”

    Well deserved, I’m sure.

  32. Boomers prefer to be altruistic with other people’s money, once their own pensions are at stake, it’s likely that the minorities will have to take a back seat.

  33. ‘California is a sad case. No state has fallen so far, so fast.

    At one time, California was paradise on earth. Then the “invasion” began…
    The transformation from paradise to cesspool proceeds apace.’

    Yes it used to be great! I have awesome memories of visiting Disneyland in the ’80s. It was still a pretty good area back then. They didn’t need Prop. 187 until 1994.

    A few years ago I visited L.A. and the place was like a third world bazaar. Smog and brown people permeated the location. It appears to be lost…

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