The New Solid South


It is increasingly “solid red” depending on whether White Southerners are the majority or “solid blue” depending on whether blacks, Hispanics, and carpetbags are the majority:

Note: The House, Senate, and state legislatures in the South will certainly be more racially polarized after November.

The Democrats aren’t recovering from their Blue Dog losses in 2010 and will lose the next tier of vulnerable Blue Dog seats. North Carolina and Arkansas are the places to watch this year.

“ATLANTA (AP) — The “Solid South” was a political fact, benefiting Democrats for generations and then Republicans, with Bible Belt and racial politics ruling the day.

But demographic changes and recent election results reveal a more nuanced landscape now as the two major parties prepare for their national conventions. Republicans will convene Aug. 27 in Florida, well established as a melting-pot battleground state, to nominate Mitt Romney of Massachusetts. Democrats will toast President Barack Obama the following week in North Carolina, the perfect example of a Southern electorate not so easily pigeon-holed….”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Gross— Mitt is going to Hispania (FL) where he’ll be able to understand what they say (I don’t speak Spanish) and the other one to NC, the state most affected by The Tobacco Acts, then the related crony land grabs that allowed for the tract housing where they bussed in the NET (northeast transplant) voters who love yankeedom so much.

    Again, no one even bothers campaigning outside where they intentionally maneuvered and placed their Pet Voters.

    Just hope no NET ever dares to use the phrase “private property…” much less act like they “believe” in it, (lol)

  2. North Carolina and Arkansas are going Republican this year. It’s Florida, VA, Ohio, and the ret of the Midwest that are the real battleground.

  3. Both parties are funded by Jewish Zionist 1% banksters. If we’re gonna have anti-White policies in the US I prefer an angry mulatto with a black supremacist preacher over a guy with white skin who tries to con us into believing he’s one of us. At least Obama is honest and open in his hate of us. Romney is just as much a Jew boot lickin’ lackey as Obama who will keep the border open for Mamacita, Papacito and their 5 ninos to jump at night. You guys who think the Republican party is the white savior need a brain transplant, not just psych help. Eisenhower (R) sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock to force black kids into the school. Nixon (R) started racial quotas. Reagan (R) signed the first Mexican illegal amnesty. Need I continue? For those of you who think there is a difference between Mittens and Barky please read this doc which shows 40 policies which they have the identical record on. White America is screwed either way. Why not use your conscience (if you have one) and vote for a man and a party that is openly pro-White. Merlin Miller of the American Third Position will not win, for sure. But lots of votes for him will make the party bigger and force the jewsmedia to give it more attention. There is no instant gratification in white survival. We must look at the long term picture. When Goldman Sachs is the biggest contributor to both Republicans and Democrats, it should be obvious that we Whites have no representation. Stop voting for the “Stupid Party”, the one that makes subtle pro-White rhetoric during the campaign but once elected forget about us and kiss the boots of those who claim to be “gods” chosen people. I write “god” because I do not worship THEIR deity. What about you?

  4. If there’s anything that Republicans have done for the advancement of the White race (talking and rhetoric does not count), please let me know. I’m not expecting to get any mail over this….

  5. Reagan (R) signed the first Mexican illegal amnesty.

    He was the worst. I don’t understand why people thought he was “the last american president” and so on. Into S. American drug running, seemed like, hooked up with the Semblers and gave one of my least favorite people an embassy.

  6. Rudel, I am not voting any longer. Last election I voted for Bob Barr, was thinking about writing in Ron Paul this time around. I really don’t see the point any longer.

    The end point is always going to be the same, the dissolution of the Union after the collapse of the dollar. There will be civil strife. You’re in a good state for that event though, Rudel. I’m not.

  7. @Someguy

    “The end point is always going to be the same, the dissolution of the Union after the collapse of the dollar.”

    – People have been screeching that nonsense for decades, but it never happens. And even if the dollar did “collapse”, I have no doubt the country would remain territorialy intact. We survived the crash of 1929 and as long as America is at least 50% white, we’ll survive anything.

  8. There are many things about the USA that are different than 1929. But we’ll most likely continue to disagree so we’ll just leave it at that.

  9. Every once in awhile, Rudel makes a post that actually contains accurate information, but generally his posts are of the common pseudo-intellectual kind. As such, he fancies himself very learned and wise.

    Of course, when his inadequacy is pointed out, like the pseudo-intellectual is prone to do, Rudel squalls like a cat when its tail is stepped on.

  10. And just which inadequacy is that? Knowing that the Bantu were agriculturalists and worked iron from way back was a hell of a lot more than you knew about niggers in their native habitat.

  11. “People have been screeching that nonsense for decades, but it never happens. And even if the dollar did “collapse”, I have no doubt the country would remain territorialy intact. We survived the crash of 1929 and as long as America is at least 50% white, we’ll survive anything.”

    You may be right. I wouldn’t want to be living somewhere near a lot of blacks like in Detroit or the Deep South when the dollar collapsed though. Too big a chance that you would get your throat slit in the night or burned out of your house.

  12. Politically, the South is split in half. Electorally, exactly in half, 98-98. The 7 South Atlantic Cis-Appalachian states have 98 electoral votes, as do the 9 Southern Trans-Appalachian states.

    Transappalachia is the Republican heartland, with polls listing 49 electoral votes as ‘solid’ Romney, and 49 as ‘likely’ Romney. But in Cisappalachia there are only 25 votes listed as the relatively weak ‘leans’ Romney, with 57 as toss ups, and 16 as ‘solid’ Obama.

    Immigrants and transplants can’t wholly explain this political split in the South. There are plenty of both in Texas, which is only 45% white compared to 65% in VA and NC. Yet Texas is listed as ‘likely’ Romney while VA and NC are toss ups.

    Texas and Tennessee are the two weakest Republican states in Transappalachia, but they’re more Republican leaning than the two strongest GOP states in Cisappalachia, Georgia and South Carolina. The other 7 Transappalachian states are all ‘solid’ Romney.

    And how is it that two former Jim Crow states (MD, DE) now poll more Democratic than three of the New England states? Or that the large majority of Cisappalachia’s electoral vote might go to Obama for the second election in a row? What’s up with that, Southrons?

    The South is solid no more. The Northeast is dripping its poison down the coast, dividing the South along the Appalachians.

  13. I’ll take your word, Rudel, about how much you know about blacks in their and your habitats. I’m sure you know far more about blacks than any white man here.

  14. The best thing that could happen in my neck of the woods is the bean-bandits to turn Texas blue in just one Presidential election.

    The day afterwards, Confederate flags would go up all over the state. The “natural conservatives” mask is poised to fall.

  15. Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina are swing states solely because of the Voting Rights Act (blacks), the Immigration Act of 1965 (Hispanics and Asians), and carpetbagger transplants who combine with the above.

    The majority of people who live in Florida are transplants. Almost half of the people who live in Virginia are transplants. North Carolina now has a huge number of transplants in the Research Triangle and Asheville.

    As for the other Southern states, I believe that I read a Karl Rove article that dismissed the RCP average for South Carolina and Tennessee due to the fact that there hasn’t been much polling in states that neither Democrats or Republicans believe will be competitive.

    Virginia and Maryland are overrun by government workers who work in the Beltway. Northern Delaware and Western Maryland were overrun by immigrants and transplants a long time ago

  16. Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina are swing states solely because of the Voting Rights Act (blacks), the Immigration Act of 1965 (Hispanics and Asians), and carpetbagger transplants who combine with the above.

    Yes, but Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Tennessee, etc., all have lots of blacks and Hispanics and transplants too, yet they’re solidly Republican states. Do you really think it’s coincidental that the Republicans poll higher in all of the Transappalachian states than in any of the Cisappalachian ones?

    The Northeasterners have successfully Yankified the Southern whites of Maryland and Delaware and they’re working their way down the coast, that’s my theory.

  17. The transplant problem isn’t near as bad in the other Southern states as it is in Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina.

    How come? Because the transplants moving to Texas and Oklahoma tend to be the more conservative refugees from California whereas liberal Jews and Northeastern retirees move to Florida and government workers move to Virginia and North Carolina has a major SWPL problem due to its tech industry.

  18. “It is increasingly “solid red” depending on whether White Southerners are the majority or “solid blue” depending on whether blacks, Hispanics, and carpetbags are the majority:…”

    Welcome to Californication, bro.

  19. Discussion is irrelevant until after the election, when either Romney will win, an whites will return to their neocon slumber, or Obama will win and it will be put up ot shut up time (what a lot of the biggest blowhards really fear… hence their desperation for status quo Romney)

  20. …..the liberal Jews and Northeastern retirees move to Florida and government workers move to Virginia and North Carolina has a major SWPL problem due to its tech industry…..

    Between DC, RTP, military with its land seizures, the Tobacco Acts reallocations into the slapped up subdivisions by mexicans, then somehow getting named thee designated nyc 9-11 backdoor—- central NC is really screwed. “Florida Numero Dos.” Not a local person for miles. (To the point that it really might be genocide)

    If there was ever a good argument for 9-11 being an inside job— it’s how neatly choreographed the whole piece seemed as it played out, from the Tobacco Acts, to the housing “boom,” to the smooth mass location of all those new yorkers into carolina housing, along with the transition of the mexican builders into the leaf blowers they’d had back in the city. Very seamless.

  21. About 20 years ago when I was a naive young man who thought the Republicans were on Team ‘United White’ I sent a civil and well thought out letter decrying affirmative action and racial quotas to every member of the Virginia House of Reps and State Senate. Out of 150 people I got one answer back — from Senator Jay DeBoer, an independent. He agreed with my assessment. None of those “white championing” Republit*rds bothered writing me back. Maybe you could duplicate my experiment in your southern state before you vote for these people again. Also recall how the Republicans in the Louisiana House of Reps all collectively and literally turned their back on David Duke when he was elected. Seriously people, I’m not trying to insult you. But HOW do you think Republicans are pro-White. Don’t waste your vote this time. Vote for Merlin Miller of the A3P. And yes, I am a member

  22. If Romney wins, war in Iran and more serious talk about Jesusland and the US of Canada. plus massive chimpouts.

    If Obama wins, more white people freaking out than ever before.

    Grab popcorn, cause dammit this is going to be a fun election.

  23. Hunter is right about transplants to Texas; they tend to go all-in on the deal. Boots, ridiculous Lone Star decorations all over their houses (inside and out), socially conservative, and hate Obama with a burning passion.

  24. Anyone who thinks beaners are natural “conservatives” know nothing about beaners. Allen Wall takes the argument apart in Vdare. Basically, they had gay marriage a long time ago, live in and support a socialist state, the gun control lobby thinks they will win be default as more mexicans show up in the american electorate and they have a large number of abortions compared to Whites

    Transplants haven’t hit Texas like they have NC. We have totally lost Charlotte, Raleigh, Asheville, Wilmington and a number of counties along I40 in the Greensboro to Winston-Salem area. Good luck finding anyone from the South in those places, let alone NC. I mean from the South, not spawned by a pair of yankee transplants. We don’t call them the lost counties for nothing.

    MD is the same way. You only need to win a handful of counties to pull the state. The counties around Baltimore full of negros and the counties around DC full of transplants with govt jobs.

    I did the run on NC already, it was pretty long but it’s in play. While we are 63% White, we have our own version of DWL, (still tend to be race realist thought…) a good number of those Whites are yankees, retirees (mostly yankees), and DWL’s from all over who went to one of our “ivory league of the South” schools and never left. Most of the military men who you would expect to vote GOP will vote absentee in their home state and not in NC. mexicans and old folks( more yankees) are our fastest growing demographic group and the Catholic church here works overtime to get the illegal’s into the system for welfare benefits and voting privileges

    Romney and Ryan do nothing to inspire real NC. They could win the state with one policy change; strong border control and deporting mexicans. They would gain the White vote, even many of the transplants and DWL’s are bitching about the mexicans now and they would pull a larger percentage of the black vote then most folks would think

    We were a different people, religious and overwhelming White, united in all manner of basic moral principles and the like during the great depression. We are none of that now

  25. Mexicans disgust decent white people of all political persuasions. Even our DWL’s can’t stand them either.

    Midland Lee and Odessa Permian will never be worth a damned ever again in Texas 5A football due to the takeover of Mexican surnames on their rosters. Everyone is either moving out to the smaller towns or putting their kids in one of the private schools in Midland.

  26. Midland-Odessa is in bad shape? That sucks. The family who took us under their wing when I lived in Texas was from Midland-Odessa and they moved back there a few years ago. I’ll have to give them a call to check up on them

    The man taught me how to smoke briskets. I owe him a lot

  27. In 1988, Maryland voted Republican and West Virginia voted Democrat. Today they’ve switched sides to the extreme, mostly because native whites in Maryland have moved to the left. Just like native whites have probably moved further to the left in VA, NC and GA than they have in KY, TN and AL. The coast is “progressing” much faster than the hinterland.

    The point is that the South Atlantic states are wavering in their Republicanism, while the Transappalachian states are as Republican as ever. Even 45% white Texas. Rather than North-South, the great divide in this election will be Bicoastal-Flyover.

  28. No the native Whites of MD left for West Va. They make the long ass drive into DC to work and go live in West Va. They were forced out, but raising house prices and changing culture. Most of the guys I went to high-school with in Southron MD, fled the state. About half ended up in West Va

    Also, NC and VA always had a smaller population then Tx so the transplant thing hit us harder

  29. What is atypical is that the owner of this cabin is Roscoe Bartlett, the longtime Republican congressman from Maryland. Over the past two decades, he has developed a following as one of the country’s premier proponents of preparedness against impending doom, even urging the more than 80 percent of Americans who live in urban areas to relocate.

    Wish he wouldn’t tell city folks to move. It never works out for them and we aren’t happy to have them move in either

  30. “The point is that the South Atlantic states are wavering in their Republicanism, while the Transappalachian states are as Republican as ever.”

    But why, Jeppo? My guess is: a) Universities, b) Snowbirds, c) immigrants.

  31. There are far more Yankee transplants in Georgia and Florida than Alabama and Mississippi and there are more in North Carolina and South Carolina than Tennessee and there are considerably more of them in Virginia and Maryland than Kentucky and West Virginia.

    In the West, the exodus from California tends to send conservative leaning Whites to Arizona, Texas, and Oklahoma and the more liberal SWPLs to Nevada, Colorado, and the Pacific Northwest.

    The election is still North vs. South: it comes down to whether the North votes as a solid phalanx for Obama, and within the South, it also breaks down to whether enough carpetbags can be roused to combine with blacks and Hispanics to win Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida.

    Within those states, the electoral pivots are now carpetbag strongholds – Central Florida, the Research Triangle, and NOVA – and the willingness of so-called “moderates” in those areas to vote with blacks and Hispanics.

    There is nothing mysterious about the phenomena – we already know Romney will easily win North Florida, NC outside the Research Triangle, and western Virginia where the demographics are more like Alabama and Tennessee and the rest of the South.

    If it wasn’t for the Union, blacks would not be voting, Asians and Hispanics would not be pouring into the South, and carpetbags would not be flooding into Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia.

    Obama lost the White vote in every Southern state including Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia even with all the carpetbags voting for him there. We don’t have a problem with our own people.

    The problem is that our fate is totally in the hands of “White Americans” in other parts of the country who have a very low level of racial consciousness and who will predictably come out in November to vote 50/60 to 50/40 for Obama.

  32. The black 95/5 split, Jewish 80/20 split and the Latino 75/25 and Arab 70/30 split is never honestly compared to the rather more even 60/40 white split.

    White are ideological. The rest are exclusively tribal.

    WAKE UP!

  33. There are probably more immigrants and transplants in the DFW and Houston metroplexes than there are in Virginia and North Carolina combined. But the native whites in Texas are still staunch Republicans, while the native whites in VA and NC are wavering. The whites in Louisiana are considerably more Republican-leaning than the whites in South Carolina. Even after factoring in non-whites and transplants, there is a major political gap opening up between the purple South Atlantic states and the bright red ones of Transappalachia. Why?

  34. They are a large portion of out population jeppo. You’re not picking up on that for what ever reason

    Texas is the second most populous state in the union, with 25.5 million people vs NC under 10 million. Things will change quickly in Texas when its been minority majority for a little while

  35. The best I can tell NC population was right around 5.8 million in 1980. Now it’s around 9.8 million. The increase of roughly 4 million isn’t from our birth rate, which is like most Whites, bellow replacement levels. It’s from transplants, and mexicans. We are the number 4 destination for mexicans and one of the top destinations for retirees add in our “native” black population and… the picture isn’t as you try to pain jeppo

  36. Yeah, Stonelifter, it’d make you sick. Midland used to be such a classy, predominantly white town. This latest oil boom is turning it into Juarez. White people don’t even go to our mall anymore, it is filled with jobless “vibrant” youth all day long. Spit.

  37. …..We are the number 4 destination for mexicans and one of the top destinations for retirees add in our “native” black population and… the picture isn’t as you try to pain jeppo….

    That is the NE Transplants. Somebody on here said they’d rather live with mexicans than blacks. But many in the south do NOT feel that way. I know NO older (real) southerners who feel that way. They grew up with blacks, have been around blacks, have a history (oh yeah) with blacks, etc.

    But the NETs ALL use “mexicans” in the cities. God forbid a Northeaster should mow its own lawn, plant a tree, blow a leaf.

    The land grab of the Tobacco Acts in your state seems to have really centered the “housing boom” crisis there, plus the military. Also, the whole “we’re in the country now” thing mirrors their city life, where “the country” is a beach house.

    This is a Northeast pretension of those white immigrants. The north of nyc used to be country (for real)— so calling long island “the country” (which they do, lol) is supposed to indicate that you actually lived there when it really was the country.

    So, just like nyc, they have their slaves (mexicans) and “the best of both worlds” in the ocean (but not like Jones Beach full of syringes… Yet, b/c they haven’t been there long enough). And they have the mountains (which mirrors the Adirondacks, sp).

    For them, it is NYC all over again…. before it caught up with them.

    They use Spanish speakers for everything in the NE cities. And a real mentality, like “the good life” is total dependency. I swear the men want to be geisha people with bound feet and mexicans fanning them. If it’s not S. Americans, it’s puerto rican, etc.

    All the pizza shops are employed by brown catholics, mexicans and a lot of sort of polynesian looking people.

    Mark my word. Why the Italians and Spanish enjoy this, idk. Also TONS of “european” Spaniards (who are cashing in on the money to “socialize” these foreign populations into America (they speak both languages well, and are brought in to do that).

    One neighborhood where I lived was not mexican, but going totally “European” Spaniard, due to those socializing jobs and tax money going into it. They know nothing of the u.s., much less the south.

  38. Other thing about NET’s is they live on taxes. Either it’s military, or buying bilinguals from Spain for socializing the mexicans they have to use to blow leaves. Other than that, the dream is being a slumlord (like back in the city), or maybe some business that runs, not on adding value, but markup, (like 80% markups).

    In other words, the type of nyc dreams of neo-feudalist-fascist subjects.

    This is why they will vote for the left-right paradigm.

    The idea of actually creating something and keeping your own stuff is very foreign to them. At this stage of Affirmative Action (for whites who bleed it even more than minorities) you can’t really say most people have anything of their “own.”

    Wherever there’s a new “immigrant welcome center,” you can bet there’s a fat bilingual Spaniard making a good salary on socializing his people.

  39. @Stonelifter, Dixiegirl etc.

    When I first started complaining about the Mexican invasion of North Carolina—no one here knew about it. LOL. Yeah, it’s a real problem, and it is starting to get real scary around the Wilmington area. The use of foreign “students” is getting annoying too!

    You know what a “half back” is in NC don’t you? A Jew or Catholic “half way back” to New York. LOL.

  40. It’s a stealth campaign for sure Earlmundo. I think what pisses me off the most is how the Catholic church is siding withe the mexicans and the mexican govt coupled with the media. But you expect the media to sell you out

  41. You know what a “half back” is in NC don’t you? A Jew or Catholic “half way back” to New York. LOL.

    Florida Numero Dos, also.

    Immigration is —and really has been— the ONLY issue ever. Every other single thing is related to it. If it helps for rednecks to talk Educated-ese, we could call it a transcendental signifier, that one thing through which all else can be understood.

    The whole abortion debate would not have happened if other populations could have regulated their families to what they, themselves, could feed. When they didn’t, the heavy taxes on the ones that did became necessary, for instance.

    The Euros were used to homogenous Welfare states, and once in government, they reproduced the only things they know and got seriously big heads about using other people’s power and weapons. Those that came in are short-sighted, blinded by their backgrounds, not smart, respected, wise or judicious rulers.

    Immigration is the only issue. Everything comes back to it.

    They try to hide it now—- “seeding” small rural areas rather than dumping en masse (which is what makes central NC so interesting, in a way;

    Literally, what was done there is genocide by definition. A complete population rout, the stories of the stunned Americans totally silenced. The numbers in some of the towns are staggering, and the mass population transfer seems done in short periods (five years to ten).

    Obviously, none of it is “natural” growth, and since the wiped out (vanished, whatever) were provably an ethnic population— that is genocide.

  42. “….I think what pisses me off the most is how the Catholic church is siding withe the mexicans and the mexican govt coupled with the media. But you expect the media to sell you out….”

    Don’t get me started. What’s funny is how anyone can go on about Jwords (and yes, they are not us). But the c-word is verboten, lol. If you say that, then you are stupid, and “divisive.”

    Obviously, the one with the power is the one you’re not allowed to talk about, lol.

    It’s why I’m not the most interested in the Caribbean-empire theme that is HW’s area of research or Knights of the Gold Circle, etc. It’s like the movie, The Conspirator, TONS of visible money going into creating the new narrative of the catholic south (as if a wasp south never existed other than as a scapegoat for world slavery). Like, the only Southern writer we read in school was Flannery O’Conner, that kind of thing. Meantime, there were reams of other Southern literature, as it turned out.

    The Jwords may have taken over from the first New Englanders, (“puritans” only exist as a literary scapegoat for other groups) so buckle your belt for Juan Carlos and Brazil; once that happens, pretty irrevocable.

    Face it— they were never the brightest bulbs in europe.

  43. One thing I will say about the lost puritans: they were highly literate and damn smart. Literacy existed because they read Bibles; people who do not do that do not need to read. As we become non-protestant, there is no urgency for the new populations to read (not really part of their religion).

    This whole european thing, where the “educated” are only at the top of society, instead of throughout it, and where power is regulated by controlling knowledge and information (becoming initiated into “new knowledge” up the food chain) produces all those HOURS of your life, spent trying to talk pigeon Spanish, trying to get a simple answer about your phone bills answered, that kind of thing.

    –Turns life into a real waste. Bet the average English speaking american has spent at least a total of 600 life hours just having to listen to spanish.

    Where’s the Foundation doing a study on how many wasted Life hours on that.

  44. Oh, and Stonelifter,

    I’m trying to quit using the phrase “the church” ever. I do not know what that means, not really. I try to name who I am talking about.

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