OD notes with sadness the death of White British movie director Tony Scott – who committed suicide yesterday, jumping off the Vincent Thomas Bridge in San Pedro (Los Angeles) on Sunday afternoon. He was 68.
Scott was one of three sons born to White working-class parents in northern England. Tony Scott is pictured here with his beautiful wife Donna. Donna survives her husband’s death with two twin boys.
Tony Scott was a respected director and producer who made “Top Gun”,”Man on Fire,” “Enemy of the State” and “Beverly Hills Cop II.”
His career in television included executive producing the series series”The”The Good Wife” and “Numb3rs,” both on CBS.
Far and away my favorite Tony Scott film is “True Romance” (1993) – probably the closest we’ll ever get to an open White racialist movie produced and distributed out of Hollywood. True Romance features a working class White American hero “Clarence” (played by Christian Slater) who rescues a sweet, innocent Southern girl “Alabama” (played by Patricia Arquette). These two – true romantic, young White lovers battle terrifying, stereotypical evil Detroit Black/Wigger pimps, the Sicilian Mafia and (very surprisingly) stereotypical corrupt Jewish Hollywood shysters. The White working class hero “Clarence” (Christian Slater) even looks to White folk god/saint Elvis Presley for guidance against the terrible Black/Wigger, Mafia, Hollywood Jews.
Here’s a classic scene where our White working class hero “Clarence” confronts and faces down the evil Wigger pimp Drexle (played by Gary Oldham) and Drexle’s Black N***** henchmen. Enjoy.
They said he had inoperable brain cancer, so he probably wanted to get it over with.
He should have toughed it out. I have always seen suicide as the ultimate sin.
He may have been a White guy, but I consider him more of a jew. Anyone who lays around with jews usually picks up their negative qualities. Hence, Tamed.
Anyone working in Hollywood these days are scum, that includes Mel Gibson as well.
I remember his “Lethal Weapon” propoganda film back in the 80’s demonizing Whites in SA. That was a major, block-buster film used to de-humanize Whites in South Africa.
Although it’s easy to sit here in air-conditioned comfort and reasonably good health (so far) for my age and declare that I shall never commit suicide to avoid a lingering painful death, the reality is I won’t. I’m too afraid of going to Hell to risk it. Better a few months of hell on Earth than an eternity of the real thing. I can barely survive separation from Jesus in the here and now; my mind recoils in horror at the thought of never seeing Him again for all eternity.
Folks, terminal disease is no fun but it’s not as bad as you think. That may sound strange, but I was over the past year allowed the privilege of providing daily care to a terminally-ill member of my immediate family. This person, whom I have known for over twenty years, was diagnosed with Stage IV bone cancer, chemoed, and when no improvement in prognosis was noted, was sent home to die. Since I work from home, it fell to me to care for this person during the final days. I cooked the meals for this person, fed this person, cleaned this person, helped this person dress and groom, and assisted this person with the various oxygen bottles, kiddie toilets, nose plugs, and all the ghastly panoply of dying.
It was a sobering but eye-opening experience. Day by day this person’s life faded away as I watched. Soon this person’s pain broke through the protection offered by ordinary painkillers, and days and nights became filled with infernal screams and moans. Fentanyl — a frighteningly powerful pain drug so effective it can literally bring an elephant to its knees — was tried but was not an option due to allergic reaction.
At that point Mrs. Oculus and I decided to take our beloved relative on one final field trip: to the hospice.
It was, ironically, a wonderful place. No screams, no moans, plenty of comfortable places for kids to play and relatives to gather. They had laundry facilities (gratis) for those of us who had to maintain the grim, final vigil. It was decorated as a fine hotel might be, if a fine hotel were a hospital for the dying: lots of dark wood, crown moldings, subdued lighting, etc. And the high price tag, while not high enough to ensure an all-white clientele, did serve to limit black patronage to well-dressed, civil Negroes of the upper-middle class and higher.
The food seemed okay, not that our relative ate any of it. This person was full conscious and aware at first, but only because of the pure morphine IV given on day one. Pure M is still the most effective and least physically punishing analgesic used in U.S. medicine (heroin is better, but, well, you know…), but in terms of pain bone cancer is like having your entire body fed into one of Uday and Qsay’s plastic chippers, and the only way to beat that kind of pain is to lay the M on thick.
And at that level of thickness, consciousness becomes impossible. When our relative went to sleep and stayed asleep, we did the only thing left to do: we called our parish priest. The ceremony was brief and tearful for us, but eye-opening (and, I hope, spiritually beneficial) to our Protestant and Evangelical relations. I am confident that the Sacrament of Extreme Unction (as it used to be called) is effective, and I look forward to seeing our relative — a lapsed Catholic — in Heaven.
(Assuming I make the final cut myself.)
The thing about morphine is the way the body becomes tolerant to it. The more you take, the more you gotta have to achieve the same effect. And morphine doesn’t just deactivate the pain machinery; it gradually shuts down all metabolic function. As time passed, our relative’s comfort level would decrease, forcing the adminitered dosage higher and higher. After the first 48 hours or so, the dosage had to be cranked up so high that feeding and hydration per os became impossible. Our relative was placed on IV hydration. Higher went the dose. Higher climbed the pain level. Gradually the heart and lungs slowed. Gradually, the thrashing and moaning became long periods of still silence.
And then our beloved family member died. One minute, there lay a living human being; the next, a lifeless corpse. Our young child could not understand all the crying. “It’s because [****] is gone,” Mrs. Oculus explained.
“No [****] isn’t,” said our child, and reached out and patted our relative’s poor, cold, dead hand, now hanging loosely off the side of the bed. “See, [****]’s right here.”
Our relative is still “right here”. We all miss [***] every day.
Caring for a dying person is a lot of hard work, both physically and mentally, and work made no more pleasant by the seeming futility of it all. Before becoming in my own poor way a caregiver, I used to think, “If cancer comes for me, I’ll do myself in.” I couldn’t bear the thought of being a burden to my loved ones.
I see now that I was wrong. Caring for our relative was no burden. It was an honor to serve this person during the twilight of those long, final days. It wasn’t fun, and it all ended in tears, but as a result of performing this sorrowful duty I’ll go to my own death (assuming I don’t die in battle) a lot stronger now.
For that reason, I thank a merciful God for allowing me to watch [****] die an inch at a time.
Good post, Robert O.
On a personal note, I just lost my aunt to lung cancer this spring.
I travelled out to see her in her last days.
Her sons/my cousins are some of my best life long friends. Been thru it all together when we were younger.
She went thru hell with the cancer. I will honestly admit, I never thought she would have been so strong in her last days. I never saw her cry or complain from fear. My cousins, who are hard men, showed more emotion than she did.
It really blew my mind to see in front of my eyes what a strong woman she was in the end of her life.
After the funeral we all agreed that she left us a blue print on how to pass on in a dignified, utmost respectful way.
In an odd way, we all remember her strength in her passing as her legacy.
So strange to say.
“UPDATED: Tony Scott’s widow Donna has told police that the famed filmmaker/TV producer did not have brain cancer, informed insiders tell Deadline.”
Comments have gotten a little off topic.
The topic is – Tony Scott, a film director of White British working class origins died this week after a very successful Hollywood directing career. He married had two White twin boys, his movies were never anti White, PC, BRA, ZOG. Scott’s greatest movie True Romance is a very idealized, romantic White working class racial fantasy movie – with Scott’s true to his roots White working class hero taking on and defeating:
Murderous wigger pimp with Black henchmen (Gary Oldham’s greatest villain)
Racially compromised Mafia torturers
Hollywood Jews
Great movie and it seems that Tony Scott’s life was a great White life, even in Hollywood.
So you see, our people can compete and succeed even in anti White Hollywood.
Maybe Ron Howard will make a pro White movie that doesn’t involve blaspheme against Jesus Christ.
We are cotton balled from death these days. Even 100 years ago Death was part of everyday life.
Ridley Scott went in a different direction though. Historical Action films.
His bro went closer to defining America. When thinking about contemporary America, waking up from DWL stupor, who wouldn’t think to top themselves?
Robert Oculus III says:
‘Although it’s easy to sit here in air-conditioned comfort and reasonably good health (so far) for my age and declare that I shall never commit suicide to avoid a lingering painful death, the reality is I won’t.’
Hopefully, you will never have to experience unbearable physical suffering and pain. I too have witnessed the deaths of family and friends ravaged by cancer. Some would have left the scene much earlier if allowed the opportunity.
Robert Oculus III says: ‘I’m too afraid of going to Hell to risk it. Better a few months of hell on Earth than an eternity of the real thing.’
I don’t believe the supreme being/creator would send you to hell for wanting relief from intense pain, especially knowing there is no chance for recovery.
Robert Oculus III says: ‘I can barely survive separation from Jesus in the here and now; my mind recoils in horror at the thought of never seeing Him again for all eternity.’
I’m so glad to be free from your idea of a vengeful, vindictive, sadistic God.
Btw Jack,
Scott was director in many Denzel Washington vehicles and also Will Smith vehicles. He’s not exactly a guy who batted for us.
Joh says:
“Btw Jack,
Scott was director in many Denzel Washington vehicles and also Will Smith vehicles. He’s not exactly a guy who batted for us.”
Jack responds:
When one has to try to survive in Hollywood under BRA, ZOG – one has to make some concessions – same as trying to survive as an artist under Stalinism.
The Tony Scott movies I’m familiar with are not anti White, BRA – True Romance is a classic- one of THE best White movies made since the end of World War II. Plus, Tony Scott was the son of working class White Brits, who somehow managed to succeed in Hollywood. We should celebrate our own kind that manages to find ways to succeed in these rough times.
RIP Tony Scott and we at OD wish his beautiful wife and her/his twin boys all the best.
@Sam, August 21, 2012 at 6:54 pm:
Hopefully, you will never have to experience unbearable physical suffering and pain.
I have and do.
You know very little about me; with that in mind, perhaps it would be wise to avoid analyzing my character too closely, lest you inadvertently place the same foot in your mouth again.
I too have witnessed the deaths of family and friends ravaged by cancer. Some would have left the scene much earlier if allowed the opportunity.
God knows each man’s limits.
Only acts of self-destruction undertaken by those in full possession of their reason can be sinful. Self-destruction by those not in full possession of their reason (e.g., those maddened by pain, stupefied by drugs, etc.) is not necessarily suicide. God, being perfectly just, will ensure to each man his just desserts. “Shall not the Judge of all the Earth do right?” [Genesis 18:25 ]
Robert Oculus III says: ‘I’m too afraid of going to Hell to risk it. Better a few months of hell on Earth than an eternity of the real thing.’
I don’t believe the supreme being/creator would send you to hell for wanting relief from intense pain, especially knowing there is no chance for recovery.
My friend, you are mistaken. The Deity sends no one to Hell. Everyone who enters Hell enters of his or her own free will.
I’m so glad to be free from your idea of a vengeful, vindictive, sadistic God.
Are you speaking to me? My God is neither vengeful, vindictive, nor sadistic. He is omnipotent, and therefore cannot be injured, and can therefore exact no vengeance on His own behalf. He is perfect, and therefore is perfectly just, and therefore cannot be vindictive. And as for sadism: surely a God who is willing to personally suffer death rather than allow harm to come to those who hate Him (i.e. us) can in no way be thought of as One who obtains pleasure as a result of inflicting pain or watching pain inflicted on others. If God were a sadist He would never have allowed His own children to kill Him; He would have let us all go to Hell rather than sacrificing Himself to open Heaven to us all.
Your comment makes no sense. Are you certain you haven’t confused the real God with the Muslim knock-off “Allah”? The Muslims worship the same God as we do, but almost everything they think they know about Him is wrong. Perhaps you suffer from a similar misunderstanding.
Robert Oculus III says:
@Sam, August 21, 2012 at 6:54 pm:
‘You know very little about me; with that in mind, perhaps it would be wise to avoid analyzing my character too closely, lest you inadvertently place the same foot in your mouth again.’
I didn’t say anything about your character. It’s your beliefs I question. You have every right to believe as you wish.
Robert Oculus III says: ‘God knows each man’s limits.’
What does that mean? He allows/causes people to suffer excruciating pain for what reason? To see how long they can take it?
Robert Oculus III says: My friend, you are mistaken. The Deity sends no one to Hell. Everyone who enters Hell enters of his or her own free will.
Oh, please! Religious gobbledygook.
Robert Oculus III says: ‘If God were a sadist He would never have allowed His own children to kill Him; He would have let us all go to Hell rather than sacrificing Himself to open Heaven to us all.’
What kind of Eternal, Infinite being could be killed by humans? Biblical fairy tales.
Robert Oculus III says: ‘Your comment makes no sense. Are you certain you haven’t confused the real God with the Muslim knock-off “Allah”?’
Why do you think you know who or what the real God is? Muslims, Jews and Christians spilled oceans of blood. All people of the BOOK.
Robert Oculus III says: ‘The Muslims worship the same God as we do, but almost everything they think they know about Him is wrong. Perhaps you suffer from a similar misunderstanding.’
Well, I must defer to you then.
Why don’t you ask Jesus to make a speech at the United Nations. He could perform some miracles and bring a host of angels along. Or he could empty a few hospitals with merely a word. He must be bored sitting at the right hand of God for eternity.
You know him so well, give him a shout.
It’s so easy claiming to be an authority on God and potificating on matters you can’t prove in any demonstrable way.
Sam: It’s so easy claiming to be an authority on God and potificating on matters you can’t prove in any demonstrable way
Have you ever actually read any philosophy? Surely you realize that nothing can be proven in any demonstrable way! My friend, there is no way of proving that anything whatsoever exists.
And me? An authority on God? If you’ll pardon my French: Nigger, please. I’m no authority on anything outside my field of expertise, and I am most certainly not an authority on God, nor have I ever claimed to be. I am the chief of sinners and king of hypocrites. But so what? Don’t look at the dirty finger, look to where it’s pointing!
I do know that Jesus did come to Earth, and that while among us did perform many miracles and command a host of angels, which events were attested to by hundreds of witnesses, among them many skeptics. There being no hospitals at the time, He did not empty any hospitals during His time here, but he did heal hundreds of people (and raise the dead) “with merely a word”, again in front of witnesses. He then permitted Himself to be humiliated, tormented, and killed, after which He demonstrated His divinity by being raised from the dead and walking among men (hundreds of whom saw Him) after his death.
If His last visit did not convince you of his reality and beneficence, no mere speech to the UN would. He will come again, of course — but this time as a Judge. Let us all pray that we are ready when He strips away every pretense and forces us to see ourselves as we really are.
And of course Jesus does come to Earth every day, in Catholic and Orthodox churches all over the world, in the forms of bread and wine. In fact, He’s probably present right now at a parish church near you. Why not stop by for a visit with Him tomorrow? After all, if it’s all just “gobbledygook”, what’s the harm? Admire the stained glass. Enjoy the air conditioning. Maybe you’ll see a pretty girl while you’re there. Who knows?
If you can’t bring yourself to enter a Catholic church, I’m sure our friend Fr. John+ can direct you to an Orthodox church or chapel in your area.
You know him so well, give him a shout.
I shout at Him (and His mother) several times a day already. Why don’t you give Him a shout? In fact, I challenge you to do so. Wait until an appropriate opportunity presents itself, then kneel, address your thoughts to the Almighty, and say:
I do not believe in you. However, if You in fact exist, I wish to know You. I therefore respectfully pray that You demonstrate Your existence to me in a fashion that will completely erase any doubts I have concerning said existence.
You can’t lose. If your prayer is sincere, He will in his own time and by His own means unequivocally demonstrate His existence to you. I guarantee it. If He fails to do so, or if you are not sincere, then all you have lost is a minute of your time.
Go on. Take the challenge. I dare you.
He must be bored sitting at the right hand of God for eternity.
Your jejune attempt at humor aside, that is impossible. Eternity is, ipso facto, without limit, and therefore without duration. No duration, no boredom. Boredom is also an epiphenomenon of a limited mind. God, being without limit in every respect, is obviously not susceptible to any such thing.
If I may venture an opinion: I think you know perfectly well that God exists. After all, the existence of God may be known by reason alone, and is furthermore obvious from the order of the Universe. It is also engraved in the heart of every man.
You, like most atheists, doth protest too much. If God’s existence were so obviously ridiculous, you as a rational person would no more waste time debunking His existence than you would debunking the existence of Lucky, the Lucky Charms leprechaun. I can only assume that you, as I once did, are hostile to the truth precisely because you know that it is truth, and that you are terrified at the sacrifices you would be called upon to make should the truth be acknowledged. For this reason I have commended you in prayer to the intercession of Saint Thomas, martyr and patron of the doubtful righteous.
While I’m happy to continue our conversation, I’d prefer not to abuse our host’s posting privileges by continuing it here. If you wish, we may converse via private e-mail at oculusii@gmail.com. Please feel free to write at your convenience.
I’m just glad that nothing like that has that strong a grip on my entire life. These religions, ideologies, and addictions, I dunno. Like I said, I’m just glad nothing has that kind of hold on me.
I met a guy once who was such an alcoholic, when he broke his neck in a car wreck, he said the very first day he was remotely able to do so, and long before he was ready to leave the hospital or his bones had set enough to insure he would not be immediately paralyzed by so much as a slight jolt, this man left the hospital on foot to go to the nearest liquor store to get booze so he could get drunk again.
The very same insane addiction and fanaticism is present in people who take religions and ideologies to extremes. That is why, the older I get, the less stock I put in any ideologies, even the racial ones espoused by WN’s. Ideologies are not needed, if left alone, many whites do not voluntarily interact with non whites. It was the birth of so many of these intellectual ideas they call ideologies that led to the insane fanaticism we have today among so many. Ideologies are unnatural. The way people actually live contrasts sharply with the molds that so many ideologies try to force human life into.
And religion…wow!
Robert Oculus III says:
Sam: It’s so easy claiming to be an authority on God and potificating on matters you can’t prove in any demonstrable way
Robert Oculus III says: ‘Have you ever actually read any philosophy? Surely you realize that nothing can be proven in any demonstrable way! My friend, there is no way of proving that anything whatsoever exists.’
If I should order a pizza and consume it, that would be sufficient evidence for me to believe in the reality of pizza. There is more evidence of pizza then your concept of God.
Robert Oculus III says: ‘I’m no authority on anything outside my field of expertise, and I am most certainly not an authority on God, nor have I ever claimed to be.’
I have no idea of your expertise in any field, but if you clearly demonstrate yourself to be so by objective standards, I would be inclined to take your advice if needed.
So, youre not an authority on God. You are in the same class as just about every other human being as far as I know.
Robert Oculus III says: I am the chief of sinners and king of hypocrites. But so what? Don’t look at the dirty finger, look to where it’s pointing!
Christianese. If you actually were the chief of sinners and king of hypocrites I would do well to keep my distance and not engage you in debate. But you are not and you probably don’t believe you are. If you were all that, Protestants would urge you to get saved and delivered.
Robert Oculus III says: ‘I do know that Jesus did come to Earth, and that while among us did perform many miracles and command a host of angels, which events were attested to by hundreds of witnesses, among them many skeptics.’
No, you do not. You are accepting accounts written long ago. No proof other than biblical stories.
Robert Oculus III says: There being no hospitals at the time, He did not empty any hospitals during His time here, but he did heal hundreds of people (and raise the dead) “with merely a word”, again in front of witnesses. He then permitted Himself to be humiliated, tormented, and killed, after which He demonstrated His divinity by being raised from the dead and walking among men (hundreds of whom saw Him) after his death.’
More stories.
Robert Oculus III says: ‘If His last visit did not convince you of his reality and beneficence, no mere speech to the UN would.’
You are wrong! If Jesus showed up with legions of angels doing wonders and healing the sick, I would shout Hosannah! I won’t hold my breath for obvious reasons.
Robert Oculus III says: ‘And of course Jesus does come to Earth every day, in Catholic and Orthodox churches all over the world, in the forms of bread and wine.’
Rolls eyes. The little white round wafer still has all the properties of being a little round wafer. Just as the wine still looks and tastes and has all the characteristics of wine. But YOU claim it is the body and blood of Christ. Hey, what more proof does one need? Oh, brother.
Robert Oculus III says: ‘In fact, He’s probably present right now at a parish church near you. Why not stop by for a visit with Him tomorrow? After all, if it’s all just “gobbledygook”, what’s the harm?’
Once again, I’ve spent many decades of my life sitting in pews, and attending services of most Christian sects. Fasted to extremes, prayed, sang hymns, tithed, did all the stuff sincere seekers do. Was as fanatical as anyone. So what.
Robert Oculus III says: ‘Your jejune attempt at humor aside, that is impossible. Eternity is, ipso facto, without limit, and therefore without duration. No duration, no boredom. Boredom is also an epiphenomenon of a limited mind. God, being without limit in every respect, is obviously not susceptible to any such thing.’
But it is possible for humans to kill God. Lame theology.
Robert Oculus III says: ‘You, like most atheists, doth protest too much. If God’s existence were so obviously ridiculous, you as a rational person would no more waste time debunking His existence than you would debunking the existence of Lucky, the Lucky Charms leprechaun.’
In other posts I stated I was not an atheist. I just do not believe the ridiculous baloney that is reputed to be God’s word-the bible.
Robert Oculus III says: ‘I can only assume that you, as I once did, are hostile to the truth precisely because you know that it is truth, and that you are terrified at the sacrifices you would be called upon to make should the truth be acknowledged.’
I have never been hostile to God. Terrified of what sacrifices?
Robert Oculus III says: ‘For this reason I have commended you in prayer to the intercession of Saint Thomas, martyr and patron of the doubtful righteous.’
I have no need of an intercessor or any so-called saint or mountains of BS tradition and dogma. No man or woman needs any outside influence to commune with God, life, truth and eternity found in their own soul.
I certainly do not believe in a God who would cast his creation into eternal fire and everlasting torment.
There are two stories from Rome that could serve as a religious foundation.
One is about a cavalry soldier who in full armour jumps into an earthquake chasm as an act of self sacrifice. The chasm closes and the wuake stops.Hey it’s a metaphor.
The other is about an auger who is told by a sybl that a if a particular woodpecker (Mar’s sacred bird) is not killed Rome falls to an enemy. But the human who kills the bird will only live a few more days.
One of the listeners wrings the bird’s neck and in a few days is stabbed in the market.
These two examples are a sort of natural religion.
The chasm leaper is Mettus Curtius. The Praetor who wrung the woodpecker’s neck was Aelius Tubero. The two are not represented as having been under any legal obligation to do what they did; they made an individual choice for moral reasons. Not obedience to law but a means of protecting the tribe against evil by active counter measures of good.
Robert Occulus: Thanks for your post about your family member. I am sorry for the loss your family suffered. It was good of you to care for your dying relative. Your post brought tears to my eyes as I recalled my mother-in-law’s death a few years ago, of cancer. My husband cared for her and was there at her passing. She lived in another state and he was there all alone caring for her. He had hospice services come in daily but she remained in her home until the end, as she wished.
I don’t think people go to hell for committing suicide for the most part, as I believe God is merciful and would not punish those who were in severe emotional turmoil, or suffering from mental illness or feared the suffering of terminal illness. Still, it is a grievous act and shouldn’t be done.
We should pray for Mr. Scott’s family.
@Lily Della Valle, August 22, 2012 at 1:58 am
I googled ‘Cognitive Dissonance’ per Joe’s request. Here is an interesting snip from an article.
The Belief Disconfirmation Paradigm
Dissonance is aroused when people are confronted with information that is inconsistent with their beliefs. If the dissonance is not reduced by changing one’s belief, the dissonance can result in misperception or rejection or refutation of the information, seeking support from others who share the beliefs, and attempting to persuade others to restore consonance.
An early version of cognitive dissonance theory appeared in Leon Festinger’s 1956 book, When Prophecy Fails. This book gave an inside account of the increasing belief that sometimes follows the failure of a cult’s prophecy. The believers met at a pre-determined place and time, believing they alone would survive the Earth’s destruction. The appointed time came and passed without incident. They faced acute cognitive dissonance: had they been the victim of a hoax? Had they donated their worldly possessions in vain? Most members chose to believe something less dissonant: the aliens had given earth a second chance, and the group was now empowered to spread the word: earth-spoiling must stop. The group dramatically increased their proselytism despite the failed prophecy.
it’s sad folks can’t simply respect a mans faith and differing opinion and leave him be. They have to go on some type of moral crusade against it.
Stonelifter says:
‘it’s sad folks can’t simply respect a mans faith and differing opinion and leave him be. They have to go on some type of moral crusade against it.’
Every single topic on this site is discussed, debated, dissected and argued to death.
Why should religion be an exception?
I’ve read your comments on the Muslim faith. You ain’t exactly Dale Carnegie yourself.
‘it’s sad folks can’t simply respect a mans faith and differing opinion and leave him be. They have to go on some type of moral crusade against it.’
The only reason we’ve been able to ignore it the last 200 or so years is because our forbears spent 1700 years hammering out right from wrong.
But of course we have ignored it at our own peril. Every damn thing has come into take the place of all the assumptions we didn’t think we had to defend.
It will be thousands more years before we build enough steam to maintain that level of momentum towards a republic again.
After collapse, what a man believes is going to be all that matters. It’s not going to be a “live and let live” free-for-all anymore. Then the fun will really begin.
@Stonelifter, August 22, 2012 at 5:11 am: it’s sad folks can’t simply respect a mans faith and differing opinion and leave him be. They have to go on some type of moral crusade against it.
And by doing so, they lend their support to my side of the question. After all, if Christianity is so obviously nonsensical, no rational person should feel the need to debunk it in detail ad nauseam. After all, no one stops to post message after message “disproving” the existence of the Jolly Green Giant, because the very idea of a giant green man who stands about in fields hawking canned corn is ludicrous.
Yet the very mention of God brings out the debunkers like ants to a candy bar. Why? Because deep down they know that God does exist. Any person who truly found the existence of Christ to be unbelievable would simply ignore any posts related to Him, as one might skip the posts of those who believe in the Jolly Green Giant.
The fact that people write internet posts, tracts, pamphlets, and whole books about how obviously stupid it is to believe in God ironically demonstrates exactly the opposite. If belief in God is so obviously stupid, why waste time writing an internet post/tract/pamphlet/book about it?
Anyway, these two intellectual lightweights are no bother to me. Their silly non-arguments are all just adolescent posturing. I know — I used to do the same sort of thing myself. They’ll admit to the truth sooner or later, as I did.
Thanks for your support.
Jesus undoubtedly existed and he pissed off the Sanhedrin and the provincial governor. The Gospels are written so soon after the events depicted that they are fresh and vivid. He must have been quite charismatic and good at the Preaching delivery. A story ready for heresy though.
John says:
‘Jesus undoubtedly existed and he pissed off the Sanhedrin and the provincial governor. The Gospels are written so soon after the events depicted that they are fresh and vivid.’
This woman raises serious questions. Just something to consider. Video is less than 14 minutes.
Are the New Testament Gospels History? Where’s the Proof?
“If belief in God is so obviously stupid, why waste time writing an internet post/tract/pamphlet/book about it?”
I think that the energy that fuels the “New Atheists” who are currently energetically attacking religion eg. Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris et.al. is their opinion that religious belief has had a net negative effect upon society as a whole throughout the ages.
Speaking as non-beliver myself I still think that the burden of proof is on them to demonstrate that that statement is true. Although certain religious wars such as the Thirty Years War have certainly been barbaric one can argue that the true underlying causes of these conflicts were economic rather than theological. And there is no denying the civilized achievements of many of the world’s great religions.
Latest G.U.Y. Award Nominee
Pro-death actress Ellen Barkin was nominated for the G.U.Y. Award after she expressed her hope that Hurricane Isaac would kill all pro-life Republicans at the 2012 GOP Convention. (G.U.Y. stands for “Grossly Ungodly Yid” – see Romans 11:26.)
This was a big honor for Ellen as there are always many others like her who would almost sell their soul to win a G.U.Y. (Google “The Earliest Hate Criminals”).