OD notes with sadness the death of White British movie director Tony Scott – who committed suicide yesterday, jumping off the Vincent Thomas Bridge in San Pedro (Los Angeles) on Sunday afternoon. He was 68.
Scott was one of three sons born to White working-class parents in northern England. Tony Scott is pictured here with his beautiful wife Donna. Donna survives her husband’s death with two twin boys.
Tony Scott was a respected director and producer who made “Top Gun”,”Man on Fire,” “Enemy of the State” and “Beverly Hills Cop II.”
His career in television included executive producing the series series”The”The Good Wife” and “Numb3rs,” both on CBS.
Far and away my favorite Tony Scott film is “True Romance” (1993) – probably the closest we’ll ever get to an open White racialist movie produced and distributed out of Hollywood. True Romance features a working class White American hero “Clarence” (played by Christian Slater) who rescues a sweet, innocent Southern girl “Alabama” (played by Patricia Arquette). These two – true romantic, young White lovers battle terrifying, stereotypical evil Detroit Black/Wigger pimps, the Sicilian Mafia and (very surprisingly) stereotypical corrupt Jewish Hollywood shysters. The White working class hero “Clarence” (Christian Slater) even looks to White folk god/saint Elvis Presley for guidance against the terrible Black/Wigger, Mafia, Hollywood Jews.
Here’s a classic scene where our White working class hero “Clarence” confronts and faces down the evil Wigger pimp Drexle (played by Gary Oldham) and Drexle’s Black N***** henchmen. Enjoy.
There have always been plenty of White Gentiles in Hollywood. One of my favorites is this Irish/German Catholic and the epitome of Aryan beauty:
Didn’t Tarantino write True Romance?
Tarantino helped/or wrote the whole script for True Romance, but Tony Scott directed it. One can see the Tarantino influence, and Tarantino will deal in Black criminal stereotypes, but True Romance shows a very, very decidely White perspective, almost a White National Socialist perspective – as the hero is White working class, the enemies Blacks, Wiggers, Racially bastardized off Whites and Hollywood Jews. This brilliant White morality play shows Tony Scott’s White British Working Class perspective and yeah, it might as well have been made by open White National Socialists. True Romance is one of my favorite movies of all time, I urge all OD readers to rent True Romance from Netflix this week.
Jack, why do you keep insisting that Sicilians are racially-mixed with niggers? That BS has been disproven more times than I can count, but you never pass up an opportunity to try and float that myth. What is up with that?
313 Chris – this subject was introduced in the movie True Romance as the working class White father is being tortured by Sicilian Mafia.
My own opinion is that many Indo-European Whites have mixed in some ways, at bad historical times with Arabs, Turks, much less with Black Africans.
Northern Italians do look down a bit on Southern Italians, Sicilians for not being “as White” – my own view is not the same as the working class father in True Romance. The Moors did conquer Sicily, but they weren’t Black African Nig****. They were Muslim Arabs – so many Sicilians are going to look like many Greeks, Spaniards, South Americans – they are White Indo Europeans with some Arab blood, Turk blood, South and Central American Indian blood.
Make no mistake, I deeply admire Italians, Southern Italians and Sicilians, Corsicans – these Whites are tough and very RACIST – look how racist, defensive the Sicilian Mafia Don is in the True Romance movie. These groups of a bit off Whites, understand the dangers of NWs conquering Whites, messing up our gene pool – they are not blankos.
Frank Rizo is my favorite American police, political leader in the last 100 years. OK, so I don’t dislike Italians, Southern Italians – but….
Be careful with allowing Arabs, Moors, Turks, Central American Indians in to your nations, communities, gene pools.
14 Words
Note to “Clarence”: Next time, shoot them all before they beat your balls.
313Chris – I took out the link to the “Sicilian scene”. Please rent this movie and just fast forward past the “Sicilian scene” to see the rest of this great movie True Romance.
Tony Scott’s mega-hit was Top Gun.
I wonder why he topped himself.
there’s a movie there. Some bastard probably shagged his missus.
He also directed Keira Knightly in a film called Domino. Or was that Ridley?
Either way, good director. The Scott brothers are very much in the vein of Griffith.
We got a joke we tell in work [construction-don’t think it would fly in an office]
An Italians just a nigger turned inside out-I’m sure you could insert any nationality
but I heard it that way
Ah right that film flopped.
True Romance is one of my fav movies of all time.
Apparently Tony Scott had inoperable brain cancer.
But it still sucks that he decided to go out like that.
I don’t mean to be ‘insensitive’ but the most cringe=worthy part of the story was “he parked his PRIUS …..and then jumped off the bridge without hesitation”.
Hahaha. Yep he should have driven his Mustang over the cliff. Much better ending.
lol, exactly John!
I saw it many years ago. Not my favorite, but not terrible either.
It is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.
True Romance
Here is the deal on Sicilians, worked with one and one day I said us whites have to stick together and he said he was not white he was Sicilian. Met a Sicilian hipster at a bar when we were discussing Gibson’s movie “Payback” I mentioned that the mobsters were all white and he agreed it was weird because he did not consider Sicilians white.
The crazy Jamaican ought to be deported. Silly black cow.
Witch trials.
Dey be raycis!
And even then a nigger couldn’t be identified as a nigger. It’s interesting that this ctus of witchcraft accusations swirls around Harvard (witchfinders were often divity students) and New England. It even has a clear racial component from inception.
Yankees eh?
john thats OUR word, you can’t be usin’ da wurd knowwhatimsayin’, we be yankees and we be proud, you hatin’
It’s not just Sicilians, but Southern Europeans generally have low levels of sub-Saharan African genetic admixture.
This is just a genetic fact. It doesn’t mean they’re “niggers” unless you’re following some extreme version of hypodescent.
” this subject was introduced in the movie True Romance as the working class White father is being tortured by Sicilian Mafia.”
Christ, Jack. This isn’t the one with Christopher Walken and Denise Hopkins, is it? If so, then it is hardly a pro white movie. It ain’t bad, sure, but hardly pro white. Hell, Walken’s character is about right in what he says in that scene. Hopper’s son, the white hero you are talking about is dumber than a box of rocks. As Walken’s character says, he was moronic enough to leave his wallet at a crime scene.
And as I recall, isn’t the movie about a major drug haul and the “white hero’s” are trying to get the cash for it? I’d not have characterized this movie as a pro white masterpiece.
If Sicilians are not white then why do my Sicilian relatives and my brother have blonde hair and or blues eyes. Yes Sicily is a melting pot of Europe. Even the Normans conquered it at one time and added their genes to the Sicilian gene pool. That’s why Sinatra was called old blue eyes, as he himself was Sicilian.
According to everything I know, no matter what is in the genetic woodpile, Sicilians are as clannish as anyone on earth and have no interest in working with or even much being friendly with anyone else but other Sicilians.
Brutus says:
August 20, 2012 at 9:23 pm
According to everything I know, no matter what is in the genetic woodpile, Sicilians are as clannish as anyone on earth and have no interest in working with or even much being friendly with anyone else but other Sicilians.
Jack Ryan replies:
Here at OD we think being “clannish” or “Klanish” is a good thing. Whites need to stick with, look out for interest of their own clan/Klan/kind.
Yeah, I know. I also know that a good many people here know little about how “clannish” actually works in practice. This is even more the case when it comes to Sicilians.
Brutus, we are not as clannish as you think. My family has Irish and German in-laws. Where did you get this information from? Maybe the Sicilians in Sicily are clannish but not outside of there. We do not go looking only for Sicilian brides.
Italians, sure, the southern ones are darker than the northern ones, but they are still white. I use the lower case ‘white’, because I acknowledge there are different kinds of whites and we all have a right to preserve our kind and rule our countries.
I say, Italy for white Italians, Greece for white Greeks, Iceland for the Icelandic whites and so on.
I don’t want to live in a superstate where everyone is ‘White’. That would be no better than what we have under the multicult right now.
I also say, white nations have to help other white nations, because if you know anything, you know the whole world is against whites. If you think whites can stand alone against the world, look at what was done to South Africa and Zimbabwe for how that turned out.
North Africa is surprisingly white. When I look at Syria I’m astounded at how white they look. They are probably half French for the most part.
Those Middle Eastern countries were white up until 1000 years ago. They were overrun by the brown hordes of Islam, in more recent times and that is why their civilizations stagnated.
King Tut’s DNA was recently tested and found to be northern European. The closest match to his DNA are people living in south western parts of the UK.
How did the Middle East turn brown? Importation of cheap third world labor, just like we see today.
All nations are created by immigration. All nations are destroyed by immigration.
A classic scene is when Hopper explains to Walken what makes him a nigger. It’s a movie, forget about facts, it was a movie. What makes that scene is Hopper is going to die and he knows it, but he faces his inevitable death at the hands of his murders with gritty courage and one last “kiss my ass you bastards.” I read an interview Christopher Walken make to a magazine where he discussed that scene and he said they all had a ball making that scene. They were cracking up. If you pay close attention you can tell they are having to cut away in the film with Walken swinging his head around as in disbelief, he’s actually laughing.
Anyway I like the movie, but it was too graphically violent and Slater, Clarence, was a crook too.
I also say, white nations have to help other white nations, because if you know anything, you know the whole world is against whites. If you think whites can stand alone against the world, look at what was done to South Africa and Zimbabwe for how that turned out.
No, whites turned on them.
Brutus says:
‘According to everything I know, no matter what is in the genetic woodpile, Sicilians are as clannish as anyone on earth and have no interest in working with or even much being friendly with anyone else but other Sicilians.’
Not in my experience. I know I gave Joe the raspberries, but I have to chime in on his clan.
I went to school with lots of dagos. We got along well and they helped me out when I needed it most. I was kicked out of the house by my father when I was still in high school. After school hours I worked in a gas station, bakery, fruit market and pizzeria all owned by Italians related to each other. When I needed a place to stay the man who owned the gas station asked his aunt who ran a boarding house to get me a room at a low price as a favor. She charged me almost nothing and made meals for me.
An older guy named Frankie was a pro boxer, his kid brother was an amateur way back when. We hung out at a health club and they taught me how to fight. I spent all my free time there. Never had to pay. The guy in charge of membership was a DP from Sicily. I didn’t have much money so I spent all my free time working out every single day unless I was sick. I lifted, ran, sparred, worked the heavy bag. I was in great shape and all those guys treated me like family.
Almost two years later, Frankie who was a machinist put in a good word for me at a factory and I was hired. I was so happy to be making decent money. I worked hard and did the best I could. One day I was visited by a big fat nigger who was somewhat of an enforcer for the lazy ass union slugs. Told me to slow down, I was making them look bad. Well, I did not want to get everyone pissed at me, so I slowed down. Rufus (not real name) came by a few days later and once again told me to slow down.
I told him I did, but he said I was still putting out too much. I slowed the pace yet again and Ruffus paid me another visit a week later with a few niggers at his side.
After he left, Tony, Frankie’s kid brother who ran a machine across the aisle and another guy (Sal) came over and asked me if those coons were shaking me down. I said, yeah, I guess so. They suggested I needed to smack the shit out Rufus. I told them I was sure I could beat his fat ass into a pulp, but was concerned about the other groids jumping in. Tony said, he, Frankie and his crew (dagos) would have my back.
The next week Rufus waddles by and starts to talk shit. By now, I’m smokin’. I threw a huge metal pan on the floor that startled the guys in the area and they all looked at me. I bagan screaming. I told rufus I was sick of his lazy fat n****r ass and would beat the shit out of him if he opened his n****r lips and said one more f*****g word!
He said something and I said let’s go f****r and headed for the doors leading to the yard. Couldn’t fight inside, immediate termination was company policy. I looked at Frankie, Tony and Sal. They picked up lengths of rerod and followed me. They had my back and told the other monkeys to stay out of it.
I was yelling at the top of my lungs at Rufus. I called him every name imaginable. Half the shop was following us. I was so pumped. I’m stoked again just from writing this. We pushed open the double doors and it was over in less than 10 seconds. The last I saw Rufus he was lying on his fat ass coughing up blood and spitting out chiclets.
The only guys in the whole damn plant with the guts to stand with me were the dagos. Tallest one was not even 5’9″. I knew my other friends would wimp out.
The foreman told me to go home. Next day my tool box was waiting for me at the entrance. I met with manglement and was fired. Oh, well.
John says:
August 21, 2012 at 12:04 am
“No, whites turned on them.”
You saying the ANC and all the other nations that stopped trading with South Africa, were exclusively white?
And when I said the whole world, whites are also included. That makes it worse.
I can count the number of non-whites, I know of, that think the white race should be preserved and are saying so, on one finger.
All the rest think “we done them wrong” 100s of years ago and because “we done them wrong” 100s of years ago, all white children born today are racially guilty and owe them something.
I know this, because I get out on mainstream websites and argue with anti-whites.
Pre-Islam North Africa was Roman. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was Gallic and Germanic in addition to known Semite and Greek populations. (we know the Vandals ran Carthage for 100 years.) Herod had Gaulish mercenaries too.
North Africa was a white mans country when the French had Algeria.
The whites down there were fine until Thatcher and Reagan pulled the fuse.
Anyone notice the contradiction of “anti-racists” saying, white children (as a race) are forever guilty?
Yet when we say, we want homelands of our own they say, we are a social construct- ie whites do not exist, or have rights.
“Anti-racists” only acknowledge the existence of whites, when they are inciting non-whites against us.
In the Chicago building trades if you have to go with a crew the Italian ones are the best, Polacks the worst, Irish will sell you out for a beer.
John says:
August 21, 2012 at 12:33 am
“The whites down there were fine until Thatcher and Reagan pulled the fuse.”
They did the same to Zimbabwe. World economic embargo, untill they destroyed their economies.
Economic embargo is a precursor to war. They did the same to Japan. They do the same to any country they are preparing to attack. Economic embargo does not work unless everyone joins in.
Can you name any non-white countries that argued for South Africa to remain for whites and refused to blockade them?
Top Gun is good, but the thing about Top Gun is it was the last great White Movie. There will never be another movie that white for a long time even if it factually represents the truth. Can’t have a movie without some gibsmedats getting sscreen time.
Whiteness is a social construct until the guiltmongers want to blame whites.
Sorry to hear of Mr. Scott’s suicide. I wonder why someone in his position would do that. So very sad.
Overall, I didn’t like “True Romance.” Way too violent. I thought it was cute the couple named their kid “Elvis” at the end, and the Sicilian/Moor scene with Hopper and Walken was funny. Even with me being 1/2 Italian. My family is very fair so that sort of thing doesn’t bother me.
There was a really interesting discussion on the Don and Derek Black and Roy radio show not long after the Aurora, CO shootings. Roy believes director Christopher Nolan and producer Mike Judge are pro-White and you can see that in their work. I was going to post excerpts of this discussion on YouTube if I get around to it.
Too bad we don’t have directors like D.W. Griffith anymore.
Off-topic, but I thought you all should see this. And start the rebuttals, as I have done.
…..“The whites down there were fine until Thatcher and Reagan pulled the fuse.”…”
But if you do searches, sometimes they say he was a supporter of whites in SA.? What did they do? Also on Rhodesia?
Reagan and the American CIA supported UNITA during Angola Border War.
“Lily Della Valle says:
August 21, 2012 at 12:57 am
Sorry to hear of Mr. Scott’s suicide. I wonder why someone in his position would do that. So very sad. ”
They said he had inoperable brain cancer, so he probably wanted to get it over with.
A white guy is about to take over satellite radio from the jew who currently controls it.
“Roy believes director Christopher Nolan and producer Mike Judge are pro-White and you can see that in their work. I was going to post excerpts of this discussion on YouTube if I get around to it. ”
My favorite Mike Judge joke of all time is “The Time Mashine” bit in Idiocracy where in the future Hitler name is forgotten and he has been remembered as Charlie Chaplin. Anyone who knows anything about Chaplin will understand the irony.