Todd Akin, Paul Ryan’s Black Girlfriend, and the 2012 Election


As I wrote on Twitter, I am yawning and can feel a three month nap from American politics coming on after this whole manufactured Todd Akin scandal which defines the 2012 election.

Is anyone else losing interest in this stupid election? I’ve noticed a major surge in historical threads here in August – count ’em, four book reviews – which I would attribute to pure escapism.

What else is there to say about the dysfunctional American political system? Neither of these clowns has any intention of doing anything to reverse our racial decline.

Watching Joe sputter out in the comments was comparatively more interesting.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Dr. Doom: We here don’t need any more years of it, however, the general populace obviously does, as they still don’t get the picture.

  2. Rudel: McCain won Montana by a 2.2% margin in 2008, so it wasn’t exactly a red stronghold at that time. A lot of granola eating refugees from CA have moved there since then. Those L.A. assholes just love the Bitterroot Valley.

    Obama got 45% of the vote in Ada County, ID, which contained nearly a third of the state’s registered voters. The rural areas are still very red, but most of the cities have been turning increasingly blue with every election. Romney will take Idaho by a healthy margin, but the demographics are rapidly changing there. It will be interesting to compare 2012 to the last several presidential elections.

    Obama blew through McCain in WA with a 17.1% margin. I doubt that the folks out in the sticks will be able to save Romney from those city liberals.

    Same story in OR. Obama won by a 16.4% margin there and those city folks still love their wet dream nigger president.

    I think Hunter’s info was fairly accurate. The Northwest is pretty goddamn blue.

  3. “The Confederates should have done more to secure St Louis. If they’d fought there for a while the union would have been held up for a season or more.”

    They tried but in the state’s constitutional confusion they unfortunately were no match for the aggressive and ruthless actions of Captain Nathaniel Lyon and Colonel Ulysses S. Grant of the U.S. Army.

  4. John says:
    August 23, 2012 at 1:22 am

    Either that. Or: Romney wins the electorial college but loses the popular vote. That will lead to a chimp.


    Give it up. You’re the only Romney supporter left here.

  5. “I think Hunter’s info was fairly accurate. The Northwest is pretty goddamn blue.”

    I live there. Seattle/Olympia and the Willamette Valley are blue. The countryside and Idaho are not.

  6. Rudel,

    Are you concerned at all about being caught behind enemy lines or submerged when the West goes Aztlan?

    My wife has expressed an interest in the PNW.

  7. Don’t vote for RINO Romney to support him. Vote against Idi Amin/Robert Mugabe jr. so he can’t declare Martial Law during the Zombie Apocalypse on the Day the EBT Card Stops Working!

    Romney is too much WIMP to declare Martial Law, but Chimpo McKenya has probably been dreaming about it since 2007 at the latest.

    Zimbabwe or Uganda is NOT as far away as All of You imagine…

  8. I watched both Detroit and Minneapolis go down the toilet. Believe me when I tell you that places populated by people who always vote Blue don’t stay White.

  9. Believe This. If the Commie Muslim wins, there will be millions more Section 8 black terrorists going on suicide missions in your hometown!

    How would you like Holder’s INjustice Department to sue your hometown into building thousands of units of “Affordable Housing” AKA nigger roach motels?

    Feel like voting for the RINO yet?

  10. “My wife has expressed an interest in the PNW.”

    It’s beautiful here. Pristine beaches, snow capped peaks, gorgeous deserts, thick forests, skiing, boating, surfing, good hunting and fishing, and charming and livable cities (at least Portland is.)

    Racially we have almost no blacks (2% in Oregon) but there are a lot more beaners. Nothing like California though. It’s the wide open spaces pretty much anywhere off the Interstates.

  11. Isn’t Portland or thereabouts where the “You Can’t See Racism When You’re White” started? Sounds almost as bad as Jew York City when I hear all the DWL-like CRAP coming from Seattle! What’s in the Coffee up there? JUDENSCHWEISS?

  12. @Lew

    “Give it up.”

    – If you think I’d ever up, then you REALLY don’t know me.

    “You’re the only Romney supporter left here.”

    – Good. That’s how I like it. You and the other dozen or so regulars around here can happily stay home on November 6. Your participation will hardly be missed.

  13. Rudel: Oregon and Washington are the new PROMISED LAND for the ghetto folks. You are in exactly the same place now that Minnesota was in during the 70’s and 80’s. Your Blue politicians have put out the welcome mat and there isn’t a goddamn thing anybody with common sense can do about it.

    There is some good news, however. Some of the niggers who move to the NW will be leaving Texas.

  14. Listen Up White Volk! A second act of I, CHIMPO will mean All of Haiti (Hate-Whitey) and Half of Afreaka will be getting free rides and Visas to the USA.

    Believe Me. You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet! Lame Duck Nigger doesn’t need to WORRY or SWEAT those NASTY POLLS Anymore!

    RINO Romney is DEFINITELY the lesser of two Evils!

  15. And as I said before, I don’t care whether the politics are red or blue I care whether the population is White.

    That really isn’t a bad short term plan. The question is, will it remain White? All White AO’s seem to go pretty liberal, which means they draw negros and the like….

    But let’s face, we are all making the best of it as we can and as we see it, with the options available to us

    I think Dr Doom is the new joe, or the old joe with a new stick

  16. “Oregon and Washington are the new PROMISED LAND for the ghetto folks.”

    Actually the proportion of blacks is not going up. They don’t like the weather. It rains too much I guess. Portland is actually getting whiter much to the liberals dismay. Lots of you white kids are moving here.

  17. 313Chris says:
    “Give it up.”
    – If you think I’d ever up, then you REALLY don’t know me.
    “You’re the only Romney supporter left here.”

    ‘- Good. That’s how I like it. You and the other dozen or so regulars around here can happily stay home on November 6. Your participation will hardly be missed.’

    I will vote for Romney. If he stood on his head and read chapters from the Book of Mormon at the next debate it would not deter me. Onigger must go!!!

  18. Dr. Doom: Millions more section 8 niggers invading White neighborhoods is has an educational value that far more powerful than all of the websites that like White people. The reason we’re in the shape we’re in is that way too many White voters learned everything they know about niggers from watching Civil Rights propaganda TV shows and movies. When Shitonya and her brood bring all of the baby daddies to the house right next door to their underwater house, they will learn what all of us already know.

    We racist assholes who regularly visit this and other similar sites aren’t any smarter or more observant than the White folks who don’t hate niggers. The only difference between us and them is that we already received our education by being regularly exposed to TRUE NIGGAS in their natural state.

    Those niggers are great educators. Give every liberal a bunch of descendants of cannibals for neighbors and they will quit being liberals.

    It’s easy to deny or discount baboon behavior that happens a long way from home, especially when the news providers censor race as they do. When it starts happening to your family and friends it cannot be denied.

    I don’t give a fuck who wins the election. It doesn’t matter. Both candidates are too weak to keep us out of the coming world war which will fix everything.

  19. 313Detriot,

    I live in New Orleans, a city worse off than Detriot. Michigan functions. Louisiana is a de facto third-world country. I’ve seen the most feral blacks up close most of my life. In much of New Orleans, you’re taking a chance on getting killed just being on the street (NO usually leads the nation in murders per capita, almost all committed by blacks of course). I and everyone in my family has been victimized by black criminals. A black mugged my uncle a few years ago. He put a gun to my uncle’s head and demanded money. My uncle was on crutches at the time from heart surgery. I respect your determination and principles, just hate to see white people putting hope in Republicans like R/R. I’m 100% sure R will only make matters worse, and if happens to win, you’ll see.

  20. Oh, sure Lew. Because George Herbert Walker Bush is MUCH WORSE than Idi Amin or Robert Mugabe or Nelson Mandela!

    In a Pig’s Eye!

    DWLs already have seen niggers close up, and maybe even been attacked or raped by them! Its just their crappy childhood or economic disadvantage that made ’em do it, they’ll say. They’re Brainwashed. All the nigger reality on Earth just goes over their enfeebled DWL minds!

    Most Whites ALREADY HATE niggers. They just need a Good Chimpout as an EXCUSE to SHOOT THEM!

  21. @Lew

    I’m not going to get into a pissing contest about which city is more dangerous, or a sob-fest about which one of us has lost more. I promise you that myself and my family have experienced all the negroid horrors that America has to offer. And you know what? Nobody cares. Everyone else on here has been there too. This election is a symbolic round in the race-war, and I’m voting for my guy. And in the act, turn a blade in my racial enemy.

    BTW, I was sleeping with a girl in New Orleans a few years ago. The place didn’t seem worse than Detroit when I was there.

  22. Rudel: Bullshit, my White brother. Go here:

    Then scroll down to table 5.

    Don’t count on the weather to keep them away. They tolerated the slushy Michigan springs, the cold winds of Chicago and the subzero winters of Wisconsin and Minnesota. The only thing that lowers the nigger population is drastic cuts in welfare benefits.

    When Michigan cut off general assistance for single males, Minnesota got lots of Michigan niggers. When Illinois paid niggers to go away, they moved to Minnesota and Iowa.

    Those states were the Welfare Hot Spots then. You PNW folks hold that honorable position now. Niggers view kindness as weakness, so the nicer the people of any area are, the more niggers they get.

    Here’s where I got the nigger stats:

  23. I don’t vote because I know my vote won’t be counted and I am registered in a deep red state anyway. That said, I would never vote for Obama and would probably not for Romney either. Romney is horrible and I expect him to do nothing but he is white. That is is good enough for me IF someone put a gun to my head and said ‘vote or die’.

    My real vote is for .308 NATO. Since that is very expensive now, I am making the move to 7.62 Short Warsaw Pact and possible making the transition to .223. The system is illegitimate and it can’t be fixed. The next civil war won’t look like the ACW of 1861. It will look like the Spanish Civil War where over half the casualties came not from battles but from Republican and Nationalist death squads liquidating each other.

  24. “Those states were the Welfare Hot Spots then. You PNW folks hold that honorable position now.”

    Thanks for the info although an increase of o.8% is hardly a “hot spot.” My census tract actually has less blacks but more Asians. Intel likes to hire them as engineers instead of whites.

  25. Dr Doom – thanks for the head’s up. All sincere criticism is appreciated!

    By the by – some people are not “crazy” – some people are ZOG’s little Golems, making money off of the destructon of Whites, and others, everywhere. Some people know that whne Israel attacks Iran, their greedy Roid Rage keysters will be on the actual line, and they have to put up for all the sucking up of the Golden Tax Payer Flakes they’ve been scooping for waaaaaaayy too long. There are White Race Traitors. Lots of ’em. That’s why I want ZOG’S Army of Orcs to go meet their fate in Iran.

    Stop back to my blog tonight. I have another idea for a post. I tend to post very late, due to scheduling.

  26. Dr. Doom – I was having a lot of fun with my Pussy Riot denunciation. I did go on….you wouldn’t believe what I edited….

  27. “That’s why I want ZOG’S Army of Orcs to go meet their fate in Iran.”

    Israel and the United States aren’t going to invade Iran, they are merely going to bomb it. The Persians are way more advanced and populous than the Afghan Pashtuns and can count on an endless supply of weapons directly from Russia and China. If we went into Iran in force of less strength than that of the total mobilization we had in WWII (including re-instituting the draft), it would be a quagmire of defeat just as Afghanistan is. If we actually invaded in sufficient numbers to defeat the Persians it could lead to a direct confrontation with Russian troops in mountainous terrain. Think of the bloody (and useless) Italian campaign in WWII only with far more difficult logistic support. Massive casualties. Civil unrest in the US.

    Even if we bomb the well dispersed nuclear facilities they will wreak havoc on the shipping of oil in tankers from the Persian Gulf. The Chinese need that oil. They would take North Korea off the leash, and maybe even invade Taiwan. The US Navy would have to retreat out into the Indian Ocean or risk getting sunk by a hail of Russian anti-ship missiles. We would be shooting ourselves in the foot.

    Going after Iran is a step too far even for those insane imbeciles in the Pentagon.

  28. I forgot about China and Iran be cozy. No way would we cross China and Russia. Wouldn’t cross one or the other over something we think they’d fight about, damn sure not both at the same time.

  29. and “ZOG’s army of orcs” is overwhelming White and male. That’s who would get killed in large numbers in Iran

  30. “And as I said before, I don’t care whether the politics are red or blue I care whether the population is White.”- Rudel

    Finally, something we can agree on.


  31. “Rudel: Oregon and Washington are the new PROMISED LAND for the ghetto folks. You are in exactly the same place now that Minnesota was in during the 70?s and 80?s. Your Blue politicians have put out the welcome mat and there isn’t a goddamn thing anybody with common sense can do about it.” – PRB

    Oh, yes, PLEASE, Oregon and Seattle- TAKE OUR NIGGERS, OUR SOMALIS, our THURD WORLD DEFECTIVES, longing to be free…. of our superior Nordo/Germanic high IQ school systems.

    PLEASE. I’d like my Minnesota back, thank you…. pre- 1965, pre- Humphrey, pre-Mondale. i.e., White America.

  32. “and “ZOG’s army of orcs” is overwhelming White and male. That’s who would get killed in large numbers in Iran”

    Denise thinks they should all die because the are “race traitors.” She sounds more like a man-hating lesbian than an actual white woman.

  33. “our superior Nordo/Germanic high IQ school systems.”

    Lot’s of descendants of Scandinavians up here. That’s one of the reasons it is so left wing. (But I do like all those tall long legged blonde beauties.)

  34. I WANT our dumbass leaders to mix it up with China, but it isn’t likely that America would make the first move because it would destroy the Wall Street boys and their Dividend Kings if we cut them off from the earnings from all of the American companies that now build their products there.

    A war with China would be the best thing that could happen to folks here. It is the only thing that will bring back all of those great middle class manufacturing jobs that used to feed our kids and pay our bills. However, no politician is purposely going to buck against the big money boys who taught us that xenophobia is a bad word.

    On the outside chance that China would jump us, I think we could count on Japan, the Philippines and Viet Nam to back us up against the Yellow Giant. All of those countries feel threatened by China, and I am sure that Japan would love to pick back up where they left of in Nan King.

    Potential trouble with the Big C is looming in Syria, Iran and all over Africa, but I’m sure that the only thing that could prompt a third world war that pits us against China would be the election of a bumbling, weak president here in the U.S. in November, and what’s the chance of that happening?

  35. “Lot’s of descendants of Scandinavians up here. That’s one of the reasons it is so left wing. (But I do like all those tall long legged blonde beauties.)”-Rudel

    Actually, one of the first places the Bolsheviks targeted, after consolidating power in Russia, was the Iron Range of Duluth, MN, starting in 1920- believe it or not. Finns happen to live in both areas, (Iron Range/St. Petersburg/Helsinki) so perhaps there was a linguistic ability to ‘corrupt trusting minds’ Couple that with the Nordic’s desire to ‘care for their own,’ it was a seventy year ‘capture of the institutions.’ While I don’t think anyone on this forum would mind a socialism devoted to one’s own VOLK, what the Bolshies did to the simple-minded, trusting farmers and laborers, was to make them believe the lie that ‘all men are created equal.’ That, and the ‘cujus regio, ejuus religio’ mindset of Lutheran piety, largely crippled political involvement by the more conservative wings of Lutheranism (the ELS, LCMS, Norwegian Synod, Apostolic Lutheran Church, etc.) until most of it was captured by the truly socialist/communist wing of what eventually became the ELCA, starting in the 1950’s.

    And, because these former Vikings are now made to be ‘conformist’ in extremis, most of them follow along- the ‘seven last words of Lutherans’ are: We’ve never done it that way before! So, it takes someone like a Michele Bachmann to even crack the door of intellectual conformity- and, as you saw, she still believes the fallacy that Occupied Palestine’s owners are God’s People.

    So, ja, it’s a historico-cultural thing up here, that now ‘appears’ to be how all people of my area believe, but less and less of them remain. ELCA Lutheran communicant stats are starting to plummet, just like the TEC’s did, when they ‘libbed over.’ We’ve even got a Ron Paul admirer now running for Senate against the ‘Klobuchar Dynasty’!

    Who knows? Perhaps the nut is finally cracking in the hidebound steppes of Central USA.

  36. Oh Lew!

    My last friend left N.O. after a night-long break-in where they were tied up all night long.

    Later, that friend left the country. Surely, the exodus of the Generational Americans is significant but not discussed. They survived the war, reconstruction, the sixes— but ONLY NOW are leaving.

    In other words, what came in is worse than the war.

    It sort of begs the question: which is really worse — “hard” or “soft” destruction (genocide) of populations?

    Certainly, the soft way (the Secretive and hidden immigration policies, “displacement,” economic “disempowerment,” disinformation media, thought reform and re-education “programs,” bold re-writing of “history,” reforming “identity”, etc)—- adds up to psychological distress that people seem to say is worse (by voting with their feet, out of the country)

    OT, I know. sorry. But if Southerners lived through all that… THEN they leave now, it says something.

  37. It indicates that there’s been a breakdown in Spirit.

    150 whites can hold off 4,000 of the savages if they are disciplined.

  38. Rudel: Yep, you just have to like those Scandinavian women. This is more or less typical of the ones I met when I first arrived in Minneapolis in the early 70’s:,r:25,s:36,i:332

  39. “I WANT our dumbass leaders to mix it up with China”

    Bad idea. Eisenhower was right in avoiding further land war in Asia.
    China is five thousand miles away and we don’t have such a good record fighting land wars on the Asian mainland. They shoved us back from the Yalu River quite smartly. Winning in Vietnam would have required the full mobilization of the country, invasion of the North, and a lot more troops on the ground. Enough troops to deter the Chinese from intervening like they did in Korea when we got close to their borders. Hard to do when they have five times the population that we do.

    It is extremely unwise to try and station troops in a country with a common border with either Russia or China. We are violating their direct sphere of influence. That’s why we are getting out of all the ‘stans even as we speak. The Russians only reluctantly permitted it when they were relatively weaker.

    One thing I would support before we go is the seizure of all of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal and the destruction of their nuclear production facilities. We can’t afford to let the jihadists get possession of that stuff if Pakistan’s military dictatorship falls. Might as well do it while we are there and have the chance to do so. It’s the only reason we are still in the area anyway.


    If spending on military hardware was good for the economy then every nation would be pumping out aircraft carriers and immediately sinking them in the ocean and making more in order to build their way to prosperity. It is absurd on the face of it.

    Worthwhile spending is on productive capacity such as infrastructure like pipelines, railroads, highways, bridges, navigation channels, robotic factories, generating plants, transmission lines, and ports.

  40. Rudel: Perhaps you were too busy or too young to notice that short war with the high body count between China and Viet Nam in 1979. All of the online sources put the total number dead at thirty thousand, but immediately after the war the news reports here stated that China lost a million men.

    Whatever the loss to China, they obviously got their asses handed to them because they retreated in less than a month.

    Any war we fight with China would likely be a Navy war in the Pacific and a land war in Africa and the Middle East. I think we have an edge in a maritime war and I believe that we would have a logistical edge in any war that is an away game for both teams.

    Furthermore, look at our potential allies in a war against China in the Middle East. I believe that the U.N. diplomats would have a hard time keeping India out of a war that gives them an opportunity to drop bombs on Muslim soil.

    As always, we would have the backing of all of the English speaking countries and a bunch of former Soviet satellite countries. I think that, as in WW2, Russia would fight its own war against an enemy we have in common. Also, as in WW2 their motivation would be to scoop up countries that have resources they need.

    And then there are all of the South East Asian countries who dislike China enough to jump in on the our side. The only country over there that likes the Chinese are the North Koreans and they are worthless and weak.

    As for China, itself, it is perpetually on the verge of civil disorder and chaos. A war that involved massive layoffs due to fact that their biggest trading partner was now their biggest enemy would cause all of their major cities to erupt.

    That is why I would like to go to war with China.

    The biggest problem here would not be the war itself. Our biggest challenge would be to find Americans with the technical skills required to reconstruct and maintain our new industrial base. Competent machinists, millwrights and other skilled tradesmen are hard to find in the U.S.A. nowadays.

  41. “Any war we fight with China would likely be a Navy war in the Pacific and a land war in Africa and the Middle East.”

    China is not going to send any troops to Africa or the Middle East. They rely on tribal surrogates to prop up their trade relationships with African dictatorships.

    Our navy is extremely vulnerable to anti-ship missiles and would not be able to repel an attack of 5000 landing craft crossing the straight to Taiwan. Nor would the United States have the stomach for it.

    Why would Russia fight against China in a U.S./Israeli war against Iran? It makes no sense. As I stated before we would be the common enemy.

    You seem to be advocating WWIII. You are insane.

  42. Rudel: Insane or not, WW3 is on its way.

    Russia would fight its own war in Africa for two reasons. The spoils, and to make sure that the U.S. won. Russia may still be rubbing some of the Cold War bruises, but they know that as world powers go, America is the better big kid to have on the block.

    As for the U.S. not having the stomach for jumping China’s ass, you are right if you are talking about our pussy politicians. However, you are way off base if you don’t think that all of the Daddy Warbucks bomb makers don’t have the guts to push the politicians into it.

    Also, don’t overlook our Zionist Occupied Congress. Israel will have the most to lose in a war that involves the Chinese backing up their sworn enemies. Did you know that congress voted twice about getting involved in WW2? Yeah, they did. The first time, they voted overwhelmingly against getting involved. Then the Jews had a big meeting at the old Madison Square Garden and a week later congress voted overwhelmingly to get involved. Shortly thereafter we were blockading ship traffic between Japan and Germany and you know the rest.

    Don’t underestimate Taiwan, either. There is a damned good reason the Chinese have been holding in their desire to crush the tiny island, and it’s not just because it might piss off the U.S. and Japan. Many years ago there was speculation that Taiwan had nukes. They are our friends, so everybody just looked the other way and forgot about it.

    I am wondering what you think China is. Do you actually believe that it is one big happy, yellow, homogeneous place? It’s not. Lot’s of easy to verify tears in their national fabric. Regional prejudice. Language barriers. Forced abortions and sterilization. Widespread poverty in the inland provinces. Plenty of unhappy Chinese.

    Their industrial base is extremely vulnerable to bombs. No industry means no jobs and no jobs means that the weak bond of capitalism that has allowed some Chinese to think of themselves as first world citizens will break.

    As far as I can tell, China is not nearly as formidable as you seem to think. They can, however, be portrayed as a boogieman at a time when world economies could really use a boogieman.

    In conclusion, I will state that I suspect that the puppet masters have a plan that will not bode well for China, the Middle East or Africa.

  43. “Rudel says:
    August 23, 2012 at 3:37 pm
    “and “ZOG’s army of orcs” is overwhelming White and male. That’s who would get killed in large numbers in Iran”

    Denise thinks they should all die because the are “race traitors.” She sounds more like a man-hating lesbian than an actual white woman.”

    Screw OFF Rudel. I hate ANY-ONE that acts against the White Race. There are LOADS of non-Whites in the “US Armed Forces”. Lesbians are being placed in cushy Command jobs. Making the decisions. The JooS Military is also drugged to the gills (Especially the White Fly Boys). Meanwhile – the TOP Command is all Israeli. ObamaHolder WILL use the Orc Army against Americans.

    Why arent the straight White MEN in the USA Army stopping all of this? Why hasn’t their been a coup? All the high-ranking types are slurping up to their Israeli Masters – or QUITTING, like little bitches, so they won’t lose their retiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirement payola. They are NOTHING more than rent-seeking whores.

    I hope we go into Iran, and Iran cleans up the MESS.

  44. Playing Roots Backwards says:
    August 23, 2012 at 6:50 pm
    Rudel: Insane or not, WW3 is on its way.

    Also, don’t overlook our Zionist Occupied Congress. Israel will have the most to lose in a war that involves the Chinese backing up their sworn enemies. Did you know that congress voted twice about getting involved in WW2? Yeah, they did. The first time, they voted overwhelmingly against getting involved. Then the Jews had a big meeting at the old Madison Square Garden and a week later congress voted overwhelmingly to get involved. Shortly thereafter we were blockading ship traffic between Japan and Germany and you know the rest.”

    See? Congress was most likely mostly White and certianly male then, and ALL those Big Brave White Males jumped like puppies for Sheeny Gelte.

    SCREW any-one who acts against Whites. Come Ragnarok – come. (and I guess are the Merc Whores will have to get out on the playing field too, and out of the “Love U Wrong Time” Slant whore-houses. Bummer!)

  45. “In conclusion, I will state that I suspect that the puppet masters have a plan that will not bode well for China, the Middle East or Africa.”

    I argued that attacking Iran by air would be a self destructive strategy for the US because Iran could easily close the Straight of Hormuz to oil tankers. This would severely damage the global economy and lead to a possible Chinese reaction against it as they need that oil.

    I also argued that a massive ground invasion of Iran would require a mobilization of military force that would be unsupported by the American people, one that we would be unlikely to win, and one that most likely would bring Russian troops directly into conflict with American forces (an extremely dangerous scenario, due to our Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile arsenals, that both countries have mutually avoided with great difficulty since 1945.)

    You argue for war with China (one of our biggest trading partners) for no reason other than you think it would be a good idea in general although God knows why.

    PS – China bit off more than they could chew in 1979 because:
    1) they had limited aims that only sought a minor border re-alignment and
    2) they ran into some of the most battle hardened troops on the planet.

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