Caribbean Project: The Proto South

The birth of plantation slavery in the Canary Islands
Canary Islands

I’ve just read a fascinating essay in The Caribbean: A History of the Region and Its Peoples that is essentially a prehistory of the Southern plantation system:

(1) Sugarcane comes from the Persian Gulf and was first cultivated by Muslims in Iraq with black slaves from East Africa during the seventh and eighth centuries.

(2) Sugar was unknown in Europe during Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages – honey and fruit juices were used as sweeteners.

(3) From Iraq, the Muslims spread sugarcane to Egypt, North Africa, southern Spain, and Sicily under the Caliphate.

(4) Sugar was grown throughout southern Spain during al-Andalus. It was becoming more familiar to European through merchants who traded in Egyptian ports.

(5) During the Crusades, Europeans encountered fields of “honey wood” in Palestine and Syria, and the Crusader states would harvest it and sell it to Europe where a market developed for it.

(6) The Venetians brought sugarcane to Cyprus and Crete and it was cultivated in Sicily before and after the Norman Conquest.

(7) In the Late Middle Ages, sugarcane was being grown on free labor plantations around the fringes of Europe in southern Spain, Sicily, Cyprus, and Crete. Even here, sugarcane is a tropical plant and didn’t grow well in southern Spain and Sicily which are colder and drier and are at the northern fringes of its range.

(8) In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the Spanish and Portuguese would famously begin the Age of Exploration, and quickly came across the Azores, Canary Islands, Madeira, Porto Santo, and the Cape Verde Islands off the coast of Africa.

(9) In Madeira and the Canary Islands, the Spanish and Portuguese created the prototype of the plantation system.

Madeira was uninhabitated and was burned off to make way for sugarcane plantations. In the Canary Islands, the natives were enslaved, and the Portuguese brought Berbers, other North Africans, black slaves from West Africa, and some European free laborers to work on sugarcane plantations.

The conquest and colonization of the Canary Islands was the prototype for the conquest of the Caribbean and the creation of the South Atlantic System which would eventually spread to southern North America and northern South America.

The Canary Islands became a commercially oriented colony that existed not for its own sake, but as a testing ground for the type of unrestricted mercantile capitalism that would export valuable tropical commodities back to European markets.

(10) In 1493, Christopher Columbus would transplant sugarcane in La Isabela on the north coast of the Dominican Republic during his second voyage to the New World.

Why is this so significant? WNs will see it as a terrible thing: the introduction and exploitation of blacks in the Americas.

It actually represents the very beginning of a type of society that had never existed before in European history: the development of fixed ideas about race, white supremacy, whiteness as a type of racial nobility, the idea that whites are natural masters fit to command non-Whites who are natural slaves, and especially White racial consciousness.

WNs are so accustomed to thinking in terms of racial differences and racial solidarity and the desire to expel all non-Whites that they fail to realize that this is a creole way of looking at the world that has a history which begins in the plantation societies of the Early Modern Caribbean.

There is a road from the Spanish conquest of Hispanolia to the unprecedented slave society that was created in English Barbados to colonial South Carolina and Virginia and from there across all of Dixie and through the cultural influence of the South to the rest of the United States.

It will all be covered in the book.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The sugarcane ethnobotany is interesting, but the critique of WN and the view of “natural masters fit to command non-Whites” is very disturbing!

  2. Exactly,

    If you look at Hollywood —we’re are thankfully moving toward a total deconstruction of the hollywood mythos— there is such a preponderance of films that are anti-southern and blaming the anglo-celt south for all the world’s slavery, when it just ain’t so.

    Even if it’s what I thought while growing up.

    And now Portugal is the most homogenous state in the world, outside Japan, with Spain and Italy running close seconds— when they had the most slaves.

    So, how does one get various Tarantino’s (Django unchained, which I haven’t seen, I’m just assuming, but we’ll see how he plays it out)—- off of transferring the blame for slavery onto the anglo-celt South and its children. “Mexicans” aren’t making Django or Machete or whatever, (obviously).

    And that being the case, the policies and media add up to Genocide, with a target being the anglo-celt south.

    Do you think HRA (hispanic run) will be better? (A neighbor was brutally done in by an illegal, btw)

  3. Could this approach of preserving the Caribbean (“Golden Circle”) civilisation, with its essential African “natural slave” element, not become a harmful distraction from the work of preserving our endangered Occidental civilisation (including its essential moral-religious element, otherwise known as TRUE Christianity) as a whole?

  4. Lucky Portugal, Spain and It-lee now… right? While the anglo-celt Southron gets the real “payback” for having done all the evil deeds of the universe. They are all over 95% homogenous while “America is for everybody.”

  5. You see HW is a crypto and he slipped and let out a blurb “natural masters.” Yep that’s it.

  6. The point is that Europeans were not accustomed to thinking in terms of race or racial solidarity – it was a gradual process that evolved in the New World plantation societies in the Caribbean in the sixteenth century.

    Europeans at this time had very vague ideas about race and did not live in race based societies. As they began to explore Africa, Asia, and the Americas, they began to develop ideas about race and the importance of whiteness.

    Race had previously not been very important because everyone in Europe was White and all the European nations were closely related. Religion was the major organizing principle in “Christendom.”

    White racial consciousness was part of the process of creolization or the settlement of Europeans in the New World and especially the first generations of Europeans who were born in the Americas.

  7. Mosin,

    I don’t think so.

    The major problem that we are facing is the tendency of Whites to define themselves ideologically instead of ethnically or racially. As I have explained, this tendency of Whites to define themselves ideologically goes back to the American Revolution and French Revolution.

    In the Americas, the tendency to define ourselves racially and ethnically is the older way of thinking, it goes back to the conquest of the New World and the creation of slave societies, and the American Revolution imposed an ideological grid upon this older way of thinking that violently clashes with it and has succeded in eroding it over time.

    In Europe, racial consciousness has always been far weaker than in the colonies, and the tendency to think ideologically has always been much greater there. This proved to be a disaster for the Caribbean slave societies that were destroyed by metropolitan ideological fanaticism.

  8. I was being serious about the “natural masters” comment.

    Think about it: WNs would expel all non-Whites purely on racial grounds. They have no ethical reservations about doing so. That’s remarkable when you think about it.

    It doesn’t matter to WNs that blacks are citizens. It doesn’t matter that they are Christians or “human beings” and thus entitled to “human rights.”

    WNs just assume that Whites should command non-Whites. They should dispose of non-Whites because it suits them to do so and furthers their project of creating an all-White ethnostate.

    Where does this type of thinking come from? It is part.of our slavery heritage.

  9. Euros met the Asiatics of the Khans, I gather they were rather racialized from it. One blurb I read about the conquests was when the Khan empire crumbled as fast as they did the whites killed anything that looked gookish. I don’t have much to back that up though. If true they too had the “day of the rope” Commander Harold’s ancestors.

  10. “Portugal is the most homogenous state in the world…they had the most slaves.”

    The imported slaves contributed their DNA to the present mixture, especially in southern Portugal, south of Lisbon.

  11. “Hunter Wallace says:
    August 24, 2012 at 7:15 pm

    Think about it: WNs would expel all non-Whites purely on racial grounds. They have no ethical reservations about doing so. That’s remarkable when you think about it.”

    That policiy is THE highest example of TRUE ethics, that there is.

    White Planet.


    All the factions and substrata of White can fight each other, ad infinitum, ever after. Planet White FIRST, though….

  12. “I was being serious about the ‘natural masters’ comment. (…) It is part of our slavery heritage.”

    It did appear so. It was clear in the original comment that “natural masters fit to command non-Whites” is your position.

    You just added: “WNs would expel all non-Whites purely on racial grounds. They have no ethical reservations about doing so. (…) It doesn’t matter that blacks are citizens. It doesn’t matter that they are Christians or ‘human beings’ and thus entitled to ‘human rights.’ ”

    — whereas the “Golden Circle” approach is to KEEP them in place, perhaps import more, and enslave or “command” them?

  13. Dixiegirl, although “most homogenEous,” southern Portugal (“Portuguese Dixie”), with its slavery heritage, now has a significantly lower average IQ than the rest of Portugal, and Europe.

  14. “Where does this type of thinking come from?” A very good question.

    I mean the kind of CRUEL thinking you ascribe to WN’s — that WN’s DON’T CARE care if blacks are Christians or human beings.

    So where would such thinking come from, ultimately? From “heritage” or — as one old preacher I knew used to say, “Don’t say it’s the German in me, or the Irish in me, because it’s really the Devil in you that makes you this way” — from the enemy of our souls?

    So WN’s are said to have this cruel mode of thought, whereas Golden Circlers are benevolent masters.

  15. Not necessarily.

    In Europe, kingdoms and societies had been organized on the basis of Christianity, and what happened in the Caribbean did not happen in Europe – a new kind of society was built there, something that had not existed before.
    The conquest of the New World created a space where the normal rules in Europe did not apply. Universal morality kind of had an off switch that was crossed in the Atlantic.

  16. That’s not what I am saying.

    I’m saying there is a historical connection: the tendency to think in racial terms and to suspend other forms of inclusion, namely, ideological belonging in a republican state, or Christian belonging in a shared religion.

    WNs would just expel the non-Whites regardless of their citizenship or their religious affiliations. Where does this type of thinking come from? It is of our slavery heritage

  17. BTW, the retort that WNs would expel the blacks whereas white supremacists exploited them isn’t substantially different: in both cases, the blacks are disposed of according to the will of the dominant race.

  18. I understand the nuances now, Hunter, but still do not accept the dichotomy of WN expulsionism and “Caribbean” exploitationism. There is a third position, at least. Occidental preservationists NEED NOT take the un-Christian premise of “natural masters command.”

  19. Rudel, that Scarlett is no heroine, but the characterisation of a spoiled brat. As the old preacher said, not the Irish in her, but the Devil.

  20. @ RobRoy who wrote: “Euros met the Asiatics of the Khans, I gather they were rather racialized from it. One blurb I read about the conquests was when the Khan empire crumbled as fast as they did the whites killed anything that looked gookish. I don’t have much to back that up though.”

    I also thought of that immediately, and of the Magyars, Turks and Moors also, when Hunter wrote that Europeans were not much exposed to other races and were not “racialised” before coming to the New World.

    They did think of their enemies more in religious than racial terms, though — seeing their enemies mostly as Mahometans and shamanists who also happened to be darker-skinned.

  21. No Indian warriors at all among my ancestors, though some family settled on the frontier very early in the colonial period, but I do have ancestors who distinguished themselves at Tours, A.D. 732.

  22. “Rudel, that Scarlett is no heroine, but the characterisation of a spoiled brat. As the old preacher said, not the Irish in her, but the Devil.”

    She sure wuz hawt!!!

  23. “I do have ancestors who distinguished themselves at Tours, A.D. 732.”

    If you are White there is an almost demographic certainty (99.9999%) that you are a direct descendant of Charlemagne.

  24. Good on Hunter. Whites should be busy with higher pursuits as the Negroes shine and stink in the sun. Negroes are a problem once unleashed (literally or figuratively) and empowered by wealth redistribution.

    Multi-racialism and nationalism aren’t at odds in New World white supremacist states. There are Israeli-state funded organizations dedicated to scouring the globe for colored ‘lost tribes’ and third-world converts for immigration to Israel. Shavei is one such organization. They eagerly import “Jews” of all races into Israel because they need an underclass that will sweep the streets and acquiesce to their Latin+Germanic coreligionists.

    A caste-system like that only works in monocultural societies such as Israel or the Old South – where savage Negroes were for the most part christianized. The failure to stampout Negro syncreticism is what we have to thank for “black churches” and their unbearable howling. Accepting their primitive culture as valid is falsehope for them & suicide by relativism for us.

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