Ta-Nehisi’s Epic Nigga Whine

The Atlantic

Even though blacks are evangelical Protestants who speak the English language and have lived among us for almost four centuries, the racial gulf between the White South and Black America is far greater than the gulf between Southerners and France or Russia.

Black America is a foreign country living among us:

” The irony of President Barack Obama is best captured in his comments on the death of Trayvon Martin, and the ensuing fray. Obama has pitched his presidency as a monument to moderation. He peppers his speeches with nods to ideas originally held by conservatives. He routinely cites Ronald Reagan. He effusively praises the enduring wisdom of the American people, and believes that the height of insight lies in the town square. Despite his sloganeering for change and progress, Obama is a conservative revolutionary, and nowhere is his conservative character revealed more than in the very sphere where he holds singular gravity—race …

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The goofy Black name thing is the best example of being a separate tribe in the US. Immigrants that want to assimilate typically pick normal sounding American names. B lacks have been here for 200 plus years, and the majority of Blacks still refuse to get with the program with normal names. They are immigrants who refuse to assimilate, take pride in it, and (of course), complain about it.

  2. The essay by Ta-Nehisi Coates is absolute bunk. It leaves out facts that would prevent the author to assert his radical negro position.

    The fact of the matter was and remains that Trayvon Martin was a 17 year old negro thug that attacked a man who was armed to protect himself from just such an occurrence.

    Trayvon Martin received justice, much sooner than his family, who knew full well what he was, expected. They thought Trayvon had several more years of thuggery before he’d come up short. They were wrong.

  3. Any pics of this?

    “Then the first black president spoke, and the Internet bloomed. Young people began “Trayvoning”—mocking the death of a black boy by photographing themselves in hoodies, with Skittles and iced tea, in a death pose.”

  4. Hilarious pics. That would make a good idea for costume to a Halloween party. Top it off with full blackface, and a bullet wound on the front of the hoodie.

  5. I was in nigger town today (N. Vegas), on business. I went in to Mc Donalds to get something to drink. I never eat that shit food.
    I kid you not, the young teen age nigger that gave me my cup had a name tag on.
    His name was ,Trayvon.
    The place was packed with wild niggers hooping and hollaring.
    I can’t wait to get the hell out of this shit city.

    All the feral niggers there had flashy clothes and new shoes (welfare money and drug money). Heads turned when I walked in. They don’t like White people and don’t hide it.
    I don’t like niggers and I don’t hide it either.

  6. Hinter : Forgive me for once again posting somewhat O/T, but you MUST watch this DWL take on modern-day South Africa, in particular the Rainbow Nation’s modern EMT service. It’s more of the same: out-of-control nigger criminality everywhere, good-hearted white people not only staunching the blood flow, but also refusing to name the disease by its name.

    Like 99% of White Western documentaries on Africa and the Black Undertow in general, you will see that the de-balled white filmmaker blames the criminal chaos on the usual suspects, and most def NOT on the real causes (innate low-IQ nigger violence programmed thousands of years ago in the tiny reptilian negro brain, which really does weigh 20% less than Asian and White brains).

    Note: As I watch the black undertow unfold on my computer screen in SA, to the left of my POV in this hotel room there is local basic cable broadcasting A&E’s “The First 48”, which as you all know documents negro criminality in the USA.


  7. Thought the admins might be interested in this, since Jack thought they got immigration right in Australia,

    “Australia to boost refugee numbers
    Australia said it would increase its annual refugee intake by 40 per cent to 20,000 a year, as part of a plan to deter people smugglers.”


    Bob- Whitaker said something like,
    “There is no point defending the border, in a multiracial country.”

    So as I pointed out, “victories” over border protection are a con, to put the public to sleep. White Genocide will continue, until we force them to address it.

  8. But it would be wrong to attribute the burgeoning support for Zimmerman to the blunders of Spike Lee or an NBC producer.
    ta-ne…. whatever the hell name that is

    It would be wrong? How and why?

  9. Anon says:
    August 24, 2012 at 7:03 am

    “Is she really that dumb, or has no one simply pointed out world birth rates to her?”

    She is not dumb, or misguided, she is anti-white and knows exactly what will happen. The problem with so many pro whites, is we assume these so called “anti-racists” have good intentions. They do not have good intentions, because they only target white countries.

    Julia Gillard downplays her radical past

  10. The foreign country that blacks create shall also create a foreign country of White nationalists who respond to this. We are making neurosemiotic emigration — for example, by not participating in mass media or pro sports.

  11. Kievsky says:

    We are making neurosemiotic emigration — for example, by not participating in mass media or pro sports.

    Funny. They basically own the mass media and many pro teams.

    The Protocols outlined it, Mein Kampf outlined it, and now we’re we’re living in it.

  12. I drive a lot and occasionally listen to the XM negro radio station, the Power, for entertainment. If you want to see the negro bizarro version of reality just listen to the whining on that station for five minutes.

    I almost drove off the road one day when one of hosts went on about how white men want to rape female negroes as they were able to in the days of slavery and Jim Crow ! One look at crime stats would tell you that the white to negro rape percentage is statistically zero. Any white man I know would rather be hit over the head with a dead dog than touch a female negro yet they actually believe white men are plotting how to take advantage of their females.

  13. “Any white man I know would rather be hit over the head with a dead dog than touch a female negro yet they actually believe white men are plotting how to take advantage of their females.”

    It’s projection. Since a black male will boink anything and everything (as evidenced by the fact that they’ll tap a black female) they assume White men will have relations with anything and everything, including black females.

  14. All such articles are opportunity for defense that White people always choose not to take, deciding to “keep it where it is,” not Reframe the debate onto their own issues, and continue with the status quo.

    Incitement —which is discussed here— the constant return to “racial incitement” is part of Polarization (different populations seeing different REALITIES, which are not discussed) and Polarization is an acknowledged and discussed aspect of GeNOcide. A STEP toward Genocide (if you search Genocide Watch).

    Why is the leader of the nation pushing polarization, i.e. White Genocide?

    Of course, this will not be discussed.

    Nor will one day pass without mention of pesky Protestants. Blacks are whatever their version of “Protestant” influenced by White religions, (in many regions) because Protestants (north and south) were ALL THAT LIVED in the republic. The effect of this is to backdoor-malign a huge chunk of the White population.

    “Even though Mexicans are all catholics, since spain conquered them, about 50% speak a form of English, if Latinized, and the gulf between them and….

    True, but unnecessary, imo. The Mexicans, bred by their catholic conquerers, who did have most of the slave trade— from Portugal and Spain— are probably not going to help your situation anymore than blacks.

    Portugal, interestingly, is the most homogenous nation on earth— outside Japan.

    Brazil and u.s., the most “diverse.” (Diversity being a codeword for Anti-white).

    Portugal has stood by, with its fat mouth shut, while all the little Tarantino’s make their Django Unchained movies for one more Christmas, ENDLESSLY building the narrative that the American South is the only group responsible for black slavery, when in fact, they were the main slavers.

    Portugal— a nice deal for a “european” if you can get it.

    Ran most slaves, blames a really nice population (Southern Wasps) while it sits in its little homogenous fiefdom.

    In regards to France and Russia—- both (like much of europe) have been conquered by a UNIVERSALISM. It doesn’t matter if it’s communism (The Party collects you money and universally turning all people into nothing more than international units of labor to be moved by “elites” at will) or catholicism (pope collects your money and tosses you a coin in “charity), or Anti-racism (we all bleed red).

    Once a people is conquered for a “UNIVERSALISM,” that’s the hard part. After that, they can be flipped over to any other Universalism.

    The hard part is gutting them—- taking away from them their families, heritage, race, gender, culture, region, etc—- anything human and natural.

    Once they are conquered for The State— it’s only a matter of Which Universalism will control.

    Oh… screw them all.

  15. Good to see the Dittoheads making an appearance with “stir er” talkin bout them libruls keeping them black folks from becomin ‘Murkikans” like Dubya wanted.

  16. Whites want to rape Negresses? LOL. That’s insane. I don’t think it happened much during slavery to tell you the truth. I think much of the white admixture into the Negroes that exists now is the result of Yankees during the War to Prevent Southern Independence and the carpetbaggers afterwards.

  17. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/comments/1822996/fp/60/?icid=hp_small-business_art_comment_h

    holy shit, it’s a black guy complaining about affirmative action for women on the grounds that it makes it so everyone else has to pay more.

    does he have any idea of the damage he’s doing to the civil rights movement by making that argument? Or has the successful Soviet-style censorship of

    “[W]e want to convey the sense that the bigots are isolated, embittered individuals, rather than permit them to contact and coordinate with one another.” Professor Jeremy Waldron, NYU Law, “The Harm in Hate Speech”, Harvard University Press, 2012

    shielded this idiot from any understanding of what he’s doing?

  18. Dixiegirl, who do you hate more: Catholics or anti-Whites? Or, are they all one and the same?

    And speaking of Protestants, why do you always imply that they are the only victims of the White genocide agenda? If I recall correctly, America was always a Protestant country, at least up until recently. It was the Protestant’s country to lose.

    You don’t believe any white anti-White Protestants had anything to do with the White genocide agenda? You believe a White Protestant majority was unable to stop it? No traitors in the ranks?

    Or, is it all just one big Jewish/Papal plot fated for inevitable success?

  19. I wasted several minutes of life trying to read that article by Coates and still don’t understand what he is trying to say. What is shocking is that many of the commenters there claim how well written it was. Are we at the point where language doesn’t mean the same thing anymore?

  20. Jack good points. Taneshi is speaking on tongues.
    It’s impossible to follow any ideas through the text.
    It’s pseudo-prophetic nuggerbabble.

    The question remains when you read these articles is: what will equality look lime when you get it? Après equality, what then?

    They can’t answer that sort of question.

  21. What they mean Jack is, it’s well written for a negro. When a negro writes,… it’s like a dog speaking English. You aren’t impressed with how well it does it, you’re impressed it can speak/ read/ write at all

  22. @ more of the same,

    I know this wasn’t directed at me, and there is much I admire in the values, artistic heritage, and cultural endowment that the Catholic Church has given the West


    The US Conference of Catholic Bishops is one of the most fanatically pro-non-white mass immigration groups in America today.

  23. How many folks here know about the 1920’s and other periods of immigration where various ethnic White groups from Europe, including Catholics, votes as blocks, changed our culture, drove politics to the left etc etc?

    These things happened, it’s natural for folks to question those same groups now because of their past actions, and frankly their more recent actions/ attitude voting trends

  24. Ta-Nehisi must have referenced the thesaurus after every five words in his example of what not to do with a thesaurus. I will give him credit though for knowing how to use one.

    In the article he cited Ida Welles. Curious as to who she was because there is a housing project named that here in Chicago, so I looked her up.

    This is what she was spewing in the late 1880s:

    Frederick Douglass wrote an article explaining three eras of Southern barbarism and the excuses that coincided with each. Wells goes into detail about each excuse:

    The first excuse that Wells explains is the “necessity of the white man to repress and stamp out alleged ‘race riots.’” Once the Civil War ended, there were many riots supposedly being planned by blacks; whites panicked and resisted them forcefully.

    The second excuse came during the Reconstruction Era: blacks were lynched because whites feared “Negro Domination” and wanted to stay powerful in the government. Wells encouraged those threatened to move their families somewhere safe.

    The third excuse was: Blacks had “to be killed to avenge their assaults upon women.” Wells explains that any relationship between a white woman and a black man was considered rape during that time period. In this article she states, “Nobody in this section of the country believes the old threadbare lie that Negro men rape white women.”

    It’s 150 years later and they are still re-iterating the same garbage.

  25. The Atlantic Magazine was my favorite culture/political magazine in the 1990s. There were excellent, fair articles on immigration, the clash of cultures, Black urban crime/culture (the Code of the Street). The Atlantic Magazine used to feature non PC, hate Whitey Black writers. But, the Atlantic has gone way down hill.

    In particular this Black writer Ta-Nehisi pushes typical PC nonsense and he does not allow any comments challenging anything he says on the on-line version. Most other The Atlantic writers and editors will allow opposing views, provided your/my comments are well written and well documented. Not Ta-Nehisi. He had me banned for providing some alternative facts on the Trayvon Martin false hate crime.

  26. But Stonelifter, it was CATHOLICS who maintained the cap on Hollywood, contraception and abortion.

    Y’all couldn’t stand the US was turning Catholic, and I don’t blame you, but did you have to throw the baby out with the bathwater just because it was Catholic?

  27. @DixieGirl: The south’s true crime(in the eyes of the usual suspects) was not intermarrying with the slaves, unlike just about every other former slave society. Even though the muslims were beyond horrible to their slaves, they will never catch any flak for it, because they ultimately allowed who they were as a people to be replaced.

  28. “barb says:
    August 24, 2012 at 1:22 pm
    “Any white man I know would rather be hit over the head with a dead dog than touch a female negro yet they actually believe white men are plotting how to take advantage of their females.”

    It’s projection. Since a black male will boink anything and everything (as evidenced by the fact that they’ll tap a black female) they assume White men will have relations with anything and everything, including black females.”

    Alas I am beginning to see White men parade around with She Boons. And I mean BIG FAT blue gummed Coal Black Groids. Sportin’ weaves, of course….

  29. A lot of the comments in that article arem uch better than the article.

    TaCoonsi writes like Eddie Murphy’s “Mr Robinson” speaks….Officious Nigra Academiconics.

  30. Whites want to rape Negresses? LOL. That’s insane. I don’t think it happened much during slavery to tell you the truth

    Lol, this one always gives me a laugh. Suggesting that slaveholders had to rape their negresses is like suggesting Dr. Dre has to rape the skanks in his videos. The reality is, negresses line up around the block on their knees for the big man. Always have, always will. It’s in their DNA. They probably had to segregate the negresses from one another so they wouldn’t stab each other to jump to the front of the line.

  31. In particular this Black writer Ta-Nehisi pushes typical PC nonsense and he does not allow any comments challenging anything he says on the on-line version. Most other The Atlantic writers and editors will allow opposing views, provided your/my comments are well written and well documented. Not Ta-Nehisi. He had me banned for providing some alternative facts on the Trayvon Martin false hate crime.

    The negro sense of honesty and fair play in general, and open inquiry in particular, are as shriveled as any traits that exist in men but vary by race can be. They’re something like 1/1000th as represented in negroes as in Whites. They simply do not give a shit. I don’t think they choose not to give a shit; I think they’re incapable.

  32. The writer seems pisses about a whole ream of white racist behavior. Here’s the simplest solution: segregation. A win-win for both sides. Why don’t politicians float this? Answer: because everyone knows what the result would be-unavoidable, in your face displays of western versus African civilization. And that would just torpedo USS Equality and send her to the bottom with diversity and tolerance aboard.

  33. The Roman Church has Always Been Corrupt! In fact, the ONLY HONEST Pontifex Maximus was probably Gaius Julius Caesar. When he became Pontifex Maximus, Julius Caesar discovered that most of the “Gold” in the Church’s coffers were mere Brass and that most of the Tithes went into the pockets of the priests.

    Not much has changed in Rome in 2000 years. You can still buy favors and diktats from the Pontiffs for enough Gold, and the priesthood is still made up of ne’er do wells that would otherwise have disgraced their families.

    As for the Insane black, what do you expect? You don’t expect erudite or insightful opinions from a hairless ape do you? Huff and Puff is all you’ll get from apes, and if that doesn’t work to cow you- it will charge at you unless met with Superior Force.

    Really, ladies and gentlemen. You’re wasting your time listening to this drivel. It’s not as though these creatures speak your language! It be Ebonical or Jive-Talk, not American English. You need a translator to make anything intelligible out of that gibbering gibberish!


  34. I’m not going to argue otherwise Landshark. The Catholic Church today is not the same institution that kept things in check and help found our Western Civilization and the Catholic church in NC is horrible. I’m anti NC Catholic and somewhat anti modern Catholic church but I’m not particularity anti Catholic in general. If that makes sense.

    Southron Catholic forefathers fought for the South. Southron Catholics from Louisiana and else fought like men for the South…. I’ve said it before, it isn’t our Catholics who were or are the problem and the South has never been particularity anti Catholic. The South is slowly becoming anti Catholic as the church backs mexicans and anti mexican sentiment grows, but it isn’t like the 1920’s anti Catholicism, best I can tell.

    The 1st version of the Klan, the Southron version wasn’t anti Catholic or anti jewish and Southron Catholics in Louisiana joined the klan. The second version of the Klan wasn’t Southron in nature but the folks up north saw this influx of people who were voting as a block against native stock and founding principles, not assimilating, lowering native born wages, changing their culture etc etc

    Landshark, I posted that to give folks some perspective on the issue, to help folks understand a little on how attitudes evolved, where they came from and why. And to help point out why general White Nationalism will never work; it already failed when we let White immigrants in and they went about being anti WASP, siding with negros and leftists politically and changing things for the worse in many ways. Basically we tried be a general mulit-ethnic White nation and it failed. The new comers didn’t side the old White supremacist system

    So it doesn’t matter that certain White groups drove the political changes that set this mess in motion? We’re living with the fall out, so I happen to disagree.

    A man rich enough to own slaves, was rich enough to afford a pretty White prostitute or several White mistress on the side. We know from DNA test that the master/ slave thing is over stated.

  35. jack ryan says:
    August 24, 2012 at 6:13 pm

    TNC banned me after two comments. The Atlantic has definitely gone down hill. He would never admit it, but I bet James Fallows must be chagrined to have to share the masthead with an obvious quota-filler. Fallows is an old-school liberal but unlike TNC is a formidable talent.

  36. “The Roman Church has Always Been Corrupt! In fact, the ONLY HONEST Pontifex Maximus was probably Gaius Julius Caesar. When he became Pontifex Maximus, Julius Caesar discovered that most of the “Gold” in the Church’s coffers were mere Brass and that most of the Tithes went into the pockets of the priests.”

    That would have been a pretty good trick considering Julius Caesar died 44 years before Jesus Christ was even born! Troll.

  37. I wonder if he meant the Republic’s Treasury was bereft of gold.

    Church/temple what’s the diff? I’m not familiar with JC finding the treasury empty when he arrived in Rome. The story I recall is that his cavalry scouts intercepted a few carts that were Secretly taking the bullion out of Rome to ship to Greece and Brutus men. .. as he approached Rome JC paid his legions with the intercepted gold.

  38. The Roman Church pre-dates Christianity. It has worshiped many gods in its time. It was only the Conversion to Christianity of Charlemagne that turned the Roman Church into a marginally Christian enterprise.
    They still use the smudge pots to frighten away Evil Spirits, and pass around a plate to extract money from their worshipers. Even nuns are merely modern versions of Vestal Virgins. I notice homosexuality is still prevalent amongst monks and priests as well.

    Some Things Never Change…

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