About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We can absorb small numbers of outsiders who are moving here because they agree with the culture and principles of our society. The last thing we need though is Northern-style mass migration.

  2. The presence of slavery among us was a huge advantage because it gave “Whites” a common racial identity and a ruling class with shared political and economic interests that was invested in racial solidarity.

    French Louisiana and the Spanish Gulf Coast was absorbed into Dixie without much trouble. A French slaveowner or a Spanish slaveowner wasn’t all that different from an English slaveowner. Even a Yankee slaveowner like John Quitman could become exaggerated Southerners.

    The legacy of slavery preserved the South as a distinct region and deterred mass European immigration and welded Southerners into a cohesive ethnic group in a way that did not happen in the North and West.

    Now, of course, we are being culturally and ethnically destroyed because Northerners and Northern culture is being imposed on the South in all kinds of ways.

  3. Just for the record, I have no desire to ever move to the South, the Pacific Northwest, or anywhere else. Even if what is left of Detroit were to be utterly destroyed in a race-war, I would still remain in Michigan and start over with nothing. And I guarantee that if this ‘Isaac’ becomes another federal distaster, evacuated native Louisianan’s will be right back there next spring, rebuilding just the same. The love of one’s homeland is a powerful thing.

    Contrary to Anglo Protestant American’s statement, I personally very much identify with the founding stock or Old New England Yankees, at least with respect to their belief in the natural right of individual liberty & self-determination, and their rejection of the rule of monarchy. I have not a single drop of founding stock blood, but I consider myself their spiritual descendent as strongly as I would any blood relation. That’s probably one of the reasons I liked Romney better than the other GOP candidates — he’s a Yankee. And as an American, I feel most comfortable with someone of that stock being my nation’s leader.

    Rick Santorum for example, is Roman Catholic, from Italian-immigrant stock — same as one half of my ethnic makeup, and yet I despise Santorum. I would never have voted for him solely on the grounds of ethnic solidarity. I would have voted for Gingrich if it had come to down to those two.

  4. Technically the Romney forebears came over from England in the 1820-30s.

    I like the solidly English name. It’s a place name in Sussex/Kent I think.

  5. the natural right of individual liberty & self-determination, and their rejection of the rule of monarchy

    Good luck with it, Chris. It’s currently in the process of being rejected by all white men with any sense. I think you’d find, if you bothered, that individual liberty and self-determination, as usually expressed, are exaggerated media memes that cannot possibly be attained without the responsibility undertaken by a dutiful monarch. IOW, you cannot complain to anyone as everyone is responsible. What silliness!

    God bless the [future] king!

  6. @Bill Yancey

    “It’s currently in the process of being rejected by all white men with any sense.”

    – I doubt it. It’s just a few delusional rejects (that means YOU, “Bill”) who can’t adapt to real life, so they post pseudo-intellectual drivel, under pretentious internet pseudonyms, about the superiority of a time and place they that weren’t even alive to have experienced.

    “I think you’ll find, if you bothered, that individual liberty and self-determination, as usually expressed, are exaggerated media memes that cannot possibly be attained without the responibility undertaken by a dutiful monarch.”

    – Well, I’ve done perfectly fine in my everyday life for 35 years, without a monarch supervising my personal decisions. I’m sorry that you’re too weak and helpless to face the big bad world without a hand to hold.

    “God bless the [future] king!”

    – Well OK, I guess. I’m sure his subject in whatever European country he reigns, will be very proud of him. Here in America, we’ll continue live as free men and elect our leaders democratically.

    Yankee Pride!

  7. 313Chris says:
    August 27, 2012 at 10:37 pm

    “The love of one’s homeland is a powerful thing. ”

    I find loyalty to land, a curious thing. If they would have me, I would move to wherever a viable white republic was established, without any regrets. I prefer my own kind and watching my society slowly die, is not my idea of fun.

  8. Have you achieved these goals of yours, Chris? Look around you, in Detoilet, a place that is made fun of from every angle? You live there, so you can’t be entirely blind. But are you so wedded to the US system that you will not only die in loyalty to it, you will subject your descendants to whatever may come of it?

    All right, in spite of the language I’ll go along with it. From where I sit you have to be either suicidal or firmly attached to the place where you grew up. I’m guessing the latter. But is it worth it, is the question.

    We could go on debating this stuff forever but I’ll at least hand it to you that your perseverance is admirable, though I think grossly misguided.

    Your “country” no longer exists. Get that through your thoroughly 1940ish skull.

  9. I know you wouldn’t want to move here Chris. I’m more concerned with Southerners ideas about criteria for migration and immigration. Also if you identity with the old Yankees then you do better than most I think.

    Don’t get me wrong I don’t want anyone to identify with the Union prosecution of the war against the South. Yet they should identify with them as the founders of the states in which they live.

    Hunter, I think you’re right of course about the effects of the mass numbers of blacks on white racial consciousness. It only goes so far though. Yes small numbers of immigrants can be absorbed. People should never forget though we were swamping the Spanish in Florida and the French in Louisiana with massive numbers of our own people and taking control.

    When it goes in the other direction and you are getting swamped then you are on the way out.

  10. Jimmy Gears said:

    “I find loyalty to land, a curious thing. If they would have me, I would move to wherever a viable white republic was established, without any regrets. I prefer my own kind and watching my society slowly die, is not my idea of fun.”

    I agree with this.

  11. Still no argument but insults and ignorance, with no since of liberty or greatness in your shitty genetic line. John, Chris lacks the good graces to understand this is pro Southron webpage, or the ability to deal with people who don’t swoon over him and his yankee ideals. He also lacks the intelligence and education to make an education. Like all of low breeding Chris has to cause problems, like most yankees he can’t stand the idea of people with different opinions then their morally superior yankee. I can hear the jealousy in Chris’ words, that my blood lines is better than his, my job more adventurous and better paying, my scope of knowledge regarding history of the USA more profound. In every way the better man so, he cannot offer a real defense of his liberal indoctrination or shit situation in life. Chris is in fact so ignorant he can’t understand how well trained he is

    You know nothing of founding stock ideas of individual liberty but you are very much like lincoln. You yet to make any case based on founding stock ideals

    You should be angry at your forefathers Chris. negros where here before your people. They brought you to the negro, then they supported the civil rights stuff that let them become your neighbors. Enjoy the good work of your kin.

    I remember Clytemnestra, but your attitude is worlds apart from the typical decedents of recent immigrant Whites.

  12. @Stonelifter

    “Still no argument but insults and ignorance..”

    – What was the argument originally? You asked me how long my people have been in America, I answered you, and you started taking your usual shots.

    “..with no sense of liberty or greatness..”

    – If I had no sense of liberty, I wouldn’t be frequenting websites that illustrate and caution the slow destruction of personal liberty in our country, now would I? And as for “greatness”, all I seek in life is to work hard for what I have, and always be there for the people who need me. Nothing more.

    “..in your shitty genetic line.”

    – Heh, I wonder if you’d say that to any one of my family in person..? Here’s a sample of my genetic line: All four of my granparents, and all eight of my great-grandparents lived into their 90’s. All the men in my family have all their hair. All the men are over 6 feet tall. Most of the women are above average height. Everyone has graduated college. Everyone married white. Everyone stayed togethor, my own parents going on 36 years, my living grandparents going on 70. You don’t know shit about my family to be talking about them. But, talking shit is what you seem to be best at.

    “Chris lacks the good graces to understand this is a pro Southron webpage”

    – It was broader in scope when I started posting here. Hunter transitioned toward Southern Nationalism after I was already a regular, and he still covers topics which aren’t particular to any specific region.

    “or the ability to deal with people who don’t swoon over him and his Yankee ideals.”

    – I deal with you and your silly crap without a care. And I’ve never in my life seen anybody “swoon” over me or my support for abortion rights, or my repulsion toward slavery. Southerners like you on the other hand, seem to expect sympathy to this day for losing a war that YOU yourselves started.

    “He also lacks the intelligence and education (*struggles to keep it in*) to make an education.”

    – LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!

    “I can hear the jealousy in Chris’ words..”

    – Then you need to get your hearing-aid fixed, because that sound you hear is a mixture of pity and laughter.

    “that my blood lines is better than his”

    – Your bald and you need to use steroids to pick up a stone. Thanks, but I’m good with my own bloodline.

    “my job more adventurous and better paying”

    – My everyday life is more potentially dangerous than yours, and I make enough money to do what I want, when I want, and I don’t define myself by the number of zero’s in my bank account. Sorry if that’s the case for you.

    “my scope of knowledge regarding the history of the USA more profound.”

    – Maybe about your hallowed South, but you seem to know little about any place else, save what you regurgitate from Wikipedia.

    “In every way the better man”

    – Your a bitter, drug-using, probably physically-abusive, misongynistic, divorcee who blames women and Yankees for all of your personal problems. Better man than me? Please. I’ve never been divorced, never had a bad breakup, and regularly drop everything to help anyone who needs me, even ex-girlfriends. You probably sleep with your fucking carbine.

    “he cannot offer a real defense of his liberal indoctrination”

    – What liberal indoctrination? Because I support abortion-rights? How about this for a “defense” then: WORRY ABOUT YOUR OWN PATHETIC LIFE, INSTEAD OF THE PERSONAL DECISIONS, WHICH DON’T AFFECT YOU, OF COMPLETE STRANGERS. Narrow-minded dumbass.

    “Chris is in fact so ignorant he can’t understand how well trained he is.”

    – Well, your half-right. I am well trained. But far from ignorant.

    “You know nothing of founding stock ideals of individual liberty”

    – I know enough to understand that enslaving people is morally indefensible, and that individual libert means deciding, for yourself, what happens to your own body. That’s more than I can say about you.

    “you are very much like Lincoln.”

    – Thank you.

    “You should be angry at your forefathers Chris..”

    – Why? They gave me homeland, an identity, a heroic history to be proud of, and sense of belief that makes anything possible if I set myself to the task.

    “negros where here befor your people”

    – Incorrect. Columbus was here before any nigger. Or “Ulster Scot”, either 🙂 So get out of my country, asshole! 🙂

    “They brought you to the negro, then they supported the civil rights stuff that let them become your neighbors.”

    – Washington, Franklin, Lincoln, et al didn’t do that. If your too thick-headed to see that, then I’m wasting time playing with you. Go play with stones or rent an darky uterus or whatever it is you’re into.

    “Enjoy the good work of your kin.”

    – I regularly do. Detroit has some the best Italian restaurants no one knows about! Now piss off. Somebody dropped a nickle somewhere and a Jew needs you to shoot the Arab standing next to it.

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