Delaware Race Riot


Colin Flaherty is doing such a great job following the slow burning Black Undertow race war that he has given OD and SBPDL the chance to put the microscope on the failure of freedom in America’s major cities and the Caribbean.

Next year, I plan to publish OD’s first book: Shattering The Golden Circle: The Failure of Free Society in Dixie, Haiti, and the Caribbean. The book will be a sweeping comparative analysis of the disastrous consequences of the triumph of freedom and equality in Haiti, the American South, and the wider Caribbean region.

The story of the Haitian Revolution must be told in the context of the wider abolitionist experiment in freedom and equality in Dixie and the Caribbean. The Haitians have had 208 years to perfect liberal ideology in the context of black power.

In the meantime, let’s take a look at what recently happened in Delaware, which under BRA and Obama is evolving toward Haiti’s perfection:

“But you do have to know how to find it.

So let’s look at one case: How the press ignored it; how the police denied it; and how we figured out what really happened on Aug. 5 when 800 people were fighting, firing guns, destroying property and “confronting” Delaware State Police at 2 a.m.

First, contrary to what a reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch told one of my readers, you cannot just assume the crowd is black. No matter what part of town the riot takes place.

In this case, the violence and mayhem took place in an office-park complex in a usually quiet section of a suburb of Wilmington. The local paper did not give us much to go on.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. These blogs are nothing more than stabs as my research progresses. The finished project will be a much more tightly argued and 100 percent original broadside against freedom, equality, and liberal democracy.

  2. Was this a race riot? Flaherty may not have his proof but we all know it was an entirely black affair. At least until the cops showed up. A riot but not a riot between races. A black block party.

    a much more tightly argued and 100 percent original broadside against freedom, equality, and liberal democracy.

    I remember being 12 years old in 68, pondering how I could convince adults of this. I gave up. I hope you don’t.

  3. Not surprising. Wilmington has been an overflow valve for the trash of Philly for two decades now. During the 60s and 70s the blacks there attempted to replicate what was happening in Watts but were put down by the police hard.

  4. LEW i smell bullshit, that is way to “turner diaries” to get that far off the ground without being busted, the hutarees in MI got jailed for just talking about plots.

  5. Asheville was lost to transplants a long time ago, really infested with hippies too but boobies…. Some how though, I doubt it was the hot college co-ed going topless

  6. Joe’s with 87k to spend on guns…. not really believable unless they were dealing on the side, and in which case the media would report the dope charges/ connections too

    Look at the ages and pay grades. I had no spare money when I was 19 or a Pfc. Or Pvt and not much as a Sgt. The army pay is better now, but can’t be that much better

  7. Lew pointed to a page that said: He used the Army to recruit militia members, who wore distinctive tattoos that resemble an anarchy symbol, she said.

    Odd symbol for “Republicans”.

  8. @ I remember being 12 years old in 68, pondering how I could convince adults of this….

    Why do some kids just seem to be this way, and how can more of them be made?

    About Asheville, the “morality” response just doesn’t WORK. But the detractors simply won’t move on to something else. Not that they should not still be christians, moral, etc.—- but a bunch of people saying “That’s immoral!” doesn’t even make anything happen to move things in another direction.

    They have to decide they want to WIN instead of convince the world of their elevated morality.

    Such scenes are just so boring and circular!

    Nobody even yells, “You’ve been showing your boobies for 50 years! Are your organizers of these events for 50 years just too stupid to come up with something new? You probably think the Westboro Baptist Church is a real church, LOL! Or that Jim Jones was a preacher! Who TOLD YOU to show your boobies? Do you always show disrobe when they tell you to? At what age did you start that— eight? LOL, you funny little collegiate tool!!!”

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