Tennessee Equality Project Committed To Destroying White Christian Tennessee



The Orwellian named “Tennessee Equality Project” is a genocidal organization that is committed to dismantlling the Southern White Christian majority in the Volunteer State:

“Furthermore, TEP members and board members include Christians and White people (but we readily recognize a strong commitment to diversifying in that area).”

Christopher Columbus also had native collaborators in Hispanolia. The Japanese had collaborators in Korea.

The goal of the “Tennessee Equality Project” to make Tennessee less Southern, less White, less Christian, and less conservative through mass immigration and multiculturalism – what they call “a strong commitment to diversifying the region” – in order to create a majority of hostile and resentful aliens that will allow liberals to dominate the state and redistribute the wealth of the existing White Christian majority.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Thanks for posting this, HW. This group has some very arrogant, anti-Southern members. One of them recently posted about the erasure of Southern culture on the SNN FB page, ‘I view it as the growth of the one American culture.’

  2. @ Hunter

    As far as culture goes, I hadly ever hear “y’all” used anymore today in Virginia or North Carolina. You do still hear it up in West Virginia, but, not in rural Virginia or North Carolina. I spend a lot of time fishing, and meet & talk with a lot of people that way from various backgrounds & areas of the South.

  3. Mosin- How correct you are. The great divide between the normal and the Deviant was one of the platforms of the Protocols of Zion. Gee, wonder why Antichrist Jews would want to embrace sodomites, anarchists, and Bolshevik communists? Perhaps, because they ARE those types?

    When you look at that long article that used to be online about Jews involved with the Faggot Movement, you begin to understand the antichrist nature of the Tribe… and why stoning isn’t just for breakfast, anymore…..

  4. “Perhaps, because they ARE those types?” In my limited experience they are shape-shifting at any moment, and really don’t KNOW what they are.

  5. I’m hopeful this organization can assist with my own diversity goals. I left a question in the comments and will anxiously await their response.

  6. How many are actually native of Tennessee?

    I doubt their board is as White and Christian as they claim

  7. As far as culture goes, I hadly ever hear “y’all” used anymore today in Virginia or North Carolina. You do still hear it up in West Virginia, but, not in rural Virginia or North Carolina. I spend a lot of time fishing, and meet & talk with a lot of people that way from various backgrounds & areas of the South.

    Yep, “y’all” has been replaced with “you guys”. In the South! My wife gives me the ‘please don’t explode’ look every time we enter a restaurant.

    “What would you guys like?” UUuuuuuuuuggggghhhhh!!!

  8. @ Bill Yep. I guess Snooki from Nu Joisey is the New South. LOL. It sure sounds that way to me too.

  9. So by genocidal do you mean that “queers,” “faggots,” etc. are actually going to annihilate poor defenseless Caucasian Christian southerners?

  10. Being Southern is about respect and kindness. Respect for everyone and treating everyone with kindness. This post is neither of those and y’all should be ashamed! Didn’t your mommas teach you to treat everyone the way you want to be treated. Gay people are some of the biggest hearted people I’ve ever met and I support them 100%.

  11. No, I mean that you are clearly hostile to White people and to Christianity and conservatism, and by your “strong commitment to diversifying in that area,” you mean supporting policies that are clearly designed to alter the demographics of Tennessee in order to make Tennessee less Southern, less White, less Christian, and less conservative.

  12. I don’t care if there are homosexuals in Tennessee. There always have been and always will be homosexuals there. That said, I do not believe a homosexual lifestyle is the equivalent of a heterosexual lifestyle, or that “equality” should be our guiding principle in that area.

  13. Hate to break it to you but half the “queers” in the south are also “southern”. I heard they even hunt, respect their mamas, and talk with funny accents. I even heard they have churches cause they too love god just interpret the bible different then the homo haters. Why everyone isn’t the same and has the same opinions I don’t know but we prob should destroy the ones who are law abiding citizens just think differently then us. They do that in the middle east and look they are all happy over there.

  14. Equal rights does not make tn less southern or conservative. Smoking weed and calling coke pop is what would make the south less southern

  15. Eric says:

    Being Southern is about respect and kindness….”

    Whoever started that “Southern Hospitality” meme should be… well, somethinged.
    Manners, grace, politeness, hospitality—- to a Northeastern usually means doing what they want, or keeping your mouth shut and not “rudely” mentioning reality when they screw you over.

    Hitting harder is really what they most understand, in terms of social discourse.

    It creates a really bad inter-cultural dynamic. The Southerner feels pushed to “stoop to conquer,” then resents it.

  16. @… by your “strong commitment to diversifying in that area,” you mean supporting policies that are clearly designed to alter the demographics of Tennessee in order to make Tennessee less Southern, less White, less Christian, and less conservative….

    It really is genocide. The saga of policies, maneuvers, “displacement/replacement,” choiceful “immigrations.” God help them if it ever reaches a sympathetic court.

  17. Propoganda and bullshit like this is exactly why I’m ashamed to be Southern. I fully 100% stand behind what TEP and other similar organizations are trying to do. I’m white. Straight. Atheist. Southern. I hunt probably more than most of the men on here bitching do and probably have more guns even. I have tracable heritage to one of the most obvious hostile backgrounds (German). This post and entire website is a bunch of crazy and delisional Christians that have been holding on to some twisted ideal their entire lives. This is 2012. Times have changed and will continue to change and that does not mean a flaming homo is going to destroy your personal values. How does a group trying to help prevent kids from being bullied and beaten up hurt you?? And the comment about immigration: Really? This country was FOUNDED on immigration when Europeans raped and stole from Native Americans. Immigrants discovered America. The dinosaurs were real. And homos are fabulous and not trying to destroy you nut jobs. GET OVER IT!

  18. hill folk and Ulster Scots have never been known for those things and Christian nations as Dixie was, were never fond of queers. It’s also been a Southron thing to not take insults or put up with bullshit as dueling lasted longer here than yankee land

    Good attempted at trying to twist things but folks here know better

  19. @David says:
    August 31, 2012 at 2:38 pm

    “So by genocidal do you mean that “queers,” “faggots,” etc. are actually going to annihilate poor defenseless Caucasian Christian southerners?”

    Yes. In the real world, genocide is what you anti-whites are doing to white people, everywhere on planet earth.


    “Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.[13]” – Lemkin

  20. @David says:
    August 31, 2012 at 2:38 pm

    “So by genocidal do you mean that “queers,” “faggots,” etc. are actually going to annihilate poor defenseless Caucasian Christian southerners?”

    And we couldn’t miss your mocking tone, when the issue of White Genocide was raised. So you are quite clearly anti-white.

    No one is flooding Africa with Non Africans and mocking them… “oh you poor defenseless blacks” …we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Africa.

    No one is flooding Asia with non-Asians and mocking them… “oh you poor defenseless Asians” …we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Asia.

    Only white countries are doing this, only anti-whites like you are pushing it. You want White Genocide.

  21. What do you call it when people conspire to bring in a majority of hostile aliens while arguing that the people who were there before don’t exist? Apparently, not genocide, because these are white people, and everyone knows that whites don’t exist and southerners are just living in the past and need to embrace their genocide.

  22. ” ‘So by genocidal do you mean that “queers,” “faggots,” etc. are actually going to annihilate poor defenseless Caucasian Christian southerners?”

    And we couldn’t miss your mocking tone, when the issue of White Genocide was raised. So you are quite clearly anti-white.

    No one is flooding Africa with Non Africans and mocking them… “oh you poor defenseless blacks” …we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Africa.

    No one is flooding Asia with non-Asians and mocking them… “oh you poor defenseless Asians” …we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Asia.

    Only white countries are doing this, only anti-whites like you are pushing it. You want White Genocide.’ ”

    Just because someone mocks your views, which may or may not have been advisable, whatever, doesn’t mean that they’re anti-white. That’s exactly the kind of approach liberals often use when someone disagrees with them about their views. “Oh, you didn’t vote for Obama? You must be against equality.” We all know, as conservatives, that many liberals do operate on a double standard, but so do conservatives. What I’m getting at here is be careful with your words. Again, just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they’re anti-white. That’s just illogical and silly.

    Also, your point on the other countries was obvious and a good approach, but I noticed how you didn’t include other countries. You just included countries that are not Caucasian and made a note that they are not being flooded with immigrants. Africe and Asia aren’t experiencing this because not nearly as many people want to live in Africa and Asia. I mean, no wonder. Russia and European countries such as Scotland and Britain are all primarily Caucasian, and they aren’t experiencing this either because NOT AS MANY PEOPLE ARE FLOODING IN. America is the immigration center of the world. Every few generations or so, there is another group that flows in here. It is slowing down for varying reasons, but it happens, and it will continue to happen. It has nothing to do with some stupid arrogant view that there are ethnicities that are determined to wipe out the Caucasian race, specifically the white southerners, in some world-wide conspiracy based on anti-white views. That’s just paranoid. There are groups and people out there devoted to anti-white ideologies of course, just as there are groups devoted to anti-minorities, but they are not nearly as important as they think they are. Probably the most important group, and a real threat in the world, are some radical Muslim organizations. But they are something the whole world needs to address, not just white Christians. The world really does not care that much about America. Seriously.

    By the way, slang is constantly changing. I really do not see how the lessened use of yall, if indeed true, has anything to do with the supposed deterioration of southern white society. I live in Tennessee, and have been all around the south. Yall is everywhere. “You guys” is something that is used up north sometimes, and has made its way south, especially in the younger generation. Every generation gradually changes. You’re not mad at yourselves for not using “Gee golly” or “Swell” are you? Again, this is just silly.

  23. It’s called Colonization. Every single neighbourhood lost to an ethnic group other than white is colonization.

    At best it is colonization. At worst it is genocidal.

  24. Plenty of people would like to live in Israel.

    The difference is that Israel has built concentration camps for African illegal aliens and is systematically deporting them in order to keep Israel “a Jewish state.”

  25. Jennifer,

    (1) The English colonized the Atlantic seaboard and created “America” – the various Indian tribes who lived here had no conception of “America,” a common racial identity, or even any spatial awareness of being on the North American continent.

    (2) The standard for being eligible to become a naturalized U.S. citizen was being a “free White person” until after WW2.

    (3) There is nothing “progressive” about social equality or gay marriage and homosexuality – there were homosexual Roman emperors and various expressions of social equality in Greece and Rome.

    (4) I have no idea while you feel it necessary to tell people here that “dinosaurs are real.” Almost everyone here believes in evolution.

    (5) Homosexuals are not fabulous.

  26. Supose you picked a name out the hat.

    Southraeli. Or Southman. That’s as much a people as phoney area like South Sudan. Only it’s actually real people with a mythos and a national history.

  27. FACT: Jennifer hates her own people (she claims she’s White) and wants to see them destroyed through murder and the genocide of immigration.

    She is either very sick and needs medication or as I suspect she is just another conformist whore.

  28. This country was FOUNDED on immigration when Europeans raped and stole from Native Americans. Immigrants discovered America. The dinosaurs were real. And homos are fabulous and not trying to destroy you nut jobs. GET OVER IT!

    Mass media -> Jennifer’s brain -> OD.

  29. Jennifer you brainless tw@t – Caucasians were on what is now called the North American Continent LONG before the vicious, bloodthirsty little Land Bridge Asians. And Red Injuns (Land Bridge asians) that Modern European Colonists removed (after countless vicious attacks, whne the Red Slants broke treaty after treaty) was simply payback. Research the Solutreans, or Windover Bog People, or the Welsh colony IN TN, dated from the 5th Century, before you spew your Marxist tripe.

    In addition – the USA was FOUNDED by settler.s NOT immigrants. Do you know the difference? Look it up, moron.

    Come to Elizabeth, NJ this weekend. I’m gonna drop you off in front of the clubs, at 1:30AM. I’m sure the Bruthas will be very sweet and polite and helpful to you.

  30. I am white, straight, southern, male, and Christian. I have been married for over 30 years. I have gay and lesbian friends who live in other states and are married, and that doesn’t make me any less married. If the law changes and they can’t be fired for being gay I won’t be any less employed. If they come out of the closet I am no less straight. Almost all of them that I know are Christian, even though Christians as a whole treat them terribly. Here’s what you folks don’t get; someone else having full rights under the constitution doesn’t take anything away from you. You can still live your life the way you want to if they have full rights. If you deny them those rights then they can’t live their life the way they want to, and why? To affirm your beliefs and your choices? As a good southern boy I was taught to live and let live: weren’t you?

  31. Jennifer,

    Honey, evolution is real. So real that it’s obvious that blacks are a collectively inferior subspecies.

    The Dinosaurs certainly existed too. Gays are an evolutionary dead end. They know it too. They cannot produce a viable offspring. You know it too you stupid slag.

    Mestizo colonization from Mexico will eventually lead to a fracturing of the unity of the country. Lay Asian migration on top of that and this place is the Balkans in 30 years. The exact date has nothing to do with what’s happening. It could be 1850 and just as deangerous. You know that too. You celebrate it in a perverse diatribe against people you know nothing about.

  32. Pheonix,

    France has been flooded by Arabs. Germany by Turks and England By Pakistanis.

    The Arabs in France actually control the electoral balance of power now and can extract absurdly high demands from the French pols in exchange for that bloc vote.
    It’s not paranoid to realize that something is badly amiss.

  33. America was founded by conquest and extermination.

    This alone ought to make Liberals pause for thought when they welcome in masses of people who speak Spanish and have obvious racial differences with us.
    Add to that the 10-12% of sullen blacks who’d immediately slit our throats if there’s a hurricane or powerout.

    Jennifer is obviously quite naive.

  34. “…a flaming homo…”

    Probably a Freudian slip and what this woman actually really thinks of homosexuals. These middle class white kids and overgrown kids who flock to these groups and movements like TEP are simply bandwagon riders out looking to be part of a throng they think is hip at the moment. They keep a few blacks who more or less dress and behave as they do around, but they will no more go around a ghetto or majority black neighborhood than anyone here wants to. In certain settings, they will talk to a few homosexuals about shopping and such and put on the “big friendly” act, but these women make fun of homos unmercifully out in the right setting. I have heard them do it more than once, especially when they have had a few drinks.

    These whites are just phoney hypocrites. The blacks and the minorities and the homos bear the very same relation to them as their Harley Davidson’s and SUV’s they keep out in their garages do. They are just props to hold out to announce “Look at me! I’m more hip and sophisticated than you are!”

  35. These people claiming to want to change Tennessee must find something wrong with Tennessee as it is know. What would that be? What is wrong with the state as is? Yes, most of us here believe in evolution, Jennifer. But we are intellectually honest enough to also believe it doesn’t magically stop at the human race. Care to discuss that, fool?
    If queers really loved their neighbors and communities so much they would respect them enough to leave them alone and keep their sex lives to themselves like normal people do.
    What is this mania young people have for sodomy? Brainwashed and ready to surrender all so grown men can have their shit packed and glorify it in public.

  36. Wayne says:
    August 31, 2012 at 10:34 pm

    “These people claiming to want to change Tennessee must find something wrong with Tennessee as it is know. What would that be?”

    Obviously Tennessee is “too White” in their opinion and needs to be more “diverse”, ie LESS White.

    Can you imagine if these “anti-racists” went around to all black neighborhoods and only black neighborhoods saying, “Oh this place needs to be more diverse, ie LESS black.”

    Everyone would know what they were up to straight away. They are anti-White.

  37. (1) “Gay marriage” is the application of social equality to marriage and the family. It puts a Christian marriage on the same level as a promiscuous gay partnership in the eyes of the state.

    (2) Federal civil rights laws further extend the power of the state over property owners and private employers and enhance the power of the federal judiciary.

    (3) To my knowledge, Christianity had always been opposed to adultery, free love, and homosexuality.

    (4) There is no “right” to non-discrimination or “gay marriage” under the Constitution – of course, these “rights” only continue to proliferate because the Constitution has been a dead letter for generations.

    (5) I was not taught that all lifestyles and moral choices are permissible or interchangeable.

  38. Jennifer says:
    August 31, 2012 at 3:48 pm

    ” I’m white. Straight. Atheist. Southern.”

    White anti-whites always point out they are one of us, then go on to justify White Genocide.

    They seem to think that being white, gives them the right to commit genocide against their fellow whites, when they have no such right.

    White anti-whites are a walking disease.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  39. “Jennifer is Jewish. ”

    Calling themselves “white” before justifying genocide against whites, is a psychological game, anti-whites like to play. I have seen it more times than I can count, so I know they are told to use it.

  40. Phoenix says:
    August 31, 2012 at 5:28 pm

    “Just because someone mocks your views, which may or may not have been advisable, whatever, doesn’t mean that they’re anti-white. ”

    Justifying genocide against an identifiable national group, which is illegal according to international law, makes you pro that group? Really?


    There are no “anti-racists” in Africa, demanding African tribal lands be flooded with millions of people that are not their race and are passing laws, forcing everyone to “mix in”, until those African tribes become a minority and are blended out of existence.

    There are no “anti-racists”, Mocking, Humiliating and Threatening African tribesmen, if they object to this Obvious Genocide.

    There are no anti-racists in Asia doing the same to Asian people either.

    Anti-whites are doing this in ALL White countries and ONLY White countries. They want White Genocide.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  41. @John

    Gays are an evolutionary dead end. They know it too. They cannot produce a viable offspring. You know it too you stupid slag.

    Biology would like to have a word with you.

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