Tennessee Equality Project Committed To Destroying White Christian Tennessee



The Orwellian named “Tennessee Equality Project” is a genocidal organization that is committed to dismantlling the Southern White Christian majority in the Volunteer State:

“Furthermore, TEP members and board members include Christians and White people (but we readily recognize a strong commitment to diversifying in that area).”

Christopher Columbus also had native collaborators in Hispanolia. The Japanese had collaborators in Korea.

The goal of the “Tennessee Equality Project” to make Tennessee less Southern, less White, less Christian, and less conservative through mass immigration and multiculturalism – what they call “a strong commitment to diversifying the region” – in order to create a majority of hostile and resentful aliens that will allow liberals to dominate the state and redistribute the wealth of the existing White Christian majority.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The biology Kiva is talking about relies heavily on the baby farms of the poor nations. Only poor nations are reduced to farming out their women as surrogates for Western gays. The sperm bank is also a social construct requiring Western technology as the medium between the male donor and the female recepient.

    Down the track will be cloning. In this brave new world the GLBTers can give birth to themselves through the artificial womb and the men in the white coats.

  2. From hired surrogate wombs and wet nurses, sperm and egg banks and donors, artificial insemination and egg implantation, to cloning and trans-GENIC (beyond trans-racial) “engineering”…where will it end? It has already begun.

    It is not beyond even some so-called “conservative” regulars on this site to consider using hired foreign BROWN surrogacy, to avoid the expense and trouble of white motherhood.

    Christianity is the true conservatism that opposes all this.

  3. “Down the track will be cloning. In this brave new world the GLBTers can give birth to themselves through the artificial womb and the men in the white coats.

    Read Arthur C. Clarke’s “Imperial Earth.”

    Liberals and Clarke thought that book described a future Utopia! It is a good window into the minds of what “Progressive Liberals” have in mind for the future. I don’t know why he called it “Imperial Earth,” though. There was nothing Imperial about it, nor any empire. It describes a 23rd or 24th century where the population on earth is very small and sounds something like what a Star Bucks customer might envision. All the men are bisexual. The women are pass arounds. There is no marriage. You can’t drive your car, it has to be on auto pilot for safety reasons. This is even more telling since the world is so sparely populated. The main female character works at a sort of museum/tour guide place for the Titanic. I gathered that was supposed to be a “good job.” Most of the population is apparently browned out. The lead character is a nigger who has an affair with the blond female tour guide. The nigger’s grandfather, who developed Titan into some great business enterprise for supplying hydrogen had some kind of genetic defect that rendered him and all his descendents incapable of fathering a child. So the nigger has come to earth, like his grandfather and father before him, to have a clone of himself made to be his child. The scientists who do the cloning use brown island women for surrogates.

    There is more. Like I said, it is apparently what a lot of DWL’s consider a “Utopia.”

  4. It’s not biology of course.

    It’s wierd science, A Brave New World.

    The self cloning thing is probably already happening. It’s not evolutionary in any way. It’s like a Houllebeque novel decribing a Monsanto version of designer humanity.

  5. This is all anathema to Christianity, but there is a natural eugenics in accord with Christian conservatism.

  6. @John: You specifically said “gays,” not “gay men.” Gay men and women still have fully-functioning reproductive organs. They can still reproduce.

  7. I’ve read the Bible through many times, never saw anything against artificial insemination or surrogate mothers

  8. There’s nothing said in scripture about condoms or birth control pills either, and nothing about cocaine and meth, and pornography — but it teaches principles that preclude the use of any of those.

  9. It doesn’t matter how many times you read a book, but whether you have read it seriously and critically, and in the case of THIS Book, in the spirit of it.

  10. “Here’s what you folks don’t get; someone else having full rights under the constitution doesn’t take anything away from you.”

    Where is there a right to sodomy in the U.S. Constitution? Would this right come from the wondrous Radical Republican reconstruction 14th amendment that even according to the state legislature of New Jersey from 1868 was passed by unconstitutional means?


    Anyway, yes it does take something away from us. It takes away the sense of having a community with shared moral values and turns us all into radically atomized individuals.

    “As a good southern boy I was taught to live and let live: weren’t you?”

    I guess the “good southern boys” who passed the laws against sodomy and miscegenation in the English colonial assemblies and the other “good old southern boys” who kept such laws on the books for hundreds of years, until the U.S. Supreme Court overturned them using your Charles Summer constitution, didn’t get the memo.


    Your “live and let live” philosophy of applying no community pressure on how people conduct themselves sexually especially when it is in gross and open immorality is completely and utterly baby boomer counter cultural libertarianism from the late 20th century.

    It has absolutely nothing to with the historic Southern value system or the U.S. Constitution.

  11. I just took one look at this section page and thought I was at a White Power rally or a KKK convention. Its exciting to see how everyone loves to pretend America is a white table cloth and they just have to iron out all the gays, African Americans and others once in awhile to make everything go back to the way it was over 200 years ago let alone pretending that people are defined by the color of their skin and who they sleep with over their character as Martin Luther King Jr encouraged to us.

    So I guess I got news for all you scared white people because I am coming to your state to rock your world and make it safe for people to coexist together in your white washing of America.

    Adam and Eve were never married. And why is it your business who anyone sleeps with? Because its “immoral”? Then stay out of my house and don’t bother inviting me to your potlocks. Hatred isn’t welcomed here.

  12. No addition, by me, to the Book in the sense you mean, and the Spirit doesn’t add either, but is given, according to the Book.

    Studying is not parroting verses. Interpretation involves speaking/writing words ABOUT the Book, not revising or changing it.

  13. Given Levitate marriages and wives giving their handmaidens to bare children for them, I would say that’s a strong case for artificial insemination

  14. Stonelifter, get real. There is nothing artificial about a man having sex with a female servant / slave to increase the numbers in his Clan. The offspring of these unions would not inherit but would have place and rights within the group.

    This does not compare with a couple of lesbians deciding to ‘have’ a child through artificial insemination. They contact the company. They read through the profiles of the donors. They pick a donor. They get the package. Big fight over who is going to be the one to get pregnant. Decision. The loser gets the package and bears the offspring. They raise a whacked out kid who is clueless as to the realities of gender.

    Cloning will eliminate this scene.

    Someday it will be possible to clone yourself and raise yourself to become the person you wanted to become. And you can have designer pets like a centaur for yourselfing.

  15. On love (sexual selection), god and beauty from a very erudite conservative scholar.
    Human beings will not survive if asexual reproduction becomes the norm. Beauty will be lost, love will disappear and nature will destroy us through plagues.

  16. Alexander: you have no idea what Biblical marriage is. It is not a cake, a dress, a visit to the justice of the peace. Marriage is the actual act of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman to produce offspring. Adam and Eve were married.

    Regarding your comment about what happens in bedrooms, nobody here is saying what adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms can or even should be regulated. However, we do object strongly to bringing that behavior out to the streets. We resent that for normal (heterosexuals) as well. Why are you so hot to advertise your bedroom behavior? Outside bedroom behavior homos are nothing special, meaning they are men just like the rest of us. Wake up and smell the coffee! You are being used as tools by the left for one purpose–to destroy traditional morality. Marx wrote all about it.

    Also, you had better think hard about this diversity you worship. I’m not so sure your vibrant non-Christian Muslim friends are going to take your sick perversions into consideration when they pass Shariat law.

  17. Alexander: where we’re the homos protesting against the Murfeesborough mosque? Why is it that the homos only have a problem with traditional Southern men? Do you not know what the average Muslim thinks of faggotry? Of course you do, but you don’t care because you, like your other homo brethren, are just tools Wake up!

  18. Alexander threatens to “rock” us – but then demands we leave him alone.

    Alexander’s an idiot, and a demented stunted child. We do need ot leave him/it alone, though; and we must MAKE It do the same.

    Ya see -what the defectives Alexander cites in his nonsensical post really want is that all his Unterbipeds be allowed to do whatever they want, at all times, no matter what – with nary a whisper of protest nor dissent – and yet all the silenced but responsible grownups (us, and those like us) to pay for them, take care of them, and pay for their mess.

    No. It’s over. No more. Your way is nothing but annihilation. We want NO part of YOU.

    Your agenda and general lunacy and depravity hurts US. So when you come to “rock” us – be ready to get rocked BACK.

  19. Alexander says:
    September 1, 2012 at 2:04 pm

    Get off your moral high horse. Every time you utter the word white, your contempt for whites is palpable.

    Every time you open your mouth, you tell us how you hate whites and want us gone. There is nothing more to you and your nasty little group of anti-whites.

  20. Alexander says:
    September 1, 2012 at 2:04 pm

    “So I guess I got news for all you scared white people because I am coming to your state to rock your world and make it safe for people to coexist together in your white washing of America.

    Adam and Eve were never married. And why is it your business who anyone sleeps with? Because its “immoral”? Then stay out of my house and don’t bother inviting me to your potlocks. Hatred isn’t welcomed here.”

    You tell us to stay out of your house, at the same time you seek to impose your minority views on the rest of us.

    You can gay it up in New York or California right now, where gays are welcome and are wanted, but you just can’t leave the White and Normal folk of the South alone, can you anti-white?

    You are a hypocrite, like all anti-whites. The only thing that motivates you is hate.

  21. @Wayne In no where in the Bible does it say Adam and Eve are married. And sure we can talk about “Biblical” marriage but that’s not what the courts have on paper. The tide is slowly turning about the law recognizing same sex couples and they don’t have to come to the churches to do it. They can go down to the courthouse and take the two – three days to apply for the marriage license and officially be married. No priest, pastor or church required.

    Also sex doesn’t have to be for procreation at all, it can be enjoyed between two consenting adults who might be married or who might not be. What about all the people who are sterile through just being born that way and can’t have kids? They aren’t allowed to have sex even though it brings the couple closer together and clearly the two love each other or should one of them divorce the other so they can go find someone more suitable to have babies that they might not be able to support. I love contraception, condoms and women having the right to the healthcare they need from Planned Parenthood.

    Also since when does Sharia Law become American law or has ever been recognized as a valid rule system to be applied here in the states? Still scratching my head on that one. Last time I also checked the First Amendment protects any religion that is reasonable in practice of it.

    Quoting Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto? He also warned that Capitalism destroys people and the world because it chooses to treat people as machines than actual human beings. Maybe you should go back and read it again, its a free pdf on the web if you google it.

    Also I have to admit I don’t like how Muslims treat their women but the Koran is a beautiful piece of literature rivaling the Torah and the Talmud. Its the religious zeal that goes into the message of the leaders that always concerns me more than anything else. Like the way preach hate for no true reason other than “Its terrible and I don’t want to compromise in my ways even though these people could be really nice.” Don’t even try to throw old research about how homosexual men molest kids because that is untrue, outdated and thanks for not getting up to speed in the modern world.

    I have seen your “Traditional Southern Men” dressed in white and marched through the streets of Hiram, GA when I was 10 years old lighting crosses in public parks and me asking my mother if these people were dressed up for Halloween. If your traditions were a little more tolerant then I wouldn’t be protesting them at all and spend my time else where.

    @Denise Yes I will rock your world but just like you claim to what you have your own privacy and yet want to get into my business of whoever I sleep with is quite hypocritical. Also I don’t preach Anarchy and hate it, I just want to be able to marry the person I want to and carry out whatever relationships that I want to.

    Also how does my “depravity” hurt you? Does my existence really hurt this world? I don’t think so since I don’t do drugs, drink, never got arrested, never had a speeding ticket, help people when I can… Sounds like I am living with virtues from the Bible and yet not going to church on Sundays or preach this message of hate against possible siblings or neighbors. I may cast the first stone but I’ll admit when I’m wrong in doing it.

    Also I am not a lunatic? Well I do love the moon and its mythology so I will take that as a complement. Thank you. As for depravity one persons dislike of someone might be another persons fetish. If you need help with knowing what fetishes are and other fun things like bdsm carefully google it.

    @John Vandalize? I don’t remember burning down churches or even tagging them in recent history. Let alone peeing on any Bibles recently. I wonder what mess you are talking about since I live a clean lifestyle aside from who I like to play with.

    I do remember from my classical history classes how the Bible is not a viable piece of evidence due to it being a patched work history/story book to give people life lessons that might have been based on true stories.

    I think I have answered everyone’s concerns. If I missed someone please holler. ^__^

  22. @Alexander

    “I think I have answered everyone’s concerns. If I missed someone please holler. ”

    You have not answered why you seek to make ALL white areas and ONLY white areas more “diverse”, ie LESS white. This is genocide according to international law.

  23. The Koran is very badly written. I’ve struggled through it and heard recitals of it.
    The only interesting manifestaion of it that is attractive is the use of Arabic script in architectural pediments and carved relief.

    Abraham and other characters are also very different.

  24. @Wayne:
    <blockquote"Why are you so hot to advertise your bedroom behavior?
    Except that he didn’t, actually.

    where we’re the homos protesting against the Murfeesborough mosque? Why is it that the homos only have a problem with traditional Southern men? Do you not know what the average Muslim thinks of faggotry? Of course you do, but you don’t care because you, like your other homo brethren, are just tools Wake up!

    If you think homosexual men and women aren’t against bigotry towards the LGBT community in Islam (or any other religion, for that matter), you’re sorely mistaken. Even within Islam, there are people striving for the application of human rights in that context.


    You call him a “demented, stunted child,” but at the same time basically use schoolyard name-calling to denounce him. If you can actually provide concrete evidence that any real mess has been made by the LGBT community that affects the United States as a whole, and that mess can be replicated in several controlled environments – affecting more than 50% of said environments, more than 50% of the time – you might have a valid argument.


    Get off your moral high horse.

    You’re certainly one to talk, considering the website where all of these comments are taking place. It’s hardly a case of being anti-Southern, anti-White, or anti-Christian, as it is a case of being anti-bigotry.

    You tell us to stay out of your house, at the same time you seek to impose your minority views on the rest of us.

    Can we have some current statistical evidence that this is, in fact, a minority view, please?

  25. Gays would generally very much like to run the risk of sort of persecution you actually see in Islamic states or those of darkie Africa in order to escape the imaginary persecution they “suffer” collectively in western societies.

    They are like Welsh atention whore Davith Thomas: “I’m the only gay in the Village! Stop oppressing me.”

  26. @Kiva D

    From just one post of a member of your group, I found key words that are used to intimidate white people, that want to discuss what is good for white people:

    White Power
    white washing of America.
    KKK convention
    white table cloth
    scared white people

    Anything I have missed?

    Do you go into black areas and talk to black people like that? Are you seeking to make all black areas, LESS black???

    Again, you have zero moral authority here, anti-white, what you are engaged in is genocide against white people. No one here is engaged in a genocidal war against blacks everywhere on earth. That is what You are doing to whites.


    Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

    The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

    Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

    What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

    How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

    And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

    But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

    They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  28. John why are you talking about this side issue, when White Genocide is the core of what they are pushing?

    They are trying to break up white areas.

    They are not trying to break up black areas.

    Do you understand that?

  29. @JimmyGears:You have not answered why you seek to make ALL white areas and ONLY white areas more “diverse”, ie LESS white. This is genocide according to international law.You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  30. We know what the UN Genocide Law says. White people have human rights and what you are engaged in is genocide.


    “Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.[13]” – Lemkin

  31. Alexander says:
    ‘Don’t even try to throw old research about how homosexual men molest kids because that is untrue, outdated and thanks for not getting up to speed in the modern world.’

    No, it is not untrue.

    Bill Donahue says all priest pedophiles are gay.
    Published Monday, July 26, 2010, 1:56 AM

    Read more: http://www.irishcentral.com/news/Bill-Donahue-says-all-priest-pedophiles-are-gay–99214654.html#ixzz25Gg26M2v

    Catholic League president Bill Donohue has claimed that the Catholic church pedophile crisis is really a homosexual crisis and has used Irish Americans and drinking as an example.

    “The conventional wisdom maintains there is a pedophilia crisis in the Catholic Church; he wrote in the Washington Post “I maintain it has been a homosexual crisis all along. “

    “Think of it this way. We know there is a correlation between being Irish and being an alcoholic, but that doesn’t mean all Irishmen are, or will become, alcoholics. But it does mean they have a special problem in this area. Does this now make me anti-Irish?

    “Alfred Kinsey was the first to identify a correlation between homosexuality and the sexual abuse of minors. In 1948, he found that 37 percent of all male homosexuals admitted to having sex with children under 17 years old.

    More recently, in organs such as the Archives of Sexual Behavior, the Journal of Sex Research, the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy and Pediatrics, it has been established that homosexuals are disproportionately represented among child molesters.”

    Donahue quotes Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons a psychiatrist who has spent years treating sexually abusive priests.

    Many psychologists and psychiatrists have shown that there is no link between celibacy and pedophilia,” he said earlier this year. Instead, they have found a “relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia.” So are all of these psychologists and psychiatrists wrong?

    In fact, “Fitzgibbons says, “every priest whom I treated who was involved with children sexually had previously been involved in adult homosexual relationships.”

    Donohue concludes by saying “In the end, I am not going to stop telling the truth about the link between homosexuality and the sexual abuse of minors. The evidence is overwhelming, and only political considerations get in the way of being honest about it

  32. “Genocide is “the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group””


    You anti-white better understand this now. When you seek to make an area LESS white, you are engaged in genocide against white people.

  33. @JimmyGears There is no “White” Race or genocide against them. Stop watching Fox News, turn off your white power metal and open a history book to realize that it has never existed except under Adolf Hitler’s beliefs. Sure this country was quite anti Semitic and even supported him until one of his allies aka Japan attacked Pearl Harbor drawing us into the war against him. We didn’t care about Europe because we ended up in a depression and then once the war machine started turning things around the United States suddenly changed its turn to fighting Nazi’s. Did you know that we were selling weapons and steel to Nazi Germany before we entered the war and their tanks were stronger than ours?

    There has been no “solid White countries” in the history of the world. History has just been white washed to make you believe so. The whole “Break up the world into what you look like” is quite an invalid argument because then not only would diversity be extinct but you only get one side of the story that you might be comfortable with and here is a fun fact: There are white Africans who used to own 90% of the wealth in South Africa and then one day Nelson Mandela decided to rise up against them. The apartheid was broken so White and Black Africans could be treated equally under the law.

    Its in the history books as well as when the KKK started right after the Civil War when the South was wrecked and the North didn’t even feel it. So the South depended on these old ideals of still letting their slaves and now former slaves raise their children while they were proper southern ladies. The propaganda film and his last by Cecil B Demil “Birth of a Nation” helped spread such beliefs of White Southern men protecting their women and families from “Black Devils” thus led to lynching and the continue slaughter of African Americans clear to the 1960’s when it started to become a hate crime to kill a African American without a trial as all people deserve. To this day there is no law on the books that lynching has been outlawed which is a horror unto itself.

    When LGBT people are asking for some kind of equality and equal protection under the law how does it really affect people in churches? Its a legitimate question that truly gives me a headache because if you don’t want people to wed there even though it would boost your economy and even revive it. Look at New York state and how much money they have been making/their economy being revived because people can get married there. When you take out the diversity and means for growth economies get stalled then goes downhill from there. People can’t afford their houses or food and then blame minorities for their problems over realizing what is really going on. That no one is being erased but history is becoming more colorful and truthful with every discovery then boring, bland and white washed.

  34. Alexander says:
    ‘and here is a fun fact: There are white Africans who used to own 90% of the wealth in South Africa and then one day Nelson Mandela decided to rise up against them. The apartheid was broken so White and Black Africans could be treated equally under the law.’

    Here is another fun fact: South Africa is becoming a hell hole, reverting back to the stone age under nigger rule. Oh, and it is now the rape capital of the world. For joy! I wonder who is doing all the raping?

  35. @Alexander
    Your ramblings are moderately entertaining, but nowhere do you address the fact that massive third-world immigration and forced integration is being forced upon EVERY White country and ONLY White countries, and according to international law this is genocide. Do you advocate for the genocide of my people?

    Are you are anti-racist, or are you anti-White?

    Did Mommy Professor forget to tell you that anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-White?

  36. Here’s a fun story,

    there was a country called Rhodesia in the 1970s. It was the breadbasket of Africa. Whites owned 90% of the wealth. Everyone was fed and schooled. Jobs aplenty. Then a vicious vibrantist called Mugabe rose up and got rid of “whiteman”. Now Rhodesia is called Zimbabwe, 200,000 whites were reduced to 20,000 whites and Zimbabwe is a BASKETCASE. There are regular famines there. There is political oppression and the place is dying.

    Funny coincidence that niggers took over there too!

  37. Silly, silly Alexander! You anti-Whites believe in …

    Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for EVERYONE!

    You say there is no such thing as a White Country, which is the same as saying there’s no such thing as White Peoples. That’s the anti-White’s wet dream: No more White People, ie. Genocide.

    Africa is named “the Black continent” everyday. But nobody is saying “Africa is not a Black continent! There are no Black countries!”

    China is named “the Yellow giant” everyday. But nobody is saying “Asia is not an Asian country! There are no Asian countries!”

    Anti-Whites like YOU say ALL & ONLY White countries should not be called as such.

    You say you are anti-racist. What you are is anti-White.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

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