The Cost of the Union: Federal Court Blocks Texas Voter ID Law


Here we have another illustration of why secession is necessary: the same federal court that blocked the Texas redistricting map on the grounds of “racism” has blocked the Texas Voter ID law for imposing “strict, unforgiving burdens on the poor” that disproportionately affect minority voters.

Note: Reforming the system is impossible.

I will say though that pushing for things like state immigration laws and Voter ID laws is useful and worthwhile … purely for the sake of exposing and delegitimizing the consolidated despotism in Washington in order to advance secession.

“WASHINGTON (AP) –A federal court on Thursday rejected a Texas law that would require voters to present photo IDs to election officials before being allowed to cast ballots in November…

The ruling comes two days after a separate federal three-judge panel ruled that Texas’ Republican dominated state Legislature did not draw new congressional and state Senate district maps “without discriminatory purposes.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. ‘I will say though that pushing for things like state immigration laws and Voter ID laws is useful and worthwhile … for the sole sake of exposing and delegitimizing the consolidated despotism system in Washington in order to advance secession.’

    Agreed, HW. It’s time that we demand our local and State officials begin defying Federal dictates like this.

  2. Reforming the system is NOT impossible. A tiny cabal of commie Jews and a comparitive minority of niggers completely wrenched the system away from the native white majority in this country over the course of two generations. Why is it so inconcievable that whites could do the same thing? (Aside of course, from the crying and pissing and defeatism at the drop of a hat, from the so-called “white racialist” community..)

  3. Tiny cabal!?! LARGE majorities of both parties of Congress have voted for the present laws and confirmed the appointment of the present federal judiciary for decades!

  4. 313Chris, they used practical politics, not electoral politics.

    They marched, faced the baton, the dog, the angry mob and made the comfort-seekers conclude that it was easier to give in than to resist.

    True, whites CAN take back (most of) the nation, but not until the current country club elite have that gut punch “moment” that electoral politics can’t work.

    Article 1: Senator Lindsey Graham “The demographics race we’re losing badly,” “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

    Article 2: The GOP Elite (neoconservatives, people that look like us but have no loyalty to us) just made it so that there can never be another Ron Paul type insurrection in the GOP Primary.

    Watch this YouTube video showing how the result of a voice vote was already typed into the teleprompter before the vote that the Speaker of the House Boehner used to ram through that new rule during the GOP convention.

    Yes we can take (much of) the country back, by making the comfort seekers realize that the only path to comfort is giving us what we demand.

  5. @Rudel

    Yes, dumbass, it WAS a tiny cabal. Do you honestly think the tax-paying constituents of both parties (yes, even the Democrats) of Congress wanted the country to end up like this? Every anti-white, constitution-undermining piece of legislation that’s been introduced since the 1960’s has led to either gridlock, inter-party migration, or violence in the streets. And yet, somehow that shit get’s forced down the voter’s throat anyway. Why? Because, dumbass, in case you hadn’t noticed policy-makers don’t answer to voters. They answer to a tiny cabal financiers with their own agenda.

  6. Chris, when you add in the DWL vote, plus consider the fact that the left has programmed generations of our youth, then it is a majority. You are right, it was a small cabal…at first.

  7. Why are not the Republicans screaming about this? Blatant in your face Dem voters from abroad is what it amounts to. Where the hell is Romney on this? Ryan? The Tea Party? Answer: they are owned by the Marxist left.

  8. Don’t call me a dumbass you wop piece of shit. (BTW I’m still waiting for you to come out to Portland like you promised and back up your internet tough guy threats resulting in your death on the sidewalk from sucking chest wounds while you whimper for your mama.)

    If the people didn’t want this then why did they repeatedly keep voting for the same politicians?. Fool.

  9. Right on, Rudel. Good ole George Bush the Lesser signed into law a measure requiring ballots in foreign languages and foreign speakers at every polling station. Why would he do that?

  10. It is not a tiny cabal of Jews. The White majority in the Northern states supports the Democratic Party which appoints the liberal judges which consolidate all power in Washington and which forces niggers and illegal aliens on Texas.

  11. Hope they jettison that queer Lindsay Graham, that would be a good place to start. We’re losing the demographics race because of assholes like him.

  12. “I hope to live long enough to raise a glass in toast to the death of the Empire and liberation of my people.”

    PalmettoPatriot, I’ll buy the first round.
    Thank you for all you have done and all you are doing on behalf of the Southern people.

    “A tiny cabal of commie Jews and a comparitive minority of niggers completely wrenched the system away from the native white majority in this country over the course of two generations.”

    Right. Negroes are just so clever, aren’t they? I seem to remember widespread support among yankees for the many gifts of BRA. Most yankees are still true believers in BRA. Obama didn’t elect himself, despite all your magical negro notions.

    Maybe when the yankees were in charge, they should not have thrown in their lot with Marxist Jews to begin with. Then they wouldn’t have wound up hoist on their own petard.

    The federal government and both political parties are dominated by anti-white ideologies. White people will have a future again when BRA ceases to exist. Until then, we are only enduring the slow death of our people at the hands of the glorious Union.

    Abjure the realm.

    Deo Vindice

  13. A lot of these federal rulings that just throw out whatever the states/people do that the ruling elite doesn’t like come from Republican appointed judges. Vote White, vote Republican, vote the lesser of two evils…and get judges that side with liberalism. 

    There are definitely more bad GOP appointments than good ones. For every good GOP-appointed judge like Vinson (he ruled Obamacare to be unconstitutional), there are 2 or 3 like Roberts and about 5 like Kagan and Ginsberg. So, the few good ones can’t make a dent. The same is true in the legislature. Decent Senators like Sessions and Paul are essentially powerless on the major issues. Whatever incremental gain they might give us in theory at the federal level can’t get off the ground. 

    The federal courts usually overrule these state decisions based on the supremacy clause, commerce clause and the 14th amendment in the Constitution. In other words, they rely on legal theories that prevailed after the CSA was defeated in TWBTS. These theories would not prevail across the north American land mass if the CSA had won.

    I really think the CSA losing TWBTS is a seriously under-appreciated factor in the decline of the West. A lot of people point to the French Revolution as the decisive shift. In some respects, it was. At the same time though, France has been a marginal player on the world stage since Napoleon’s time. The US Federal Government has been the main source of evil both at home and abroad in the world since shortly before WW1, and the version of the US Federal Government that inflicted all this damage was very much a creation of Abraham Lincoln rather than Madison, Jefferson, Adams et al. 

  14. “the version of the US Federal Government that inflicted all this damage was very much a creation of Abraham Lincoln rather than Madison, Jefferson, Adams et al.”

    Just read his First Inaugural Address to see it in all its lying horror.

  15. The Union was the proposition that white men should die for the sake of a few sullen blacks.

    The Abomination of desolation.

  16. OT:

    re: Romney, Iran, and Jew Sheldon Adelson. Andrew Sullivan gets to the heart of the matter.

    Sheldon Adelson paid for a war against Iran and a war he will surely get. These people don’t care about a deficit caused by wars, or by tax cuts; they care about a deficit caused by the sick and seniors and the poor. But some reporter should surely ask Romney how he intends to pay for the next war the neocons are planning. Or the 4 percent of GDP defense spending pledge. Since when does someone who has a foreign policy strategy simply put a percentage number on defense spending?

    . . . I don’t trust Romney’s ability to resist the neocon war machine, even if he wanted to (and there is no sign he does). And the modern GOP is very pro-war (check out how McCain bigfooted Rand Paul yesterday). The argument that Romney “seems to have internalized that argument” does not exactly convince me. Let’s see what rhetoric he deploys tonight. But if it is anything but Cheneyism, I’ll be surprised.

  17. List for us 313 Chris all the nations that have left their founding ideology and later returned to it. Clearly this should be a simple task since you are so much wiser and better educated then us.

    Buy the 1st round? The hell you will Apuleius. You Palmetto Patriot and the boys head my way and I’ll but some pigs in the ground (mulefoot hogs too), pull my crawfish traps for a boil and pour peach moonshine down y’all till no one can stand up. I got fireworks, firearms, ponds to fish…. and everything else we need to have one hell of a to do.

  18. “Just read his First Inaugural Address to see it in all its lying horror.”

    while I would normally say that is sound advice, I think your statement lacks an appreciation for how well indoctrinated and trained these people are

  19. The defeat of the Confederacy is directly behind the French Revolution and directly preceding the defeat of NS Germany in the great defeats for the European people.

    Im glad it was blocked. The faster Texas turns blue due to demography (and makes Republican Presidential ambitions doomed forever) the sooner whites wake up and realize…its all over. Freedom failed. If we live long enough to raise a glass, Palmetto, Ill be right there with you. Hell, I wish we all lived close enough to drink together every weekend and do these conversations in person.

  20. great idea Apuleius, I’ll hire a band too.

    Hell brothers I bought this to live out my country boy dreams and I’ve been setting it for a few years now. I need two more horses and a cannon and things will be set

  21. @Stonelifter

    I don’t know of any countries besides my own, that were “founded” on some “ideology”. Most countries manifest from the culture of the dominant race inhabiting a given set of geographic boundaries.

    If you’re talking about cultural ideology, I could say that Russia returned to it’s roots after a long stretch under Communism. Historically speaking, Japan existed under the military dictatorship of the Tokugawa Shogunate for nearly 250 years, before restoring their Emperor as the national, albeit symbolic, figure head.

    Greece, Spain, Serbia, & Malta all returned to a Christianity-centered culture after long periods of Islamic rule.

    Nations lose their way, and eventually find their way back. Mine will be no different.

    Say, when you jackasses get together for your hee-haw, don’t forget to provide clean hypodermic needles, enough helpings of whatever steroid you always take, and enough foreign darky wombs for all your guests! 🙂

  22. “Historically speaking, Japan existed under the military dictatorship of the Tokugawa Shogunate for nearly 250 years, before restoring their Emperor as the national, albeit symbolic, figure head.”

    The shoguns retained the Emperor on the throne during their entire rule.

  23. none of those nations you listed have returned to anything like their former selves Chris. They are trying to a degree but come one to say Greece is what it use to be or even Russia is a far stretch. Both are weaken and crippled, Russia’s birth rate sucks, both are still basically socialist states, with insane levels of corruption…Those places will never be what they use to be. They can be a version of what they use to be but… you’d know better if your read up on their history and their current struggles. More so if you’ve been to the places

    When they stepped back in Japan they didn’t have elections or what not; they split a lot of blood and where a single ethnic group.

    as for the other, you can’t hep yourself on the insults can you? Why does it burn you up I use gear? What does it cost you? How does it harm you? Are you that small that you can’t abide others success? Or is it more of your petty jealousy seeping out, jealous I have the stones to step and be what you could never strive for. Tell me what exactly is the genetic defect that makes you that way? Or is it from all the nigger jizz you swallow? Or from all the stray dogs you take up the ass?

  24. You think so John? I hope your are correct but their White birth rate sucks and most folks are unaware how fast islam is growing, or all the hold over issues they still have from killing the family unit, trying to crush the church… Course most Russians I know are ex-pats so maybe I am getting a false sense of things from them which tilts my reading in the wrong direction

  25. @Rudel

    The Shogun administered the country. The Emperor was basically kept hostage in Kyoto.

    During the Bakumatsu, it was the Tokugawa Shogunate that the Choshu and Satsuma factions were trying to depose, and restore the Emperor to rule.

  26. Russia has the capacity to rebound. They were at a low ebb after the Russo-Japanese war. Fast forward to 1945 and they were in total control.

  27. It’s amusing to watch 313Chris making excuses for what his people have done to destroy Dixie and White civilization in America. Without Yankees, there would be no threat of genocide in the face of massive NW immigration and no BRA.

    “But the Jews made us do it!” Sorry, we ain’t buyin’ it.

  28. @Stonelifter

    “you’d know better if you read up on their current situation and their struggles. More so if you’ve been to the places”

    – I’ve spent considerable time in Japan. More than once. Serbia and Russia, no. But I personally know expats and keep in touch with friends from both countries. You’re not the only one who gets around.

    “you just can’t help with the insults can you”

    – All the hostility between you and me, was started by YOU.

    “Why does it burn you up I use gear?”

    – It doesn’t. But when you make personal attacks on me, you’ll get it in return — “Hit me, I hit back harder. Welcome to man land.”– Remember that one?

    “Are you that small that you can’t abide others success?”

    – Dude, I’m not small in any way.

    “Or is it more of your petty jealousy seeping out, jealous I have the stones to step and be what you could never strive for?”

    – What the hell are you, that I would ever in my right mind want to be?

    “**More roid-rage-induced vulgarity that I won’t bother repeating**”

    – It’s no wonder your wife left you.

  29. @Rudel

    It was the Emperor who used his own authority to adopt a modern Parliament for Japan after the Meiji Restoration.

  30. I’m not that familiar with 19th century Japanese history. If you say the Emperor was instrumental in modernizing Japan I’ll take your word for it.

  31. lol, no you started in on the insults on this thread, by calling us jackasses for the horrible crime of disagreeing with you. We should keep a list of your post that included insults and those that don’t. Perhaps you don’t respond to my insults because you know them to be true.

    If you knew anything you’d know roid rage is a media lie and that men with high testosterone levels are actually happier and less cranky. But like I said, you would have to know something to know that

    I am better then you in every possible way and an actual American of founding stock, which you are not and could never be. I think that eats you up knowing your own stock couldn’t create a nation like this use to be, and knowing your people helped kill the idea of small govt and individual liberty by ethnic White bloc voting trends in the north.

  32. @Stonelifter

    “I think it eats you up knowing your own stock couldn’t create a nation like this used to be”

    – I doubt it. And to be certain, my stock ruled the known world while yours was still living in caves and picking lice out of their beards. But yes, America was really something special.

  33. 313Chris
    I’m not sure why you use this word nation, when nation means people. If you change the people, it is not the same nation any more.

  34. If they make whites a minority and force everyone to “mix in”, as they are trying to do to whites in the USA and everywhere else, it will no longer a white nation. Massive immigration and forced integration is intended to destroy white nations and it will. If you stay behind as a minority, your ancestors will be as dark as the Aryan’s ancestors in India, or King Tut’s ancestors in Egypt. So there will be nothing left to save or reform.

    Your quote below:

    313Chris says:
    August 31, 2012 at 3:58 am


    I don’t know of any countries besides my own, that were “founded” on some “ideology”. Most countries manifest from the culture of the dominant race inhabiting a given set of geographic boundaries.

    If you’re talking about cultural ideology, I could say that Russia returned to it’s roots after a long stretch under Communism. Historically speaking, Japan existed under the military dictatorship of the Tokugawa Shogunate for nearly 250 years, before restoring their Emperor as the national, albeit symbolic, figure head.

    Greece, Spain, Serbia, & Malta all returned to a Christianity-centered culture after long periods of Islamic rule.

    Nations lose their way, and eventually find their way back. Mine will be no different.

  35. You think Italians are Roman? You know less then I thought. Italians are the mixed race offspring of Romans and all the people who conquered Rome and raped their women. Romans never conquered my people and had to build a wall to try and keep us out. Also the idea that Europe was full of backwards savages and the like before Rome has been proven false. But I don’t expect you to know anything of history. Rome is an excellent example of how nations do not return to their founding morals/ ideals.

    None of the places you listed have returned to their former glory or ways. Greece was the glory of the world and the heart of the West, now it’s a group of people rioting for more welfare. Spain ruled an empire and now, like Greece, wail and riot at the idea of govt cuts.

    Try reading The Fate of Empires and the Search for Survival by John Glubb. T

  36. Yes, Italians are mixed race. Roman SLAVE importation from Africa and Middle East led to this:

    Wait, the Romans DID conquer and even fortified a line through the middle of Scotland, before building the famous Hadrian wall along its border later. They didn’t think Scotland and Ireland worth conquering or holding.

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