Noam Chomsky: Why America and Israel Are the Greatest Threats to Peace


I bought and read most of his books about seven years ago:

“It is not easy to escape from one’s skin, to see the world differently from the way it is presented to us day after day. But it is useful to try. Let’s take a few examples.

The war drums are beating ever more loudly over Iran. Imagine the situation to be reversed.

Iran is carrying out a murderous and destructive low-level war against Israel with great-power participation. Its leaders announce that negotiations are going nowhere. Israel refuses to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty and allow inspections, as Iran has done. Israel continues to defy the overwhelming international call for a nuclear-weapons-free zone in the region. Throughout, Iran enjoys the support of its superpower patron.

Iranian leaders are therefore announcing their intention to bomb Israel, and prominent Iranian military analysts report that the attack may happen before the U.S. elections.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. My .02 is that the plot to the movie “Syriana” is about as close to what strategy is being played out. That is the basic direction of pipelines and who controls the area militarily, but even that might be being surpassed by the events of China buying up everything else. The Pars natgas field is the prize, it flows West to Euro land or East to Asia, and the Pars sits in Iranian and Quatar waters.

  2. Again the simple solution is a partition.

    Chomsky is wierd one though. He seems radically critical of Israel but what does it matter if everything he pushes domestically serves to make America more and more militarized as an empire.

  3. By that I mean, he supports the narrative of the Union. Antislave, pro everything that served to centralize the Taxslave funded MIC that needs new victims every decade.

  4. Obama maintains a CIA hit list like JFK. If he knows what’s in the United States best interests he would assassinate Bibi Netanyahu right now. The last thing we want is for the Iranians to be firing retaliatory volleys of Russian surface-to-ship missiles at the U.S.Navy, Chinese, Japanese, or European bound oil tankers, and gas and oil drilling platforms in the Persian Gulf.

  5. The tragedy of ancient Iran speaks directly to our struggle in the present:

    Northwestern Iran saw the rise of copper wielding charioteers who conquered their neighbors and attempted to rule without mixing.

    They were eventually overwhelmed by the Brown Undertow, first in India, where corruption of the religion lead to the Zoroastrian reaction and the reduction of a world of many gods into the struggle between one Good Deity of Light and one Evil Deity of Darkness where men, adhering to Arta (“right”, “order”) will lead to a personal and collective triumph against evil.

    They brought the world a “kinder, gentler” imperialism, conquered Iraq and liberated the Jews, brought the world human rights and religious toleration.

    Later they were overwhelmed by Arabs and then Mongols.

    With some name changes, we could be talking about European man in the New World.

  6. Darkness of Arabia and of India might have something (don’t know how to quantify it exactly) to do with sugar plantations in India and in Mesoptamia. As these Practices spread with the Muslim invasions via the use of forced labour the darkness spread and brought on negritude. There’s no other reason for what we see in Haiti or Brazil. Might explain how nigged out various other places are today.

  7. No, Chumpsky, Jews are the greatest threat to peace the world over. Since they often use frontmen, vaporize their frontmen, too! Oh, and make sure George Soros and every last Rothschild doesn’t escape this time!!!

  8. If I recall Chomsky’s position on Israel is that it’s a colonial puppet-state of the “U.S. Empire”, not the other way around (and that Israel’s militarism and ethnocentrism are not “intrinsically” Jewish, merely the result of its association with the U.S.).

  9. “The last thing we want is for the Iranians to be firing retaliatory volleys of Russian surface-to-ship missiles at the U.S.Navy, Chinese, Japanese, or European bound oil tankers, and gas and oil drilling platforms in the Persian Gulf.”

    There is some difference of opinion on that. Some want chaos and collapse to begin as soon as possible.

  10. By that I mean, he supports the narrative of the Union. Antislave, pro everything that served to centralize the Taxslave funded MIC that needs new victims every decade.

    You talking about Chomsky or Chris?

  11. I wonder if he will later rediscover his Hebe roots? “Atheism with Jewish characteristics” as the Chinese say.

  12. Attacking Israel because Israel is also RACIST aligned with evil White, imperialist AmeriKKKa – not really a great position for us.

    I doubt Hank Williams JR. Is going to be packing in hundreds of thousands of Southern Good Old’ Boys with this message. Maybe heroin addict Steve Earle can do concerts with Noam Chomsky and bash America, bash Israel, promote the Arab League, organization of African Unity, the UN, Ford Foundation etc.

  13. Chomsky IS a weird one.

    Maybe the first time I saw him was in a documentary about him, where he was addressing a roomful of confused-looking, guilted White South Africans, pushing them to look at their “role” in regards to “the other.”

    Mainly, he seems to just work as an anti-white, if more intelligent than some of the others.

  14. He had ample opportunity during the six years that Bibi was enrolled first as an undergraduate and then in the business school at MIT in the 1970’s.

  15. Chomsky is your typical academic, sad to say.

    Finding a defining area of study, (Transformational grammar) he rose to the top of his field (Linguistics) and was touted in the ’60’s and early ’70’s as the ‘be-all/end-all’ for study of languages, and how that was to ‘help’ ESL teachers (I was one in a another life) which then meant that we opened our arms (and our borders) to people who ‘wanted to learn English’- when we now realize that all they (foreigners) were doing, was finding a way into our social services, a fast-track to ‘citizenship,’ while remaining intransigently monocultural (and not OUR monoculture- theirs!) even after they had gained it- first the ‘Vietnamese boat people,’ then it was the Soviet Jews, the Hmong, the Mexicans, Somalias, Kenyans (Barack), SE Asians, Darfur, etc. in a never-ending, never-decreasing parade of non-White pagan filth .

    In short, I realized about twenty years ago, I was/had been in the forefront (as a naive undergrad), decades ago, of helping undermine our culture -advocating for ESL across the board while at the same time, being a paying member of ‘US English,’ (they never did ANYTHING to stop the flood of illegals- and/or legals!) and yet, I kept wondering why Hispanics in So Cal. were not ‘adapting’ to the America I thought still existed (this was the 1970’s and ’80’s, remember). I couldn’t see the reality that, in filling a need (myself) to teach the ‘xenos’ our mother tongue, I was (at the same time) legitimizing the eventual importation of thousands, then millions of non-Whites to our country (their goal), to (and I quote) as we were told, ‘Do the jobs Americans won’t do.’ When I awoke to the first reality, I started voting Republican (Reagan- twice, Ford- once, Bush, Sr.- and then I awoke to THAT charade, and have rarely voted since…. what were our choices, after all? -Clinton? -Obama?????)

    So, by way of ‘confession,’ I stopped teaching ESL, over twenty-five years ago, and now only teach my own children our lovely languge, as THEIR inheritance.

    But back to Noam. Chomsky, having created a ‘revolution,’ then began to pontificate on other issues (a terminal disease of academics- thinking they know everything, because they have learned one thing well….. they actually start to believe they know OTHER things equally as well, without doing the dissertation research in THOSE fields) , and that’s how Noam’s ‘expertise’ morphed into his books on international policy, politics, culture, etc.

    Chomsky transcended his own area of specialization- helped tremendously (of course) by his own Hebe megalomaniac roots. Today, however, he’s now tossed in as a ‘historical oddity’ that has outlived his importance- in the article below, he’s mentioned in the same breath with the Pre-Raphaelites and Boasians, for crying out loud(!) He’s seen (as almost everything is seen) as merely a ‘historical’ step in the never-ending ‘five year plans’ of the Loony Left.

    When I realized that many in the South (as well as the Orthodox Church) tended to view things in terms of CENTURIES, rather than decades (or the latest dance craze/MTV/VH1/TIVO/Blue-ray/i-Pod-Pad-Phone gadget), I came to realize that all Modernity WISHES us to forget our past- racial, cultural, religious, philosophical – and they purposefully keep youth stupid; (by keeping them perpetually ‘young’ i.e., not attaining to intellectual maturity) and the fact that the Boomers voted in O’Nigger, is proof of that fact. We Boomers were the first mass-produced generation in history, that, even as the youngest of us approach 60, still have NOT GROWN UP- we listen to the crap we listened to when we were in our teens, and consider it ‘classic’- when it’s not more than fifty years old! Mozart, Beethoven- THAT’s classic.
    Rock? Puh-leez.

    But that’s where our world IS, nowadays. That’s why, when I realized this was their way of CONTROLLING US, I personally put on the brakes, grew up, had children, and started to re-learn how to view things -through the lens of millennia, rather than the bullshit of ‘hope and change’ campaigns (again those ‘five year plans’ a la Stalin).

    Chomsky (like Jimmy Carter, Mick Jaggar, and Madonna- old hag that she is) are still believing they are ‘Relevant.’ When all they are, are done. Like BRA. The New Millennium belongs to us all, but it is only those who will see that the last sixty years was an Aberration, are those that will lead us out of this Negrified mess we have made for ourselves. As I’ve said elsewhere, we are like the terminal generation in the Desert of the Exodus- longing for the fleshpots of Egypt, and knowing that we will die, and only our children will see the promised land- of a White, revifified Nation, devoid of multiculturalism, multiracialism and multi-creedalism. Deo Volente.

  16. Chomsky is your typical academic, sad to say.

    Finding a defining area of study, (Transformational grammar) he rose to the top of his field (Linguistics) and was touted in the ’60’s and early ’70’s as the ‘be-all/end-all’ for study of languages, and how that was to ‘help’ ESL teachers (I was one in a another life) which then meant that we opened our arms (and our borders) to people who ‘wanted to learn English’- when we now realize that all they (foreigners) were doing, was finding a way into our social services, a fast-track to ‘citizenship,’ while remaining intransigently monocultural (and not OUR monoculture- theirs!) even after they had gained it- first the ‘Vietnamese boat people,’ then it was the Soviet Jews, the Hmong, the Mexicans, Somalias, Kenyans (Barack), SE Asians, Darfur, etc. in a never-ending, never-decreasing parade of non-White pagan filth .

    In short, I realized about twenty years ago, I was/had been in the forefront (as a naive undergrad), decades ago, of helping undermine our culture -advocating for ESL across the board while at the same time, being a paying member of ‘US English,’ (they never did ANYTHING to stop the flood of illegals- and/or legals!) and yet, I kept wondering why Hispanics in So Cal. were not ‘adapting’ to the America I thought still existed (this was the 1970’s and ’80’s, remember). I couldn’t see the reality that, in filling a need (myself) to teach the ‘xenos’ our mother tongue, I was (at the same time) legitimizing the eventual importation of thousands, then millions of non-Whites to our country (their goal), to (and I quote) as we were told, ‘Do the jobs Americans won’t do.’ When I awoke to the first reality, I started voting Republican (Reagan- twice, Ford- once, Bush, Sr.- and then I awoke to THAT charade, and have rarely voted since…. what were our choices, after all? -Clinton? -Obama?????)

    So, by way of ‘confession,’ I stopped teaching ESL, over twenty-five years ago, and now only teach my own children our lovely languge, as THEIR inheritance.

    But back to Noam. Chomsky, having created a ‘revolution,’ then began to pontificate on other issues (a terminal disease of academics- thinking they know everything, because they have learned one thing well….. they actually start to believe they know OTHER things equally as well, without doing the dissertation research in THOSE fields) , and that’s how Noam’s ‘expertise’ morphed into his books on international policy, politics, culture, etc.

    Chomsky transcended his own area of specialization- helped tremendously (of course) by his own Hebe megalomaniac roots. Today, however, he’s now tossed in as a ‘historical oddity’ that has outlived his importance- in the article below, he’s mentioned in the same breath with the Pre-Raphaelites and Boasians, for crying out loud(!) He’s seen (as almost everything is seen) as merely a ‘historical’ step in the never-ending ‘five year plans’ of the Loony Left.

    When I realized that many in the South (as well as the Orthodox Church) tended to view things in terms of CENTURIES, rather than decades (or the latest dance craze/MTV/VH1/TIVO/Blue-ray/i-Pod-Pad-Phone gadget), I came to realize that all Modernity WISHES us to forget our past- racial, cultural, religious, philosophical – and they purposefully keep youth stupid; (by keeping them perpetually ‘young’ i.e., not attaining to intellectual maturity) and the fact that the Boomers voted in O’Nigger, is tacit proof of that factwe actually BELIEVED the crap of MLK, and his “I have a dream BS.”

    I’m truly sorry for my generation, and that of the one preceding it.

    We Boomers were the first mass-produced generation in history, that- even as the youngest of us approach 60, still have NOT GROWN UP- we listen to the crap we listened to when we were in our teens, and consider it ‘classic’- when it’s not more than fifty years old! Mozart, Beethoven- THAT’s classic.
    Rock? Puh-leez.

    But that’s where our world IS, nowadays. That’s why, when I realized this was “their” way of CONTROLLING US, I personally put on the brakes, grew up, had children, and started to re-learn how to view things -through the lens of millennia, rather than the bullshit of ‘hope and change’ campaigns (again those ‘five year plans’ a la Stalin).

    Chomsky (like Jimmy Carter, Mick Jaggar, and Madonna- old hag that she is) are still believing they are ‘Relevant.’ When all they are, are done. Like BRA.

    The New Millennium belongs to us all, but it is only those who will see that the last sixty years was an Aberration, are those that will lead us out of this Negrified mess we have made for ourselves. As I’ve said elsewhere, we are like the ‘terminal generation’ in the Desert of the Exodus in the Bible- longing for the ‘fleshpots (discos?) of Egypt (NYC),’ and yet, knowing in our deepest hearts that we will die, and only our children will see the promised land- of a White, revified Nation; devoid of multiculturalism, multiracialism and multi-creedalism. Like the Founding Fathers envisioned; an “alabaster city, undimmed by human tears.” All I can say to that is-

    Deo Volente. (and soon)

  17. Ok by me.

    That’s a post worth reading twice. The move to Thinking Generationally, and to understand that your enemies have been doing so, seems crucial. Once that’s accomplished, you’ve entered another landscape, a far deeper world, a space where battles really occur.

  18. The other thing, Fr. John—

    Is that you must know how difficult those realizations can be, how lonely, when surrounded by so many infantile adults.

    I used to do a test in conversations when older people were talking: I’d ask, “could I be having this same conversation with a five year old?” It’s frightening how often the answer was yes.

    Maybe you’ll appreciate how useful psalm 69 was: the line, “I’m forced to restore what I did not steal.” Somehow, the children of those infants have to turn things around, which is such a large task.

  19. “He’s seen (as almost everything is seen) as merely a ‘historical’ step in the never-ending ‘five year plans’ of the Loony Left.”

    That article is in fact a left-wing “Blank Slate” hatchet job. Chomsky was quite right when he posited that the human faculty for language and grammar was an inherited trait selected for by evolutionary forces.

  20. PS – as a Boomer in good standing I have always preferred Baroque and Early Music to the Classical period which you seem to prefer. Plainsong, Gregorian chants, Corelli, Buxtehude, Vivaldi, and many others, not of course to fail to mention the greatest musical genius in human history: Johann Sebastian Bach.

  21. I love Bach. But he’s far to cerebral at times. I prefer Mozart, and even eschew Beethoven when he’s at his most bombastic. I also jump quite easily to the late French Romantics, and the ‘neo-classicism’ of the early 20th Century France- which includes (of course) Stravinsky… in small doses.

    Sorry, OT. Back to the topic- “Chomsky was quite right when he posited that the human faculty for language and grammar was an inherited trait selected for by evolutionary forces.”

    I don’t deny that. I merely point out that the divine predestination for Adam’s seed to be the image and likeness of YHWH God, would presuppose Language- for God ‘said, and it was so.’ So, too, would his icon.

    “I’d ask, “could I be having this same conversation with a five year old?” It’s frightening how often the answer was yes.”

    A coherent litmus test, to be sure. Ouch.

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