Paul Kersey on Secession


Paul Kersey has a new article in VDARE on secession:

“Mitt Romney is the GOP nominee, and Conservatism Inc. is jubilant—or, at least, it says it’s jubilant.

But what if the upcoming election contest against President Barack Obama just doesn’t matter?”

It doesn’t matter.

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are both committed to the Washington consensus of doing nothing real to secure the border, more legal immigration, more free trade, more foreign wars, prostrating themselves before Israel, as well as preserving and expanding BRA to ever more damaging levels.

That’s why OD has been preoccupied with historical escapism and exploring the failure of blacks in foreign countries because the 2012 presidential election is boring and will be as quickly forgotten as Dole ’96 or McCain ’08 after Obama wins in November.

In the meantime, I can work on researching for my book which is a better use of time than writing articles about the next John Kerry or John McCain.

” What if—what if, the City too Busy to Hate is supplying a glimpse of the future?”

In the long run, Georgia is staring at a black/Hispanic majority and a hostile federal government that will be staffed with the radical successors of Obama and Holder as well as Democratic judges which will use the federal courts to enfranchise illegal aliens and convicted felons and to legitimize voter fraud.

Georgia will return to a corrupt and incompetent Reconstruction-style government the likes of which hasn’t been seen since James S. Pike’s The Prostrate State: South Carolina Under Negro Government.

The existence of the Union is what makes this possible – through federal immigration laws, federal civil rights laws, federal wealth redistribution programs, and the concentration of power in the consolidated federal government which allows federal judges to block or neuter all attempts to reform the system at the state level.

The dissolution of the Union is the only solution.

About Hunter Wallace 12413 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A usually clear thinker, Revilo P. Oliver, writing in the December 79 issue of Instauration [his essay length review of Lawrence Brown’s The Might of the West], seemed to think that whatever could be the case, it would likely not rely on whatever went before. Thus he wrote, “It is futile to speculate whether the principle of human freedom and republican government could have been saved, had the Confederacy defeated the fanatical invaders and vindicated its independence.”

    And it must be admitted that while something as radical (meaning, going back to the root) as cessation may never happen, I would not place it out of the realm of possibility. However the time must be auspicious, and is not now. As Mr. Kersey himself well knows, nothing will happen until the SEC football season is over.

  2. This election will be an interesting test case precisely because Romney is so non-threatening. I’m not making a brief for Romney here, I’m spinning a more complex argument, so bear with me.

    Think of it: Romney is almost a cartoon version of an old-fashioned white President. He’s a milquetoast right-liberal, a non-threatening Smart Competent White Guy who isn’t an extremist in any identifiable way. He has extensive success and top executive experience in the worlds of business, finance, state government at the governorship level, NGOs (the Olympics), and the leadership structure of his own church. In a time of grave economic crisis, he is a man who actually demonstrably understands how money works, and he’s chosen as his running mate the one man in government who’s made it his personal business to study the workings and pathologies of the entire federal budget. Romney is mild-mannered, personable, and kind; a healthy-minded family man and a pillar of his church; and by all accounts, everything he’s ever set his hand to has been a success. He isn’t a divisive figure like Goldwater, or a cranky old saber-rattling retard like McCain. He can be trusted not to freak out under the pressures of the office. And he represents the best of old-stock white America.

    His opponent, though not without his own charm and appeal (for those with a taste for it), has done nothing in four years to stem the economic collapse. In fact, through his actions and inactions, he’s basically demonstrated that he doesn’t really understand the nature of the problem. He’s surrounded himself with yes-men and ideologues and true believers, and he hasn’t been able to deliver anything of substance, other than being Your Groovy Black Boyfriend.

    The choice, to a rational observer from Mars without a racial dog in the hunt, couldn’t be clearer. So in other words, the election is a test of whether America is essentially over. This won’t be decided on the merits, it will be decided tribally, and the question really is, what are the actual effective numbers of the respective tribes.

    Blacks will vote for their racial messiah.
    Latinos will vote for the non-white guy who promises free stuff.
    Jews and Asians will vote for Obama just to spite white people.
    Gays, we know about.
    Various embittered weirdo splinter groups like enviro-weenies and abortion fanatics, we know about.

    We also know that race-realist non-crazy, non-stupid white people will vote for Romney. (Their only other alternative is to stay home in disgust, which accomplishes nothing.)

    That leaves thoughtless libtard white women, dopey white college kids, easily-rattled seniors who no longer understand the contemporary world, and squishy white male bien-pensants (we won’t use the word “men”) in the middle. They have about the most non-frightening, non-threatening, competent and reasonable (by their lights) white ticket that they could possibly vote for, and all the rational reasons in the world to go for Romney. There is nothing at all about the man (again, by their lights) that could be given as a reason to be repelled by him. If Romney were divisive, or of questionable character or slim achievement, or if Obama had a strong record of actual success during the crisis, then the decision might be close; but those things are not the case.

    So basically if Obama wins, we will know empirically, not as a matter of mere opinion, that historical America is over, and white people can begin talking about secession and partition openly and in public, talking freely and frankly out loud about what is good for them and for themselves alone, and how to leave the enemy vampire tribes behind; because they will know as a matter of pure numbers that they have no further options available, and effectively no future unless they take action.

  3. @ Oscar…. “….top executive experience in the worlds of business, finance, state government at the governorship level, NGOs (the Olympics), and the leadership structure of his own church. In a time of grave economic crisis, he is a man who actually demonstrably understands how money works, and he’s chosen as his running mate the one man in government who’s made it his personal business to study the workings and pathologies of the entire federal budget….”

    Idk, to many it seems he just feels like a typical Centralist Statist Fed tool, a strict fascist (Militarist-Corporatist-Medicalist).

    Even 50 years of the history channel hasn’t entirely convinced Americans that Fascism was really only about RACE, no matter how much both the “left” AND the “right” want to make that case, LOL. The “left” says it’s “eugenics” and the “right” that the Austrian Painter was just trying to get a homeland, but BOTH steadfastly ignore the definition of Mussolini of Militarist-Corporatism— and what that system DOES to the human subject.

    If you think people are “dumbed down” now, and are disgusted when they writhe around on t.v. to the sick cultural production available (Lady Gaga, Madonna, Tarantino, etc.) wait for two more generations of the Militarist-Corporatist-Medicalist FED “union.”

    You may not believe in God, but Le Grand Leaders do, (or at least believe that religious texts motivate the masses), and by the time they are through, the public will be more like ANIMALS than they already are. And slavish— like people who long to be Lackeys to Big Bosses.

    Take the way they “assimilate” them, by using “foodstuffs” and “parades” (the cooking shows are as important as the acclimation of the masses by tribunal court t.v., shrink shows and military might movies); This is the SAME information you get from YOUR LOCAL VET if introducing a new pet. (Have them share food, don’t let them see each other at first —ie, gateway cities– then “seed” them in…, let them smell each other first…).

    Probably, to Romney, “the people” are on the same level as dogs.

    If you feed them enough Tacos, they will accept an open border, just like DOGS.

    The choice of Open-Border Ryan made it worse, not better, imo. A reminder that in the Hart-Celler Act the “Hart” was an Irish RC Banker who (as far as I know) was not some crypto. Ryan is Kennedy ad infinitum, for it will never end.

    They look like us but have no loyalty to us!

  4. To secede does sounds lovely! To have one’s own space, one’s own companions, to be able to grow a REAL culture of arts that would then simply spring spontaneously from southerners again, with that uncontrolled energy that simply happens whenever like minded people meet!

  5. I agree that the Obama’s reelection means that both America and the American people are finished. I also agree that the US should be broken up. I would suggest also that the Constitution itself is a problem (as evidenced by our history) and should go.

    What I can’t agree to is the idea that it is the South that Whites should repair to. Clearly, the South is going majority black/brown and another venue is needed. This would have to be an area with usable resources and temperate climate. This suggests the Midwest and/or Northwest and maybe parts of western Canada.

  6. One bit of genesis you might be well advised to take literally is Jacob breeding Laban’s flock to Jacob’s own benefit.

    Besides this congrats on the Romney thesis post. If Obama wins America as you understood it is over.

  7. Bob,

    with a bit of Ethnic cleansing the South would easily go white. Who’s gonna fix the airconditioners otherwise?

  8. I despise Beck. He is a spineless respectable conservative traitor.

    This guy on the other hand I like:

    African Americans for Obama vs European Americans for David Duke

  9. The trouble with a Romney victory would be that it would lead many to conclude that old America is not dead yet, even though it is. It would also take radicalism and practical politics off the table precisely when we need it most.

    Fortunately we won’t have to worry about a Romney victory.

  10. “Oscar the Grinch” has stated exactly how I feel, in regard to Romney, and the reasons why any WN deciding to vote – should vote for him.

    For the record, I do not care for Romney (and not because of his religion – I was once married to a Mormon) but because I do not believe he will do much, if anything, to stem The Brown Ooze.

    Even so, I am deeply ashamed of my country for electing an negroid into the hallowed office of our government. The people responsible for that should somehow, someway, be made to pay for that. Personally, burning down someone’s house who had voted for Obama sits pretty well with me (just don’t get caught).

    We need to get much tougher with liberals and non-whites in this country. On the legal side of the law, we need to hurt them – and hurt them bad. This is a political/cultural war that dwarfs the US Civil War/War Between the States and it is getting very near to mass civil unrest in the streets. Be ready for it. And when it comes, hurt those who did this to us like you’ve never hurt before.

    Hold Back This Day
    The Towers of Eden

  11. Oscar writes: We also know that race-realist non-crazy, non-stupid white people will vote for Romney. (Their only other alternative is to stay home in disgust, which accomplishes nothing.)

    Why would you make that conclusion? First, you either beg the question that still must be determined (to wit: who will vote for Romney?), or simply define all Romney voters as being non-crazy and non-stupid.

    Second, you casually ignore the fact that race realists have no great incentive to vote for Romney. Especially if they are white oriented race realists.

    Third, a “no vote” could accomplish much, if it finally makes the Republicans wake up to the fact that they are not worthy of white support. While that is not likely, one should not discount the fact that even mainstream Republicans are not always as stupid as they appear.

  12. “Why would you make that conclusion?”

    I’m concerned with general trends, not outliers. I believe, as I said, that this election will be settled along tribal lines and racial-spoils lines, not along the lines of any principled concern for the Good of the Nation, if that could even be determined.

    Unlike all the other tribes, who vote according to their readily-perceived tribal interests, whites are split into two tribes: the racially awake, and those who are still hypnotized by the Cylons. So it will be interesting to see how many real whites there are, and how many white slaves and drones of the Cylons. The fringe groups to me are little more than a margin of error. My principal interest in the outcome of the election is not any realistic hope that it will change anything. Rather, now that our civilization (and maybe our race itself) has been destroyed by the Cylons, it’ll be useful to have the election results as a kind of rough census of what we have left to work with, how many. The total Romney vote will be a rough back-of-the-envelope estimate of how many whites there are left who weren’t poisoned by the Kool-Aid (maybe add in an additional invisible 5 or 10% to count for the pissy Ron Paul boycotters.)

    As for trying to game the election or out-think it by countervoting, that rarely produces anything useful. Ross Perot brought you Bill Clinton; Ralph Nader got you George W. Bush. A vote for Pentheus in ’68, brings Dionysus in ’69.

    The Republicans won’t listen to your little voting tantrum, trying to spin things with your measly 0.6% of the votes. They don’t really care any more about actual power that can be wielded to further a specific goal, they just care about patronage; after all, they aren’t even in power even when they’re IN power. They won’t care about you, and they won’t respond to your concerns, no matter what you say or do, or don’t do. If you want to found a new party to challenge them, well maybe that’ll work. But don’t expect them to ever be responsive to your wishes, under any circumstances.

  13. The incentive would be to vote for the candidate that is utterly indifferent to your welfare over the candidate that actively seeks your demise.

    That is if one subscribes to the notion that republicans are merely indifferent to whites.

  14. Romney will get most of his votes from the least educated, poorest and dumbest Whites. No person involved in any strain of race-aware nationalism should vote for that man. I’m voting for Obama myself. I’m encouraging everyone I know in the swing states to do the same. Obama his a decent record of helping working class Whites. The odds are also lower he will send white men to die for Jews in the middle east. If you can’t bring yourself to vote Obama, stay home or vote third party. Virgil Goode made the ballot in Virginia. Virginia will be close, so OD readers in Virginia can do their part to keep Sheldon Adelson’s lapdog out of the White House by voting for Goode.

  15. The top Republicans are not indifferent. They’re fully on board with race replacing Whites. They’re also on board with secondary but related goals like serving BRA, sending Whites to die for Jews, and destroying the South.

  16. m says:
    ‘As Mr. Kersey himself well knows, nothing will happen until the SEC football season is over.’
    Ha ha ha. That’s a given.
    Lew says:
    ‘Romney will get most of his votes from the least educated, poorest and dumbest Whites.’

    The vast majority of Southern Whites will vote for him. You must not have a very high opinion of their intellectual capacities.

    You are fooling yourself if you believe highly intelligent people will not vote for Romney over the anti-White, commie, halfrican.

  17. “This won’t be decided on the merits, it will be decided tribally, and the question really is, what are the actual effective numbers of the respective tribes.”

    No anti-white, Southern hating, liberal Republican from Massachusetts masquerading as a “conservative” is of my tribe. He knows it and I know it. You just don’t know it.

    Your delusional fantasy of white Amurrica as one big tribe is quite far off the mark, which your subsequent enumeration of the various splinter sects of whites in Amurrica provides abundant testimony thereof.

    “So basically if Obama wins, we will know empirically, not as a matter of mere opinion, that historical America is over, and white people can begin talking about secession and partition openly and in public, talking freely and frankly out loud about what is good for them and for themselves alone, and how to leave the enemy vampire tribes behind; because they will know as a matter of pure numbers that they have no further options available, and effectively no future unless they take action.”

    You are behind the times. Obama did win. He’s running for reelection now. “Historical America,” by which I assume you mean the Yankee empire, the original enemy vampire tribe, is over. Where has Yankee destiny to go now it has crowned its African king? Crowning a sodomite king? That’s already done as well…

    The Yankee BRA empire has reached its apogee with this administration. The only real question from here regards the nature of the descent back to earth: controlled (gradual decline and dysfunction) or uncontrolled (crash/collapse). Either way, the end of BRA is a positive good for all whites and their progeny.

    Deo Vindice

  18. I guess it’s time to pull down the data on education and voting patterns. Any intelligent White person who votes for Romney is uninformed *or* in the top 0.5% in terms of personal wealth or higher *or* motivated by irrational beliefs (i.e. evangelicals who think Romney is needed to protect Israel).

  19. Lew says:
    September 5, 2012 at 12:03 am

    “The top Republicans are not indifferent. They’re fully on board with race replacing Whites. ”

    The correct term is White Genocide. If they were replacing whites with another race, whites would still exist in another part of the world, when they had completed their dirty deed.

    This is being done in all white countries and only white countries. Massive non-white immigration and forced integration, is demanded of all white countries and only white countries. When the program is complete, whites will not exist anywhere on this planet, because we will have been blended out of existence and that is genocide.

    And yes, the Republicans are just as anti-white as the Democrats.

  20. Republicans are on board

    Lew, there’s more latitude in that formulation than you acknowledge. In the white disembowelment project, democrats are the drivers and republicans the passengers. That both are “on board” doesn’t fully describe their roles.

    Hostility to whites is the sine qua non of the left and it’s political manifestation. Every policy, every opinion is calibrated to an anti-white who/whom. The republicans do nothing to defend their (exclusively white) constituency, though outside the jewish neocon element–which is a large element indeed–there is the apathy of inertia rather than the frenzy of bloodlust.

    There are actually some republicans, particularly at the state level, that I would go so far as to call “unharmful.” I can think of no democrats whom I would praise so effusively.

  21. OT:

    Just finished Hold Back This Day. Great book, easy to read, hard to put down. Recommended for all OD readers.

  22. WK writes: Any individual claiming to be a “WN” who votes for a negro under any circumstances…

    This statement betrays a complete lack of understanding of strategy. There are indeed circumstances that could justify such a vote, if the intention of the voter is not to support the candidate, but is instead a subversive act. When taking Tiger Mountain, one must sometimes appear to be in alliance with the enemy.

    Morally, the Republicans do not deserve any white votes. Neither does Obama. However, in order to hasten the destruction of the system, perhaps another four more is exactly what whites need. The operative word here is “destruction.” The current system, whether Republican or Democrat, must be completely replaced. Reform is a naive expectation, and out of the question.

  23. “I’d shoot them down in the streets as easily as any other non-white.”

    With what and when Psych Ward? I don’t think you have the stones to shoot anybody and you certainly exhibit clear personality defects that would prevent you from either leading or following as a member of any organized military unit.

  24. What good would it do to elect a man whose only difference from the negro-in-charge is his skin color, especially when the most ardent advocates of his election on that basis admit that he, of all people, will be our last hoorah? What people would want that as an epitaph, much less a signal of rebirth?

    God, please absolve us of the ‘self government’ crowd and give us back a responsible monarch of our own!

  25. You want to talk about secession? Real rather than theoretical secession?

    Let’s talk about the PQ victory in yesterday’s Quebec election.

    PQ – 54 seats
    Liberal – 50
    CAQ – 19
    QS – 2

    That’s 56 (PQ + QS) anti-Canadian, anti-English hardcore separatists, from all over the province. The 19 CAQ are soft nationalists, quasi-conservatives not fully on board with the leftist PQ, mainly from the Quebec City area. The 50 Liberals are mostly federalists, largely anglophones and minorities, and totally dominant in Montreal west of St Lawrence Blvd.

    This will be the PQ’s third time in power. In each of their previous terms (1976-85, 1994-2003) they held referendums on independence. In 1980, the No side won easily, 60%-40%, but in 1995 it was a squeaker, 50.6% Non to 49.4% Oui. They want a rematch, badly.

    They can’t/won’t call a referendum in this minority parliament, but they will try to strengthen their electoral position by picking fights with the federal government and strictly enforcing French language laws (abetting the soft and slow ethnic cleansing of the remaining anglos and immigrants), and call another election in a year or two. Then they will make their move.

    At the PQ victory party, a gunman shot two people, killing one, and PQ leader Pauline Marois was hustled offstage by bodyguards mid-speech.

    Television footage showed a heavy-set man in a blue bathrobe and black balaclava yelling: “the anglos are waking up” in French with an English accent as he was led away by police. Then, alternating between English and French, he added: “There’s going to be f—-ing payback. It’s enough. Wanna make trouble.”

    Quebec is in for some interesting times. Southern patriots should pay close attention to this evolving situation, watch and learn. If they do eventually separate from Canada, that may open the floodgates to all kinds of North American secession movements.

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