Matt Parrott, Mitt Romney, and The Empty Chair

Believe In America

Mitt Romney has lost Matt Parrott to The Empty Chair.

I had been planning to write a definitive post explaining why I am not voting for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan but I can sum up my attitude toward the Republican presidential ticket with a lot more brevity:

Two Yankees who are out to save Amurrica through more legal immigration, a non-existent and discredited “virtual fence” which any Democratic successor could simply turn off like Obama, more free trade agreements to turn around the economy, tax cuts for Paris Hilton which will explode the deficit, putting neocons like Robert Kagan back in the saddle to conduct a more bellicose foreign policy toward Russia, and probably another neocon led war with Iran.

We’ve also been too hard on Wall Street for the past four years and not subservient enough to Israel for Sheldon Adelson and the other Jew billionaires who are ticked off with Obama. Romney and Ryan are also silent on BRA issues like affirmative action, Black Undertow violent crime, and the systematic denigration of Whites that goes on 24/7 in the media.

If that were not enough, Romney-Ryan further insult our intelligence with their stupid “Believe In America” yard signs which have colonized my neighborhood. That’s literally the choice that “America’s Comeback Team” is offering in November. Yes, that is their “comeback” plan, which is supposed to persuade us to vote for them.

I’m also voting for The Empty Chair.

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You shouldn’t believe everything mommy professor tells you. Miscegenation is a northern “innovation.” Exactly why do you think Freddy Douglass had such a following with all those female Yankee free love advocating abolitionists?

    Whether it’s Barack Obama or Paul Ryan’s sister in law, there is more than enough evidence that miscegenation is very dear to most northerners. Northern white women find Obama irresistible. Their jungle fever guarantees his reelection. Deal with it.

    Deo Vindice

  2. @Apuleius

    “miscegenation is very dear to most Northerners” ?

    Please. Your people birthed the American mulatto. Between Massa’s late-night visits to the slave quarters, and long tall Salley’s “meetings” with Uncle John before she got “sent away to stay with relatives” , you people wrote the book on miscegenation. How is Strom Thurman’s half-black daughter doing these days?

  3. I have zero confidence that Paul and other libertarians would let us bar mexcians/ negros etc from living in our states based on states’ rights. They tend to be hardcore liberals on the race question

  4. True.

    Prostitution would account for some of the European Y chromosomes in the black population. Just like European mtDNA comes from blacks moving to the Northern states and marrying and reproducting with White women.

  5. Cheap labor at all costs and making the world safe for Israel on the one hand or enthusiastic suicide on the other. Tough choice.

  6. We should ask these respectable conservatives,

    “What are you conserving?”

    I see no sign of them conserving anything.

  7. “I see no sign of them conserving anything.”

    Conserving BRA and keeping Jerusalem as the capital.

    I’m voting for Turd Sandwich in 2012.

  8. 313Chris says:
    “miscegenation is very dear to most Northerners” ?

    Please. Your people birthed the American mulatto…..”

    Untrue! As the Catholic Lobby, and I don’t mean the average work-a-day NORMAL people but their organizational people (like Hart of Hart-Celler who was an Irish banker), keeps the border wide open to its own, and enforces the situation by their hold on the Supreme Court, and ensure “newcomers” are incited by their invention of Liberation Theology, with its incredible anti-anglosim, etc, the u.s. is NOW becoming their Dream, which is Brazilified.

    They had slaves and married them. They did not take their own women into the colonial countries. They did NOT create the Separation States (like the American south or south Africa)—

    South of the border created the nth of mixed society.

    Now that they emigrated to the u.s. government, they use propaganda, laws, whatever it takes— to try to make Northern Europeans lose their race, culture, identity, and everything else.

    It’s disgusting to be so invasive into people’s lives as to try to go around telling them who to SLEEP with!

  9. Actually, better to have Obama with a GOP controlled House (and possibly Senate) than Romney with the same Congressional scenario. They will roll over for anti-White Romney. They will offer at least some token resistance to Obama.

    I’m not saying to vote for the Obamanation, on the contrary. Just leave it blank or vote a 3rd party in protest. Do support GOP Congressional candidates. Gridlock is the best we can expect out of this pathetic farce of an election.

  10. The reelection of Obama is the racial equivalent of 9/11 that is needed to turn our people away from neoconservatism towards practical politics. It’s the gut punch many sorely need. If Romney would have won he would have given succor to the notion that Obama’s original election was a unique back lash against the horror of George W Bush rather than a stage in the Brown Out. Now we can squarely and immediately face the trauma of Partition.

  11. Maxx says:
    September 6, 2012 at 4:01 pm
    “VIRGIL GOODE 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    On the ballot in VA.”

    Jack Rayn replies:

    I thought drop out, contrarian Southern folks who refuse to participate in mainstream American politics, I thought their tradition was to write in “Riiiiiiiichhhaaaaard Peeeeeety” or some other NASCAR driver for President. Anything besides voting for some White guys from Michigan, Wisconsin and Massachusetts who actually have a good chance of winning.

  12. the whole “slaver” mentality is a sexual one, it goes back to “your” ancient norman roots, vikings were notoriously sexually active with their slaves, the spainiards idolized the masculine master/ negress “queen of apefrica” romantic tripe, of course it was among the more lower class creollos not the off the boat from toledo spainiards. northerners (germans, irish, anglos, poles) were not notorious slavers they were oppressed groups, so the whole mescengenation thing didn’t arrive until the whole socialist (jew) paradigm of victim hood emerged. again don’t define your cultural identity out crude attacks on ethnic europeans, the elite anglo yankees got rid of the laws, but blacks were still segregated de jure by the ethnic europeans, there were never any southern planter nigger harems in the north.

  13. Say what you will now.

    If all the Yankee states go for Obama this time around, we’ll just know that when you speak of Northern race realists, you are only referring to yourself and your imaginary friends.

    It’s put up or shut up time for white Northerners this election. We’ll know soon enough if there is any support for white people by white people in the North. All Southerners can do is watch and see what the result of the Northern referendum on negro leadership turns out to be.

    My guess is that the results will not fail to disappoint.
    Quo Vadis, Yankee man?

    Deo Vindice

  14. “All Southerners can do is watch and see what the result of the Northern referendum on negro leadership turns out to be.”

    Just make sure you do so at the county level.

    PS – I didn’t know you were a Romney/Ryan supporter. That seems a poor criterion on whether or not one is a “race realist” as Romney is singularly not. A better question is will the South be duped into voting for an anti-white liberal Republican once again? I think so.

  15. “Poles, Russians, and Italians weren’t the only ingredient melting in that pot in the early twentieth century.”

    Poles never did learn how to kiss Jew ass.

    Perhaps a few should move to Charleston to learn how its done.

  16. When do you all sleep? At least Mit is for less well fare, no use paying for your demise. Also Obama would like to transfer wealth from suburbs to cities (Kurtz’s book).

  17. 313Chris wrote,

    “If Ryan screwing some niggress a long time ago delegitimizes his whiteness, then your glorious Southron ancestors were the LEAST white men that ever lived.”

    Yes, “everyone has always known” that Southern slave owners burnt up the beds of their black female slaves and produced many, many mulattoes. “Everyone knows” this.

    But, like so much of what “everyone knows,” it is not so. The human genome projects have increasingly shown that “what everyone has always known” about the Southern slave owner is mythology. Steve Sailer, for example, started writing on this over a decade ago. He has multiple articles spanning the years since genome testing began. The levels of genetic admixture simply do not support the belief that there were large scale midnight sexual encounters between white slave owners and black women.

  18. “But, like so much of what “everyone knows,” it is not so.”

    Well whatever one knows, the DNA evidence and our own eyes still confirm that the African-American genome has somehow managed to acquire an average of about 20% Caucasian admixture over the last 400 years.

    Currently the largest amount of miscegenation is occurring in Southern California.

  19. “Well whatever one knows, the DNA evidence and our own eyes still confirm that the African-American genome has somehow managed to acquire an average of about 20% Caucasian admixture over the last 400 years.”

    Yes, but on average, If Bill Gates for some reason wanted to move into a run down trailer park, that park’s average wealth would suddenly skyrocket, if the outlier of gates was not removed. And that would hardly give a person who did not personally know the trailer park in question an accurate picture of the true state of affairs in the park. In other words, a blanket announcement of averages does not always tell much.

    In the same, way, when one begins to break it down into details and then regions, the 20 percent figure breaks down into more useable and informative information. It is misleading to make a blanket statement that “American blacks have a 20 percent Caucasian admixture. ”

    Which blacks, and where? All of them everywhere? No. Blacks in the deep South and California all have about 20 percent admixture? No. The range of admixture varies across regions. And I think that 20 percent is about the greatest percentage found. The lowest is found in some regions of the South.

    The percentages of admixture found in the South does not support the idea of widespread mixing in the slave days. I also think that Seattle Washington is tied with California for the greatest percentage of admixture.

    The point is that the subject is dependent on detail. But a lot of people on here are not interested in that. The South’s niggers are heavily mixed because slave owners screwed black women right and left. And that’s that, as far as some are concerned.

    The thirty second sound byte is King. Who wants to have to pour over figures for hours, AND that after having to do research??? Much better to just parrot short lines.

  20. Brutus says:
    313Chris wrote,
    “If Ryan screwing some niggress a long time ago delegitimizes his whiteness, then your glorious Southron ancestors were the LEAST white men that ever lived.”

    I would not go as far to say that Ryan was screwing that groidess. At least I hope not. I’ve read it wasn’t a serious relationship. He could learn a lesson from his stupidity unless he’s hopelessly brainwashed.

    Paul Ryan’s African-American college sweetheart has spent time in prison for wire fraud, it emerged today.
    Deneeta Pope hit headlines after MailOnline revealed that she was the Republican vice-presidential candidate’s ex-girlfriend who opened his eyes to the evils of racism.
    She served five months in prison after defrauding her employer Ernst & Young out of $77,000 in 1999, according to the federal Bureau of Prisons.

    Ms Pope admitted claiming funds from work to attend an educational course which did not exist.
    Mr Ryan has stayed in touch with his ex over the two decades since they broke up – he even attended Ms Pope’s wedding in May this year.

    The former cheerleader was indicted by a grand jury in November 1999, and two years later pleaded guilty to faking receipts and expense claims in order to steal tens of thousands of dollars.
    She would apparently transfer the fraudulently obtained funds to a secret bank account in Chicago, where she currently lives.
    Following her conviction, Ms Pope was sentenced to five months in federal prison, and was released in May 2002.

  21. That was a confirmed sexual relationship. He was pretty young though, and he is now married to a White woman with White kids.

  22. I never said Paul Ryan isn’t scum. He cleary is. A sleazy, oil-drilling, ladder-climbing, career-politician. But I’m still voting for Romney because I hate the nigger more.

  23. I don’t begrudge him for falling for the exotic conquests. The North American Negress is not what I’d have bothered with. Indians, Asians a Persian not outside acceptable wild oats.

    Ryan isn’t a bad guy by anymeans.

  24. The Chair is not empty. It’s occupied (again) by a Jew. And a familiar one, as Br. Nathanel pointed out. So sorry I didn’t check his site before.

    “The cold hand behind the “rules” change which consigned Ron Paul and the last hope for Amerika to the grave was none other than a Jewish lawyer. No, the Jewish lawyer wasn’t hired to chase an ambulance to suck a few hundred thousand out of some insurance company. Instead, the Jewish lawyer, Benjamin Ginsberg, a veteran Republican hired-hand who devised the 2000 Florida recount in Bush’s undeserved favor — and now making 6 figures as Romney’s campaign lawyer and chief strategist — was employed to write the rules change in order to cast Ron Paul and his delegates to the dogs and into oblivion.”

    Check out the full post at realjewnews dot com /?p=752

  25. “Exactly why do you think Freddy Douglass had such a following with all those female Yankee free love advocating abolitionists?”

    Apu- hysterical verbal visual. Cady Stanton and the other feminazi Victorians in their petticoats, bell skirts, frilly gloves, all looking like Aunt Pitti-Pat from GWTW, all a-twitter in typical vacuous female mode, fawning over their nigger.

    Madonna, in 21-st century slut mode, wearing less clothes, but acting the same way.

    Yup. Plus ça change, plus qui reste la même.

  26. “The percentages of admixture found in the South does not support the idea of widespread mixing in the slave days. I also think that Seattle Washington is tied with California for the greatest percentage of admixture.

    The point is that the subject is dependent on detail. But a lot of people on here are not interested in that. The South’s niggers are heavily mixed because slave owners screwed black women right and left. And that’s that, as far as some are concerned.”
    – Brutus

    Exactly. Some of the sophomoric desire to ‘one up’ the more literate members of this forum, is cheek taken to the max, and nothing more. However, pointing this out on the forum, won’t stop those ‘kids’ from continuing to do that which they should not…

    But your analogy, Brutus, is very good. Just as I said a few days ago: ‘Just because they have ‘proven’ (oh, watch the use of that word- it will come back to bite you in the butt, as Stephen Jay Gould is learning from hell, where his jewish ass is roasting for all eternity…) something, doesn’t necessarily ‘make it TRUE.’

    People quoted me DNA ‘evidence’ that both Jews and Arabs share similar DNA: meaning by that ‘scientific quote’ therefore, that these [sic] ‘Middle Eastern’ folk ‘must’ have been in the geographical areas we now call Isra-Hell and Ay-rab-yuh, from all time immemorial, per secula seculorum, Amen.

    But, as Cambria has written this week, “The utopian liberal (a redundancy because all liberals are utopians) builds his castle with the bricks and mortar of unreality. He lives in mortal fear of losing even one brick from his castle of unreality, so he employs masons to keep the castle strong and guards to protect the masons. ”

    And ‘scientism’ is one of those bricks in the castle of unreality!

    “Originally the liberal tried using the father, the abstracted intellect. But alone the abstracted intellect could not capture the hearts of men. So the liberal added the son, in the form of the abstraction called ‘the people,’ to the castle of unreality. And to support the son, the holy spirit, science, was also brought into the castle. The son (the people) was always the keystone of Satan’s blasphemous mimicry of the Holy Trinity. Just as the Son of God represented, in His humanity, the highest form of humanity, so did the son in Satan’s trinity have to be the lowest form of humanity.”

    DNA evidence (like germ theory, or the spherical nature of the world) are, at first, derided, until proven correct. I know that. But we are too early on, to make any ‘thus saith the PhD’s,’ especially in the matter of genetics.

    But there are also scientific theories that, as time goes on, are disproved- yet, the modernist Satanist (cf. Cam’s post) doesn’t want to go there, because that would mean they are NOT infallible (because they ARE naught but merely fallible men, after all is said and done).

    The same thing applies to trying to ‘scientifically determine’ who has geographical preeminence, in order to settle disputes over where/who has ‘rights’ to parcels of land in the Levant; those who have lived there from time immemorial, or those who conquered, and then took over in 1948, a land they had not had, by rights, since AD70! And, by a turkic nomadic tribe, conquered by Christian Rus, that has lived in Belarus for the last 1000 years, more or less…..beyond the pale of most civilized people, you understand.

    My reference to Gould’s ‘Mismeasure of Man’ was purposeful. As a Jew, and a pompous ass, his ‘theories’ of man’s intelligence, now that we have had the Bell Curve, the ‘g’ factor, etc., etc., has been clearly debunked now- after he’s dead, of course. Just because he was a jew, doesn’t make him correct… or infallible. As a matter of fact, I like the honest distrust of that race exemplified by the comment: “When a rabbi enters a room, a crime has ALREADY been committed.”

    The theory that there are ‘ethers’ in the atmosphere is now junk science, as well. So, too is evolution… at least on the MACRO scale. But don’t try to split hairs with the ‘true believers’ – neither with the ICR/7-24, Neanderthal-jawed Ken Ham and his ‘groupies’ (Hamites) who also (surprisingly?- nah…) are ‘for the state of Izzz-rah-Hell,’ or the rabid ‘God doesn’t exist’ (by and large) Jewish pop Evolutionists, who worship at the feet of Darwin, Leakey, Chardin, Gould… (i.e., they are worshiping themselves- or the white scientists they longed to be thought the equal of, actually).

    But science has this nasty way of being progressively ‘debunked’ as we have gone along our merry way, historically, but ‘God remains forever.’ [ I Pet. 1:23]

    So, just because someone ‘says’ that ‘those who say they are Jews’ are NOW living in Occupied Palestine, yet whom their own people say ‘they are not’ [Rev. 2:8,9] – i.e., Benjamin Freedman, Arthur Koestler, Schlomo Sand, among many…..

    Doesn’t- or shouldn’t be presumed- to mean that these Khazarian/AshkeNAZIm, (nor the House of Saud- whom many say are merely marranos, as well) have ALWAYS lived there- from all eternity; i.e., from the time of say, the book of Joshua. The reality is, that the peoples who ONCE lived in Palestine, were both forcibly REMOVED, as well as SCATTERED. The first instance occurred during the days of Darius, Daniel, and Jeremiah. The second occurrred in AD70. And it wasn’t until sometime in the late AD700’s that the AshkeNAZIs found a ‘home’ with the Turkic Khazars….. science be damned.

    People disparage ancient tales, myths, and histories dating from before the ‘scientism’ era, not because this stuff doesn’t have a measure of truth behind it, but because, as Cambria noted, they have replaced one ‘God’ for another.

    So, as Cam has noted, (using the rise of the Nigger as a focal point) the ‘scientism advocates’ (like those who ‘rely’ on DNA ‘findings) are merely deluding themselves- it is too early to speak definitively on DNA ‘facts:’ because it is not ‘science,’ but a new, alternative ‘FAITH’ to be believed, and not questioned. And there it and the Church I represent are on MORE than equal terms. And I quote:

    “Why would any European wish to defend a castle which consists of an interracial slime-pit? For the same reason the demons in the gospel wanted to be sent into the swine who plunged over a cliff. They hate the light and worship the darkness. Having lost faith in Christ the liberals need stronger and stronger doses of unreality in order to keep reality at bay.”

    We have a saying in the Church: “Never trust a saint under three hundred years of age.” I would say the same thing should apply to all scientific ‘discoveries’- especially from those who refuse to ‘learn God’s thoughts after Him.’

    Because it just might be proven later, that Adamic humanity IS that ‘fair, ruddy, able to [visibly] blush strain of hominidity, that we call “Western Man” today. And then where will those naysayers be? Where Gould is now… the sixth circle of Hell.

    Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?

    “If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.” Ps. 139:8

  27. “DNA evidence (like germ theory, or the spherical nature of the world) are, at first, derided, until proven correct. I know that. But we are too early on, to make any ‘thus saith the PhD’s,’ especially in the matter of genetics.”

    No we aren’t. Genetic analysis continues apace and you aren’t going to stop it (the Chinese are very keen on it.) Jews are a descended from a Canaanite tribe not Khazars, the earth is round and orbits the sun, germs can cause disease, zinc has a melting point of 787 degrees F, you contain Neanderthal genes, the universe is 14 billion years old, if you won’t trust Maxwell for another 150 years how are we supposed to read your internet rants, man really did land on the moon, you are descended from a microbe, the New Testament was written by multiple humans several hundred years after the reported “facts”, and God is dead you pig ignorant Christian Identity moron. (That means you are on the left trailing edge of the IQ bell curve BTW.)

  28. 313Chris says:
    Please. Your people birthed the American mulatto…..”

    Dixiegirl says:

    Apuleius says:
    ‘Miscegenation is a northern “innovation.”

    Sam: It never ends.

    313Chris says:
    ‘How is Strom Thurman’s half-black daughter ‘

    Sam: Strom (jungle fever) Thurmond was the personification of the sneaky, lying, deceitful, holier than thou, yankee miscegenist that is so common up Nor… oh wait!!!

    313Chris says: ‘Between Massa’s late-night visits to the slave quarters, and long tall Salley’s “meetings” with Uncle John before she got “sent away to stay with relatives” , you people wrote the book on miscegenation.’

    Sam: Shhh! That’s a myth. Never happened.

    Actually, it was a lot more common than they’d have you believe. I’m researching the matter. Plenty of mulattoes birthed by the Southern noblemen[sic]. Many inherited big-daddy’s wealth/fortunes and had their own slaves. Good Lord! Jungle fever run amok.

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