Matt Parrott, Mitt Romney, and The Empty Chair

Believe In America

Mitt Romney has lost Matt Parrott to The Empty Chair.

I had been planning to write a definitive post explaining why I am not voting for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan but I can sum up my attitude toward the Republican presidential ticket with a lot more brevity:

Two Yankees who are out to save Amurrica through more legal immigration, a non-existent and discredited “virtual fence” which any Democratic successor could simply turn off like Obama, more free trade agreements to turn around the economy, tax cuts for Paris Hilton which will explode the deficit, putting neocons like Robert Kagan back in the saddle to conduct a more bellicose foreign policy toward Russia, and probably another neocon led war with Iran.

We’ve also been too hard on Wall Street for the past four years and not subservient enough to Israel for Sheldon Adelson and the other Jew billionaires who are ticked off with Obama. Romney and Ryan are also silent on BRA issues like affirmative action, Black Undertow violent crime, and the systematic denigration of Whites that goes on 24/7 in the media.

If that were not enough, Romney-Ryan further insult our intelligence with their stupid “Believe In America” yard signs which have colonized my neighborhood. That’s literally the choice that “America’s Comeback Team” is offering in November. Yes, that is their “comeback” plan, which is supposed to persuade us to vote for them.

I’m also voting for The Empty Chair.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m sitting this ridiculous charade out. The GOP hasn’t has this bad of candidates… well, since John McCain. Plus, I still haven’t forgiven the Republicans for what they did to Pat Buchanan.

  2. If one of them had said:

    all you Germans, French, Poles, Welsh, Irish etc etc etc you are being replaced by blacks and Indios. Wake the hell up!

  3. If Romney were really hitting hard on the issues you mention, he would be 20% ahead in the polls.

    Plus, Ryan is a little Irish Catholic weasel who I don’t trust.

  4. Yeah, Romney sucks but if you live in a swing state like Florida, North Carolina, or Virginia you should still vote for him. For all his faults at least a Romney DOJ wouldn’t be suing states for enacting voter ID and immigration laws.

  5. By the time Romney becomes president, the federal courts will have already ruled on Voter ID and immigration laws, and even if Romney was elected, that would not stop the frivolous lawsuits by the ACLU and SPLC and liberal judges from siding with them, much less John Roberts siding with them on the Supreme Court.

  6. I’m sitting this ridiculous charade out. The GOP hasn’t has this bad of candidates… well, since John McCain. Plus, I still haven’t forgiven the Republicans for what they did to Pat Buchanan.

    So you want to give Obama 4 more years to damage America.

  7. I have no reason to vote for Mitt Romney.

    He is for more legal immigration, more free trade, shadowboxing on border security, a neocon foreign policy toward Russia, a war against Iran, going easier on Wall Street, a more subservient policy toward Israel, and doing nothing about black crime, affirmative action, and systematic racial discrimination against Whites.

    It doesn’t make a bit of difference in the White House if Obama wins in November because either way we will get roughly the same foreign policy and domestic policies.

    If Romney loses though, congressional Republicans will have a free hand to continue obstructing Obama’s agenda, and Obama’s black face will be on the economic decline and anti-white policies of the next four years.

  8. I am proud to say that I skipped the RNC completely. So I am not letting some vapid RNC speech cause me to lose my brain.

    I’ll be voting against my former Illinois State legislator who couldn’t manage to fix our pot holes on 55th and Woodlawn as my State representative or now as my/our President. I will be voting to replace Attorney General Eric My People Holder and vote for the White candidate who will nominate some straight White Supreme Court Justices instead of Jewess Lesbians and New Yawk-ericans like Elena Kagan and Sottemeyer.

    Romney is way better on immigration that Obama and Ron Paul.

    Just look at the family pictures of Romney family and Ryan family. Please don’t call these nice looking groups of White people mean names like “Yankees”.

    99 percent of Blacks of all classes and Ina ll regions will vote for Obama… It’s a Black thing… Consider doing a White thing and voting for White candidates.

    And one more thing… Please skip vapid events like the RNC.

  9. Paul Ryan is a millionaire who likes Ayn Rand diatribes against “collectivism” and who dates black women and who voted for everything from No Child Left Behind to the Bush amnesty. He has one of the worst immigration records in Congress.

    BTW, it recently came out that Ann Romney wanted Congoleeza Rice as VP.

  10. vdare has a Romney quote to the affect Romney feels bad he can’t make a claim to being mexican american. Can’t vote for a man who thinks like that or… panders like that.

    Romney is not an out and out race traitor but he is no friend of White men.

  11. He pulled over in his car and cried when he found out the Mormon church had been integrated. His father George Romney was a civil rights crusader who presided over the destruction of Detroit and who as Nixon’s HUD secretary fought relentlessly to undermine and destroy White neighborhoods.

  12. Just look at the family pictures of Romney family and Ryan family.


    I demand that Romney and Ryan look at my family picture. I’ll vote for them in the future when they stop voting against my family’s future.

  13. “BTW, it recently came out that Ann Romney wanted Congoleeza Rice as VP.”

    Not that unlikely, but who can prove this is true?

    But remember it costs nothing to…no, I won’t repeat myself again.

  14. Mitt Romney is running 5 welfare ads without a single negro in them because he is afraid of being called a “racist.” That right there tells you everything you need to know about Romney if it wasn’t already clear from the following pivotal events over the summer:

    1.) His response to the Arizona decision.

    2.) His response to the Obamacare decision.

    3.) His response to the Obama DREAM Act amnesty and destruction of the Border Patrol by Obama.

    4.) His response to the Chick-fil-A buycott which signaled his willingness to cave on gay marriage.

    5.) His handling of Obama’s gutting of welfare reform which shows he is unwilling to confront BRA’s racial taboos.

    6.) Finally, most important of all, his jettisoning of all his hard talk on immigration in the primary and his embrace of the Marco Rubio DREAM Act and completely jettisoning all social issues which allowed Obama to move to the Left across the political spectrum.

  15. Hunter, what about the Constitution Party? Wouldn’t you help them with a single vote?

    Jack Ryan, how could you possibly prove your statement that Romney is “way better” than Paul on immigration, when Paul’s strict constitutionalism lets the states decide, lets the county sheriffs act, defines citisenship constitutionally, disallows welfare incentives for the invaders, etc. etc.???? There is another dig against Paul every day.

  16. The GOP is utterly worthless at the highest levels, but voting GOP down ballot and in state/local races still has some value.

    It will gridlock Congress and make it harder for Obama to push through new anti-gun measures. My sole fear with Obama is that he will force through new gun control laws, maybe via executive order. Guns is the *ONLY* and I do mean *ONLY* anti-White policy I believe Obama might pursue that Romney will not also pursue.

    Court appointments are a lost cause. The Arizona and Obamacare rulings should bury the argument “vote Republican because of SCOTUS appointments” forever.

    Romney has said nothing about changing the direction of Holder’s Justice Department. What has Romney said his AG will do different from Eric Holder? There is no evidence, none, that Romney will make major policy changes at Justice. On this basis, we should conclude that a Romney administration will continue what Holder has started.

    Romney will gut Dodd Frank removing what little restraint currently exists on Wall Street. He will gut the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau. He will give student loans back to the private banks who add no value for students and do nothing to earn their fees.

    Romney will not “repeal” Obamacare. He and his allies in Congress at best will tweak it to make it more favorable to Big Pharma and Insurance companies, while retaining the worst features that effect every day people.

    Romney’s stances on immigration, border security, free trade, Israel and hostility toward Russia are well known. HW has covered those well.

    War with Iran is guaranteed with Romney.

    With Romney, we are dealing with the bottom of the barrel folks even by GOP standards. That is saying a lot.

    He is a vulture capitalist who destroyed working jobs from his seat at Bain Capital on Wall Street, a man with no ethics or principles who has reversed himself countless times, in point of fact, a liar to the point of pathology.

    Do not be a FOOL. Enough is enough with right-leaning dissidents supporting the high-ranking GOP leadership.

    Anyone but Romney!

  17. “Mitt Romney is running 5 welfare ads without a single negro in them because he is afraid of being called a “racist.” That right there tells you everything you need to know about Romney if it wasn’t already clear from the following pivotal events over the summer”:

    If it wasn’t clear YEARS AGO !!!

  18. “Just look at the family pictures of Romney family and Ryan family. Please don’t call these nice looking groups of White people mean names like “Yankees”.”

    Don’t be mean to nice looking groups of anti-white white people from the northeast (Yankees?) ready to inflict maximum negro upon their fellow whites. Lovely, aren’t they? Much like a brood of vipers is lovely to behold…

    “Consider doing a White thing and voting for White candidates.”

    Do you really expect anyone to believe that the candidate from the party of Mia Love, Allen West, and Herman Cain is a pro-white candidate? You make me laugh.

    If you want an authentically pro-white candidate, vote for Virgil Goode.
    Otherwise, you’re just fooling yourself. We’ve been down this same road before.

    Deo Vindice

  19. Lew, you are correct mostly, I think. “War with Iran is guaranteed with Romney” may be an overstatement. It still depends, I think, on whether the military believes it can afford to risk it.

    Remember it costs nothing to vote, and even the slightest bit less evil counts now.

  20. Hunter,

    George Romney had nothing to do with the destruction of Detroit. The only thing that got destroyed in the 1967 riots were the niggers own neighborhoods. And whites had fucking turkey-shoot in the process of laying down the law.

    Detroit was destroyed by inter-district school busing, subsequent white-flight, and the resultant election and reign of Coleman Young. Romney was long gone by that time. Stop playing fast and loose with the facts.

  21. The point with Romney pere is that he appeased the blacks with rights. They still burned the city down. There’s no point appeasing them. Lesson learned.

    Now Chris, why is Michigan still showing Obama winning? Why are you on here and not canvassing?

  22. Mosin,

    Obama is the lesser evil by a mile. Disgusting but true. This has been my main point here the last 2-3 months. It’s understandable believing Romney is the lesser evil, especially when viewing that lurid freak show at the DNC. The facts just don’t support it.

    I will be voting Obama based on: 1) immediate personal self-interest (I own a small business not a hedge fund), 2) Obama’s somewhat more progressive economic policies which are friendlier to working whites than anything the GOP is offering, and 3) the deep meta-game. America is circling the drain. I want to keep a black face at the top giving the orders.

  23. “Rest my case” had nothing to do with Chris’s comment that I found after posting mine. Another possible reason why Romney has been the favourite here is his pedigreed Anglo-Celt-ness, with only a trace of Germanic — while Paul is known to be mostly Germanic, with a trace of Irish. Therefore Romney MUST be the “way better” choice!

  24. I understand your position, Lew. I’m willing to discuss some of those points and I think we agree that Paul would have been even more “less evil,” and maybe even slightly GOOD, for us.

  25. Speaking of the Ryan family, here’s a couple of my favorite Paul Ryan quotes:

    “I have a sister-in-law who’s African American, My college sweetheart was black,”

    “I just experienced some ugly comments, some racist views from people who I thought were friends of mine,”

    Daneeta Pope is proof of just how “pro-white” Ryan is.

    Deo Vindice

  26. I think it is important to vote third party at all times in order for them to get enough votes to keep them on the ballot in each state. The time will soon come when these minor parties could be vehicles of liberation during the disintegration of the current one party Republicrat war/welfare state.

  27. I was for what RP stood for, in 2008. I was even MORE for what RP stood for, in 2012.
    Not his libertarian kookiness, but the return of state’s rights, and the audit of the Fed, etc.

    I don’t like poster boy Romney.

    But I CAN’T- I just CAN’T vote for a nigger. I’d rather vote for a gay white man, than a fucking nigger. (And I’d prefer to stone the gay man, first) That is how much I LOATHE that bastard mulatto egotistic communist freak.

    For whatever reasons, I’ve not voted in the last three elections- 2000, 2004, and 2008. I’m not passing this by this time- I am voting for my race, and nothing more. That’s all I have left. That’s all ANY of us have left.

  28. @John

    “The point with Romney here is that he appeased the blacks with rights.

    – No. Southern-born Lyndon Johnson did that with his Great Society nonsense. And FYI, Mitt Romney is the one running for president, not his father.

    “They burned the city down.”

    – They burned a few of their own shit-hole neighborhoods down. The rest of the city was untouched.

    “There’s no point appeasing them.”

    – Then tell your own government that. Modern Britain makes modern America look like apartheid-era South Africa.

    “why is Michigan still showing Obama winning?”

    – Because 1.) The media blatantly manipulates poll numbers out of desperation, 2.) pollsters are only sampling in areas that are perceived to be friendly to Obama, and 3.) most whites are just hanging up the phone on political survey-takers.

    And like I said, the only poll that matters, is the one held on Election Day.

    “Why are you on here and not canvassing?”

    – Because I know my own people better than anyone on the internet could. Why are you on here? Do you vote in Anerican elections?

  29. @Apuleius

    If Ryan screwing some niggress a long time ago delegitimizes his whiteness, then your glorious Southron ancestors were the LEAST white men that ever lived.

  30. Mosin Nagant says:
    I understand your position, Lew. I’m willing to discuss some of those points and I think we agree that Paul would have been even more “less evil,” and maybe even slightly GOOD, for us.’

    I like Paul’s stance on the federal reserve and cutting aid to Israel. That’s about it.

    Remember this? Two jew interviewers apply a little heat and he stabs many of followers in the back.

    Ron Paul “I don’t want white supremacists support”

    “Rosa Parks and Martin luther King are my heroes.” “Libertarians are incapable of being a racist because racism is a collective idea.” “It’s not the color of skin that’s important as MLK said” Calls judicial system unfair to minorities.

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