The Slow Motion Collapse


There has been a collapse.

It has just happened so slowly, so incrementally that most people remain trapped in the mainstream two-party political system. The welfare state hides the breadlines and numbs the pain of the economic downslide into Third World status.

Note: Fortunately, Mitt Romney has a plan that will reverse our decline after he gets elected in November. More free trade, more deregulation of Wall Street, and tax cuts for the wealthy!

“The typical US household saw its income fall last year to 1989 levels.

That news, contained in a US Census Bureau survey released Wednesday, points to difficult questions of how the US can get back on a track of job growth and rising prosperity.

Median incomes fell 1.5 percent in 2011, while the official poverty rate remained essentially unchanged at 15 percent.

A family right in the middle of the income spectrum had an income of $50,054, which is actually lower than the 1989 median level of $50,624 expressed in 2011 dollars. The implication: For much of America the economy has produced not just one lost decade but two. Stagnation has even hit wealthier and more educated households (the 95th percentile in the Census data) for the past decade.”

Note According to The Washington Post, the middle class has shrunk to an all-time low.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Romney is turning into an anchor and is now dragging down the Congressional GOP, which is a dangerous turn of events.

    As I have stated before, the proper approach would have been for radical whites to launch a full frontal assault against the Massachusetts Liberal who authored Obamacare because:

    1. He was going to lose anyway
    2. It is important for the fence-sitters to know that there is no “muddling through” only a stark choice between a historical fork in the road cultural and economic Marxism leading to white genocide, or Partition.

  2. Everything’s going to be alright. A year from now you won’t even recognize this place. Busy times ahead.

    You can bet that right now, somewhere, some megalomaniac is having Enola Gay dreams.

  3. It’s time for a full blown fascist?

    Golden Dawn? Front National? Falangist? Dixiecratic Party?

    Romney is useless and represents nothing but shadows and dust.

  4. For years now folks have been saying we are in a slow motion collapse and I’ve believed them for years now. The economic collapse is catching up to the social/ cultural collapse and things will go rapidly once the economic catches up to the social

  5. The collapse is deliberate. The system is being kept afloat thru endless money printing. Once they have the police state in place, the faucet will be turned off. The sky will have a beautiful orange glow.

  6. These figures mean little until they are broken down by race. <$600 in twenty years isn't all that big a drop and if it includes the tens of millions of under-performing migrants it might even be that much of the white middle class saw a small rise in that period. This racial breakdown is important because as long as the white middle class is comfortable they will take whatever the system dishes out. It will take a real drop of 25% or probably more in a short period of time to make them wake up.

  7. Once a single man could feed an entire family, before that back in the eighteenth century there was not a single wretched poor like in Europe in all of the colonies. Middle class use to mean security owning production or having a practice, now it means having a job. If this doesn’t reveal a fall in fortunes I don’t know what does.

  8. I’m having to lay off employees just to stay in business. I don’t want to, but taxes and fuel costs are driving me to the wall. The IRS is also suing me (for debts incurred by the previous owners from whom we got the company), and then there’s the accounts receivables problem. So many of our debtors are going to slow-pay (and no-pay) that they are blowing past net 15 and even net 30 and net 60. You can’t run a business when the people who owe you for your services won’t (or can’t) pay…

    Business is slow. Cash flow is becoming sluggish and unreliable. From my point of view as a small business owner, the entire economy is mired in quicksand, and it’s only sinking more with each passing day. I wish to God I knew some way to get out of the industry we’re in without losing my shirt, but I don’t.

    Somehow, we’ll survive. We bourgeois always find a way. But being a small business owner in Black Run America sucks.

    Still, it beats working for a paycheck as an employee. Anything but that…

  9. This is for Chris. Obama has a 10 pt lead in Michigan.

    I’m not surprised but, that 313chris is a fckwit. Or a nig troll.

  10. I’ve known no one who has “done better than their parents.” A significant number of my best childhood friends left the country after college, seeing no future in the u.s.; others, seeing no future for their kids, just don’t have them.

    And the government keeps taking poverty-stricken children from war-torn countries, then sends them to Harvard on the tax payer—- then interviews them for the proof that “families still expect their children to do better than their parents.”

    —Wish I’d emigrated with my friends. It probably would have been a better life.

    Plus, I don’t like communism OR militarist-corporatist-medicalism (fascism) very well.

    Absolutely none of it can offer what I would have called “A Good Life.”

  11. John, take whatever biased poll you’re citing, and shove it up your Limey ass, you fucking foreigner. Political polls have almost no credibility in this country anymore, and the only the one that counts is the one taken on election night.

    I know you want Obama to win. I get your agenda here. You actually believe the delusional horseshit from some of this collection of about a dozen or so aging, anti-social, internet-rebels, that if Obama is re-elected, it will somehow, magically, lead to “secession” and a new “Dixie”, where I suppose you believe you would be some sort of New World aristocrat. But you know what? That’s not going to happen. EVER. So get it through your ungrateful little skull. Nobody in the real world, gives one shit about that dead and buried nonsense. America has seen darker days than these, and we’re still here.

    You’re a jealous little coward who ran away from his own dying country, and now, like a wandering Jew, wants to see the country that took him in, destroyed. Well let me make it clear: America is not a “frontier” for “your people”, like you’ve stated before. America is a legitimate, sovereign nation, and the homeland of MY people. And we will fight to the death to preserve it. But I wouldn’t an international citizen like yourself to understand that.

    Do yourself a favor and swim home now. Because if things ever do get ugly in my country, we won’t stop after we clear out the niggers and other alien races — there quite a few white Americans who have lost jobs, homes — lost everything, only to see fair-weather white foreigners emigrate here and enjoy comfortable life that rightfully belongs to the native-born. People like yourself will either be put in the ground, or on the boats out of here with the rest of the parasites.

  12. Chris,

    were you monitoring this site? That was very quick.

    Anyway. Let’s see if Mitt shows up in Michigan.

    Like I said my personal preference is a 1 point win for Romney on the electoral college. This will provoke chimpouts which the cops can then shoot flat. I expect a huge black body count when they riot. I wish Rombey no harm. But white fkcwits in Michigan
    are clearly not voting for him. So he’s very unlikely to win. 313chris, you are not doing enough to get him elected.

  13. @Stonelifter

    Maybe. They came here literally with nothing, to an unknown, with no guarantees and no turning back. But that was a over a hundred years ago. Here and now, I’m American. Native-born from native-born from native-born. And I call call no other country my own.

    You on the other hand, have made it clear which side you’re on. So go jam another needle in your thigh and whistle Dixie.

    Italians were here before your inbred Ulster Scot relatives ever were.

  14. Robert Oculus,

    There is a lawyer in Austin, TX, who is very good with IRS litigation. He’s been on the Alex Jones show (whether you agree with Alex or not, he has great guests). A call will cost nothing and he is well aware of the IRS illegality! I’d check the website for the name. I think he was on two weeks ago.

  15. There’s the bullshit inbred comment again.
    Little does Chris know that Ferdinand and Isabella were in effect as English as Henry VII or for that matter Henry VIII or John of Gaunt. See their red hair and roots in the Aristocracy of the northern marches of England and in Wales. The Hiberno Norse and Celto-Iberian’s really did get the drop on everyone. Vinland you see. Then the actual people like Washington and Jefferson or Jackson who hailed from oop in the Marcher lands.

  16. John, I have no clue what obsure nonsense this is you’re babbling about. Mediterranean people can have red or blonde hair, too. The gene didn’t originate with your inbred trash English “nobles”.

    Columbus was Italian. So was Vespucci. Therefore my people were on this continent before Stonelifter’s were, and before an Englishman.

  17. More with the inbred stuff! Really showing the true colours there primo. The Vikings did actually beat everyone else there at least from the European side. The Northman conquered virtually every European population in the fulness of time as well. Robert Guiscard overran Italy and much of Greece. the Spanish nobles were Western Goth or rooted in Plantegenet or Valois bloodlines. They completed the reconquista ejected the Med olive oil merchants and funded the conquest of the Western Hemisphere. Keeping the Med bottled up was the first thing that had to be done to enable the conquest of the New World. Snap the jaws of Gibraltar shut.

    How is then, that you atenot speaking Italian right now? Would you prefer Spanish? That’s basically your preference, I suppose.

  18. The New world, in essence was all about shutting out the Middleman Venetian, Genoese and Turk (possibly Jewish merchants) who had skimmed profit from Asia to Europe trade. It was all about the people of the Atlantic fullfilling their destiny.

  19. John, a man of your intelligence, manners, and good sense is always welcome in Dixie.

    Don’t pay any attention to the yankee snapping turtle.

    Deo Vindice

  20. @Chris

    Since you specified “this continent” are you referring to North America?

    Columbus? Vespucci? Italians?

    There are Spaniards who’d give you an argument.

  21. @Yancey

    1. Yes. Columbus set foot on North American soil before an Ulster Scot.

    2. Yes. Columbus was Genoese and Vespucci was Florentine.

    3. I could give a shit what any pussy Spaniard has to say about it. Conspiracy theories aren’t facts.

  22. I’m reading this David Brion Davis book and he just went over how the term “slave” comes from “slav” and how in the early 1400s the Italians were buying thousands of White slaves from the Tartars between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea and selling them to buyers in places like Egypt, Sicily, eastern Spain, and Turkey.

    When the Turks conquered Constantinople in 1453, the Italian controlled White slave trade dried up and shifted over time to the Spanish and Portuguese Atlantic islands off the coast of Africa, where they began to buy negro slaves from West Africa.

    Most of the negro slaves were brought to the Atlantic islands and Spain and Portugal and elsewhere in Europe like Sicily until the late sixteenth century.

  23. Everyone isn’t fighting. I’ll admit to having a little fun with Chris but it can’t be considered fighting. You might ought to consider expletive laden posts as fighting though.

    Maybe you can tell me where on the North American continent Columbus set foot. I can’t seem to get an answer.

  24. “Where on North American soil?”

    On August 14th 1502 during his fourth and final voyage, Columbus first stepped foot on the North American mainland at Puerto Castilla, near present day Trujillo, Honduras.

  25. Italians buying white slaves from Tatars? Well that would mean my father’s people were buying white slaves from my mother’s people.

  26. I don’t recall of he landed on the mainland or not. It was admirable of him to lead the trip though.

    Nice find about the Italian role in slave markets. they probably had a hand in a few sugar plantations in sicily and Sardinia and Malta.

    I’d really like to see a precise history of Andalusia and the connection to Italian states. Quite critical in the early days of sugar AKA spice trade no doubt.

  27. @Rudel

    I was going to say San Salvadore, which, although technically in the Bahamas, is still close enough to Florida to be considered ‘North America’.

  28. The rise and fall of Venice is particularly interesting. The Discovery of the new world swept them into penury. I’ve been all over the Adriatic and their lion symbol is stamped over the gate of many a walled city. A world power made redundant almost instantly.

  29. There’s an entertaining enough theory that fishermen from the European Atlantic sea board were keeping the cod shoals a secret and regularly over in New Foundland scooping up tons of the fish. No idea if it’s apocryphal but they did have ships that could brave the weather. Sea monsters might have been a psych-out, legends of the edge of the world a big fat fake out.

  30. I know it’s a technicality but Honduras is not considered to be in North America. Nothing south of Mexico. IMO it’s a more valid point to make on this board than is trying to invalidate someone’s arguments by claiming that ‘my people were here before yours, so there’.

  31. “I know it’s a technicality but Honduras is not considered to be in North America. Nothing south of Mexico.

    Unfortunately you are dead wrong. South America starts on the other side of the Isthmus of Panama.

    I used Wiki but you can look it up in dozens of other places if you want, including even an old dictionary or encyclopedia you might have lying around.

  32. Italians and Spaniards got here pretty early, but they didn’t do much with it. Sort of like the so called native americans. Calling them real americans would be like calling injuns real americans

    Chris the small bitches about slavery, calling slave owners scum, lazy etc unless its his people selling Whites to non Whites. Then there is no condemnation. Hypocrite

  33. @ Rudel

    I didn’t say it was part of South America, and wiki is no authority. Many definitions have changed in recent times but, traditionally, it has been considered “Central America”, a land bridge between North and South America.

  34. “Spaniards got here pretty early, but they didn’t do much with it.”

    Surely you jest. Spain was the superpower of the 16th and 17th centuries. And all the silver and gold they extracted from Mexico played no small part in it.

  35. @ Stoney, I don’t see much Italian influence during the period, other than the aforementioned few explorers, but I’d argue that the Spanish had quite an impact.

    I appreciate your second point. I wouldn’t bother being technical about such things if this fellow would either cut the often expletive-ridden but childish verbal abuse or at least do it with a sense of humor.

  36. “I didn’t say it was part of South America, and wiki is no authority. Many definitions have changed in recent times but, traditionally, it has been considered “Central America”, a land bridge between North and South America.”

    Nope. Central America is not a continent. It is part of North America. Kind of like Labrador or Alaska. The land bridge is the Isthmus of Panama. For reference please refer to the Britannica map I posted above.

  37. I was thinking in terms of the USA Rudel, not Mexico and lower, but yes you are correct about mexico etc, but formed shitty, corrupt govts and peoples. They were in what has become the Southeast too, in very small numbers, but I wouldn’t say they had much effect other then to work against our interests until we took over Fla and La

  38. I didn’t read your post Bill, before I made mine, so school me up on Spanish influences.

    I know Spain had some forts in Fla, Al, and La, and often sold fire arms to injuns. They let injuns use their AO for r&r during our wars with them. Spain also aided runaway slaves/ used runaway slaves ( and injuns) as raiders and the like to create a buffer between us because they were short on manpower. The French and English did the same, and it was smart pool on their behalf. I also know how Jackson but an end to to those things and that’s about it.

    I’ll thank you gladly for schooling me if I’m missing something important

  39. @ Rudel

    Reread the words he used, “set foot on this continent”. Offshore islands, while usually considered in the same continental area as the major land mass, are technically not on the continent itself. That’s what is meant by the cultural term ‘continental’ used by the British to refer to the mainland of Europe. Britain may be European but it has traditionally been understood as not being on the continent. Ask any geography student from the 17th through most of the 20th century how many countries there are in North America and he’ll tell you that there are three. Online encycs in 2012 will tell you that blacks are the same as whites.

  40. I didn’t read your post Bill, before I made mine, so school me up on Spanish influences.</i

    Sorry, I thought you were referring to influence in the entire 'New World' and was thinking more in terms of Florida, Texas, CA, Central America and the whole Caribbean, not to mention SA. They obviously had more influence than Italians, due credit given to men like Columbus and Vespucci.

  41. “Reread the words he used, “set foot on this continent”.

    Indeed that was why I was particularly careful to cite only his fourth voyage. The one where he first stepped foot on the mainland… of North America.

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