About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Chris,

    (1) Yes, there is a Yankee Empire.

    As I explained a week or two ago, the U.S. government started creating it immediately after the War Between the States, and the Caribbean, Central America, and the Western Pacific was the first area we expanded into from 1865 to 1904.

    (2) Here is a map of U.S. military bases overseas:


    (3) Colonialism in the traditional sense is extremely expensive and often isn’t worth the cost. It was Britain which pioneered the new style of imperialism – imposing a liberal international system on the world, with itself as the financial metropole – during its unipolar moment after the Napoleonic Wars ended in 1815.

    By the late nineteenth century, Britain and Germany were both establishing informal colonies by establishing military and commercial dominance over subject nations to promote their business interests. In the Caribbean, this is why TR issued the “Roosevelt Corollary” which allowed the U.S to intervene in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Nicaragua and other nations.

    (4) The North isn’t going to drive out niggers. They can’t even stop themselves from voting for Obama!

    (5) Mitt Romney hasn’t said a word about buying time for White people. Not once has he ever identified himself with White people. OTOH, he speaks at the “Hispanic Chamber of Commerce” and the NAACP, and makes various promise to non-Whites at our expense, and his actual policies are calculated to make life worse for White people, particularly in the Midwest which is damaged the most by free trade.

  2. @Hunter

    1.) No, there is not. Name a single foreign country in the world, here and now (not some subjective crap from a hundred years ago) that the United States administers as it’s subject. There isn’t one.

    2.) So what about that map? As I stated every single one of those countries is hosting our military of their own free will, and to their own overwhelming benefit. We on the other hand, are being bankrupted by it. Hardly characteristic of an “empire”.

    3.) Wrong. Britain and Germany WERE imperial powers in the traditional sense, and the colonies that they established were anything but “informal”. Combined, they ruled most of Africa, Asia, and Oceana!

    4.) “The North isn’t going to drive out niggers.” — Wrong again. How many times have Northern whites mass-rioted against niggers to the point where the federal government had to send in the army and intervene? More times than I can count. Meanwhile you Southerners need to gather 100 guys, and dress up in goofy white hoods, just to lynch one nigger.

    5.) Mitt Romney doesn’t need to say anything explicit about buying time for white people, and only a damn fool would say such a thing out loud. Most white people know the score by now, and we’ll see how many of them in the Midwest (a place where you’ve probably never even set foot) vote for that nigger this time.

  3. @John

    If Hunter doesn’t want me to post here, he need only ask. But YOU, Mr. Foreign Johnny English, will not dictate a damn thing to me.

    Your own country is going to shit. Go post about “partition” on British political blogs.

  4. JamieG says:
    ‘And what is an anti-Southern, doing on a pro Southern website, unless you are anti-white?
    Why else would you be here?’

    Ha! So, if someone does not agree entirely with the Southron mentality they are anti-White? That is laughable.

    313Chris says:
    “Who claims alterity here?”
    – The majority of the commenters on here, that’s who. Hunter, Dixiegirl, Stoneklismaphiliac, et al have made it clear that they, as white Southerners, believe themselves to be a fundamentally different people from white Northerners. So I will address them as such.’

    The Southrons on this site enjoy making enemies of yankees. They hate every White who doesn’t have a confederate flag tattooed across their face. They look for stuff to be offended about and invent shit out of the blue. That is retarded!

    We are not allowed to like bluegrass music and are reviled for not singing with the proper accent. Why? Because we all hate the South and have contempt for your traditions. We are accused of mocking y’all when we sing and can’t quite affect the proper accent. That is B.S.!

    I have made concilliatory comments and made many positive statements about my experiences of Southerners only to get accused of pandering or being s-o-o-o-ocondescending.
    I’ve lived in the South and have met many people I like and who have liked me. You can’t handle that? Go screw yourselves!

    You make no distinctions. Northerners are the root of every evil. Well, guess what? I’m sick of my brothers, sisters, family and friends being equated with niggers, jews, and scum. Two can play that ‘kin’ game.

    You Southrons can now shove it for all I care. I want you to seccede as quickly as possible. Forget about taking over the entire South, not enough of you to run a small county.

  5. Mitt Romney explicitly tells Jews, Hispanics, and the Black Undertow that he is on their side. He travels to Israel, celebrates Rosh Hashanah on YouTube, speaks at the NAACP national convention, the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and goes on Univision to tell Mexicans he doesn’t know Kris Kobach.

    Maybe he doesn’t explicitly say he is “buying time for White people” because he doesn’t identify with the White community and feels no compulsion to do so? After all, this is someone who pulled over and wept when the Mormon Church was integrated, someone whose father marched in solidarity with the Black Undertow in Selma and who systematically destroyed White neighborhoods as Nixon’s HUD Secretary.

    As for the Midwest, we can say for certain that Indiana is going to go Republican, and Illinois and Minnesota are safe Democrat. Ohio, Iowa, and Wisconsin are being contested by Romney which have slight Obama leads. To my knowledge, he is not contesting Michigan yet.

    Obama is not contesting Kentucky or West Virginia because those states are safe Republican. Across the Ohio River, the only reason Indiana and Ohio are in play is because adjacent parts of those states were settled by Kentuckians and Virginians, and South Illinois would be safe Republican for the same reason if it were a separate state.

    The demographics of the Midwest determine its political alignment. East Iowa identifies with the Northeast because it is heavily Yankee. South Illinois and South Indiana tilt toward the South.

    Michigan is full of blacks, Yankees, and unionized White ethnics who will vote Democrat for class reasons. Nothing much has changed.

    In 2008, Obama got 51 percent of the White vote in Michigan:


    Half the Whites in the Midwest are Democrats.

  6. Sam: I’m a Southerner. Not all Southerners think that way. Most of the strident anti-Northern stuff on OD comes from 3 or 4 people.

  7. Sam,

    If Northerners are equated with Jews, Hispanics, and the Black Undertow, might the cause of this be their well known tendency to repeatedly align yourselves with those groups, and to pass multiple examples of federal legislation that is extremely damaging to the South?

    Over 50 percent of Democrat voters are “White people.” The overwhelming majority of them live in the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and the West Coast. Might the situation improve if you people would only STOP doing what you are doing?

  8. We see the Union as being utterly destructive to the South because, well, because that is the consequences of our association with the Northeast, which has inflicted one disaster after another on us since 1861.

    What can be said about the Northeast? Virtually every single representative in the Northeast in the House voted for DADT repeal and the DREAM Act. They voted as a solid unified phalanx for Obama in 2008.

    Oh wait, WNs will respond with their theory that Jews are controlling their minds through the media. How is it then that over 90 percent of Southerners voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964? It would have failed easily if Yankees hadn’t overwhelmingly supported it.

    Obama would have been defeated if Yankees hadn’t overwhelming voted for him. Much of the North is dominated by Jewish senators because Yankees alone vote for them. Another Jew is running for the Senate this year as a Republican in Ohio.

    In contrast, there aren’t many Jews in Congress from the South, with the notable exception of South Florida which is a Yankee enclave and no one would ever confuse with the Deep South.

    How many Jews are in the Senate from the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and West Coast? There is a striking pattern: most, if it all the Jews in the Senate, are from those areas, as are the ones on the Supreme Court.

    Virtually everything we hate in the South – civil rights laws, liberal immigration laws, various types of cultural degeneracy – comes at us through the Union and would be blocked tomorrow if the Union were dissolved.

  9. The ways things ought to be. But oh my, how do these people manage to live their lives in the absence of negroes and immigrants…

  10. Come on, Hunter, go one step further…. Who created and controls the Western World et al, through the UN, World Bank, IMF, Federal Reserve and all centeal banks, etc.? The same f–kers who created and control CFR and the EU and all those tax-exempt foundations that are used as vehicles to control and destroy. Identify the source!!!

  11. “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” WOODROW WILSON

    Guess what? They’re still with us. Or at least their descendants are…

  12. “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” WOODROW WILSON

    Guess what? They’re still with us.

  13. We do indeed have the secret ballot, so there’s no reason to invoke the spectre of mind control. Damn Yankees hate their more exotic southern neighbours.

  14. Umm … the United States?

    All these global institutions were set up in the United States after WW2 to manage the global empire we inherited from the British – who created it after the Napoleonic Wars, and fought two world wars with Germany to preserve their hegemony over it – as a result of our victory over the Axis Powers.

  15. Chris: we are not only an empire but also the the enforcer of the multicultural NWO, aka globalism. As such, our servicemen who should o my protect us are used as tools to serve international agendas. Every inch of the globe is assigned to a US combatant commander. Look it up

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