About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This man is much more dangerous than McShame. He seems like Bush II meets corp tycoon. I plan on entering Virgil Goode into the machine on election day.

  2. What is new here? Romney, and also Ryan — they have both pushed for “streamlined,” increased immigration, long before. Contrast their position with constitutionalists’ support of states’ rights (and local, county-level autonomy) to enforce constitutional limits. But MOST Tea Partiers and even some regulars on this site spurned constitutional states’ rights candidates in the primaries in favour of the “Christian” pro-Zionist, militarist globalism of the Neocons.

  3. I love the folks who say they support Romney because “it’s the economy, stupid!”… These same people fail to see how illegal immigration is a huge burden on any recovery, not to mention the federal/state benefits illegals take.

  4. Don’t vote. Fear the vortex of slip n slide I say yeh today, nay tomorrow for democracy is a most silly idea. Democracy inherently supposes those who can vote know the detailed minutiae of a vast amount of things which the government daily operates and passes judgement on. Inherently it is not in the ability of an person to be intimately acquainted with any of the prospects for any position, even family members of a prospect can be very surprised by what their loved one can do in a position of power. That and the firm establishment of corruption inherent in the government makes one pause as how can it be salvaged or even if it should be salvaged for who would wish to Inherit it’s legacy. Secession is preferable and those who feel entitled to have the whole of the current territory of the U.S. It would be best to realize any loss of territory once the exclusive domain of the white man will be lost due to the failure of our fathers and current generation’s own failures. Though to leave all with a silver lining a battle may be lost but not the war; or territory lost can be regained.

  5. Did you hear that?

    – Shift diversity visas to bring together immediate family members.

    – Reform temporary work visas to meet needs of employers.

    – Greencards for foreign “hi tech workers” who graduate.

    – He likes the fact that 1 million legal immigrants come here every year.

    – Federal E-Verify that overrules state E-Verify laws.

    – “Permanent” solutions for DREAMers.

    – America is a “Nation of Immigrants.”

    Oh BTW, Romney said today that he hasn’t met with Kris Kobach.

  6. As our country moves head first into white Western oblivion with the help of individuals like this POS ‘conservatives’ will vote for him and the GOP because he is not Obama. They will embrace a system that is destroying them because a vote for Candidate C or a non-vote is the same as a vote for Obama and any alternative direction or action to that is ‘not going to happen’. The lunacy of the whole set up is almost beyond words.

    Somewhere the devil/Jews/Marxist/enemies/evil spirits…are laughing their asses off. The white man is mired in quicksand.

  7. Of course Romney equals Amnesty, that was what was so tragic about white nationalists embracing this vile man due to a visceral reaction to Obama. Again, there is NO electoral path to victory, just as there was no electoral path to victory for Africans; it was through causing a ruckus, marching, sit ins, going to jail, that they got what they wanted, a permanent sinecure paid for by Whites.

    Hunter, have you seen this clip identified by James Edwards at the Political Cesspool?

    Since we will be on the subject of Romney for 50 more days…

    “Romney and ‘the flag'”

  8. 313Chris: I appreciate your feeling, I really do, you want what is best for your family and your people.

    You stated something that is a fact: Rasmussen does in fact show Romney leading nationwide.

    Let me pivot to another fact: Romney is losing nationwide and will lose this election.

    The trouble with Romney is that he is jeopardizing the Republican House with his atrocious campaign. That is truly dangerous. I was going to ignore Romney’s crash and burn, but because of the threat to the House, now I cannot.

    Romney must be forced to cede this election and run a damage control strategy from this point out; money and energy that were to go to Romney should be focused on House races that could be lost otherwise. The more the election is about Romney, the more he will drag down the rest of the GOP, which, the closer to the local level, is a pro-White party.

    I know the pain; I follow all the dittohead websites. Our people are going to hurt on November 6th, but nothing can change that and it is ultimately for the better. Our people will know that despite a shabby performance, Obama still won. The numbers are against us: more anti-whites are born than whites EVERY DAY. More than half of Americans receive their income from the government, and that grows with each passing day. Hillary Clinton and Julian Castro will run in 2016, and unless we have shaken things up through practical politics, THEY WILL WIN, no matter how Obama performs.

    The Supreme Court is lost; we not only have to win elections, we also have to defy the Courts and the Constitution. Why not skip the elections and cut to the chase?

    Like the nations trapped in the Soviet Union, there was only one way out.

    Like the Muslims in India there was only one way out.


    Rasmussen and Rush Limbaugh are not going with us on this journey.

    It’s time to let them go.

  9. I couldn’t make it through that video. A reporter should put him on the spot and ask if he would support raising the legal annual intake to 10 million two-legged ticks. I can’t imagine he would take the “anti-immigrant position” of no. Then they could ask what about 20 million? 30?40? Each succeeding figure more ludicrous than the last, as the pandering pederast stammered out his requisite affirmations amidst multiplying droplets on his brow.

    Shit I’d love to see what number he could be bid up to before his motherboard blew.

  10. OK, I just watched the vid. As soon as I see someone else argue that Romney is the lesser evil I’ll commit to convincing everyone in my neighborhood to vote for the HNIC. I’ll drive ’em to the polls.

    This is a lot like dropping a bunch of yutes off at the brand new elite shopping mall, putting people in touch with the reality they otherwise wouldn’t care about.

  11. @Afterthought

    Sell your defeatism to someone else. It just isn’t me to give up. Ever.

    The fact is, Romney is going to win. White people are reaching their breaking point with the sight of this nigger in office, on top of everything else, and that will be reflected in a 2010-like tantrum on Nov 6.

    You people need to grow up and let go of this “secession/partition” nonsense. It didn’t work 250 years ago, and no one besides the sad little clique on this blog has any interest in it today.

  12. I didn’t even know there were diversity visas. I looked it up and apparently it is a program that intentionally brings in 50,000 foreigners annually based on a random selection of applicants. Romney wants to “fix” this by limiting the program to closely related family members of foreigners already here (read Hispanics).

    313Chris…Romney is anti-White. This video by itself is proof. It is mind boggling how anyone could say that voting for Romney is a pro-White move. You want racially conscious “anybody but Obama” types to go back to sleep for the next four years while millions more Mestizos flood in? At least with Obama winning there’s a chance of some kind of significant White uprising (which will be lead by Dixie).

  13. this is hilarious! If elected, romney will keep BRA running on schedule on all fronts.

    On the one hand he is a good candidate at the national level. he’ll get whatever yankee gop voter base there is by default (same with Southron gop folks) and he’s liberal enough to pull lots of even more liberal then the gop yankee votes. The gop picks guys like romney/ mc cain/ bush for that very purpose. However a victory for romney is a victory for BRA, as his stance on the issues clearly demonstrate

    romney is shedding White mountain voters in NC and VA. Those are rural areas with less voters but in the past the GOP needed those votes to offset transplants. Maybe enough transplants are disillusioned with obama to vote for liberal romney, maybe not. I think if romney does win, he will win in places folks don’t count on, and may lose some states folks think he has a lock on, simply because it looks like there will be low gop voter turn out. Who can know for sure? But it seems foolish to think romney is a sure thing

  14. For people like Chris and other onlookers, be aware that white scumbags like Mitt Romney have existed since the dark ages. They are not overcome by support but by withdrawal of support.

  15. eric holder has been AG for how long now? It’s not affected my life one bit. Hell I got two class three stamps approved with obama as president and holder as AG. How much has it affected anyone’s life?

  16. Romney is not a scumbag. A panderer? Sure. Kind of a dimwit? Also sure. But he’s far from a scumbag. Obama is scumbag, bigtime. And you’re free to vote for him, for whatever you sadly believe it will get you. But the South ain’t ever gonna rise again.

  17. Every Northern state (except Indiana and maybe Iowa) will vote for Obama over Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. There might be enough transplants in NOVA/Hampton Roads and South and Central Florida to swing those states to Obama.

    Romney and Ryan will have no trouble winning West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Indiana won’t be a problem either because South Indiana and much of South Illinois and South Ohio were settled by Southerners.

    East Iowa will go heavily for Obama because Yankees are dominant there. Just as we know that Romney will win Southwest Virginia and North Florida by a landslide because Southerners are dominant there.

    The 2012 election will prove once again that the central problem in American politics are Yankees who will vote en masse with Jews, Hispanics, and the Black Undertow for Obama and the Democrats from Maine to Minnesota and from Washington to California.

    Everyone knows that if Yankees voted like West Virginians or Kentuckians or Mississippians that Obama would be defeated in a landslide. The “White working class” will vote down Obama everywhere in the Upper South. Not in the Upper Midwest or Northeast though.

    Watch and see.

  18. 313Chris,

    You haven’t given up on Romney yet? Come on. Look at his own words. What’s it going to take? The man is SCUM with a capital S.

  19. It won’t be close. Obama will win every state he won last time, plus every other state considered in play this year. I wish there was a way to put money in escrow; I’d put money on it.

    Obama will take Indiana. Obama may even take a traditional red state. Romney’s margin of victory in the traditional red states will set a record for new GOP lows.

    The sad fact is Obama despite everything is still better for white folks than Romney/Ryan (excluding top 0.5% whites). Obama seems to be telling Netanyahu to stick it where the sun don’t shine. That fact alone is worth a vote for Obama.

  20. @Lew

    I’ll repeat, for the benefit of your thick, aged, Southern skull: Romney is going win, by a big margin, and the South ain’t ever gonna rise again. So move on with your life.

  21. In your opinion the “the South ain’t ever gonna rise again”. You are just saying that because they are white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  22. The South will keep playing the Republican game … eventually, the demographics will swing to the point where Republicans can’t win a presidential election, which means contesting the federal courts will be impossible.

    Yankees will continue to vote as a solid phalanx for the Democrats. Once Southern and Western opposition crumbles, they will flood the country with as many illegal aliens and legal immigrants as possible, while they use the federal courts to eviscerate all opposition at the state level.

    In the process, they will assuredly bankrupt the country. Maintaining the overseas empire will prove to be fiscally impossible. As the empire falls away, the economy will collapse and the bottom will fall out from underneath the Yankee Empire.

    The South will have nothing to lose and no remedy to absolute despotism other than secession. Just like last time, it won’t take more than a decade for the Union to crumble as Southerners gradually give up on trying to control the federal government.

    Romney 2012 will probably be the GOP’s last shot at winning the presidency.

  23. @Hunter

    1.) There is no “overseas empire”. We have garrisons of soldiers in a few other countries, but we have no proper colonies in manner of say 19th-century Europe in Africa and Asia. And as current events in Europe and the Middle East illustrate, we have no control over the how other nations manage their affairs. America today is not an “empire”. Not even close.

    2.) In the scenario you describe, there wouldn’t be enough white people at all, let alone “true white self-identifying Southrons”, inhabiting the South to make any kind of legitimate play for control of the region, which would be utterly overrun with niggers who migrated from, or were driven out of the North. You people would be something equivalent to the white remnant in Zimbabwe — hopelessly outnumbered and politically impotent.

    Yes I do support Romney, and hope that he buys white people every minute of time that he can, because at this stage, there is no realistic alternative to the system we have.

  24. “What good is a Republican House?”

    There are a lot of GOP congressmen who are more conservative than Romney and Boehner. They can help slow down Obama or Romney on gun control, immigration, taxes, and welfare. They can make sure the inevitable Dream Act isn’t quite as bad as it would be with a Democratic Congress.

    But neither party can keep us from the inevitable bankruptcy of the federal government. We may go through an inflationary phase but when interest rates then get too high the heavy cuts in everything including Social Security, Medicare, the military will occur and the federal government also won’t be able to pay the interest on the debt.

    Once that occurs there will be widespread social and political “unrest” and we will see the possibility of state nullification of federal mandates and law. There will start to be de facto secession. I don’t have a crystal ball but when the feds don’t have the money and the dollar is worthless then the federal government won’t have its current powers either. They will try and federalize the state militias and rule by executive orders and martial law at some point. How ugly and violent things get is anybody’s guess but it won’t be pretty. Widespread rioting in urban areas is inevitable.

    At the very least I think people will be banding together at the local level in rural areas in order to prevent anarchy and keep food production going. Gold and other hard assets along with barter will become the medium of exchange.

  25. 313Chris says:
    September 18, 2012 at 6:20 am

    “You people would be something equivalent to the white remnant in Zimbabwe — hopelessly outnumbered and politically impotent.”

    You people???

    Who is propping up Zimbabwe now and who propped up Zimbabwe, until it ethnically cleansed all of its whites?

    You people. ie White anti-white controlled countries.

    And who will prop up the USA after it and Europe, browns out?

    No one, unless they have something of value in the ground. So what does the USA/Europe have that is of value, in their ground?



    I think you support Romney because you hope Romney will attack Israel.

    And what is an anti-Southern, doing on a pro Southern website, unless you are anti-white?

    Why else would you be here?

  26. Chris: no empire, huh? Yet there are very large bases in Germany and a fleet in Italy (how long has WWII been over?), air bases, army bases and a fleet in Japan, USMC on Okinawa until they were moved to Australia, a fleet in the Persian Gulf PERMANENTLY, a base in El Salvador, presence in at least 50 other countries. Moreover, we are actively antagonizing Russia by seeking to place military units in Eastern Europe. And don’t forget Iraq, Afghanistan, and probably soon to be Iran. No, no empire her, move along now

  27. Hunters prediction is correct.

    I don’t understand why all these Yankess are trying to convince us in the South to support Romney. The South IS NOT your problem. Talk to your own kind up North about it!

  28. Hunter,

    A horrible immigration policy won’t stop whites from voting Republican or Democrat, but it will stop them from voting third party. This is where the problem lies. Go figure.

  29. Southrons are types of bad things to 313piss’ mind because we brought in slave labor but romney isn’t scum when he wants to import mexicans… what a fucking hypocrite

  30. “we brought in slave labor”: Northerners as well as southerners imported the black Africans, and there are southern as well as northern promoters and users of brown “Latins.”

  31. That does it for me with Romney. Legal immigration of a million Third Worlders a year is the real mortal threat to this country. Why vote for someone who is insuring the demise of his own party? This phony claims to want to create jobs, but jobs for who?? The hordes of legal foreigners coming every year? This guy is nothing but another rich plutocrat who wants to jack up the profits for his big business buddies while the rest of us pay for it. One can only hold one’s nose for so long while voting. And that’s why his white support is at only 53%. He offers us absolutely nothing!

  32. Furthermore,

    Romney ships off good factory work to china.

    At least the blacks were brought over to speed up development and settlement. The more I think about it the more I see how wicked the New Englander character actually is. They really don’t like to get their hands dirty while maximizing personal wealth.

  33. @John

    “Who claims alterity here?”

    – The majority of the commenters on here, that’s who. Hunter, Dixiegirl, Stoneklismaphiliac, et al have made it clear that they, as white Southerners, believe themselves to be a fundamentally different people from white Northerners. So I will address them as such.

  34. @Wayne

    “Chris: no empire, huh?”

    – Yeah, Wayne. NO EMPIRE. The United States has no large populations of it’s citizens diffused and entreched in other countries, governing the locals as subjects. Yes, we have military installations in other countries, and do you know what? The overwhelming majority of the populations of those countries, are more more than happy with the arrangment. They make plenty of money off the presence of young, spend-happy, American servicemen, they know damn well that none their aggressive neighbors are going to fuck with them while they’re hosting American muscle, and these bases are usually LEASED, at a generous financial return, from the country in which they are situated. We aren’t the Romans, marching in taking whatever we want.

    You people, and most ordinary WN’s for that matter, always throw around that word — “empire” — when you want to demonize America because you happen to feel marginalized, or lend some undeserved sense of righteousness to your own warped beliefs. America is no empire. It’s a good country made up of decent, albeit often misguided, people. Calling it an empire is grossly inaccurate and fucking silly.

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