Romney Set To Pander To Hispanics


Romney’s reaction to the Arizona ruling and Obama’s criminal DREAM Act amnesty coupled with trotting out the discredited virtual fence, ignoring the Chick-fil-A buycott, and pandering to the NAACP national convention told me everything I needed to know about his candidacy.

Here’s the latest from the savior of the White race who is embroiled in the most important election of our lifetimes:

“LOS ANGELES, Sept 17 (Reuters) – Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will pledge to Hispanics on Monday that if elected he will fix the troubled U.S. immigration system in an appeal to a rising voter bloc that overwhelmingly favors Democratic President Barack Obama….

Romney’s immigration remarks to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will be aimed at shoring up a weakness in his candidacy: the fact that a huge majority of Hispanics support Obama.”

Note: I also noticed that Romney is running a new ad on his YouTube channel:

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hahaha!

    I don’t mean he should turn into poindexter professor. Just make the case. He’s dancing around it.

    Just say “apparently I’m disgustingly white, what of it?”

    that’s the intellectual case in a sentence.

  2. Norman? I don’t think he’s got it in him to win. He might even be the fall guy. McCain was a fallguy. Maybe this one is as well.

    Tbe Bush Clan are probably gearing up JEB and that Mexican grandson. Or was be Columbian?

  3. “Fr John, how are things shaping up (waking up at all?) in the great white north, in Minnesota?”


    In what ways? Our weather today turned colder, summer is gone, fall is in the air, and we are starting our ‘new’ curriculum, had two tests already, and I am looking into ESL certificate programs. At this point, and after reading a lot of the comments on this and other forums, as someone else said, ‘they actually think Mittens is going to be different,’ I have little love left for this area of the globe. This (of course) is OT, so best to send me emails at the blog, and I’ll answer there….. Sorry, HW.

  4. I thought you had expressed hope lately for the white people in your area. It is nice countryside. I don’t find an email contact link on your blog.

  5. I don’t agree that he’s a conspiracy fall guy, nor that McCain was, nor Ron Paul as some have suggested here. I think what you see is what you get: just a wealthy run-of-the-mill liberal Neocon career politician who is also Mormon, and “Norman” or at least Anglo, by looks and heritage.

  6. “I want them to stay here, so I’d staple a green card to their diploma,” Romney said. “America is a nation of immigrants, and immigration is essential to our economic growth and prosperity. One million immigrants legally enter America every year—the largest number of any country in the world. I like that,” he added. “I want to preserve our heritage of robust legal immigration. And I want to make sure that those who abide by the law and wait in line to immigrate here legally are not at a disadvantage.”–election.html

    Mitt Romney: The other anti-White candidate.

  7. more of the same says:
    Yes Dixiegirl, we could really use some great Generational judges…But go ahead, blame it all on Catholics if that makes you feel better and go on ignoring the traitors in your own ranks…..

    Not at all— well aware of the people you mention and I do not defend them! It’s just that so many people have those wasps covered, and when it comes to Jews, Dr. Duke, K.Mac, HAC, etc, cover all aspects. So, it’s nothing personal, just filling a gap—truly.

    By saying Generational energy could help, mean people like Ron Paul. (And about non-generationals— I mean people who clearly are still tied to other “home countries” and use positions with foreign interests in mind. It used to be called treason).

  8. East TN is beautiful, but changing to be sure. Friends who used to go regularly stopped, due to the changes. About overseas, it seems less stressful to be a small group in a “homogenous” culture than in the “public enemy” minority in the most radically committed multi-cult on earth (I always hated it, as a kid, that they would talk about “whites” being “homogenous,” making us sound like milk or something, lol).

    Of course, there’s being the one who stays and records it all for posterity…

    The commitment to eradicating the founding population as a force, or even a voice at all, in what was its own country—- it’s quite an amazing thing, really. And that it was started at the 1965 demographics—

    Do the policy makers really think they can take it all the way to “minority” and beyond— (Genocide)— and really have people keep believing it’s “happening naturally.”

  9. Also–

    on vid, was the part about giving “citizenship” to those who fight. On the surface, it sounds reasonable to many people, fair. But no one asks whether their loyalty can be trusted… and fighting is not loyalty. Plenty of mercenaries go wherever they’re sent.

    Even now, regular people accept “women in the military,” as if it’s nothing. Are there really men who would want their own daughters drafted? That is an amazing and sickening thought to me.

    These things do not seem “progressive” or “advanced.” Even the worst barbarians didn’t do this crap

  10. “about giving ‘citizenship’ to those who fight”:

    Didn’t the ITALIANS try that, in the waning days of the Roman empire? “If you can’t beat them, let them join!” Those invaders never constituted more than a small minority of the Italian population, however, unlike our overwhelming “tsunami.”

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