Romney Set To Pander To Hispanics


Romney’s reaction to the Arizona ruling and Obama’s criminal DREAM Act amnesty coupled with trotting out the discredited virtual fence, ignoring the Chick-fil-A buycott, and pandering to the NAACP national convention told me everything I needed to know about his candidacy.

Here’s the latest from the savior of the White race who is embroiled in the most important election of our lifetimes:

“LOS ANGELES, Sept 17 (Reuters) – Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will pledge to Hispanics on Monday that if elected he will fix the troubled U.S. immigration system in an appeal to a rising voter bloc that overwhelmingly favors Democratic President Barack Obama….

Romney’s immigration remarks to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will be aimed at shoring up a weakness in his candidacy: the fact that a huge majority of Hispanics support Obama.”

Note: I also noticed that Romney is running a new ad on his YouTube channel:

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Romney loves cheap labor. I have been following him for a while, reading the things that the liberal media catches, and it catches really great stuff. He doesn’t tip baristas at Starbucks and when he didn’t finish his hot chocolate he offers it back to the baristas to drink it themselves. Yechh! He betrays being mentally sheltered and tongue-tied as Bush when he has to say something unscripted or answer something.

    You can just tell people like this have not dealt with real questions first hand. Every problem Romney ever needed to solve (excepting money making) was something he just threw money at. Being rich all your life ill prepares you for political office, and he’s been RICH ALL HIS LIFE. His Pa was the CEO of American Motors, FFS!

    So he’s just going to do what his whacky Jew handlers tell him to do. If he gets elected, things will go real badly, and he might even end up prosecuted by the International Court or something.

    And who knows what Obama will do in his second term. He’ll have a freer hand for sure.

    So it’s no choice at all, really. And I think it’s going to be a close one. I bet Romney makes his gaffes so it’ll be a close race. I bet they modulate the popularitiy of the candidates so it will be close and they can decide at the last minute which pageant contestant they want to go with.

  2. On the other hand, it is necessary to vote for Romney in order to buy time, to slow the slide into a socialist dictatorship that oppresses whites.

  3. It’s good if is close well. If Obama won the college but lost the popular vote he’d have Less/no legitimacy.

    As long as it is close it’s a decent outcome.

  4. Well… The Talmud is JUST A BOOK, and perhaps best read as a survival manuel meant to preserve oral traditions, customs, and a hardier identity (written for a specific people at a specific time, for specific ends).

    More Generational Americans might do well to learn from it and consider making their own. Time to get a catacomb, too.

    And reminder: The history of “mormons” grand discovery of God in 1830 —an important year for the south— should be undertaken soon.

    Some Generationals (wasps) are not going to be able to handle the Romanized tone of the country. Already, it went from about 85% in the 60s (these have become —predictably— very hard numbers to find)— to the catholic sites are claiming “majority status.”

    Even with wasps only being half vanished, and despite having rhetoric about “Disproportionate Representation” shoved down their throats from birth, no one seems to mind the majority catholic supreme court, (or how their policies have made them a country majority in 60 years). No studies yet on how the protestant population feels, what they have been undergoing during their vanishment.

    Yankees are one thing. Living under the catholic-raised people will be another, imo, and the issue is only on the horizon. Many Americans didn’t even have to do that in Europe, and it will feel to them like a greatly degraded life.

    Time to leave the country, maybe.

  5. “I bet they modulate the popularitiy of the candidates so it will be close and they can decide at the last minute which pageant contestant they want to go with.” We sound so “CT” when we say “they.”

    “Time to leave the country, maybe.” What are you thinking? Falklands? Greenland?

  6. @ Dixiegirl, re: moving, and northern transplants:

    More Yankees are coming, bound for the Knoxville-Gatlinburg area now, the current ideal white paradise destination for northern WN’s.

  7. “Are you voting for any of the third party candidates?” Is that a general question for everyone, or for Hunter or whom?

    I was against Romney all along, but consider him the slightly less evil of the two now. In a state where Romney is certain to win, a vote for Virgil Goode or a Ron Paul write-in would be in order, I think.


  8. Yes Dixiegirl, we could really use some great Generational judges again like Earl Warren, Paul Stevens, William O Douglas and Warren Burger.

    How about some great Generational presidents again like FDR, LBJ, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Bush I and Bush II?

    But go ahead, blame it all on Catholics if that makes you feel better and go on ignoring the traitors in your own ranks.

  9. In Western Europe being pro white is still political suicide. Are anybody sure that in the US times are changed and if somebody dares to be pro white, people will vote for him?

    Maybe Mitt is pro white, he just hiding it. Like Swedish Democrats humiliated themselves, got a nickname “Somali Democrats” but at least they got some seats after a decades. In Western Europe white people still deciding winner and speaking on immigrants event is only a perversive ritual to express somebodys anti whitess for getting selfhating white votes.

  10. “Many Americans didn’t even have to do that in Europe, and it will feel to them like a greatly degraded life.

    Time to leave the country, maybe.”

    DixieG- you took the words right out of my mouth.

    The only option is to become an ESL teacher, move to a homogenous foreign nation where you stick out as the ‘unique one,’ group together like Russian emigres did in France, longing for the return of another ‘Christian Civilization,” in a land where you and yours will be expats potentially for the rest of your lives, and any desire to ‘go native’ will be met by the natives’ implicit knowledge that WE Whites seem to lack- if you are not of our race/ethnos, you will NEVER be one of us.

    It appears to be the only way to maintain racial identity in the face of mongrelization. Just watched with Matushka (the wife for you not in the know) yesterday ‘Exotic Marigold hotel’ and saw in that one film, the death wish of the ‘goyim’ for we whites- and was’t it just a ‘coincidence’ that these folks had NO familial involvement from their own seed? As if the Multiculti regime had completely corrupted them? While the idiotic overly multisyllabic Injun (Dot, not feather) had a mother who wanted a caste-like marriage for her son…. as if, only the ‘lesser races’ still maintain ties of family? How telling. not with a bang, but with a whimper.

    And who is at the helm? Dr. Darkmoon knows.
    Do you?

    Oh yes. Add to that ESL job, a country not particularly in the line of fire for a WWII event…. so, that rules out America, Canada, Europe, and perhaps Russia?

    Misericordie, Domine.

  11. I have been following the emotional tone as well as the number of comments on neoconservative web sites (free republic, red state, politico) and the major themes are “clapping louder” in other words, don’t dare suggest that Romney is anything but “kicking ass” in the polls.

    Secondarily, there is a vast decrease in the number of comments compared to the primary. Partly lack of interest, partly disgust at having to swallow their pride for a candidate they dislike.

    So where does that leave those who want to separate from those who simply are opposed to our values? We have an opportunity to inject our ideas into the fertile soil of those who really thought that there was an electoral path to Restoration. They will be asking “why do they hate us?!” Just as they did after 9/11. It was a stupid question then and it is a stupid question now: they hate us because they consider this their nation and they want us gone.

    Our nation is gone, if we want a new nation it will require Will and wisdom, but the time is ripe.

    I believe that the reelection of Obama will be the racial equivalent of 9/11 in that it will put rank and file whites in the mood to actually do something (recall Chik Fil A).

  12. “I believe that the reelection of Obama will be the racial equivalent of 9/11 in that it will put rank and file whites in the mood….”

    Unless a lot of rank and file whites actually VOTED for Obama, again.

  13. “to actually do something (recall Chik Fil A)”:

    Chik Fil A was a harmless Huckabee pressure-releasing distraction from really doing something.

  14. “Time to leave the country, maybe.” What are you thinking? Falklands? Greenland?

    Tasmania, baby!

    I’ve been studying it for years and working on a plan to go there. Alas, by the time I’m able to do it it’ll only be a place for me to die. But younger men should consider it. The demographics are great. Once American military and financial ‘outreach’ begins to ebb, all Euro lands and colonies will fall like dominoes. Australia will be the first.

    Tasmania is a largely overlooked island-state of Australia. While it probably has more DWLs than any other Australian province and has shown no reaction to the multi-cult law imposed on it by the US and its banksters in 1965, South Africa style, most blow with the wind. The reason that there has been no reaction in Tasmania is that it’s almost entirely WHITE.

    Take away the threat of empirical intervention and instinctive self-preservation kicks in. In Tasmania this would mean an already healthy suburb exploding into a Singaporean dynamo. Put your bucks there. Ahr, your money, not your primates.

    I actually investigated the Falklands in the 1990s. Not a chance, unless you’re a billionaire or a skilled fisherman.

    Go onto Google Maps and drive Tasmania for yourself. Beautiful place. Check the stats. It’s a dream.

  15. Bill, that was another one I was going to mention. Like south island New Zealand, ruled by multi-cult but still nearly 100 % white — but they must change that, quickly!
    Watch out eastern Tennesseeans, the Yankee WN transplants are coming!

  16. I’ve met one Tasmanian, visitor here, seemed very “earthy-crunchy” and multi-cult oriented. But it’s ideal for temperate zone agriculture, and especially apple orcharding: “The Apple Isle.”

  17. Iceland? Remote good white land, but still strategic, and the Icelanders are asleep again, if they ever really woke up, and the bankers are back.

    No, eastern Tennessee is the current paradise destination.

  18. Mosin, I remember going to E. TN when I was a boy (I’m from GA-FL). One of the most beautiful places on earth. Unfortunately, yank DWLs have infested the area. It’s almost funny, the way they think they’re raising a sunken ship when they are themselves continually driving it under water.

    One thing I’d like to comment on is HW’s disinclination to worry about YKW. While nobody ever thinks of them in association with the American South, it should be remembered that they have a three thousand year old reputation for turning on their benefactors.

  19. Romney will do exactly what the Cheap Labor Treason Lobby tells him to do. They need cheap labor to do the jobs they can’t send overseas.

    He will also do exactly what big oil tells him to do. If it is more profitable for them to continue keeping us at the mercy of the sand niggers rather than fully develop our domestic supplies of gas, oil and coal, then Mitt will do as they tell him.

    He’s starting to look more like Howdy Doody with each passing day.

    Luckily, a glance at the headlines on Drudge today should make it clear to you that it won’t be long before it won’t matter what Romney or Obama have to say about anything. There will be only one route to take.

  20. It’s going to be some entertaining chic, the Jews declaring war yet again, but with the internet alive and kicking. No doubt their ‘chutzpah’ will suffer. The boomers, after all, are out of the picture except for voting for Mitt.

  21. “Mosin, I remember going to E. TN when I was a boy (I’m from GA-FL). One of the most beautiful places on earth. Unfortunately, yank DWLs have infested the area.”

    It is the beginning of decline for any rural area to be advertised to any city people, whether city yank DWLs, or yank WNs, or any other kind of city people. What is most beautiful of all is the fatherland, or motherland, of your own ancestors, where you belong and have your own roots.

  22. HW, Fade, whoever you are, you have done a great service with the publication of these reviews. Please don’t follow the young impulse to reject what you previously confirmed. There are a noticeable lack of comments on your most serious historical articles. Do not be discouraged by that. Entirely antithetical to current opinion, your injection is a watershed of wisdom. People agree!

  23. “Romney SET to pander to Hispanics” is meant sarcastically? When did he not pander? Like we were told here, during the primary season, that he was he the best choice on immigration.

  24. “Entirely antithetical to current opinion, your injection is a watershed of wisdom. People agree!”

    I for one appreciate the facts about the history of slavery in the New World, and agree on the factual conclusions, though I continue to denounce the whole enterprise of African importation and enslavement for profit on religious moral grounds. The appeal to the history of slavery or serfdom in Europe and elsewhere, and to the sanction of false Christian “authorities” and stories in the Old Testament doesn’t sway me from the Truth.

  25. Slavery was a proven method of increasing wealth and power. The pursuit of wealth and status is not a moral imperative. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is.

  26. <i.Mosin Nagant says:
    September 17, 2012 at 5:18 pm

    Slavery was a proven method of increasing wealth and power. The pursuit of wealth and status is not a moral imperative. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is.

    Mosin, I’ve lived by this rule for most of my life and I don’t discount it lightly. It’s as if it is hardwired into my brain. But something tells me that, while it is a good rule to live by, it is a disingenuous belief.

    There actually <i/are?

  27. Sorry for the previous format.

    Mosin Nagant says:
    September 17, 2012 at 5:18 pm

    Slavery was a proven method of increasing wealth and power. The pursuit of wealth and status is not a moral imperative. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is.

    Mosin, I’ve lived by this rule for most of my life and I don’t discount it lightly. It’s as if it is hardwired into my brain. But something tells me that, while it is a good rule to live by, it is a disingenuous belief.

    There actually are alternative possibilities, such as Africans being intentionally submissive to White men. Why would this differ from the polar bear and the seal>?

  28. Chik-fil-a was an example of practical politics as opposed to electoral politics. It was something logistically within the reach of everyday whites where they physically occupied territory under psychic siege of the Enemy.

  29. The average white is just a tax slave enriching usurers, welfare check collectors and global business giants. Do unto others? It’s already being done.

  30. As for whites who vote for Obama, half of them can’t be reached. The other half are dumbstruck by the GOP not “getting it” and nominating the ReIncarnation of W.

    A conservative that would not make foriegn war a lynch-pin of his campaign and would talk aboutgetting the economy out of the hands of vulture capitalists would have won, provided he had a little bit of charisma.

    Instead the money men (jews) shoved Romney down our throats.

  31. “There actually are alternative possibilities, such as Africans being intentionally submissive to White men. Why would this differ from the polar bear and the seal?”

    Yes, the right question may be: “How would the African really have it be done unto him?” Maybe they WANT some kind of “service connection.” But maybe we don’t want or need it.

    What about our treatment (or mistreatment?) of beasts? As the Scripture says “the righteous careth for the life of his beast,” but there is a difference between having “humane” respect for the natural requirements of a non-human creature and foolish city people’s “pet worship.”

  32. “The other half are dumbstruck by the GOP not ‘getting it’ and nominating the ReIncarnation of W.”

    The way I see it, they’re just dumb, not dumbstrick: This “half” VOTED FOR the reincarnation of W. Even some regulars on this site voted for this reincarnation of W, when they had another, better, clearly constitutional choice.

    The say

  33. The way I see it, they’re just dumb, not dumbstruck: This “half” VOTED FOR the reincarnation of W. Even some regulars on this site voted for this reincarnation of W, or one of other similar Neocons, when they had another, much better, clearly constitutional choice.

  34. “the money men (jews) shoved Romney down our throats” is true in the sense that they did advertise him to us, but in another sense — that “an honest man cannot be cheated” — “we” (I refuse to be included in this “we”) must have been asking for it (the pottage of welfare in exchange for our birthrights) and “we” DID VOTE overwhelmingly for it.

  35. “The average white is just a tax slave enriching usurers, welfare check collectors and global business giants. Do unto others? It’s already being done.”

    It is not being done at all THAT way. The average white COVETS the welfare, and GAMBLES that he can get more through the government from others than others get through the government from him.

  36. Palmetto, we knew that years ago, and in the primary season as well as now. The matter to decide is whether there is any benefit in voting in November (with loud protestation) for who we think would be less harmful to us.

  37. Romney can’t make an intellectual case for his own election. That’s actually disturbing because he is a bright man. It’s doubly disturbing when you realize he could actually alter the racial dynamics.

    The white working class has no political home.

  38. It’s suits him better to avoid race and lose, than take it head on and win. It’s there for the taking. But…what gives?

  39. “What gives?”

    We should NOT be surprised that he doesn’t make an intellectual case and that it suits him better to avoid race, since we knew that long ago. Yet he was recommended here, as the “better choice on immigration,” and perhaps primarily because he looks “Norman.”

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