US Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East?


H/T Vox

Very interesting … Die Juden sind unser Ungluck? Der Untergang of ZOG?

“So what is all the fuss about?

It’s a paper entitled “Preparing For A Post Israel Middle East”, an 82-page analysis that concludes that the American national interest in fundamentally at odds with that of Zionist Israel. The authors conclude that Israel is currently the greatest threat to US national interests because its nature and actions prevent normal US relations with Arab and Muslim countries and, to a growing degree, the wider international community.

The study was commissioned by the US Intelligence Community comprising 16 American intelligence agencies with an annual budget in excess of $ 70 billion. The IC includes the Departments of the Navy, Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Defense Intelligence Agency, Departments of Energy, Homeland Security, State, Treasure, Drug Enforcement Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Agency, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency commissioned the study.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A utopian lefty wants an equal world of drone humanoids with a wise elite, zionists want a slave world with them as the elite, no gentiles beyond a certain level. Hell even the reformed jews have limits to equality.

    There is alot of anti-semetism on the left and its building, too bad for them, they should both fight.

  2. Don’t start to celebrate yet Denise. It all sounds too good to be true.

    I suspect this is coming out now to discredit Obama and scare Jewish votes and Jewish money away from him.

    Romney is clearly Israel’s man and all of us shit on white rabbits should vote for him too, LOL.

  3. “I like Israel, if the jews can have an ethnic outpost so can we.” This line infuriates lefties, and to be honest an infuriated lefty is a useful lefty.

    Oh and I noticed that the “racism” label is being used against Israel, oh joy, oh joy I am so overjoyed to see the jews gettin it good and hard as they deserve.

  4. I wouldn’t get excited just yet. Any scenario that can be conceived just about gets war gamed and has a paper put out by State and Defense.

  5. Most of this is the concerns of J Street writ large.

    The US Jewish population is undergoing seismic shift with upward of 40% non practicing and married to gentiles and of the rest having several generations of low fertility (1.3 per family does not make for a long term future) In not many generations, Jews will be strictly a regional sub-group among many competing subgroups. Most so called Jews will be people with some Jewish blood, in a generation or three , basically the same as Whites. Heck most of the mischlings I know are already Whites in every way I care about just a bit liberal (a product of High IQ and too much university indoctrination)

    Israel has a different issue . The biggest families there are orthodox and rarely serve the military, many won’t even turn on a light switch on the sabbath and while a robust a healthy culture (in that they replace themselves ) can’t sustain a modern Israel since they don’t produce as much wealth.

    Also the new minority majority the idiots (including more than a few of the Jews) put in the US has zero affinity for Israel, no Holocaust guilt and in short could care less.

    As mentioned many of the more traditional allies, the Left think Israel a rogue state and a lot of secular people simply have no opinion one way or another.

    This leaves the Evangelicals and Neo-Cons and the main allies, and they are starting to be hemmed in my the limits of the new economy. 3rd world economies can’t be hegemons .

    The best long term hope for J Street is for them to leverage the Hispanic culture and infiltrate things like Telemundo and Univision and make it more friendly to their culture. It might be easier said than done though and even that won’t solution it. The economy has to grow and the US has to regain some semblance of solidarity.

    That however is tough, multi-ethnic societies don’t work well and top down approaches will be rejected. An approach that vastly improved the economy that they could take credit for and propagandize (this also means Neo-Cons and that lot here) might work but it flies against the teachings of both groups

    I suspect Jews will make it fine , that lot is smart but they won’t have influence like they used to. This may well be a very good things for all of us them included.

  6. “Zionism teaches us one of the most important lessons which the modern world needs today. Theodor Herzl argued that a Jewish state would facilitate “a new blossoming of the Jewish spirit.” Today, we need our own respective nation-states to preside over a new blossoming of our own Western spirit.”
    – Geert Wilders
    “There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.”
    – (Yankee ZOG) Gen. Wesley Clark

  7. “The authors conclude that Israel is currently the greatest threat to US national interests because its nature and actions prevent normal US relations with Arab and Muslim countries and, to a growing degree, the wider international community.” – Not because of their spying on us and their dealings with China, but because we believe that we can make nice with arabs and muslims if we chuck them out.

    “including the drastically curtained use of drone aircraft.” – Seems like those drones are really working out over there.

  8. Unlike the rest of you, I am a supporter of Israel. I am in favor of ethnostates for all nations and peoples, including Jews and Whites.

    Also unlike the rest of you, I have actually traveled in the Islamic world. I know the people who seek to destroy Israel for what they are: a savage rabble.

    If Israel goes down, you won’t like what comes after. And they won’t go down easily — or alone.

  9. I live here. I have not met the savage rabble to whom Mr. Oculus refers.
    I even was in Cairo during the revolution. The main inconveniences were substandard food in the hotels, the closure of the museum, and extra cost for tours to the pyramids due to avoiding roadblocks. I spent 3 hours waiting at the ministry of health with 14 westerners amidst several hundred mostly poor Egyptians without incident.

  10. I don’t care if there is an israel or not, but the idea hajjis will like us if we don’t back the jews or if there is no jewish state in the middle east is laughable and naive. It’s also dangerous

    Robert let me show you the real middle east. hell man there are places in arabia I can take you where you won’t make it out alive. They behave where you are because they fear the king if they don’t

  11. @Robert in Arabia, September 29, 2012 at 2:22 a.m.

    I’m happy your life in the Western ghetto where you almost certainly live is so pleasant. Unfortunately, my visits to the Islamic world were not limited to places with cellphone coverage, cushy hotels, guided tours, or health care of any sort. The bazaar in Karachi — not the tourist one in Saddar, the one the locals use — is a symphony of rabble. I was presented with a weeping woman’s mummified dead baby the last time I was there. It’s enough to make you vomit — which is precisely what I did a few hours later.

    The Islamic world is a cancer. The kindest thing would be to use radiation treatment, that is, to simply neutron-bomb everything between Kandahar and Mali into a lifeless ground zero, but of course we can’t, so I’m afraid it’s more misery, squalor, circumcision, rape, and jihad all around as the metastasis continues.

    PROTIP: When the last helicopter to America lands on the embassy roof, make sure you’re at the top of the stairs.

    Best of luck. You’re going to need it.

  12. By this definition, surely the savage rabble that is Islam existed a thousand years before the existence of Israel. Why the dire warnings of impending doom now?

  13. It’s hard to even discern how many bases around the world are paid for by the American taxpayer (non-military, non-government contract, non-welfare— actual creative labor generating new money).

    Searching brings up anything from 150 to700.

    Whatever the number, we are in far more countries than just Israel. Why? How much do they cost? What does this do for me, personally? For my family? My extended family? Who will answer that? What’s in it for us, especially those who pay?

    (BTW—A friend had to go to Cairo for work. She said she was terrified the whole time and quit that job.)

    And anyway— the future of the u.s. has already looked so grim for the founding ethnic group that they won’t produce children to live there (obviously. guess they’re pulling a magda goebbels, sort of).

  14. Totally OT— but made me think of Lysistrata, on the issue of doing in the goose that lays the golden egg, and how wars are won by refusing to have children. Someone out there knows the numbers of Northern Euros birthrates, (the founding population in u.s.). Even if the probably disastrous number was made public, would anything change? Doubtful.

  15. Arab rabble is Arab rabble. So what? It’s what thye are and what they will always be. Were in not for the Spawn of Satan controlling the levers of power in the shards of the West – Sang Nogs would not BE a problem.

    Israel will go down. The sooner the better. We don’t NEED Kikes. They’ve been a blight and a scourge on Whites for CENTURIES. So screw off Occulus. As far as your lunatic intimations- if Hebereal takes down the BRA with it – all the better. Thank you Jesus. Please God let Kike-real go all the way down, to the deepest pit of Hell. Where the fires are the hottest.

  16. Robert Oculus
    “If Israel goes down, you won’t like what comes after. And they won’t go down easily — or alone.”

    I’m not convinced threatening to nuke people you are in the process of genociding is that much of a threat? I mean where are they going to nuke?
    – New York, already ethnically cleansed
    – LA, already ethnically cleansed
    – London, halfway ethnically cleansed
    – Paris, halfway ethnically cleansed
    – Berlin, halfway ethnically cleansed

    If they want their nukes to kill some actual white people they’ll need to hurry.

    “Denise: Best wishes for a speedy recovery.”

    In light of the previous comment i could say the same about you.

  17. Some reference should be made in the post that this is a transparent hoax which has been exposed as such by a variety of sources across the political landscape.

    As nice as it would be for the US government to unite in chorus to issue a blistering report on Israel’s excesses and hypocrisies, the coordination, preparation, and publication of an actual report by such an alphabet soup of major US bureaucracies will have to wait until after the revolution, comrades.

  18. Robert Oculus
    “If Israel goes down, you won’t like what comes after. And they won’t go down easily — or alone.”

    What has the nation of Israel done for white people, apart from demanding Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, White countries for Everyone?

    And now you threaten us with the Sampson Option?

  19. @test, September 30, 2012 at 12:03 am: “Denise: Best wishes for a speedy recovery.” In light of the previous comment i could say the same about you.

    As if I care what you have to say on any topic.

    @JamieG, September 30, 2012 at 2:56 am: What has the nation of Israel done for white people, apart from demanding Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, White countries for Everyone?

    You are confusing the State of Israel with the global Jewish Left. Two different entities.

    And the Israelis have kept the wogs at bay in their neighborhood.

    And now you threaten us with the Sampson Option?

    I’m not threatening anybody with anything. Who do you imagine I am, Benyamin Netanyahu? I obviously have no say in Israeli strategic policy. I’ve never even been to Israeli, nor do I know any citizen of that country. I am a Christian and, while I do not hate the Jews, neither do I have any illusions about the part many Jews have played in the global political revolution of the past 236 years.*

    When I say “If Israel goes down, they won’t go down easily — or alone” I am not making a threat, expressing a wish, or revealing any secret. I am stating a fact.

    There is a novel called Depth of Revenge that may prove educational to those of you who are interested in the current Middle East situation. Read it, and you will begin to discover just what a “post-Israel Middle East” will mean.

    * The number of Freemasons on the list of those who seek to create a new world order is far larger than is the number of Jews.

  20. “And the Israelis have kept the wogs at bay in their neighborhood.”

    Who kept the “wogs” at bay before the establishment of Israel?

    “Read it, and you will begin to discover just what a “post-Israel Middle East” will mean.”

    Former Professor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Martin Van Crevel views it this way…

    “… the continued struggle of the Palestinians will inexhorably lead to the collapse of the State of Israel. Which is why Tel-Aviv has no choice but to “transfer” the Israeli Arabs and the stateless Palestinians beyond safe borders (that is, not only outside the 1948 borders but also from the 1976 occupied territories and, ideally, from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip). In the event the Europeans opposed such a transfer, in order to survive Tel Aviv will be forced to destroy the European capitals with nuclear weapons, it being understood that the Europeans will be unable to retaliate without annihilating their Palestinian friends.”

  21. “As if I care what you have to say on any topic.”


    “kill lots of israel’s enemies for us or we’ll genocide you! oh wait, hmm…kill lots of israel’s enemies for us or we’ll stop genociding you with immigration and genocide you with nukes instead. oh wait, hmm…kill lots of israel’s enemies for us or we’ll nuke the immigrants we used to ethnically cleanse you from your capital cities. oh wait hmm…”


  22. Robert Oculus III says:
    September 30, 2012 at 7:36 am

    “You are confusing the State of Israel with the global Jewish Left. Two different entities.”

    It makes no difference to the growing numbers of anti-Semites you are creating. As Simmons above said, the left is now anti-Semitic, I have seen this myself, and they are becoming increasingly so, all the time.

    “When I say “If Israel goes down, they won’t go down easily — or alone” I am not making a threat, expressing a wish, or revealing any secret. I am stating a fact.”

    You are stating your Opinion.

    Anti-whites say, whites must attack the world, anti-whites say, whites must invite the world to all white countries and only white countries and force everyone to “mix in”, until no white people exist anywhere. That is genocide for white people.

    White people are going to stop playing your games and real soon. Sucks to be you guys, but that’s a problem you created, not us and you are going to have to clean up your own damned mess.

  23. Israel has done a lot for the US government. Israel gives the US a landing strip on the eastern Mediterranean Sea on the edge of the Middle East. Mossad has done all kinds of dirty work for the US. It has by no means been a one-way relationship. Jews have earned every penny.

    Robert Occulus, you may not hate Jews. That’s mighty charitable of you. Typically Christian. Rest assured, Jews hate you, and your faith, and have for 2000 years. The Talmud, the basic sacred text of religious Jews, boasts that Jesus is boiling in excrement.

    Who do you think is behind the relentless slandering of Christianity on the airwaves? The war on Christmas every year? And every other mockery in mass media?

    Jesus described Jews as the synagogue of Satan for a reason. Jesus said when a Jew lies, he speaks his native language.

  24. If you define anti-Semitism as opposition to Jewish aggression against White people, the Left is not anti-Semitic. The left opposes Israeli government policy. That isn’t anti-Semitism.

  25. @JamieG, September 30, 2012 at 12:30 pm: It makes no difference to the growing numbers of anti-Semites you are creating… White people are going to stop playing your games and real soon. Sucks to be you guys, but that’s a problem you created, not us and you are going to have to clean up your own damned mess.

    I’m not sure who you mean when you say “you” and “you guys”. Your clumsy, opaque syntax doesn’t help.

    @Desmond Jones, September 30, 2012 at 9:27 am: Who kept the “wogs” at bay before the establishment of Israel?

    The British and the French, mostly.

    @Lew, September 30, 2012 at 1:36 pm: Israel has done a lot for the US government. Israel gives the US a landing strip on the eastern Mediterranean Sea on the edge of the Middle East. Mossad has done all kinds of dirty work for the US. It has by no means been a one-way relationship. Jews have earned every penny.

    As far as it goes, I’d say that’s a fair assessment.

    Robert Occulus, you may not hate Jews. That’s mighty charitable of you. Typically Christian. Rest assured, Jews hate you, and your faith, and have for 2000 years. The Talmud, the basic sacred text of religious Jews, boasts that Jesus is boiling in excrement.

    I worked in various aspects of the entertainment industry for twenty years or so and am quite aware of the hatred many Jews have for Christians. But so what? Everybody hates Christians. They’re supposed to. Every non-Christian is a slave of the Devil in some way and as such they naturally hate Christ and His Church. The fact that they hate us is a good thing. It means we’re doing the job we were sent to do: [B]eati eritis cum vos oderint homines et cum separaverint vos et exprobraverint et eiecerint nomen vestrum tamquam malum propter Filium hominis gaudete in illa die et exultate ecce enim merces vestra multa in caelo secundum haec enim faciebant prophetis patres eorum [Luke 6:22-23].

    Who do you think is behind the relentless slandering of Christianity on the airwaves? The war on Christmas every year? And every other mockery in mass media?

    They are soldiers, Lew, soldiers of the global revolution and the Devil who lies behind it. No battle-wise soldier hates the enemy soldier. He fights him because he has to, not out of hate. One can oppose the revolutionary agenda being pushed by the Jews and others in our news, entertainment, and government without hating the Jews. I don’t hate the Muslims, either. I likewise recognize them as enemy soldiers, and will fight them at every turn, but I don’t hate them.

    Jesus described Jews as the synagogue of Satan for a reason. Jesus said when a Jew lies, he speaks his native language.

    You want to preach my religion to me? come back when the Pope gives you a red hat. Until then, your opinion of what the Lord may have meant in any given instance of speech is about as credible to me as the opinion of Hector, the guy that cuts my lawn.

  26. Lew says:
    September 30, 2012 at 5:12 pm

    “If you define anti-Semitism as opposition to Jewish aggression against White people, the Left is not anti-Semitic. The left opposes Israeli government policy. That isn’t anti-Semitism.”

    The left are as “anti-Semitic” as they were anti-white, when they took South Africa away from whites and they still hate South African whites, even when they hear they are facing genocide.

    If you don’t know that about the left by now, you don’t know any lefties outside of Jews. There is a reason they are agitating to make it illegal, to criticize Israel on college campuses. Why is that Lew???

    You need to get off Stormfront once in a while and talk/argue with people on the other side, because your opinions I have so far, are pure ‘Stormfront Consensus Trance’.

  27. I don’t read stormfront, live my personal and professional life surrounded by liberals, and spend at least 50% of my weekly online debate time arguing with well-informed liberals. They oppose Israeli government policy. That’s the extent of it. Their “anti-Semitism” will disappear the day Israel starts treating the Palestinians better.

  28. Actually I apologies, I had you confused with that other kid that thinks you can win people yo your side, by shooting them.

    “They oppose Israeli government policy. That’s the extent of it. Their “anti-Semitism” will disappear the day Israel starts treating the Palestinians better.”

    But Israel will never do that and you know it.

  29. “They oppose Israeli government policy. That’s the extent of it. Their “anti-Semitism” will disappear the day Israel starts treating the Palestinians better.”

    And of course as lefties, they Have to say that.

    Everyone Has to say that – in public.

  30. Denise,

    you should watch this Call The Midwife TV show on PBS.
    Fertile but trashy London east end. It’s like an alien planet.

  31. John,

    Yowsah. I’ll have to check that out. I have a cousin that used to midwive for rural farming communities. She was appalled by my racialism.

    She moved to The City.

    Now she’s appalled by the deniznes therein.

  32. @Denise, October 1, 2012 at 12:10 am: Robert Occulus – so you have a Mestizo cutting your lawn? How Kikish of you.

    I have no idea what you mean by this. Are you feeling well?

    I hope good old Hector turns on you really soon.

    And may God richly bless you as well, young lady.

    PS – “Oculus” has only one “c”.

  33. We will not be able to maintain the current level of support for Israel, regardless of our willingness to as we descend into 3rd world status. They are going to have to come up with a plan, probably along the lines of cutting their own welfare state, building the kind of war fighting infrastructure that they need(as opposed to blackmailing DC into providing it), and not antagonizing too many people.

  34. “as we descend into 3rd world status. They are going to have to come up with a plan”

    They’ll expand their borders to some defensible line and expel the Arabs / Palestinians.

  35. They are going to need some hefty ordnance stockpiles to do that and defend from the resulting and inevitable counterattack.

  36. Perhaps from those savages Hezbollah who have kicked their asses out of the Lebanon on more than one occasion using weapons created by those other savages from Iran and China and leaving a trail of burning Merkavas behind them…

  37. ““from the resulting and inevitable counterattack”

    From who?”

    You may have noticed that Israel is surrounded by enemies. You may also have noticed that every time they have gone in to tangle with those enemies, they have either demanded logistics support from us, or diplomatic support when they hit the apex of their advance.

    In a post-American world, neither of those two strategies will be particularly valid. They have awesome tanks, planes and soldiers, but they lack the ability to keep them supplied for sustained operations that, rest assured, the muslims will certainly force on them if it comes to it.

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