Denial and Anger

New York

H/T RobRoySimmons

I had a good laugh over Kunstler’s comparison of Willard Romney to Milliard Fillmore who presided over the demise of the national Whig Party.

Few Americans are aware that the two-party system was designed by Martin Van Buren in large part to contain the spread of the abolitionism. The downfall of the Whigs was a major cause of the final meltdown of the Union in 1861:

“The Romney election fiasco will destroy the Republican Party, just as the Whig party fell apart in the last days of Millard Fillmore. The religious nuts and Dixieland ignoranti will demand the expulsion of all non-extremists and Karl Rove will be left at the Nascar track with Honey Boo Boo on his lap and a dwindling “base” of shrieking microcephalics awaiting the second coming of Adolf Hitler in a green satin Mountain Dew race-day jumpsuit. Respectable conservatives (they exist) will have to take their pleadings elsewhere, the venue or party yet-to-be determined, perhaps off-shore somewhere where the downtrodden sew blue jeans and counterfeit Louis Vuitton handbags.”

Let’s hope.

Meanwhile, the economic collapse and resulting political disorder is much more severe in Greece, where Golden Dawn now has over 22 percent support, as well as in Spain (which is more up our alley) where the Catalan secession crisis is escalating:

“BARCELONA, Spain — Three weeks after a massive Catalan separatist march in Barcelona — the biggest since the 1970s — the independence flags still flutter from balconies across Spain’s second largest city.

Spain’s crushing recession has had this divisive consequence: soaring popular sentiment in Catalonia that the affluent region would be better off as a separate nation. …”

Very soon, the South will be forced to exit the denial phase of its perpetual demographic and political oblivion within the Union. Next comes the anger phase.

Note: In possibly related news, Gov. Jerry Brown of California is using the governor’s mansion to handle the important business of granting driver’s licenses to illegal aliens and banning foie gras. It won’t be long before a bankrupt California comes calling on Congress for a federal bailout. It won’t be long either before a reelected Obama presiding over a contracting economy has to go before Congress with yet another request to raise the debt ceiling.

You don’t need Larry Sabato’s “Crystal Ball” to predict that Southerners are going to be a very, very foul mood after the election.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “From time to time, they’ve given us various misnomers: “Fascists”, for we love our country; “Racists”, for we believe Greece ought to belong to Greeks; and “a lost cause”, for they believed we’ve been fighting for an impossibility. To all those we answer the same way, with nothing but a wink, a smile, and tell’em just a single phrase that counts, “We are coming!”” –Ilias Kasidiaris, GD MP

    “Our bankruptcy is not primarily economic, as I’ve mentioned in the parliament, it is foremost national, moral, and political. If ideas and ideals cease to exist, if there is no faith, if there is no ideology – a man, having money as his only god, what else should he do but commit suicide, when he loses the money? Money is not amidst our ideals. Our flags and our banners are, and we will fight for them til the end.” –Nikolaos Michaloliakos, GD Leader

    From a Golden Dawn meeting in July (English subs):

  2. OT:

    California’s Jerry Brown also just signed a bill that makes it illegal to counsel teens who think they’re gay. No joke. Pull it down with a search.

  3. Golden Dawn’s success shows the open advocacy of fascist principles, adapted for today’s circumstances, should not be ruled out as a strategy!

  4. I know Linder has been pushing that line lately, but Golden Dawn’s success is really due to Greece being ground zero of the European financial crisis, and the same is true of the Catalan secessionists in Spain.

  5. BRA’s long awaited collapse will be far, far more spectacular (it is increasingly less hard to imagine given recent events in Europe) than the sideshow in Greece because we have been told for two generations that “diversity is our greatest strength.”

  6. In the shitty state of Illinois the governing “elite” is basically down to the federal bailout strategy. Uber jew Emanuel gave up against the prison councilors known as public schools teachers, and they admit they haven’t a clue where the money will come from to pay the salaries. Even Jack Ryan must admit that being white in Chicago is expensive.

  7. I reckon it’s very dangerous to attempt to pray away the gay.

    However, they should have no access to marriage or adoption.
    Fine, if they want a bohemian anti middle class life, go for it. But there are things gained and lost as a result.

  8. I have to admit Romney is going to get shafted in debate. This is just a sampling.

    this dude doesn’t know how he sounds. If he does attempt zingers he’s going to lose.

    Just don’t freeze, don’t try to get contrived bS in there. Just be nonchalant. Relax. Feel the hatred for the nignog next to you but channel it into advocating for working class whites. Probably impossible for him but zingers are what losers do in debate.

  9. The problem with the gay counseling law is the blatant intrusion into the parents’ natural domain. Whatever the merits or lack therof of gay therapy, the law tramples parental rights to further the homosexual agenda by elevating the government over the parents. The law defines gay therapy as child abuse. California’s likely next step will be defining the teaching of any ideas that deviate from doctrinaire liberalism as abuse. This will include, of course, teaching children “racist” beliefs. As always, California is on the leading edge of left authoritarianism. The old cliche which has been proven true many times is “so goes California, so goes the country.”

  10. I know. You clarified though. Thx.

    Given what I’ve seen of gays they are not worth councelling. Let em burn. Especially the men. Lesbianism seems to be a bit more elastic.

  11. Gays are fine. Leave them to their faggotry, they don’t really harm anyone with it.

    Don’t give them affirmative action, pretend that their relationships are marriage, act like people who joke about them are kkknazi hatebigots.

    We should take the same attitude towards gays as the ancient Greeks did.

  12. “Conservative” types worried that at Romney loss will start a series of events which leads to the end of the Republican Party. If that happens, the Democrat Party will fall apart, too, because the various elements of that party are only kept together because they hate “us” more. If there’s no “us,” there will be no reason for the Flotsam/Jetsam crowd of the D party to stick together.

  13. Golden Dawn quote is spot on and applies perfectly to our own glorious union–selling out the nation for the almighty dollar.

  14. @Puggg: If there’s no “us,” there will be no reason for the Flotsam/Jetsam crowd of the D party to stick together.

    They are not going to be content or stop with political defanging of whites, they want us gone. Genocide.

  15. Kunstler’s vile rhetoric is as laced with hate and stereotypes as the most virulent Bolshevik in Czarist Russia- no, wait. It’s even worse.

    Kunstler is Jewish, right?

    Well. That explains everything.

    “God hates the Jews.”- St. John Chryostom.
    And so do I.

  16. “Gays are fine. Leave them to their faggotry, they don’t really harm anyone with it.”


    I have two words for you- Jesse Dirkhising.
    And one quote. Romans 1:32.

    take your faggot loving sentiments, and go over to Huffington Post.

  17. Or he could take them over to The Telegraph.

    Yes. It is time to interrupt your regularly scheduled program to receive an important newsbreak from the open air insane asylum that is France. Under the to legalize homosexual marriage, the offending words ‘mother’ and ‘father’ are to be striken from the French civil code. Sacre Bleu.

    “Who is to say that a heterosexual couple will bring up a child better than a homosexual couple?” This from French Justice Minister Christiane Taubira. Check out the Justice Minister. Now here is a strong case for the burqa.

    She should be properly veiled and milking the goat in Hajiland. Instead, she will be criminalizing the faggot offending words: ‘mother’ and ‘father’ and imposing this assh*lery on the French nation.

  18. Nice comments about gays, John (the one who doesn’t claim to be a priest). But don’t let them be around children. Lesbianism is also definitely much better than male homosexuality. Back on topic, I’m thinking of taking a trip to Greece to help the Radical Left Party in its noble fight against racism and to completely destroy the Greek national identity.

  19. Do you morons not realize that African-Americans and Mexicans prevented gay marriage from being passed in California? The white race is taking the lead in the destruction of the concept of family. African churches tend to be much more conservative than European churches.

  20. One hates to be cynical in the face of such idealism Globalist Race Traitor. Sorry. Proud Globalist Race Traitor. Would you, by any chance, just happen to be Jewish?

    When last I looked, the race card still trumps the faggot card in Ca.

    In France, however, the Jew-multicult-faggot card is the hava megillah.

  21. Do you morons not realize that African-Americans and Mexicans prevented gay marriage from being passed in California?

    I thought that vote was hilarious to be honest.
    For just a brief moment liberal losers had to take in the unforeseen consequences of their anti-White hate campaigns, for as globalist said, it WAS indeed the precious ‘minorities’ who swayed that vote, lol.
    Good fun.

    Of course, it didn’t matter really, did it?

    A gay judge (I believe) struck it down like a year later anyways?

  22. No, I’m not Jewish. That would rather weaken my point of being a race traitor for the purposes of these sites, no?

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