Roberts Court Takes Up Affirmative Action

District of Corruption

Oh, wonderful.

Next up for the Supreme Court, the prima donna John Roberts gets to decide the constitutionality of affirmative action and the Voting Rights Act in two decisions of more long term importance than Arizona v. United States.

“A fight over the University of Texas’ affirmative action program is the first blockbuster case on the court’s calendar, with argument scheduled for Oct. 10. Texas uses multiple factors, including community service, work experience, extracurricular activities, awards and race, to help fill the last 20 to 25 percent of the spots in its freshman classes. The outcome could further limit or even end the use of racial preferences in college admissions. . . .

Another hot topic with appeals pending before the high court, and more soon to follow, is the future of a cornerstone law of the civil rights movement.

In 2006, Congress overwhelmingly approved, and President George W. Bush signed, legislation extending for 25 more years a critical piece of the Voting Rights Act. It requires states and local governments with a history of racial and ethnic discrimination, mainly in the South, to get advance approval either from the Justice Department or the federal court in Washington before making any changes that affect elections.”

Yes, one of the greatest accomplishments of the George W. Bush administration (aside from the Iraq War, No Child Left Behind, the TARP bailout, fighting AIDs in Africa, and the stillborn Bush-McCain-Kennedy “comprehensive” amnesty for illegal aliens) was renewing the Voting Rights Act for 25 years and empowering the likes of Eric “My People” Holder to nullify state Voter ID laws.

Note: This is why it is absolutely essential to elect Mitt Romney as president in November. At his website, Mitt promises that he will appoint “judges in the mold of Chief Justice John Roberts” to the Supreme Court.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I say he’ll vote to keep both as is.

    Jack, what do you think your fuzzy little friend on the Supreme Court will do?

  2. Roberts went to all RC lower school, and a RC BOARDING finishing school, then Harvard—- so he’s deeply indoctrinated into the great “universalism.” Once a group rolls over for one universalism, then it’s easy to roll over for another one (like PC).

    Imo, people like this “interpret” the u.s. as a catholic country— an extension of Vat II ecumenicism, and their role to use the collection plate (no matter how much people from other faiths do not wish to give, which makes it more like stealing) to “feed the poor.” It’s really a theocracy.

  3. Yeah, Romney shows signs of being a racial pussyfooter like George Dubya Bush. Remember when Dubya tried to nominate some family woman secretary, legal aide as a Supreme Court Justice?

    Our side shot this down and demanded he nominate a strict Constitutionalist which (I recall he did). The Bush II two terms did result in some decent, solid judge appointees, not just for the Supreme Court but throughout the judicial system.

    Again, understand that Romney isn’t a White hating cultural marxist. He’s a pussyfooter, tries to give in, agree to whatever crowd he is with, around. The key is to not let him hang out with the NAACP, Univision, Harvard and Yale lib Mins, the MSM, AIPAC etc.

    Don’t give up and just know how to effectively deal with pussyfooters, grachites, trucklers, old believers, proditors.

  4. “Roberts went to all RC lower school, and a RC BOARDING finishing school, then Harvard—- so he’s deeply indoctrinated into the great “universalism.” Once a group rolls over for one universalism, then it’s easy to roll over for another one (like PC).

    Imo, people like this “interpret” the u.s. as a catholic country— an extension of Vat II ecumenicism, and their role to use the collection plate (no matter how much people from other faiths do not wish to give, which makes it more like stealing) to “feed the poor.” It’s really a theocracy.”
    Same old broken record from Dixiegirl

  5. Dixiegirl,

    You ought to take the anti-Catholicism off the shelf, and pitch it in the trash. It has gotten quite stale.

    Catholics are not on the court by accident. Every Catholic on the court was appointed by a Protestant. Roberts was appointed by a Protestant from a distinguished WASP family.

    There is no reason to believe Roberts’ Catholicism has anything to do with how he looks at things. The three certain votes against AA will be cast by three Catholics.

  6. @ Dixiegirl You are 100%!

    As far as I’m concerned it’s really becoming a question of who the bigger azzholes are, the Roman Catholics or the Jews. For example the SCOTUS today refused to hear a challenge to the TSA’s right to radiate, and/or grope your person. You didn’t hear a peep out of the damn Roman Catholics on the SCOTUS—including that greasy dago azzhole Scalia.

  7. Dixie,

    you misunderstand a Catholic education. It’s not as you think it is. However the Irish and Italians as an Ethne are trouble. They have a weltschaltung as the Germans say that is hypercritical of powerful strident Europeans like– They have a different take than the more bigoted English, French and Spanish.

  8. The court has told the left to tone down AA repeatedly with the implied or else, so their hand may well be forced into ending this, lest their own power be reduced.

  9. (1) Court strikes down affirmative action
    (3) the Senate passes a bill restoring affirmative action. No Republican wants to get yelled at so they all go along with it.
    (4) the RACIST HATER NAZIWHOWANTSTOKILLSIXMILLIONJEWS Boehner and the House leadership refuse to bring the bill up for a vote. Those evil racist evil Republicans must be voted out!
    (5) Obama tries to restore affirmative action with an executive order, arguing that those bigoted do-nothing congressmen forced his hand by not passing it themselves.
    (6) Since no one wants to go on record opposing affirmative action, the man on the street is left believing the leftist lies about it that the media constantly pushes.

  10. Jack Ryan, don’t you think this question needs to be posed to your boy: “Mitt, do you CARE about the plight and destiny of your fellow Whites, i e, the White race?”

    If he says “yes” he needs to tell us specifically what he plans to do on our behalf. If he says “no” or “I don’t care about Whites as a race” he isn’t a pussy footer. He’s a sociopath.

  11. More of the Same: agree 100 percent!
    And there isn’t a doubt in my mind that affirmative action won’t be upheld.

  12. And afterwards some retarded Repub pundit will come out to put lipstick on the pig, to sooth us all in yet another Republican defeat.

  13. @ Dixiegirl You are 100%!

    As far as I’m concerned it’s really becoming a question of who the bigger azzholes are, the Roman Catholics or the Jews. For example the SCOTUS today refused to hear a challenge to the TSA’s right to radiate, and/or grope your person. You didn’t hear a peep out of the damn Roman Catholics on the SCOTUS—including that greasy dago azzhole Scalia.

    I see Hebemundo the Kosher troll is back, Hey smart boy..where were you when good WASP Protestants like Earl Warren, Hugo Black, William O.Douglas, Harry Blackmun,
    Lewis Powell, and Sandra Day O’Connor were voting in favor of affirmative action and rights for criminals??? As far as the “greasy dago”, he wrote the majority opinion in the Heller case (not that you’d know) that affirmed an individual right to own guns under the second amendment. Your two Protestant judges, Stevens and Souter said we didn’t have any such right. I’ll take the greasy dago anytime over your collectivist Yankee protestants.. Your a jew troll (and stupid to boot) anyway so you comments just embarrass this forum.

  14. Zoroaster says:
    ‘As far as the “greasy dago”, he wrote the majority opinion in the Heller case (not that you’d know) that affirmed an individual right to own guns under the second amendment. Your two Protestant judges, Stevens and Souter said we didn’t have any such right. I’ll take the greasy dago anytime over your collectivist Yankee protestants..’

    Scalia is by far the best of the bunch.

  15. You greasy Catholic types might as well get used to it. Try taking the Jew diks out of your mouths when you talk. LOL. Btw, Souter is a Jew.

  16. You’re getting a bit obvious Earlmundo.

    Also, personally think it’s a good idea if possible when trolls are doing the divide and rule thing to defend your group without attacking the group the troll is pretending to be from as that just draws other people in and they win.

  17. One thing about Earlmundo: He stays on message. I don’t recall a single comment in 2 1 1/2 – 3 years that didn’t mention Catholics.

    He (and Dixiegirl) don’t say anything about Catholics that isn’t true about white protestants, secularists, and even pagans. Their criticisms make little real sense.

    Earlmundo is definitely slipping. The reference to the “greasy dago” Scalia was too conspicuous. Not to work of a subtle troll. Tom at TOO and Earlmundo might be the same person.

  18. Yes, as a Catholic I am proud to be in the same religion as most of the Supreme Court justices who are doing the best we can to erode the White Race. Clarence Thomas isn’t nearly as good of an African-American justice as Thurgood Marshall, but he is doing his part. I think though that there should be some affirmative action supporting white supremacists. Every university should have at least one white supremacist professor so all of the white kids with their best friends (black, Hispanic and Asian roommates and romantic partners) can laugh at them and throw pies at them.

  19. ‘Every university should have at least one white supremacist professor so all of the white kids with their best friends (black, Hispanic and Asian roommates and romantic partners) can laugh at them and throw pies at them.’

    When was the last time you were on an actual Jew-niversity Campus? Self-Segregation is the rule of the day there! Black, Hispanic, Asian roomates? Get real! Ever been to the Cafeteria? Every racial group sits amongst its own At the Jew0niversity I work at (as a repair-man) there is an entire dormitory that is ASIANS ONLY!!!

    P.S. on Earlmundo / Tom, I take his comments as great entertainment. I imagine him as sort of a character out of a combination of ‘Bless Me Father’ ( ) and ‘Archie Bunker’.

    Sure I disagree with him, but he still has 1st amendment rights, so why not chuckle at his single-minded slights directed at Catholics (and some of them are in fact deserved!)

  20. “Every university should have at least one white supremacist professor so all of the white kids with their best friends (black, Hispanic and Asian roommates and romantic partners) can laugh at them and throw pies at them.” – Absolutely no one would be laughing a tenured professor in this economy, and therein lies the crux of your problem. The young people that might hate him are statistically screwed in this economy.

  21. Norton Reimund says:
    October 2, 2012 at 5:09 pm

    “When was the last time you were on an actual Jew-niversity Campus? ”

    This anti-white is spitting in our face and yet you are still talking to him as if you can “convert” him. You are behaving like a battered wife, making excuses for her evil husband and hoping he will become a better man.

    Wake up stupid. This guy hates whites and he is telling us so, with every post. His kind won’t stop inciting against whites, until our entire race is in a mass grave.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  22. There may be some self-segregation at universities, but it has been declining and continues to decline.

  23. Someone call the local insane asylum, they lost their anti-white Bolshevik genocidal race traitor. Subject requires immediate and heavy medication, and a straight jacket.

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