Live Thread: 2012 Vice Presidential Debate


I think Paul Ryan was the clear winner: he was calm, collected, courteous, well prepared, and came across as far more presidential than Joe Biden who was doing his best imitation of Chris Matthews.

Note: The CNN post-debate poll has Ryan winning the debate, 48 percent to 44 percent. Obama and Biden are reminding independent voters in the debates of why we are tired of listening to them.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Debate tips and public speaking.

    Just enjoy the debate, and look like you are enjoying it.

    1. Mention Libya and Yemen and cuts in security, and then Austrian electric cars purchased for the embassy in Vienna.

    2. Mention that Biden is a plagiarist and is a puppet.

    3. Talk about your sons and daughters. (Biden lost a one in a car crash) this will get under Biden’s skin.

    4. Mention that Biden is a plagiarist.

    5. Point out that Biden is the Senator from MBNA Bank and allowed interest on credit cards to hit 30%.

    6. Say that Biden has OLD ideas. OLD ways of looking at things.

    7. Smile while the stiletto is stopped between Biden’s ribs.

  2. Everyone I’ve worked with from Michigan has been an anti-establishment conservative. But they were from Northern Michigan.

  3. Listening to CNN.

    One of the pundits said that Boden has been kept under wraps for months or weeks.

    I predict, that because Biden has been hidden away for weeks that he is going to be desperate to hear his own voice.

    He will say some pretty feckin stupid things just to hear himself speak.

  4. Looks like a good lace curtain Irish versus shanty Irish matchup.

    Ryan needs to maximize the opportunities for Biden to stick his foot in his mouth.
    Biden needs to play the union card early and often.
    I hear midwest Yankees love their unions even more than negroes…true?

    Keep getting the word out, Chris. We Southrons are behind you all the way.
    Have midwest yankees finally made a paradigm shift away from negro worship, or is this merely momentary moonshine that will vanish on election day? Only time will tell.

    I’m still trying to pretend that Romney is a pro-white candidate, but at least he is showing some balls. If he wins, I imagine he will spend the his time in office apologizing to negroes and cracking down on “right wing extremists” after the post-election chimpout.

    Debate prediction: BRA wins with an endorsement from both parties.

    Deo Vindice

  5. Anti-Akin ad just went up in my market.

    Pretty effective sounding.

    Therr’s President Kemp again! VP Palin again…

    Biden motorcade arrives!

  6. Note the political ads surrounding the lead up. Subtle indications of the probable arguments. I think Ryan will talk about gasoline price as soon as he can.

  7. Ryan should hit energy issues. Biden will not be able to counter a quick comparison of gas prices.

    Biden’s son is telling us what Joe will be up to.

  8. The VP debate isn’t going to have much of an impact one way or another. The major damage was done in Denver.

    Biden will claim Ryan wants to balance the budget by decimating programs that benefit women, the poor, minorities, unions and the elderly. Lots of demonizing, fear mongering, class warfare and bashing of the rich. Gradma will be tossed into the street if R. and R. have their way.

    Ryan will throw out facts and figures showing SS and Medicare are in deep trouble and changes need to be made to save the programs. He will have to keep it simple and not wonky. Too much information will stupify the dumbed down masses.

    Biden loves the limelight and is capable of telling (fabricated) stories all night long. He’s played the game for decades and is a good B.S. artist. If he doesn’t make any gaffes he may be percieved as the victor, winning on style over substance.

    Not all that interested to tell the truth, but will have the radio on while working out in my home gym.

  9. Ryan is going to go full bore on the Innocents of Muslims YouTube lies of the administration–according to CNN pundits.

  10. Biden is absolutely pathological, and doesn’t give a flying Eff about anything, and generally has a wonderful time. He LOVES lying.

    LOVES it.

    I wish he was on our team.

  11. Ryan has no killer instinct…too woodenly pedantic. Next time Biden laughs at his own internal monologue Ryan ought to ask if he’s been drinking again.

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