Live Thread: 2012 Vice Presidential Debate


I think Paul Ryan was the clear winner: he was calm, collected, courteous, well prepared, and came across as far more presidential than Joe Biden who was doing his best imitation of Chris Matthews.

Note: The CNN post-debate poll has Ryan winning the debate, 48 percent to 44 percent. Obama and Biden are reminding independent voters in the debates of why we are tired of listening to them.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “wonder what the totally romanized country will mean”:

    Catholic ascendancy is as dangerous as the demographic shift.

  2. Nothing was really said. Biden looked like a jackass per usual and that was expected, so I say negligible effect.

  3. Mosin Nagant says:

    Dixiegirl is right.

    Thank you, MN. I could take catholics more seriously if they ever apologized for Genociding so many millions of white people in europe.

    The way they pass laws to drive Generational Americans off land like Wasps are Indians from the 1800s says it all— no matter how often they rush in and start screaming about abortion. Genocide is worse than abortion, really.

    Before a couple years ago, no one even talked about this issue. LOL— it was JUST A GIVEN that you didn’t go around doing in fetuses.

    Now they hang their whole morality on it. (While keeping open the border against the public’s will; fleecing the money of the citizens to pay for their pets from overseas, voting in a Warfare-Welfare Statist neo-feudal slave state the Generational Americans never wanted, wiping the real history of their country off the books, etc, etc, etc.)

    Over and against such a raw deal for the most Generational Americans (wasps)—- I can hardly take their fake moralizing about saving mexicans from abortions very seriously.\

  4. 80% was about foreign policy, esp. defending super ally Israel.

    The closing topic was the most disappointing: Catholics and abortion gotcha-questions.

    Not one question on illegal (and even legal) immigration………………

    Both men are puppets of the Bankster cartel.

  5. You know that Obama Biden will bomb Iran after this debate. So there’s no daylight between them.

    Ryan did well though. Biden was a grumpy old dot.

  6. Mosin Nagant says:

    “wonder what the totally romanized country will mean”:
    Catholic ascendancy is as dangerous as the demographic shift….’

    It IS the demographic shift. The talk about the “third world” and black/brown immigration is a cover for the real demographic shift, which has been religious. The catholic leadership will be very happy with its usual way of running things—- a small overlord class and a bunch of terrorized poor people.

    But MN— think it’s a fait accompli. —The WBTS was nothing. It may now be time now to leave the country.

  7. Well… let me revise that—- for SOME PEOPLE this is the goal. People who help achieve the ultimate catholic Theocratic Statist state are motivated variously. They want a big fight with muslims, obviously.

  8. Biden: Bufoon, shit eating grin, interrupting, cackling, talked for longer, guffawing.

    Ryan is doing a nice job on the middle age white vote I suspect.

  9. “the real demographic shift, which has been religious”: Good perspective, though I think it is still better defined in genetic terms. In the beginning, long ago, the Catholic shift began with mass importation of Romanist white cheap labourers from the fringes of Europe. Now from “Latin America.”

  10. “The best point in the debate was the zinger about how unemployment was over 10 percent in Biden’s hometown.” They’ll vote straight Democrat anyway. They call it “born and raised” and “dyed in the wool,” those white Democrats.

  11. And for all you Pope haters, what the hell did your beloved WASP-Protestant presidents like FDR, Truman, LBJ, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton do for us white people? Not a damned thing. They were pioneers of this anti-white crap. Or are you just so bigoted you don’t want to admit it?

  12. I can’t imagine women voters being all that impressed with Plug’s performance. He sounded like Chris Matthews on any given night. Ryan clearly came across as more presidential in the debate.

  13. Having listened to the debate from a radio I was not able to pick up Biden’s laughs and facial expressions. From what I’ve been reading his guffaws hurt more than helped. Also, fact checkers are claiming his lies were off the charts.

  14. With a screen name like Zoroaster, what do you believe?

    You could be “anti-Catholic-obsessive”-obsessed or Jew-mole-obsessed, and see them everywhere, even in strangers who are not.

    Don’t you agree that both Papism and Talmudism are incompatible with our culture.

  15. “Don’t you agree that both Papism and Talmudism are incompatible with our culture.”

    What culture, numbnuts?

  16. “They were pioneers of this anti-white crap. Or are you just so bigoted you don’t want to admit it?”

    I do NOT agree that WASP Protestants were the pioneers/source of Anti-themselves.

  17. Biden really was a creepy SOB.

    He was just like a drunk at the end of a bar…

    Out by 2014 out by 2014, we will be out by 2014, we will be out of Afghanistan by 2014.


  18. I don’t think this debate will cause any major ripples. Everybody has always known that Biden is an idiot. I do wish that Ryan had been more assertive though. At any point where Biden was laughing over his answers, he could have stopped and apologized to the host, and turned to Biden and politely said something like, “With all do respect, I don’t know what you’re giggling about. There’s nothing funny about the straits our nation is in. And I shouldn’t have to remind you that.” Instead, he just seemed to tolerate it, like some high school geek getting picked on by jocks while giving a class report. Ryan could have put him in his place, but he blew the opportunity. So I call this debate a no-contest.

  19. Don’t you dipshits know anything better than to start bashing Catholics? It turns threads to crap.

    Here you go, a man with faults and who made mistakes, but still the last great President of this nation, a man who still had the courage to believe he could act on his own. Not a single President since, all Protestants, had even a fraction of the personal sovereignty or self-directedness as he.

    The Catholic Church is dead, but it will rise again, and Civilization will resume its march upward. You fucking Protestants. It’s your country and all you can do is bitch about Catholics. Go fuck yourselves.

  20. Chris,

    I think you misjudge this debate. Biden actually
    Lied about a few things.

    Libya intel and the Iraq war resolution.

    He’s going to be destroyed by the spinmeisters.

  21. I admit that I switched off early, but I wouldn’t call endlessly repeating talking points a debate. What’s to debate, anyway? They both love Bibi, affirmative action will continue, as will immigration, and average Americans will continue to be invisible. Nothing substantial was mentioned.

  22. “The Catholic Church is dead, but it will rise again”:

    The One who was dead, and rose, will return and judge the matter. There is only one true church.

  23. Biden was doing his Tweety impression. He’s going to be buried in the spincycle. Ryan came out looking effective.

  24. “Don’t you dipshits know anything better than to start bashing Catholics”

    Fuck you, your fake roman church, your 2nd commandment violating “saint” reverence, and your jesuit minions who’ve been assassinating “heretics” for centuries.

    Oh, and fuck the pope and his “one world” government ideal stated last year. Funny how so much child abuse stems from one sect of a religion, but is rarely found elsewhere in Christianity.

  25. Chris and John – not to toot my own horn – too toot – but I just wrote up my assessment of this debate on my own wee blog.

    It was a draw. The camps are split. People who support Biden already will continue to do so. The Ryanista crowd will go for Ryan.

    I so suspect that younger folks – people who work, or are trying to work, will go for Ryan et al.

    Biden is a minion of Satan, and very happy about it.

  26. I’m not sure it was a draw. Biden overdid it.
    Interruption, eye rolling, jackassery. A couple of lies on Iraq War Resolution and Libya Intel. Debate spin will bury Biden.

    You could see it in Mary Matalin’s eyes. She smells blood.

  27. Porter says:
    October 12, 2012 at 2:19 am
    Biden: I refuse to impose my own morals on others. That’s why I allow my fellow citizens to decide for themselves whether to own slaves.

    I am SO stealng that line. THAT must be the new meme. THAT could win it for Romney.

    Romney’s office is getting a call.

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