About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I was for the bus driver in this incident – as she was definitely not acting like “a lady”.

    The bus driver said it best, that since she was acting like a bad man, she deserved to be treated like a man.

    The mouthing woman (calling the bus driver a nig****) seemed to take the punch fine.

    We Whites need to be able to be prepared for what we would do in such a situation and not get too scared just at verbal threats and fists flying.

  2. The bus driver probably was justified. It’s a shame he didn’t have a taser. Which in the circumstances would have been effective in subduing the chimpanzee. It’s a shame that. Other passengers failed to subdue her or boooooo! Her in leaving.

    Ook ook eek eek.

    Do negresses not understand that they can quite easy end up dead in situations like this?

  3. Yes, she’s a sassy mouthed, obnoxious nigress but I don’t see how that justifies felonious assault and battery. All other things being equal do you think a White bus driver would have done the same?

    Nevertheless, it’s all but one more of a million examples of TNB. I hope and pray these videos get plenty of exposure to our fellow Whites. Thanks to modern technology the black undertow is becoming its own worst enemy.

  4. A white driver wouldn’t have punch a woman, most likely. Not upper cut at least. He could have easily killed her. But her shock black noggin absorbed the force of the blow.

  5. The Irony of all of these videos of the Black Undertow on World Star Hip Hop??? Probably shot using an “Obama Phone”…

    Gotta love the irony.

  6. Aahhhh!!!! This may well be 2012 answer to the brilliant MacDonald’s Black 24/7 Downtown NYC video, starrig the esteemed and somwhat immortal Rayon Macintosh,and 2 feral Lesbian Hood Rats, and a metal pipe.

    More of the Same – you are mistaking a Negress for a Human. Hitting them in the head does NO damage what-so-ever. That bus driver, just like Rayon, know HOW TO DEAL WITH HIS OWN KIND. Do NOT interefere. EVER.

    I repeat:


    Do NOT interfere with their own methods of behavioral correction, and enforcement.
    Do NOT be a Do Gooder.

    Whites have been imposing White mores on Negroes for CENTURIES.

    Had this policy worked YET?

    DO NOT INTERFERE. They will not appreciate your chivalry. DO NOT INTERERE.

    BLACKS are NOT White.

    Good on the bus driver.

  7. My maternal grandad born in 1903 said that blacks are better boxers as they have thicker skulls and jaws in 1985…Oh how we grandchildren laughed at his naive racism.

    Well, Grandad was proven fckn right in this video. That bitch barely felt the blow. he was warning me about how hard you’d need to hit to get a knockout.

  8. “Yes, she’s a sassy mouthed, obnoxious nigress but I don’t see how that justifies felonious assault and battery. ” – Fighting words exception. the jury would have to convict the driver of assault and battery, also the fact that she got right back up and immediately began threatening him would hurt in court.

    Of course in this day and age, trial by jury is simply trial by ethnic vote, so it wouldn’t necessarily work out like that, especially with a different set of races.

  9. Prosecutors announced at about 4:30 p.m. Friday that a grand jury had voted to dismiss the assault charges against McIntosh, who was not in the courtroom due to a procedural complication.
    News that the charges had been dropped made its way to McIntosh at Rikers Island around 6 p.m., when other inmates told him they had heard about it on TV.
    “I was surprised,” said McIntosh, who speaks with a slight accent from his native Jamaica. “I never want to have too much faith.”
    Assistant District Attorney Jamie Mendoza said the grand jury “voted to dismiss [the case] in the interest in justice.”

    Read more: http://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20111203/greenwich-village-soho/mcdonalds-beating-cook-rayon-mcintosh-elated-be-free#ixzz297RkDadL

  10. Of course the lesson will wasted on her, because the bus driver will lose his job and go to jail, for the simple reason, a black man is lower on BRA’s victim hierarchy, than a black woman.

  11. Exactly.

    Don’t feed the bears, don’t stare at the bears, don’t interfere as they go about their business. Respect the bears and leave them alone.

  12. I dunno… That dude basically sucker-punched the sheboon, right in the jaw, unawares… and he didn’t even knock her out?? Hell, she even got back on the bus and fought with him! Homey should stick to driving buses. He doesn’t seem to punch worth a shit.

  13. @John

    I can’t speak to whatever the polls say, as there is a new one every minute it seems. What I can say, is that Romney/Ryan signs are everywhere in the suburbs around Detroit, and in my 99% black neighborhood in the city, there is all of 1 UAW/Obama sign on somebody’s lawn. That’s right, 1.

    I believe the white vote is steadily solidifying and the nigger vote is demoralized. Romney will win Michigan.

  14. Michigan has moved into “Toss Up” status in the RCP average. Even Oregon has been downgraded to “Lean Obama.” I’m going to try to give OD’s Yankees some encouragement in October. They are going to need every bit of it because Romney is pulling away in Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado, and Florida.

    If Romney loses the election, it will be because he was beat by Obama in Ohio and the Midwest.

  15. Heartening.

    Anagram fun: who is this?

    Dense hip job 

    Jibed phones 

    He sip, job end 

    I need job. 

    Jibe done 

    Job Die ‘en.

  16. IMO, Romney’s surge in Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia is simply a reflection of his wider surge in the Red States. He won over a lot of the Jim Robinson holdouts by pummelling Obama during the debate. I read somewhere that he went up 8 points across the South.

    In the Midwest, Romney went from losing to competitive in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. That’s his major problem now. He’s not losing the race outright, but he isn’t winning like he should be either in the Midwest.

    As things stand today, Obama is a slight favorite unless undecideds swing heavily to Romney. They usually break for the challenger. Yet this is always true of Pennsylvania where nigger voting fraud tips the scales.

    Niggers cheated in 2008 with McCain, but he would have lost the race anyway, so he didn’t challenge it.

  17. Remember that map of Obama’s 2008 share of the White vote?

    He won every Midwestern state by splitting the White vote about 50/50 and relying on niggers to put him over the top. He lost the White vote in the South even in NC, FL, and VA, but not at a damaging enough margin due to carpetbags and more black voters.

    Deja vu? Romney isn’t performing with Midwestern Whites at the level he needs to put the race away.

  18. Interesting tidbit, I have heard that White House and State are about to go to war over blame for Stevenson’s murder.

  19. “John says:
    October 12, 2012 at 11:58 pm
    Interesting tidbit, I have heard that White House and State are about to go to war over blame for Stevenson’s murder.”


    Stevenson should never ever ever ever ever have been sent to that part of the world.



    The Mid East? A California Homosexual, throwing Rainbow Pride Parties in the Embassy simply SCREAMS, “I’m a weak degenerate fairy man. Come and get me.”

    Now, speaking seriously – I am sorry about the way he died, as wel as the others murdered. They are partially responsible for thier own deaths. Apparently a cohort of Marines, guarding the Embassy was pulled. AFTEr Stevenson wrote about his growing fears for safety. Something really rotten, REALLY vile, went down.

    Were I Stevenson – I would have bailed. I would have gotten every-one in that Embassy OUT. He was sniffing danger. Mortal peril. Screw jobs, etc. When the oldest part of your limbic system lights up Hot Red – you pay attention. GFor whatever reason – he did not act.

    Something really reeks.

    I’m glad some-one or something at the State Dept is not bowing down before the Creatures in the ‘Hood House.

  20. “Hunter Wallace says:
    October 12, 2012 at 11:48 pm
    Pennsylvania is usually competitive. It always goes blue though because blacks in Philadelphia engaging in voter fraud.”

    Hunter – never mind the Philly nogs. PA is FILLED with die hard Democrats – WHITES – Mosin calls them lever pullers. They will die hard, and possibly take the rest of us with ’em.

    Round my parts – I see loads of Romney/Ryan signs. I still see lots of Pon Paul signs. But loads of Whites I know are signing off on the Frick and Frack Kosher Kontrolled System. They are voting for all sorts of Third Party types – which is a vote for Obama.

    So who the Hell knows?

  21. What I can say, is that Romney/Ryan signs are everywhere in the suburbs around Detroit, and in my 99% black neighborhood in the city, there is all of 1 UAW/Obama sign on somebody’s lawn.

    I knew you were from Detroit, but I had no idea you lived in a niggerhood. That explains a lot. Why in the world don’t you get out? If it’s a money thing, why not move out near Grosse Pointe? You can find bargains there, the niggers are a better class (from what I’ve heard) and whites are literally just a block away. My family fled to Sterling Heights and Livonia decades ago, but I had one aunt whose husband passed away unexpectedly and was left penniless who was stuck in the city for the longest time. She moved to Grosse Pointe (proper, the white part) a few years ago and couldn’t be happier. She was always a bit of a ‘lover but being stuck in the city embittered her. Sadly, so positive has the move been she’s almost back to loving them again.

  22. Exquisite. Videos like this one do more for Our Cause than all the website ranting in the universe could. Well played, Negroes, well played.

    Someday we will look back with ironic amusement at how the tide of White opinion toward Negroes was finally turned… by WorldStarHipHop.

  23. @Silver

    I’ve lived here all my life — going on 36 years. As I grew up, I watched this place go from ethnic white working-class, to black working-class, to welfare-nigger drug-dealers, and now to borded-up vacants and bulldozed empty lots. And I’ve survived all of it. Maybe I’m serving a penance, or being forced to learn some karmic lesson about the impermanence of things, or persoective about how life, like nature, is a cycle of changing seasons. Whatever the case, it can’t stay winter forever, right?

    My house is long since paid off, and although it’s very old and in need of a lot of repairs, I have plenty of space and privacy and the taxes and utilities are considerably cheaper than I would be paying in some suburb. Most of the houses on my block are vacant, so it’s comparatively more quiet here, than other areas of the city.

    The main reason I stay though, is because this is home. There is no other place where I feel as comfortable or as content, and I will not be chased out. Ever. In fact, in the coming year I plan on buying up some these vacant properties, which are head-spinning cheap, and demolishing them and annexing the land to my own property.

    You’re Serbian, correct? There was once a sizable Balkan community, mostly Serbs and Albanians, situated in the neighborhood just off of Outer Drive Avenue, about 6 blocks to the northwest from my house. There’s a huge old Serbian church — St. Lazarus — over there which still operates to this day.

  24. Whatever the case, it can’t stay winter forever, right?

    Phew, that’s an optimistic outlook. True enough, but I guess my main concern would be that it’s a bit like the stock market: it can stay “irrational” longer than you can stay solvent.

    The main reason I stay though, is because this is home. There is no other place where I feel as comfortable or as content, and I will not be chased out. Ever. In fact, in the coming year I plan on buying up some these vacant properties, which are head-spinning cheap, and demolishing them and annexing the land to my own property.

    You’re not wrong about the cheap prices. If you’re so determined to stick it out it may be worth pondering ways to make an “urban reconquista” out of it.

    You’re Serbian, correct? There was once a sizable Balkan community, mostly Serbs and Albanians, situated in the neighborhood just off of Outer Drive Avenue, about 6 blocks to the northwest from my house. There’s a huge old Serbian church — St. Lazarus — over there which still operates to this day.

    Part Serb, yes. A real balkans grab-bag actually, mostly Serb and Greek, but also part Romanian and Macedonian. Funny thing is, I came out looking more Sicilian than anything else, I think. At least that’s what I’ve mostly been mistaken for, and in my experience Sicilians (and southern italians in general) tend to assume I’m one of them when I’m in their crowd, whereas I’ve often gotten an “oh, are ya?” reaction from my own people.

    As for the churches, yeah, they’re usually the last thing to fold after the community has cleared out of the area. Too many memories of good times with good people at Easters, Christmases, weddings, christenings, I suppose.

  25. “Romney isn’t performing with Midwestern Whites at the level he needs to put the race away.”

    Labor issues.

    Among many working class people in the Midwest, Romney is portrayed as someone who will take away your pension; take away your Social Security; take away “living wages;” take away overtime pay; take away benefits; take away workplace saftey and health regulations; force workers to work until the day they die because of no good pension or wages, etc.

  26. Chris my dear “little brother” – we’ve never met in person, but I think you are wonderful. You keep safe and sound. I will pray for your safety. We NEED tough implacable guys like you – who WON’T bail.

    Blood and Soil, my dear.

  27. You white racist bitches are pathetic. You bitches don’t need to ride our BUSES you bitches are scary as fuck! Any black person would shank any of you scary white people in a minute. Trust me bitches EVERY black person CAN’T wait for one of you REDNECK bitches to jump up in our faces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Try it wit cha bad asses!!!!!!!

  28. @k_town @October 13, 2012 at 11:04 pm:

    Oooh, another Internet Tough Guy. I’m soooo scared of the online black fist.

    News flash: I’ve ridden practically every bus and train in my city. No Negro ever dared so much as to speak to me. Our days of being afraid of your kind are over, you quasi-literate Morlock.

    You’re damned right we’re as scary as fuck, Junior. You’d better keep that in mind. It’s hard to shank Whitey when your guys are leaking out of the holes Whitey made in you with his gun.

    Want to know how we “roll” now? Ask Trayvon. OH WAIT

  29. Koon town – those buses are NOT “your buses”. We paid for ’em, and still do. We allowed ourselves to be conned by Kikes into letting you ride. We’ve learned our lesson. Not EVER again. The Free Ride is almost over.

    You won’t ride anymore……..you won’t walk…..you will crawl….

  30. As an educated black women, I am disgusted by this website and the remarks posted.
    Im equally disgusted by the bus driver and the passenger’s behavior, because once again all blacks are being judged by the action’s of others. If whites think it is okay to judge all because of one, then blacks should consider all whites rapist, serial killers, child molestors, mass murders, theives, terrorist, sodomizers, and the list goes on and on. Grow up! If whites even had the ablity to handle things on their own..we wouldnt be here. Dont be mad..

  31. @mooley

    “As an educated black [nigger],..”

    – No, there’s no such thing.

    “..I am disgusted by this website and the remarks posted.”

    – So don’t come here then. See, that’s the thing about you niggers — you’re desperate to be around white people no matter how you damn well know we despise you. Fuck off, COON. Ain’t no “Fair Housing Act” around here.

    “I am equally disgusted by the bus driver and the passenger’s behavior,..”

    – As if you would have behaved any differently in the same situation.

    “..because once again all blacks are being judged by the actions of others.”

    – All niggers are judged by the actions of ALL niggers. Because you all act the same.

    “If whites think it is okay to judge all because of one..”

    – I repeat, stupid sheboon, we judge niggers by the actions OF YOUR ENTIRE MISERABLE RACE.

    “..then blacks should consider all the white rapist,..”

    – Every year, tens of thousands of white women are raped by niggers. Every year, not a single nigger is raped by white men. You fail, nigger.

    “..serial killers, ook ook aah aaahh chimp chimp..”

    – I’ll just refer you to the ‘Color of Crime’ series of articles in the link at the top of the page.

    “If whites had the ability to handle things on there own..”

    – White people are the ones who DO handle EVERYTHING on our own. It’s you niggers who can’t even wipe your black monkey asses without an affirmative-action policy to force white people to do it for you. White people create EVERYTHING, literally from nothing. You niggers are GIVEN everything, and you turn it to shit. You are the living, walking embodiment of everything that is wretched and ugly.

    “Don’t be mad..”

    – I won’t be. When Romney wins and you niggers chimp out, I’ll be more than happy to slaughter as many of you spooks as time allows.

  32. @313Chris obviously you need to pick up a dictionary and a real history book before opening up your mouth sounding ignorant. A nigger is a low down dirty person, it does not define a certain race. Technically a white person can be a nigger to, and that’s exactly how you are behaving like a nigger. White people back way down in history has nothing to call there own 1st. Everything your people accomplished they stole from someone else. Majority of the things we used today for survival was invented by a black man, such as the traffic light and the cotton gin for people to be able to make clothes. White people were not the first to walk on American soil, Native Americans were. The Europeans befriended them because they didn’t know how to plant crops, so the Indians taught them as friends and once the Europeans learned they sent them west. Then your people ship slaves over here because you are so lazy to pick cotton and slave holders slept with slaves. So everyone has a little black in them whether they like it or not. Slave holders were nothing but dirty sluts. Your race don’t hate blacks because the color of our skin it’s because you are made God didn’t make you like us. You go to the tanning beds to get darker skin like us, get lip injections to get full lips like us, have all kinds of surgery’s to have curves like we have. We deserve more than just to ride a bus, if you feel as if we don’t belong here according to history neither do you!

  33. This situation has nothing to do with race! I can’t understand the hatred towards “we black folk” (ha ha) when we’ve done nothing to you whites. Slavery? Whites enslaved Blacks. I know this, I would put my intelligence up against any of you and I know that I would be superior. I think that you people are just scared of what could happen if we were deemed as the chosen ones. Oh, but we are-Just read your bible.

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