Romney Pulling Away In Florida, Locking Up North Carolina


It’s over for Obama in North Carolina and Florida. In terms of early voting, Obama has the edge in Ohio, but Romney has the edge in Florida and Wisconsin. In Virginia, PPP has Obama up by 2 and Rasmussen has Romney up by 3.

Note: Obama’s lead in Ohio has evaporated. The PPP poll has him up 1 and the Gravis poll has a 47-47 tie. BTW, the Gravis poll is assuming a D+9 turnout advantage over Republicans, which would be a greater Democratic turnout for Obama than the 2008 election.

This election is going to be decided by White working class voters, especially White working class women, in the Rust Belt that stretches from Allentown, PA to Des Moines, IA. In spite of all the talk about “the Hispanic vote,” Romney is doing well in Florida, Nevada, and Colorado, and he will likely win Florida and Colorado, and Virginia and North Carolina too.

In order to win the presidential election, Obama can concede New Hampshire and the South (North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, and Missouri), but he has to win Nevada, while holding Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa and Ohio.

In the RCP No Toss Up Map, Obama is squeaking out a 277 victory over a Romney 261 loss. The RCP No Toss Up Map assumes that Obama holds all of jeppo’s “Cold States” while losing the “Warm States” to Romney.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yeah, I guess if your one issue is about Jews thousands of miles away, it makes sense to vote 0.

    Personally, I don’t care who Romney bombs. He can bomb the whole ME, invade the whole ME, I don’t care. If Americans don’t want to face the prospect of dying in a foreign war, they shouldn’t join the military.

  2. – Hardly. The only person on here, who from the start has not waivered about Romney, even throught the long brutal summer, is me. Everyone else here is bandwagoning now that his chances are looking good.

    I don’t recall ever saying I’d prefer the 0 over Romney.

  3. Svigor,

    I’ve pretty consistently stated that my ideal outcome is a razor thin Romney win.
    That’s been my position since he won the nomination.

    Although its sensible to prepare for four more years of Obama. I’m not placing hope in politics.

  4. The Romney crop image (not exactly a circle) was pretty neat. Obviously the extra-terrestials are doing their bit for Romney.

  5. I’m not placing hope in politics.

    I’m not either. I’d love to see the mulatto go, the negro one and done, but I’m betting exactly nothing on the outcome of this election.

  6. @John

    “..I have avoided living in nigtropolis’s like Detroit.”

    – London too, evidently.

    “I’ve pretty consistently stated that my ideal outcome is a razor thin Romney win. That’s been my position since he won the nomination.”

    – Oh please. Just sift through any of the threads on these blog items from May until early this month, and you’ll find nothing but comments from yourself, directed at me, about how “Romney is finished” and “Romney is doing worse than McCain” and “Obama is winning Michigan in a blowout”. Your position changes with the direction of wind.

  7. These numbers are meaningless. The media has stake in promoting the horse race to retain viewers and keep people from tuning out.

    When Obama blows out Romney in a couple of weeks, a lot of people will wonder why they ever thought he had a chance.

    Lol, so you haven’t done any reading about what’s really up with the polls, which is why you draw the 180 wrong conclusion.

    Gotcha, thanks.

  8. I don’t come from London.

    On Romney, the guy saved his own campaign. Probably inspite of his campaign team. He’s done himself all the favours he needs.

    Chris go ahead and compile a list of shifting moods. Make it exhaustive. Perhaps it’ll keep you busy for two weeks. Real productive.

  9. No thanks, I have to work for a living. I tell it like it is, and we both know you were writing Romney’s eulogy on here all summer long.

  10. I don’t come from London.

    On Romney, the guy saved his own campaign. Probably inspite of his campaign team. He’s done himself all the favours he needs.

    That’s what’s so GD delicious about the whole thing. Merit wins again. One white winner kicks 0’s ass, the media’s ass, the democrat party’s ass, the $100 million in Jewish money’s ass…Romney beat the whole house up. Bodyslammed the empty suit in front of the whole world, lol.

  11. “Although I have avoided living in nigtropolis’s like Detroit”

    I dunno. Maybe there’s method to his madness. Hasn’t it been suggested us WNs go buy up all those dirt cheap Detroit houses and ethnically cleanse the darkies right back outta there? Maybe Chris is an early adopter, and in 20 years we’ll all be going, I shoulda grabbed one of those cheap houses before Detroit was reWhited and the prices were readjusted vastly upward.
    If Chris is tough enough (and no wife or beautiful daughters to worry about) then why not? Why should gays get all the fun and riches of regentrification?

  12. “Although I have avoided living in nigtropolis’s like Detroit”

    I dunno. Maybe there’s method to his madness. Hasn’t it been suggested us WNs go buy up all those dirt cheap Detroit houses and ethnically cleanse the darkies right back outta there? Maybe Chris is an early adopter, and in 20 years we’ll all be going, I shoulda grabbed one of those cheap houses before Detroit was reWhited and the prices were readjusted vastly upward.
    If Chris is tough enough (and no wife or beautiful daughters to worry about) then why not?

  13. @barb

    “Maybe Chris is an early adopter and in 20 years we’ll all be going..”

    – No, you won’t. This land here belongs to the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the native whites who were driven from it in the first place. It will not be a refugee-state for outsiders, least of all “white nationalists. White nationalist are whiny, useless, cowards. And they and their warped beliefs will not be welcome on my lands.

  14. Svigor is correct in his assessment of sampling bias in the polls which incorrectly assume a high Democratic turnout. The 2010 Congessional elections are probably closer to the truth. I think Romney was tied with Obama for most of the summer and after the first debate has moved ahead by at least a couple of percentage points. A 2% lead will easily give him a minimum of 290-300 Electoral College votes.

    If Romney wins you can expect less gridlock in Congress. I’m sure a Dream Act will be easily passed with Mittens leading the way and with his commitment to maintaining high defense spending and his aiming for a balanced budget in 8 or 10 years (!) as he stated in the debate tonight, we will be bankrupt even sooner than we would under Obongo.

  15. “Rudel says:
    October 23, 2012 at 8:59 am
    If Romney wins you can expect less gridlock in Congress. I’m sure a Dream Act will be easily passed with Mittens leading the way and with his commitment to maintaining high defense spending and his aiming for a balanced budget in 8 or 10 years (!) as he stated in the debate tonight, we will be bankrupt even sooner than we would under Obongo.”

    Good. Death to ZOG.

    Vote WHITE!!!!!

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