Romney Pulling Away In Florida, Locking Up North Carolina


It’s over for Obama in North Carolina and Florida. In terms of early voting, Obama has the edge in Ohio, but Romney has the edge in Florida and Wisconsin. In Virginia, PPP has Obama up by 2 and Rasmussen has Romney up by 3.

Note: Obama’s lead in Ohio has evaporated. The PPP poll has him up 1 and the Gravis poll has a 47-47 tie. BTW, the Gravis poll is assuming a D+9 turnout advantage over Republicans, which would be a greater Democratic turnout for Obama than the 2008 election.

This election is going to be decided by White working class voters, especially White working class women, in the Rust Belt that stretches from Allentown, PA to Des Moines, IA. In spite of all the talk about “the Hispanic vote,” Romney is doing well in Florida, Nevada, and Colorado, and he will likely win Florida and Colorado, and Virginia and North Carolina too.

In order to win the presidential election, Obama can concede New Hampshire and the South (North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, and Missouri), but he has to win Nevada, while holding Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa and Ohio.

In the RCP No Toss Up Map, Obama is squeaking out a 277 victory over a Romney 261 loss. The RCP No Toss Up Map assumes that Obama holds all of jeppo’s “Cold States” while losing the “Warm States” to Romney.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’ve said ever since Paul Ryan got the VP nomination that Yankees would decide the election. It is almost totally in their hands.

    What’s incredible is that Romney is doing better in Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado and Florida – where Whites have to vote even more lopsided against Obama – than Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

  2. If Obama loses this election, I hope he lets his nigger side out in the open until January, just because it will be so funny to watch. I wanna see him walking around, unkempt, with a menthol cigarette hanging out the corner of his mouth, and drumstick in one hand and a bottle of malt liquor in a brown paper bag in the other, and saying “Muh dick, cracka” to Chris Matthews and all the white liberal sycophants who helped create him in the first place. Of course, he’s such a fruit-slice so he probably doesn’t have it in him.

  3. Good news.

    The sight of a dejected Obama would be fun. I’m much more interested in the dejection the population will exhibit. Good sport.

  4. Invest in this election. Folks aren’t going to be rational, so they might as well be bitter come the 7th.

    The reality is that after an anomalous 7th debate on the national stage*, Obama returned to form and will finish the election 3.5% lower than in 2008, which is to say, win by 3%.

    Which is exactly how it was going to be the whole time.

    * I believe he was ordered to take a dive to save the two-party system.

  5. Romney wins in an Electoral College tie because more states have a majority of Republican congressional districts and each state gets one vote decided by a majority of the the congressmen in that state.


    “In a rather archaic tradition,” says Kyle Kondik, a tie throws the presidential decision to the House — which has a current GOP majority. Each of the 50 state delegations casts a single vote and the candidate who wins the most votes wins the White House, said Kondik, a political analyst at the University of Virginia.

    “Republicans appear to be heading to comfortably holding their majority” in the 113th Congress, said Jeff Brauer, a Keystone College political scientist, “which means the advantage would go to Mitt Romney.”

    To confuse the scenario, the Senate decides who becomes vice president.

    “So if the Democrats continue to control the Senate, and Republicans control the House, and we have an Electoral tie, the results would be a President Mitt Romney and Vice President Joe Biden,” Brauer said.

  7. Just read “The Camp of the Saints” by Jean Raspail, though the book was published in 1973 it showed the “anti-racists” and other assorted bad doers in such a clear unflinching light I was amazed to find those motley band of traitors have been using the propaganda of today for more than fourty years! It was so prescient as to be haunting at times, there were some nuances which did not match the present day, but they were trifles. Imagine that fourty odd years (perhaps very likely more) of the same hogwash and tere was no force strong or brave enough to put up as so much a fight as to turn the clock back? The duh mock crazy is goin to save us, think about how people vote with sympathy and ignorance, what pol even if he were explicilyt white pol has not betrayed the cause I could name but a few(who did betray the cause) Thurmond
    and Wallace.

  8. Very good.

    How about Southern folks work for local, county state politics, win things like the county Sheriff’s office?

    I just biked 5 miles at sundown from 22nd and State street in Chicago – something I would never do in 6 million years when I was here in 1979.

    I got delayed at some sail boat development at 35th street, where poor Black folks have been ethnically, class cleansed, I barely made it!


    Whatever happens in this election, stay strong, stay positive and don’t rag on Yankees for all your/our problems.

    14 words

  9. “… in the Rust Belt that stretches from Allentown, PA to Des Moines, IA.” The rust belt in Iowa meanders up the Mississippi into the Quad Cities, but not into Des Moines, which along side Chicago and Omaha is part of the Midwestern insurance belt.

  10. why support romney…he stood on that stage the other night and proudly parroted the pro-immigration and affirmative action line. You heard it.

    I have switched over to the Dems. I will vote for obama. All white people should switch over to the Dems and makeover the Dems and force the Dems to abandon political correctness, multiculti, pro-immigration. Don’t let the rich elite SPLIT the white working class.

    Why haven’t you paleo, new-right types figured it out yet–the rich investors are the ones who control both the Dems and GOP, and it is the rich people who created this political correctness, multiculti, pro-immigration culture. They are the ones who profit from this culture. Fight them by uniting the white working class behind the Dems.

    The GOP does nothing but lip service for anyone but the evangelicals.

    At least the Dems do some few things for all working class people.

    Switch to the dems and force them to abandon political correctness, multiculti, pro-immigration.

  11. In the RCP No Toss Up Map, Obama is squeaking out a 277 victory over a Romney 261 loss. The RCP No Toss Up Map assumes that Obama holds all of jeppo’s “Cold States” while losing the “Warm States” to Romney.

    Not quite. RCP now lists 10 states as toss ups, 7 of them Cold States: Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. In their no toss up scenario, two of these states go for Romney, Colorado and New Hampshire, and the rest for Obama. The 3 toss up Warm States are Nevada, Florida and Virginia, with Obama favoured in Nevada and Romney in the other two.

    Overall, the no toss up map shows Obama winning the Cold States 191-107, and Romney winning the Warm States 154-86. In their Senate no toss up scenario, they show the Republicans picking up one net seat in the Cold States, and no change in the Warm States. But the real analysis is going to have to wait until November 7th.

  12. Really? So how many people do you have since Obama came along?

    Lemme guess — pre-Obama: 6 Currently: 7

    Romney/Ryan 2012! Yankee Pride! Huzzah!

  13. lol… 313Chris, Far more than 7. And I can tell you that talking with average Southerners, there is far more skepticism of the Feds under Obama. I wish I could keep him in there for life. And ideally, replace Biden with Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.

    What are Romney and Ryan going to do for you? Nothing. They are no different from Obama and Biden on domestic issues. And they are worse on foreign issues. Meanwhile Obama promotes White skepticism, which is positive.

  14. Again a little O/T :

    But HW and OD readers, a question :

    Is it possible that Jeff Dunham is an inherently pro-white performer?

    And if so, what does this mean for the nationwide “wake up whitey” movement?

    Note that Dunham is – apparently – the highest paid comic in history (it was a shock for me too, when I learned that) ;

    Note that Dunham discreetly wears a cross on stage, over a thoroughly priest-like all-black outfit ;

    Note that Dunham is a white American-European male about 50 yrs old ;

    Note that Dunham makes Achmed the dead terrorist look like a typified, nasty urine-colored Muslim Arab when Achmed jokes about getting horny about mating with a sheep ;

    Note at last that on Comedy Central the Jeff Dunham Show is immediately followed by the vehemently racially-conscious “Kee and Peele” (which the NYT just reported breathlessly on in their Arts Thursday section).


    I dont know guys. When I first read that Jeff Dunham was the highest grossing comedian (not ventriloquist, comedian) of all time, I thought “Who is Jeff Dunham.”

    His act is very PG and very Disney middle-brow in a way, but God damn you have to admire this man’s professionalism. For that alone – beholding a master at work – the show is worth watching.

    The whole “Jeff Dunham secretly a pro-white act?” thing kinda caught me off guard tonight. Hence this comment.


    – Arturo

    crimes of the times

  15. 0bama is done, stick a fork in him. All of these polls are oversampling minorities and incorrectly weighting these polls (the assumption that 0 will get 2008-level turnout is baked into all of these cakes).

    Romney is going to clear 300 electoral votes. He has enough to win (279) right now.

  16. Worse is worse. Go Romney. Whites need to feel a victory. Get a taste of it, and like the taste. To hell with the Muslim nigger and his orc wife.

  17. Romney is creaming 0bama. After he’s done putting that boy through a brutal (but compassionate) cross-examination on Libya, it’ll be two weeks of Dem spies crawling through Mormon garbage cans in desperation, then the timer will go *ding* and 0’s goose will be fully cooked.

    If Obama loses this election, I hope he lets his nigger side out in the open until January, just because it will be so funny to watch. I wanna see him walking around, unkempt, with a menthol cigarette hanging out the corner of his mouth, and drumstick in one hand and a bottle of malt liquor in a brown paper bag in the other, and saying “Muh dick, cracka” to Chris Matthews and all the white liberal sycophants who helped create him in the first place. Of course, he’s such a fruit-slice so he probably doesn’t have it in him.

    No, but the image is pretty damn funny, haha.

  18. What would have been the chances of the recent race-realist education policies enacted in Florida and DC if the President had been white?

    That was the biggest top-down realist change I have seen regarding race and the multicult in my lifetime. The black President has given cover to white realism and given us the perception and moral authority of being the underdog. Our people love this, and have begun to act accordingly. What do we do when it becomes “our” country again? Bleed our hearts with guilt and offer our children up to sacrifice all afresh for our white sins.

    Black President = brilliant white cover.

  19. Whites tend to vote in their own self interest more often when they are in close proximity to other races UNLESS they are “diaspora” whites, like in California and most northern cities with little shared identity. For an example outside of the South of whites in close proximity to blacks voting as a single ethnic block, look at how they whites in the suburbs surrounding Milwaukee vote. Waukasha county will likely go 70+% to Romney. Why is this so? A single shared culture exists in the white German populated suburbs.

  20. If Romney wins in any fashion other than a 1980-style electoral landslide, there will be chimpout. Bank on it.

    In a way, I almost want it to happen. A full-blown nationwide chimpout will drive Joe and Janes Sixpack into our camp like nothing else can — IF they can find our camp. Mr. Wallace, I strongly suggest you and the other members of the Honkysphere start planning now for a day when millions of newly-awakened American whites take to the Internets looking for fellow whites who Get It. We should start weaving the Welcome Mat now.

    On the other hand, a Cat-5 Chimpout would result in a lot of people getting hurt — including a lot of little kids. Unlike most of the other here, I do not hate black people, and I don’t want anyone of any color to die or be seriously injured in a nationwide race riot.

    Whatever happens, we must always be motivated only by love — love of our own people, not hatred of others. Deo Vindice.

  21. Crowley: ‘Worse is worse. Go Romney.’

    I think Romney is worse. That’s why I would rather Obama win. He’s better than Romney on foreign policy. And he’s about the same on domestic policy. And the big advantage to Obama is he is hated by most White people.

  22. Much of the difference depends on how sincere Romney is about Israel.
    I reckon he doesn’t plan to launch a war on their behalf. Saber rattler like Reagan or Palmerston. Not a maniac like Bush or Churchill.

    Personally I reckon Obama would be more likely to commit the US to an escalating war or stage a large scale invasion of a middle eastern power.

    Romney is an apex predator not a fanatic.

  23. We may never have to find out. I doubt Ohio voters are consulting this site for guidance. The sectarian, regional and nation inside a nation ideas here are probably not on their radar.

  24. @PalmettoPatriot

    “What are Romney and Ryan going to do for you? Nothing.”

    – You’re damn right. And I don’t want, or need, Romney & Ryan to lift a single finger for me. My life is none of their business, and I’m quite capable dealing with whatever obstacles I come up against, on my own. The President is just my democratically elected representative in the face of the rest of the world. And I want a president who, in addition to political ideology, represents me in the literal, physical sense — a tall white guy with dark hair, who is from Detroit.

  25. Afterthought says: * I believe he was ordered to take a dive to save the two-party system.

    I do not believe that for a second. A dive is one thing, but looking like a complete fucking idiot who didn’t do his homework is another, and he was the latter in that debate.

  26. 313Christ said: ‘I want a president who, in addition to political ideology, represents me in the literal, physical sense — a tall white guy with dark hair, who is from Detroit.’

    Does Romney represent you with his Neo-con foreign policy? Does he represent you with his advocacy of more Third World immigration and promotion of maintaining Obama’s amnesty for 2 million illegals?

  27. 313Chris says: …… And I want a president who, in addition to political ideology, represents me in the literal, physical sense — a tall white guy with dark hair, who is from Detroit.

    Romney sucks. But he is a dark haired white guy from Detroit.

    I think people are tired of moving from the suburbs to the ex-burbs and that they are waking up to the problem. I live in the city but I don’t generally go out at night. Don’t need to be nigger prey.

  28. I agree with Oculus about the Honkeysphere and the Sixpack’s. I think I’m going start a blog of my own now.

    I agree about the looming Chimpout, too. I hope we’re both wrong, though.

  29. I’m confused about the gratuitous spooging over Romney. You do realize there is only one real Party in America now, right? You are presented merely with the illusion of choice. The guy is balls deep in the banksters / big business asses, a lap dog for Bibi and the Zionist Warhawks, and generally just a fucking flip flopper. I.E. You just delaying the inevitable. Obama would have just brought it all down faster basically.

    Derb said it far more eloquently than I ever could. I do NOT agree with his cop out non-voting method, but just understand what you are really voting for. You can only delay the inevitable for so long.

  30. I think Romney’s odds are slightly better in Nevada than the polls and prediction markets are indicating, namely because I doubt the pollsters are accounting for how mobilized the LDS turnout will be there. I think that could be enough to tip it in Romney’s favor.

    Ideal scenario: Romney hands Obama both New Hampshire and Ohio, making it look early in the evening like Obama’s got it locked up. Obama’s supporters will put on their flimsy paper party hats and prepare to party, only to discover that Romney’s flipped both Iowa and Nevada…resulting in an electoral college tie.

    Pundits gravely conclude on the giant flat-screens in hip hop bars across America that Romney won due to an arcane technicality. Maximum lulz ensue.

    …Mind you, it’s not that I hope Romney wins. I just hope for maximum lulz.

  31. OT
    View from the Right
    The passing scene and what it’s about viewed from the traditionalist politically incorrect Right.

    « New French group, The Generation of National Identity, occupies mosque site near the site of Charles Martel’s victory in 732 | Main

    Génération Identitaire’s statement on mosque occupation

    Here, from the website of Génération Identitaire (the Generation of National Identity), is the English version of their statement about the mosque occupation. (Note: I’ve revised the translation and edited it for punctuation and spelling; also, Tiberge at Galliawatch has her own translation, as well as several other posts on the occupation and the responses to it.)

    From the Grand Mosque of Poitiers, Génération Identitaire calls for reconquest!
    One hundred young men and women from all parts of France have just entered the future Grand Mosque of Poitiers and occupied its rooftops. On the front of the building, facing the minaret, we have unrolled a banner where a clear message can be read:

    “Immigration, building of mosques: REFERENDUM!”

    By this first major action, Génération Identitaire places itself in the forefront of the struggle for our identity.

    1,300 years ago Charles Martel stopped the Arabs in Poitiers in a heroic battle which saved our country from the Musulman invasion. It was October 25th, 732. Now it is 2012 and we face the same choice: live free or die. Our generation refuses to see her people and her identity disappear through indifference. We will never be the Native Indians of Europe. From this place, this important symbol of our past and of the bravery of our ancestors, we send a call to memory and combat!

    We don’t want any more non-European immigration, nor the building of mosques on French soil. Since the first waves of African immigration and the law on family reunification in 1974, our people have never been consulted about the populations with whom we have been forced to live. Mass immigration radically transforms our country: according to the recent work of INSEE (National Institute of Statistics), 43 percent of the people aged 18-50 in the region of Paris are immigrants or descendants of immigrants. A people can recover from an economic crisis or a war but not from the replacement of its native population. Without the French, there is no France. It is a matter of survival. That is why every people has the absolute right to choose whether it wants to welcome strangers and in what numbers.

    Because this right has been denied to us, and because our generation pays the high price for this situation by being subjected in the street to threats from the scum, we say: Enough! No more backing down! We demand a national referendum on immigration and on the building of mosques in France. We won’t leave this place until we have been listened to and our demands addressed.

    Aware that our fight has only just begun, we call on all young Europeans to become heirs of their destiny and to join the vanguard of youth that stands tall.

    May all Europe hear our call: RECONQUEST!

    Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 21, 2012 05:45 AM | Send

  32. do it chris, and call it “yankee nationalism” and write revisionist civil-war porn or michigan border conflict/ war of 1812/ pontiac rebellion/patriot war revisionist history!

  33. There HAS been a shift in Florida. Even in queer friendly, left liberal Orlando, the local fish wrap has endorsed Romney. I see billboards on the Turnpike pointing out that Romney is “Israel’s Friend” and warning the hard core Judeo-Christians not to abandon Israel. I would not have expected it three weeks ago, but it looks as if Romney will carry Florida, which in my view means he will win the EC by a margin.

    Recent world events and the almost complete destruction of our economy have done in the Obamanator. That being said, I am not sanguine about Romney, but believe that he will continue policies that will bankrupt the US, and cause further foreign mischief.

  34. I think Romney’s odds are slightly better in Nevada than the polls and prediction markets are indicating, namely because I doubt the pollsters are accounting for how mobilized the LDS turnout will be there.

    Yes, I think that’s true. Nevada voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004, and even though it’s the most rapidly browning state in the union, a huge percentage of these non-whites are either non-citizens or minors. And the state’s Mormon population is indeed large, organized and highly motivated to put one of their own in the White House.

    I noticed that Svigor left a comment over at Steve Sailer’s linking to a website that compared early voting records in Nevada in 2008 and 2012 by voter registration. The gist is that early voting by registered Democrats is waaay down this year compared to 2008, definitely a bad sign for Obama there. So the polls showing Nevada leaning towards Obama may very well be wrong, big time.

    Which begs the question, just how accurate are all these polls? To give a recent example of how completely wrong polling can be, look at the polls vs the results of the Alberta provincial election earlier this year.

    Through the month-long campaign, all 22 polls conducted by 7 different polling firms showed the right-wing Wildrose party leading the incumbent Progressive Conservatives, and by as much as 17 percentage points. Yet on election day, the PCs won easily by 9.7 points.

    What happened? Obviously there was a massive last minute change of heart among the electorate, probably motivated by fear. Pipelines to the south, west and east were being blocked or delayed, the EU was threatening to ban imports of “dirty” oil from the oilsands, as was the environmental lobby in the US, and the Canadian Left were promising to put an end to any further expansion of oilsands production.

    So the voters, fearing for their future prosperity, decided to stick with the devil they knew, even though the PCs had been in power for 41 straight years (!), were drifting further and further to the left (unpopular in conservative Alberta), and the premier was widely disliked. The moderate PCs were considered a better bet to finesse these oilpatch issues with an increasingly hostile outside world than the more radical Wildrose were.

    Could the same thing happen in the US, with a massive last-minute swing to the “safe” incumbent? Sure it could, especially on foreign policy issues, which is why tomorrow night’s debate is so crucial. If Romney tacks to the neocon worldview, threatening war with Syria and Iran and being pointlessly belligerent towards Russia and China, then Obama can position himself as the candidate of peace and diplomacy. And he will win a second term, easily. The last things that the American public want right now IMO are any new wars in the Middle East or a renewed arms race with Russia or China.

    But if Romney can avoid walking into that trap, then I believe he will win, probably by a margin that will surprise all the pollsters. They are overcounting minorities, ignoring the fact that most undecideds will probably break sharply for Romney (barring a warmonger-like performance in the last debate), and it wouldn’t surprise me if their polling questions sounded something like this:

    Pollster: Are you planning to vote for our Nobel Peace Prize-winning president, beloved and respected around the world? Or are you a hateful racist, bitterly clinging to your guns and bible?

    Average Voter: Ummm…the first one?

    I think there’s a good chance that Romney will win all the toss up states (again, barring a neocon meltdown tomorrow night), and easily win the electoral college 337-201. In this scenario, he will win the Cold States 177-121 and the Warm States 160-80 and close to 60% of the white vote nationwide. Oh how the blacks and the Jews and the Muslims and the Mexicans and the Asiatics and the homos and the femicunts and their liberal media enablers will cry and moan and gnash their teeth, hahaha…

  35. @ “….You’re damn right. And I don’t want, or need, Romney & Ryan to lift a single finger for me. My life is none of their business, and I’m quite capable dealing with whatever obstacles I come up against, on my own…..”

    Chris, the people who hate the most Generational Americans have voted themselves in, or used their turncoat politicians, to create the biggest Welfare-Warfare Welfare State known to man.

    It makes a joke out of this silly idea you try to pride yourself on that you ever got anything on your own.

    — and about Romney getting Florida and Colorado ‘in spite of the hispanic vote’—- it doesn’t get more hispanic than Florida or Colorado. It’s why so many people fled South Florida and Denver.

  36. Mr. W. —

    A comment I posted overnight, in your post about Tagg Romney and Lawrence O’Donnell, was held for moderation, probably because it contained links. It seems to have disappeared. Because, as far as I can tell, it contained nothing that would have inclined you to delete it, I have to wonder whether this is more evidence that your site is being tampered with.

    I’ll try reposting it here. It had to do with non-white immigration into Ireland. To be specific, it was a reaction to the following remark by Apuleius:

    When you consider Irish immigration policy is dumping nogs into Ireland faster than you can say “Jack Robinson.” Make that “Jackie Robinson.” Move over Sweden, I think we have finally found the most ethnomasochistic white people ever.

    I pointed out the following:

    In Ireland, the person with responsibility for “implementation of the government’s asylum strategy and development of the national immigration policy” is, according to Wikipedia, the Minister for Justice and Equality. (See ) The Minister for Justice and Equality is a Jew, Alan Shatter. (See )

    See also (“Vile Antisemites Attack Jew Alan Shatter”).

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