Romney Pulling Away In Florida, Locking Up North Carolina


It’s over for Obama in North Carolina and Florida. In terms of early voting, Obama has the edge in Ohio, but Romney has the edge in Florida and Wisconsin. In Virginia, PPP has Obama up by 2 and Rasmussen has Romney up by 3.

Note: Obama’s lead in Ohio has evaporated. The PPP poll has him up 1 and the Gravis poll has a 47-47 tie. BTW, the Gravis poll is assuming a D+9 turnout advantage over Republicans, which would be a greater Democratic turnout for Obama than the 2008 election.

This election is going to be decided by White working class voters, especially White working class women, in the Rust Belt that stretches from Allentown, PA to Des Moines, IA. In spite of all the talk about “the Hispanic vote,” Romney is doing well in Florida, Nevada, and Colorado, and he will likely win Florida and Colorado, and Virginia and North Carolina too.

In order to win the presidential election, Obama can concede New Hampshire and the South (North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, and Missouri), but he has to win Nevada, while holding Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa and Ohio.

In the RCP No Toss Up Map, Obama is squeaking out a 277 victory over a Romney 261 loss. The RCP No Toss Up Map assumes that Obama holds all of jeppo’s “Cold States” while losing the “Warm States” to Romney.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Recent world events and the almost complete destruction of our economy have done in the Obamanator.

    Nah. Occam’s Razor says the media did a great job of portraying Romney as a robber baron, so 0bama looked like the lesser of two evils until the boobs had a chance to evaluate Romney themselves with the debates. *Poof* hundreds of million dollars in ad money and the “mainstream” media’s power went up in smoke, and now 0bama’s the greater of two evils.

    This isn’t hard to figure out; 0bama’s support was a mile wide but an inch deep, and now that the boobs see a viable alternative they’re fleeing the sinking ship.

    Merit wins again.

  2. Could the same thing happen in the US, with a massive last-minute swing to the “safe” incumbent? Sure it could, especially on foreign policy issues, which is why tomorrow night’s debate is so crucial.

    I don’t think the final debate is crucial at all. I think it’s cruise control time for Romney, not overreach time. He just has to keep looking nice, safe, normal and COMPETENT to the boobs. Something he’s been doing his whole life.

    If Romney tacks to the neocon worldview, threatening war with Syria and Iran and being pointlessly belligerent towards Russia and China, then Obama can position himself as the candidate of peace and diplomacy.

    He won’t.

    And he will win a second term, easily. The last things that the American public want right now IMO are any new wars in the Middle East or a renewed arms race with Russia or China.

    Romney won’t offer those things.

    But if Romney can avoid walking into that trap, then I believe he will win, probably by a margin that will surprise all the pollsters.

    It’s not even a trap, no more than “as long as he doesn’t put on a red clown nose and wig and expose himself to the audience” is a trap. He’s won and he knows it.

    He’s going to hammer Benghazi and the Arab Spring disasters. He’s going to paint the 0 as 1-25, the 1 being getting OBL, and the 25 being everything else.

    I think there’s a good chance that Romney will win all the toss up states

    I agree. I think he’s going to take Ohio, Florida, New Hampshire, Virginia, and Colorado. He’s tied in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Nevada (the true toss-up states IMO) and could grab one or more of these states as well, putting him over 300 EVs.

    Oh how the blacks and the Jews and the Muslims and the Mexicans and the Asiatics and the homos and the femicunts and their liberal media enablers will cry and moan and gnash their teeth, hahaha…

    Precisely. This is why I’m looking forward to Romney’s win. It’ll be like some nigger playing his obnoxious music too loudly, shucking and jiving in celebration, only to have big daddy cracker stop the funk with a loud screech of needle on vinyl, and give him the bum’s rush to the curb.

    Nothing says “fuck you and your ‘historic presidency'” like one and done.

  3. I have a profoundly bad feeling about Romney. He looks to me like our last president, the final fulfillment of our destiny as cast-aways from the drift of Western Civilization, from whom we shall not recover. Obama is merely an error. Romney has the stench of our awful destiny.

    More than happy to be proven wrong in time.

  4. So when Romney surrounds himself with the same people Bush did Romney has a brain but Bush doesn’t?

    What has Romney done that makes you think he’s a free thinker? A troubleshooter is not the same thing as a free thinker.

    There is an argument to be made that Obama has a greater capacity and perhaps even desire for lateral movement ideologically than Romney.

  5. Obama is a socialist with possible paleoconservative leanings. Romney is a neoconservative with definite socialist leanings.

    We could have a stroke of genius with Obama. We could have a stroke with Romney.

  6. We need to play on white strength.

    I’d love to see an intelligent writer come up with a great article on:

    “Its impossible for a white person to be racist”

    NOT because of some myth of a black run america, but because WE have been the most benevolent force on Earth in all history! We can’t possibly be discriminating or opressing anyone! Cell phones, cameras, internet, computers, modern healthcare, nike air jordans, symphony orchestras, louis vuitton, etc.

  7. online anti-Semitic HBD boy the only intellectually respectable framework for patriarchy out there. (Yes, Svigor, I am speaking to you. Read him, he’s good.)

    Who’s scruffy-lookin’? Besides that, I can divine a recommendation in that paragraph, but outside the parentheses, no sentence.

    Along with the superstitions, what [blacks] are also doing in this is projecting what they would do were they in power – corruptly funnel stuff to their own tribe on race. And black power structures around the world generally bear this out.

    Most whites are not like this, but WASPs certainly are, and very sneaky about it too.

    Haha, would it were so. It is true of this ANGLO-SAXON, but absent in most. Sounds like Jewish projection to me.

    Obama doesn’t hate Jews; he’s indifferent to them and their issues.

    That’s “ANTI-SEMITISM!!!”

    Svigor, the bookmakers still have Obama as a nearly 2:1 favorite to win. He’s -190, with Romney at +170 ( or +165 (

    If I was a gambler I’d put a chunk on Romney to win, but I’ve always been averse to that pasttime.

    A comment from a thread at

    I was bracing a bit of an Obama bump from the last debate, but it never came. Rasmussen said he saw a small Romney bump instead! This means that the Democrats are 0 out of 3 in debate wins. Even the ones where they said they won, they didn’t. Nice going. 🙂

    I wasn’t bracing for a bit of an 0bama bump. I knew there’d be no bump from 0bama’s improved 2nd debate performance. Just as there’ll be no bump from his 3rd debate performance (there might be a dip for Romney, if he makes a big goof (real world big, not media unicorn big). I knew because I’ve figure out the narrative for this campaign: Romney turned the tables on 0bama, literally; now Romney is the lesser of two evils, and 0bama the greater. 0bama’s been out of gas for well over a year now, but the boobs didn’t have any better alternatives. They figured a robber baron wouldn’t be an improvement.

    So, it fits that 0bama got no bump; everyone’s minds are made up. You don’t get a bump from a less crappy 2nd debate performance when everyone was looking for an excuse to jump ship and finally got one.

    I’m just wondering when the media will clue the public in on the “surprise.” A week out? Or are they just going to wait for election night and jerk off over riot porn? I mean, white America is CLEARLY no longer paying attention to the “mainstream” media, but blacks suck up teevee like mommy’s milk.

  8. There is an argument to be made that Obama has a greater capacity and perhaps even desire for lateral movement ideologically than Romney.

    There’s always an argument to be made over unfalsifiable bullshit. There’s also an argument to be made that some white advocates are misanthropes and miserable by nature, and you’re just one of them.

  9. LOL. I’m not an Obama operative. I’m just vehemently anti-neocon.

    I’m not the only person in the honkeysphere making an argument against Romney. This site has become a pro-Romney logrolling event. I’m merely here to provide balance.

    If you’re not misanthropic and miserable, are you sure you’re paying attention?

  10. The biggest defeat of Nogs we have had in the last 60 years just occurred in Florida and DC where educational norms were changed to reflect certain HBD facts about the “diverse.”

    It’s not that important that Nogs appear to be defeated. It’s more important that we win. Which we appear to finally be doing, at least in Florida and DC. The head black man in charge pacifies them, while we retake our country.

  11. I wouldn’t get too excited just yet. Romney has to win all the Southern states (likely) and pick up Ohio (possible) and either Wisconsin or Michigan (remains to be seen).

    Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. There is still plenty of time for this thing to go either way. The only thing certain about this election is BRA will continue. At least in the short term…

    Both candidates are committed anti-whites. One just happens to be more dangerous because of the taint of black blood mixed in with his yankee blood. Both are avowed enemies of white Southerners.

    Too bad they both can’t lose. That would be the best result.

    Deo Vindice

  12. Landshark has a point.
    In the end however, war is multi causal, war is to some extent inevitable.

    If I were to say, oh but what if there’s a war in the next four years?

    Would you be surprised if there was a war? No obviously there are wars I. Virtually every administration. Same here. Obama is a feeble man who identifies as black.
    Chances are strong that if you fall victim to a violent crime or fall in a war some darkie will be the guilty party.

  13. @Lanshark

    “I’m not the only person in the honkeysphere making an argument against Romney.”

    – At this point, yes, you are.

    “This site has become a pro-Romney logrolling event.”

    – Hardly. The only person on here, who from the start has not waivered about Romney, even throught the long brutal summer, is me. Everyone else here is bandwagoning now that his chances are looking good.

    “If you’re not misanthropic and miserable, are you sure you’re paying attention.”

    – I live in the ghetto of the east side of Detroit. I assure you that I see the world more clearly than anyone. And yet, I am neither misanthropic or miserable. I decide my own destiny, and my personal happiness is completely up to me — not dependent on circumstances or events beyond my control. That’s why I’m not a white nationalist. I’m too well-adjusted 🙂

    Didn’t you say you live in Montana? So what do you have to be so angry about?

  14. @313

    “Everyone else here is bandwagoning now that his chances are looking good.” Exactly. It has become a pro-Romney logrolling event.

    I’m not a white nationalist either. But, unlike you, it’s because I’m not well-adjusted enough.

  15. These numbers are meaningless. The media has stake in promoting the horse race to retain viewers and keep people from tuning out.

    When Obama blows out Romney in a couple of weeks, a lot of people will wonder why they ever thought he had a chance.

  16. If Romney wins, he said he will comprehensive immigration reform his first year. There is no doubt Romney will put the emphasis throughout his first term on proving America’s “first Black president” was not unseated by a racist. He will sign amnesty (said so himself) to get some anti-racist cred out of the gate and then continue pandering for the next 4 years.

  17. How comical that working class whites, the people the GOP has most consistently spat on for 40 years, are Romney’s biggest supporters.

  18. 313Chris says:
    October 22, 2012 at 12:03 am

    “- I live in the ghetto of the east side of Detroit. ”

    Curious why you stay there?

  19. There is no rational reason for any strain of White dissident to get excited over a Jew-controlled, vulture capitalist, anti-racist president.

    I’m still encouraging everyone I know in the swing states to vote Obama.

  20. A black is a black, and might believe anything. But essentially, you know what you are dealing with. A white Zionist is a lizard wearing white skin, and more dangerous than a viper.

  21. I still think Romney’s a douche, I voted for Paul in the primaries, but I’ve always said when I get to the polls I’m voting for the white guy. Since Rom’s the only YT on the ballot, I guess he’ll have to do.

  22. How voting Obama and posting on OD go together is a mystery to me. One can perfectly well understand voting for Paul, but Obama? It should be a gut instinct to vote for the White guy over the Marxist, anti-White pos as Obama and his atrocious mate.

  23. @crowley

    “Curious why you stay there?”

    – I explained why in a conversation with Silver on the ‘Bitch, Get Off My Bus!’ thread.

  24. Chris that’s a mixed metaphor.

    Isn’t it more spine in a jellyfish?

    I’m surprised to see this error from you, John. Chris has it right: earthworms are invertebrate.

  25. PS I wasn’t implying that Chris was right about you, John. I was just saying he was right zoologically. I personally think you have plenty of spine–and an acute mind.

  26. I have a feelin Obuttma is goin to win. It’s less certain but possible that Romney will be worse than Obama and we will be hearing about how we miss Bush, Clinton or Obuttma. Who will stand against these despots instead of voting for them or are you all just slaves used to your chains!

  27. Even if obama wins what does Congress look like? On the positive side I don’t think the house is in any danger of flipping. On the negative side, the government is out of time financially. Next pres is going to be facing a way worse situation than 2008 and will need to act like an adult along with Congress. I don’t see that happening. Normally, an opposed executive and legislative branch ensure they can’t do anything too stupid.

  28. “Chris mixed his metaphors. He’s not bright.”

    No. Simply because he combined two common metaphors doesn’t make it mixed.

    A mixed metaphor is one with internal contradictions, where taken literally makes you go, “What the hell is that?”
    Ex: Take a flying hike
    It is literally impossible to take a “flying hike.”
    “You’ve hit the nail right between the eyes” is another example. It’s a mixed metaphor because it is literally impossible to do — because a nail doesn’t have eyes.

    But the lack of spine in an earthworm is a GOOD metaphor, because an earthworm IS an invertebrate.
    Maybe you’re the not-so-smart one?

  29. I wouldn’t get too excited just yet. Romney has to win all the Southern states (likely) and pick up Ohio (possible) and either Wisconsin or Michigan (remains to be seen).

    No, he doesn’t have to pick up Wisconsin or Michigan. Where’d you learn to count?

    He has 206 right now. He just has to win Florida (29), Virginia (13), New Hampshire (4), Colorado (9), and Ohio (18).

    That would give him 279 EVs and put him in the White House.

    RCP has him up in Florida, New Hampshire, and Colorado. Meaning, these states are all actually “lean Romney” when you factor in the 0bama bias. RCP has him tied in Virginia, which means he probably has at least a 2 point lead there. They have him down 2 points in Ohio, which means he’s probably at least tied.

    And he has all the momentum. 0bama’s not going to gain any ground between now and the election (remember the narrative: 0bama they know, it’s Romney who can take votes from 0, not the other way around), only lose it.

  30. Crowley,

    Romney is just as anti-white. Immigration reform year 1. Romney’s words.

    Riiight. 0bama promised the same thing, but didn’t deliver. But the Republican will!

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