Occidental Dissent is a predominately Southern Nationalist web blog, featuring the writings and world view of Hunter Wallace – the bright young OD editor who graduated from Auburn University. It was once a great source of Southern pride to support SEC – South Eastern Conference football. As late as 1970, SEC football teams were over 90% White. But, no more. With the exception of the Vanderbilt Commodores – every SEC football teams is overwhelmingly Black. Well this weekend Vanderbilt – the “Stanford of the South” defeated the virtually all Black Auburn Tigers 17- 13.
I take a certain measure of pride in this victory as I am an alumnus of Vanderbilt University.
Though I don’t worship SEC football, I do note with some pride that my school – Vanderbilt is competitive with the all Black Southern football giants like Alabama, LSU, George and… Auburn.
Yep, the White boys of Vanderbilt just completed a solid defeat of Auburn – OK, maybe the Auburn Football Tigers are no longer Hunter Wallace’s team, but I would wager that Mr. Wallace is feeling a bit down today that “my team – Vanderbilt” beat “his team – Auburn”.
Must be something like one of the few Civil War battles where Midwestern White guys like me earned the victory.
My team, South Carolina, got killed by Florida. Utterly destroyed. Worst we’ve played in a long time. South Carolina is a mostly Black team too, though it does have a White quarterback (and all the backups are White as well – also the new QB retruits are White). SEC football is my one division. It’s the only TV I watch all year. You’ll notice that the fan base at the games is almost all White. And there is a lot of regional and State pride wrapped up in it, even though the players are mostly Black. I know that White nationalists don’t like this. They don’t really understand it. And it’s certainly not the way I would prefer things. But I do enjoy SEC football. In my view, it’s the only football worth watching.
*diversion, not division
PalmettoPatriot I completely understand your point of view/loyalties.
Vanderbilt played top ten South Carolina very close, early this year, we could have won, but didn’t. Oh well.
I give you my full blessing to watch South Carolina and support SEC football. But, please try to work in some White loyalty and respect any college team with mostly White players who come in to play the all Black SEC giants.
Got bless you and all true sons of the South.
Absolutely, Jack. I promote the Mantra on SNN and talk about demographic issues pretty much every day. I’m very open about being pro-White. I also have a lot of respect for the Vanderbilt tradition. This is the school where the Southern agrarian movement of the 30s was based. Unfortunately, it like most other colleges, has turned its back on much of its heritage. But it is indeed good to see a mostly White team doing well. Vanderbilt appears to be a program on the rise.
Lots of white guys. Like the one in the middle of the photograph.
The only reason Vandy is whiter is because their football program isn’t as good as most other SEC teams. They get stuck with the leftovers from the combine.
Didn’t Vandy have a nigger quarterback last season?
SEC football epitomizes everything wrong with BRA. You all should stop watching it.
Anti-white bread and circuses can be very addicting, but you can do it if you care about your race.
Deo Vindice
West Virginia got destroyed last night on national TV by Kansas State.
I seriously doubt anyone realized what my FB post that read “Smart money’s on white, Go K. State.” meant.
West Virginia was one of the first programs to go “full throttle” black, thanks to that POS Bobby Bowden.
I somewhat resent the term “white boys” as it is generally a semantic fait accompli on the part of Negroes and their enablers to psychologically castrate whites. You will constantly hear people in the media refer to grown adult white males as “white boys.” Parse that same media for instances of the phrase “black boys” applied to adult black males and you will be left wanting.
Strange how all-white or mostly-white teams usually win high school state championships yet rarely get recruited to play for the big college teams. Yet the all-black teams they beat – often handily – get tons of scholarship offers from the racist SEC schools.
I do notice that Notre Dame has a majority white team this year and it’s undefeated. If they get rid of their midget quotaback they could well win the national championship against one of the SEC/HBC teams the drunk white beta males love to cheer for.
LOL … I think everyone here quit watching Auburn this season a few games ago. Alabama is still #1. I heard about the score. Congrats to Vanderbilt. I believe they won last time we played them in Tuberville’s last season.
In other news, I spent the weekend with my new liberal girlfriend. This is the first time I have ever dated a liberal. She is pulling for Obama. We’re going to watch the debate together later tonight.
Hunter Wallace says:
October 22, 2012 at 4:50 pm
LOL … I think everyone here quit watching Auburn this season a few games ago. Alabama is still #1. I heard about the score. Congrats to Vanderbilt. I believe they won last time we played them in Tuberville’s last season.
In other news, I spent the weekend with my new liberal girlfriend. This is the first time I have ever dated a liberal. She is pulling for Obama. We’re going to watch the debate together later tonight.
Jack replies;
Good for you Hunter, your priorities are very good.
With White “liberal” women, don’t try to do too much, don’t try to force them to become Right Wing, Conservative racialist. Instead try some finesse.
So this girl is liberal and likes Obama, try to find something that works for this minset and works for us – something like opposing new Neo Con wars in the Middle East. Also, support abortion rights for poor (Black) women on welfare. Why shouldn’t poor minority women have the same reproduction rights as rich (White) women who can always fly off to some country like Canada or European country in the EU?
Most liberal women like animals – stress the lower class NW’s like Michael Vick’s cruelty to animals.
Environmentalism usually works pretty well for our side, in places outside of coal mining areas like West Virginia.
And Hunter, with women, it’s best not to talk too much – I advise dancing, romance, love and procreation, why not just skip the debate completely and have a sleepover? It never hurts to ask, she might say yes.
Congrats Vandy….I like Boise State as an example of excellent student /athletes!
I hate Niggerball period.
Had fun watching Cam Newton in the typical nigger quarterback sophomore slump. He’s pulling the crybaby Vince Young routine. Why? One trick ponies, all of them. Can’t think their way out of a collapsing pocket. Defensive coordinators get wise to the running quarterback awfully quick.
“I hate Niggerball period.”
Football is a fantastic white-created sport, don’t just bequeath it to the niggers.
“Must be something like one of the few Civil War battles where Midwestern White guys like me earned the victory.”
There were more than a few and some were absolutely decisive especially the cleaving of Dixie in two at Vicksburg and the rebuilding of the 102 miles of railroad from Nashville in 40 days in order to supply and reinforce the Union troops in their victories at Chattanooga. All of this was accomplished by Midwestern armies under the overall command of Ulysses S. Grant.
They crushed the Southern armies in Tennessee and then went on to pillage and burn Georgia and the Carolinas under Sherman.
“In other news, I spent the weekend with my new liberal girlfriend. This is the first time I have ever dated a liberal. She is pulling for Obama.”
Surely you jest?
In West Virginia, which is at most 3% colored, former governors like Gaston Caperton, Jayboy Rockefeller, Dago Manchin(he’s a conservative Roman Catholic asshole) & Earl Roy or is it Ray Tomblin (probably has more than one high yellow in the family woodpile) are to blame for niggerball in WV in general.
Btw, Caperton’s great-grandfather was an estimable Confederate officer and politician—Gaston baby now lives in New Yawk with his Israelie Jew girlfriend. LOL.
And Jayboy Rockefeller, he’s been down in West Virginia taking care of the family business interests since 1964, and showing the hillbillies how to live, just like his Uncle in Arkansas.
Caperton might have a jew girl, but he’s a faggot. Jayboy is a piece of shit. It’s Earl Ray, and I have never and will never vote for him. Manchin comes from a career political family and is a scumbag just like his old man.
“my new liberal girlfriend”:
Can’t be so.
But then, what is liberalism for a female? Tradition or prevailing TREND is like truth for a woman.
SEC? What the hell is that?
UNC Tarheel
Pat Hines says:
October 24, 2012 at 2:41 am
SEC? What the hell is that?
Jack replies:
SEC is the name of the football conference: The South East Conference.
It’s like “The Big Ten” or “The PAC Ten”.
“Must be something like one of the few Civil War battles where Midwestern White guys like me earned the victory.”
for the negro.
Proud, aren’t you?
Deo Vindice
Nice watching Vandy – with a majority white starting lineup – destroy Kentucky with the usual SEC/HBCU team of 80-90% black starters.