Polls Show Widening Racial Gap


If this is true, O is a goner for sure:

“The 2012 election is shaping up to be more polarized along racial lines than any presidential contest since 1988, with President Obama experiencing a steep drop in support among white voters from four years ago.

At this stage in 2008, Obama trailed Republican John McCain by seven percentage points among white voters. Even in victory, Obama ended up losing white voters by 12 percentage points, according to that year’s exit poll.

But now, Obama has a deficit of 23 percentage points, trailing Republican Mitt Romney 60 percent to 37 percent among whites, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News national tracking poll. That presents a significant hurdle for the president —and suggests that he will need to achieve even larger margins of victory among women and minorities, two important parts of the Democratic base, to win reelection…..”

R is at 60 percent with Whites. He will probably win a greater margin on election day when undecideds break for the challenger.

I’m guessing this is why MSNBC suddenly can’t shut up about Richard Mourdock. O’s team wanted to balkanize and polarize the electorate. It looks like they have succeeded!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Gee, I don’t know how you let that slide. You had better post 18 more posts with your breathtakingly clear arguments.

    You are voting for and supporting a candidate who under questioning by a Mexican national news anchor promised to fast-track a quarter of a million Mexicans to U.S. citizenship within 3 months of taking office. So, yes, the invasion and settlement of our land by Latinos is obviously not on your radar. Tossing out more Jr. High level insults doesn’t change the fact that reading your posts is no different than reading posts at National Review.

    I choose not to support Obama nor “Mitt” “My father is a Mexican” Romney. I really don’t understand how any nationalist at all could.

  2. Nate Silver was wrong about 2010, too, wasn’t he? Hopefully he’ll be dismissed and replaced with a white man in future. We have way too many zhids on TV already.

  3. “Svigor: excellent post! You hit the nail on the head and see the 3000 gorilla in the room that Brutus ignores.”

    I, BRUTUS, am NOT ignoring it. You are doing exactly what I’m discussing. It doesn’t matter what I OR YOU think is the 3000 pound gorilla or even that it is the most important thing. What I am pointing out is what THE PUBLIC is going to react and respond to.

    “Brutus: you can tell what issues scare the establishment not by what they discuss, but what they DON’T DARE bring up.”

    No shit. But totally irrelevant where political activism that aims to command public attention is concerned. Since issues that are not aired and discussed 24/7 are seldom anywhere but near the very bottom of the public’s list, one must discuss what IS at the top of the list.

    The most complex problems are often solved and dealt with by indirect approaches to the original problem. In fact, very often, complex problems cannot be solved directly. All scientists and engineers learn this early on. Undergraduate education and training is loaded with examples and lessons of going about difficult problems from angles and approaches that at first seem totally unrelated.

  4. Sheesh, you guys can’t even be bothered to enjoy watching a white man slowly pound the crap out of a nigger over a course of 4 weeks with roughly 3 billion eyeballs watching.

    Tough crowd.

  5. Hard to believe that merely 4 years after Bush the American people want to fight more Likud wars but it is looking like we might give it another go for Netanyahu.

  6. Brutus: unfortunately for us, the same factory produces the Repub model and the Democrap models, and they ARE the same under the hood, but the fool public believes they are getting a choice.

  7. Obama will attempt to capitalize on the storm that is about to whack the a eastern Seaboard.

    Hell be dragging corpses out of hovels in person.

  8. “Gee, I don’t know how you let that slide. You had better post 18 more posts with your breathtakingly clear arguments.

    You are voting for and supporting a candidate who under questioning by a Mexican national news anchor promised to fast-track a quarter of a million Mexicans to U.S. citizenship within 3 months of taking office. So, yes, the invasion and settlement of our land by Latinos is obviously not on your radar. Tossing out more Jr. High level insults doesn’t change the fact that reading your posts is no different than reading posts at National Review.

    I choose not to support Obama nor “Mitt” “My father is a Mexican” Romney. I really don’t understand how any nationalist at all could.”

    If the South would have used their phasor rifles they would have won the Civil War. Or if we would have only elected Bill Wilson back in 2000, the strong running White Nationalist candidate who was dead on every issue important to us and only lost the presidential election by a few votes, then things would be so much better.

    But wait! There were no phasor rifles and there was no Bill Wilson!

  9. Romney is going to increase defense spending by 2 trillion and cut taxes. He is going to pay for this presumably by cutting funding for PBS.

  10. Democracy itself is the perfect vehicle for Jewish political domination. It exhausts the host with minutia and allowed a rich elite of 2% to hold the balance of power at all times.

    I have some sympathy for Hitler’s “we come as wolves” strategy.

  11. I have some sympathy for Hitler’s “we come as wolves” strategy.

    I have pretty much no real idea of the historical context there, but otherwise I have to agree with you.

  12. “Brutus: unfortunately for us, the same factory produces the Repub model and the Democrap models, and they ARE the same under the hood, but the fool public believes they are getting a choice.”

    And even more unfortunately for us here, evidently few pro whites seem to know how to go about operating in the political arena. Since they know about the Jews, for example, they think a campaign of “naming the Jew” to the public is going to be effective.

  13. I’d be curious to know from the Romney voters would it be worth it if the price of getting rid of Obama were the continuation of the war in Afghanistan beyond the 2014 withdrawl date? Cause Romney has said he’d keep the war going beyond 2014 if circumstances demanded it. (they will to the neocons)

  14. It would be worth getting rid of Obama if the price was to make Afghanistan the 51st state. At least there aren’t any niggers there.

  15. I would also be interested in hearing the answer to that.

    And, Brutus, who the hell is yelling “jew” here? I’ve never done that and don’t plan to start now. Or is it just easier to answer people with made-up questions than with the very real one Gottfried just asked you: Do you, or do you not, support U.S. troops in Afghanistan beyond 2014?

  16. Brutus: the establishment determines what issues are up for discussion, not the public. When you play by the establishments rules (and those who play have to obey) you get the result the establishment wants.
    So go ahead and play footsie with tangential issues as allowed by our masters. It won’t matter anyway. By next election Texas will be solid blue due to immigration, as will Amurrica. As I’ve said before, our Anti-federalist founders were right: once freedom is lost is is rarely if ever regained without wading through rivers of blood. Put that in your ’70’s piece of shit car maker’s book.

  17. Goebels said that the NSDAP came as wolves to the democratic sheep. I’d guess they had a hostile Jewish elite in their sights.

    Something like that.

    “We enter parliament in order to supply ourselves, in the arsenal of democracy, with its own weapons. If democracy is so stupid as to give us free tickets and salaries for this bear’s work, that is its affair. We do not come as friends, nor even as neutrals. We come as enemies. As the wolf bursts into the flock, so we come.”

    This is exactly why blacks should be denied the franchise. They come as wolves. And perhaps so should white folk. Right now the press and civil service dominate as a hostile elite.

  19. Clearly my comments have been going way over Wayne’s and Kevin heads. But it looks like some understood. Also, Kevin, I was speaking of more than OD. I know the Jewish Question is not prominent on this site. But on others…

  20. The American white population of European heritage are clueless as to who they really are: ethnically, historically, racially, spiritually. That is why it probably comes as an ‘eye opener’ to watch someone who looks white make a chimpanzee out of a Negro in a debate.

    Negros do not debate. They orate and rap. Debate requires high cognitive function, logic, reason and the ability to draw valid inference from evidence.

    The Whites are tied up every which way but loose. They believe every Jew lie downloaded from the JewTube and drummed into their noggins in the gummint skool. So in these debates you probably have a lot of whites who are seeing for the first time that equality is a myth.

    In the created order there is no such thing as equality. There is order, precedence and hierarchy.

    Allow me to illustrate this. Let us say you have a house fire. The natural order, precedence and hierarchy quickly reasserts itself no matter what sort of brainwashing the members of the family have had. The husband will immediately look for his wife and children. His wife will seek out the children, especially the infant. The older brother will start getting his younger brothers and sisters out. And the little brother will go get his pet hamster. If one of them is missing on the front lawn at the last head count, the husband will have to be physically restrained from going back in. And the dog will return out of the flames dragging the one who didn’t make it to safety.

    The only way that a black population living within a white population can lord it over the whites, predate, jive and harass them; race hustle the women and commit murder and mayhem and atrocities is for the white population to be restrained by outside forces. In a word, the white population has to be completely jewed – legally, economically, physically, educationally and spiritually for the blacks to be able to turn the society into the Astrodome and do their thing.

    The Jews can not jew the whites on their own. They need shabbos goy traitors to their race – like their gentile social masonry.

    I mean we are talking here about a race that at the height of spiritual powers fought a war on two fronts for about a thousand years, won and then built a civilization from the Atlanti to the Urals.

  21. The 8 years of being a conservative under Bush — the 8 worst years of my political life.

    And if I’m not happy Romney gets in I’m a gloom and doomer?

    Get your engines revved up people to start owning all the bat shit crazy stuff Romney and the Republicans do if he wins.

  22. Obama sat by while a group of white SF soldiers were killed by AQ.
    He probably cackled about it. I’d like to see him gone.

  23. Re: “an ‘eye opener’ to watch someone who looks white make a chimpanzee out of a Negro in a debate. Negros do not debate. They orate and rap.”

    Technically, Lynda, he’s a half-caste, half Negro and half white.

  24. No. Bush as Commander in Chief fought to the death for every single soldier that died on his watch.

    Listen, you have every right to feel deeply for the lives lost in Libya. But to say those lives lost were any more or less tragic than any other live lost because of executive decision or lack thereof under Bush is just plain grasping at straws.

    This site has a bad strain of neoconitis growing in its nether regions. Holy crap they’ve got you begging for Romney! Fucking ROMNEY!!

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