Catholics Abandoning Obama

American Midwest

I’m guessing there are significantly more White Catholics than non-White Catholics in Pennsylvania and the Midwestern battleground states.

“Yesterday, the Romney campaign told reporters that it expected to win at least some of the “blue states” in which it is now competing with Obama in the Midwest, including Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. The campaign did not give a specific reason for its optimism, but one thing these states have in common is a high proportion of Catholic voters. And Catholic voters have shifted dramatically towards Mitt Romney. . .

Today, that bubble has burst completely, and Obama is back down to a two-point lead, 48-46. (Few headlines this time from the mainstream media.)

Among white Catholics, Romney has jumped to a 14-point lead (54-40) after being tied with Obama in September in the poll.

To understand just how significant that is, consider that in 2008, Obama won Catholics by 9 percent (54 to 45) and lost white Catholics by just 5 percent (47 to 52). In 2004, the Catholic vote went narrowly to Bush overall (more widely among white Catholics), and in 2000 it went narrowly to Gore (and narrowly to Bush among white Catholics).

The 14-point lead Romney currently enjoys among white Catholics is almost without precedent.”

Note: Romney will be campaigning in Pennsylvania on Sunday.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This Question Will Determine the Election: What will Romney do for White Americans? NOT for Jews, Israel, Latinos (Catholics), Orientals, Asians?

    Romney needs a few % more White voters, and the ethnic southern & eastern European Catholics are starting to realize they have no where to go. Even though the vast majority of Roman Catholic political leaders and pundits are going with Obama and a future Latino-Mestizo America. It looks like the majority of Irish Roman Catholics are going with the Obama Latino America.

  2. lol@ Earl-bait 😉

    There is one man who I think is owed a lot of credit for ass-kicking Catholics these past four years; Michael Voris.

  3. @ Hunter

    Back in the old days, most homes south of the Mason Dixon Line had what were called out-kitchens or summer kitchens. But, I’ve googled them, and can’t find anything more than a mention of them in old magazines like the Southern Planter.

  4. @ Mary

    Yeah, they are all “Real” Catholics now, like “Italian Store” in West Virginia. LOL.

  5. This is a good thing. Even if I’m not necessarily pro-Romney I am always happy when a Catholic decides to pull their head out of their asses.

  6. “Romney needs a few % more White voters, and the ethnic southern & eastern European Catholics are starting to realize they have no where to go.”

    If you got out more Rip Van Earlmundo, you would realize that the shift to Republican among these groups occurred about twenty years ago.

    Deo Vindice

  7. You are certainly right about one thing.
    The Republican party is the “no where to go” party.
    That is a big part of the problem with the politics of BRA.

    Deo Vindice

  8. After reading Heaney’s piece I am again reminded that it really does look like 1980 all over again. Sailer said the Republicans seem like they’re stuck in 1980 a few weeks back, and since then I keep getting these signs that well, the election looks like 1980, too.

  9. And no one seems much interested in the fact that among real Americans – i.e., White people – we’re certainly looking at a landslide for Romney.

  10. Somebody at BGW posted a really good way to say what I’ve been saying about undecided voters:

    If you ask a woman if she’s still going to be married to her husband this November, and she says, “I’m undecided” that’s bad news for the husband.

    If you ask your boss if you’re still going to have a job this November, and your boss says, “I’m undecided” that’s bad news for you.

    And if you ask a voter if they’re going to vote for the President this November, and they say, “I’m undecided” that’s bad news for the sitting President.

  11. The Catholic “vote”, such as it were, sold it’s soul to the democratic party in 1992. The vote went on sale in the 1960’s, after Vatican II pushed Catholicism on the same path as mainstream protestantism, and we are unfortunately seeing demands for “social justice” more than government getting out of our lives and allowing us to be Catholic. I could fill pages of anecdotal discussions with fellow Papists, most who believe that government is here for solving societies ills by redistribution and totally ignore the lessons of the Tower of Babel and Christ’s injunction to “render unto Caesar….”. Sad, the hierarchy is totally in the D tank, but the village priests are not. There is hope, but not from the bishops or cardinals, they are diversity commissars like the generals in the Army.

  12. @ Apuleius

    I guess that explains Roman Catholic “Queen Pins” Nancy Pelosi, and Roman Catholic “King Pins” like Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Maybe I’m being too nice.

  13. @ Apuleius

    I guess that explains Roman Catholic “Queen Pins” like Nancy Pelosi, and Roman Catholic “King Pins” like Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Maybe I’m being too nice.

  14. Your remark makes about as much sense as pointing out that MLK, Jesse Jackson, and Barack Obama are all Protestants. Don’t get stuck on stupid. Oops, I guess you did.

    Deo Vindice

  15. “MLK and Jesse Jackson are both Southrons.”

    We are very proud of MLK for serving as target practice for James Earl Ray. Jesse, not so much. That’s why we banished him to the Midwest, which is kind of like the “land of misfit toys” when it comes to negroes. I hear they just love him up there.

    When Michigan turns blue, then so will you…

    Deo Vindice

  16. The Catholic laity will be the ones who will turn the church away from liberalism and socialism. The post Vatican II Catholics are sick of the ‘social(ist) justice crap and are supporting traditionalist lay leaders like Michael Voris. The post VII crowd is dying out and after Benedict XVI passes, I suspect things will start turning around for the better at the top.

  17. We will know in ~ 121 hours: we deserve a moment of clarity every now and then.

    Some of us will have been visionary, others blind. What we do next is what counts.

  18. And no one seems much interested in the fact that among real Americans – i.e., White people – we’re certainly looking at a landslide for Romney.

    You sold me Svigor! I really, really want you to be vindicated 🙂
    (and not just because I bet, lol)


    Just look at who is behind the Obamanation in this telling graph, and then think- for centuries, it was said that the Catholic laity were stupid, and didn’t think for themselves, especially among more literate Protestants. Or so the propaganda went….

    But one of the things Vatican II did, was to make the Church of Rome more like her protestant brethren. You know, in things like Bible study, having an opinion, and thinking for themselves. Yes, many of the inner city churches aped their liberal protestant cultic brethren, and jumped on the bandwagon of ‘peace and [sic] justice’ claptrap, but those are not where the larger families and households of the next generation of RC laity are to be found- at least not in my area of the world.

    Now, today alone the local Prot religious radio station had an RC cleric on whose homilies about Marriage (we are dealing with a ‘gay marriage amendment’ here in MN) were so good, the Prots wanted to interview Fr. so-and-so. And he was glad to note our ‘common biblical roots.’ The interview was positively revelatory.

    While I cannot condone the antics of the RC hierarchy (and I believe their continued use of the filioque in their philosophy to be utterly without merit), in those ex-urban churches where faithful traditionalist RC laity reside, (and in the rural areas as well) we conservatives have more in common with them (both because they are still white, primarily Anglo (even in their minds) and because they still hold to the vision of America for White Christians), than the unmarried ho’s, the basic Black racists, the illegal muslims, perverted fags, and christophobic Jews, all of whom are topping the Obamanation’s list of ‘adherents.’

    The difference is palbable. And the battle lines have been drawn.
    And only a fool would deny it.

  20. “John says:
    November 2, 2012 at 3:10 am
    Looks like New Jersy is going to go full on MAD MAX.”

    Surely this does not come as a surprise…….

  21. @Apuleius

    I don’t see your comparison, unless you mean two Italians have more in common with the three Blacks than they do with White people?

    The three Blacks you named are not White Protestants and descendents of the Protestant Reformation in Europe. It’s also not my fault if you have Italians in your woodpile. LOL.

  22. Mary says:
    ‘And no one seems much interested in the fact that among real Americans – i.e., White people – we’re certainly looking at a landslide for Romney.’

    Romney has it sewed up. A new world is coming.

    My predictions:

    1) Romney/Ryan and GOP candidates at all levels will ride the crest of a powerful wave.

    2) Obama will fall into a deep depression. He will leave his wife and chilluns for a bi-racial transvestite then be found dead due to drug overdose.

    3) Lew will commit suicide after betting his life savings on Obama.

    4) Chris Matthews will go postal at the Mormon Tabernacle in Utah and get killed by a SWAT team.

    5) Southrons and Yankees will join together producing a ‘Golden Age’ for Whites in America.

    6) Hunter will leave the South and hook up with a cute Irish gal in Boston. How would, “paaak da caaaa” sound with a Bama accent?

    7) Romney will appoint Denise as Ambassador to Israel.

    8) Stonelifter, Apeleius and Chris 313 will become best of friends.

  23. The catholic church in NC is full on anti White and pro nigger. Every day they work with the mexican consulate to help mexicans in NC. and that includes the village priests. Which is part of why we are the #4 detestation for illegals. A vote for rommey doesn’t imply catholics are jumping ship because romney is pretty far to the left.

    However, while most catholics seem to be on the wrong side of everything, some are damn righteous. Hell most Southron White catholics are, and I gave the legal max to an Italian catholic running for NC’s 4th district. Such is the world these days and you find your allies were you find them

  24. Sam: that is the funniest thing I have read all week, thank you 🙂
    I will fall asleep now with sweet dreams of Denise as the new Ambassador to Israel, hahahhaaa………………… beautiful!!!

  25. YKW have been running a divide and rule salami slicing scam since the beginning. As the process rolls on and overall numbers shift they will gradually throw groups they no longer need under the bus. I’m guessing the last three to go will be white government workers, white plutocrats and white homosexuals in that order.

  26. Polling has tightened up today with the “huge” jobs report, we’ll see. Stock market should be a wild ride since its basically the talisman for SWPL mental health and therefore subject to short term at least manipulation.

    Anyway I’m calling Nevada for Romney. A couple years ago I was reading an article on the water rights battles in Nevada and on the next page the readers were promised a picture of the Clark County board (Vegas), and naturally I thought it was going to be nothing but Sappersteins, nope all Anglo-Saxon names (Intermountain West this means Mormon). Harry Reid is not going to temple and be known as the guy who B-effed all his fellow Mormons from those cushy .gov jobs and contracts.

  27. Stonelifter, you are right on about the Southron Catholics being ‘damm righteous”. The Southron Catholics are far more orthodox and conservative than the ones up north. If you want to read some good stuff about Southron Catholicism, go to The CK is Pro-Confederate and Pro-Sothron.

  28. Haha, nice one Sam.

    4) Chris Matthews will go postal at the Mormon Tabernacle in Utah and get killed by a SWAT team.

    That’s my favorite part, though I’d like to see him die on the air. Maybe swallowing his tongue or having a stroke. If I thought better of him I’d let him go doing what he loves, tongue buried in 0bama’s arse.

  29. Anyway I’m calling Nevada for Romney.

    It looks like he’s going to lose Nevada. If he wins it, it’ll be super-close like Florida 2000.

  30. “Such is the world these days and you find your allies were you find them”- Stone

    as they say, ‘Bada-bing, bada-bong!’

    I would rather have [White] Irish Catholics as my neighbors ANY DAY, than either a sodomite or a Mexican, or a Nigger, or a jew, or a….. well, you get the idea.

  31. Nice chuckle from Sam’s #7. It would be amusing to see the new ambassador’s initial open-house for her hosts with prominent placards cheerily waving “Welcome Kikenvermin!”

    Svigor, I don’t think that BGW comment is quite as illustrative as its author intends. Married and employed people rationally presume they will remain married and employed. Incumbents don’t have nearly as strong a presumption of continuity. It’s probably why there aren’t marital referendums every four years: “Vote yes on our marriage November 4th”

  32. Rasmussen throws up his hands, unable to pick a winner. After stating that it’s too close to call, he then describes the electoral labyrinth that Romney must navigate to win. In comparison, HNIC’s path is far less cluttered. I’d take Obama even odds. But if you are gambling, the odds aren’t even; where on Intrade Romney only costs .33 to win a dollar. Those are compelling pot odds.

    At any rate, here are Rasmussen’s ruminations on Romney’s critical path.

    Florida and Virginia are absolute must-win states for the Romney campaign. If the president wins either, the election will be his. It is quite reasonable to think the challenger can win these states but far from a sure thing.

    If he can win those two states, Romney will then have to win either Ohio or Wisconsin to stay in the game. It is possible that the president could win both and keep his job, but that outcome is far from certain as well.

    Ohio is the bigger prize with 18 Electoral College votes but may be a bit more difficult for Romney to carry. The auto bailout has helped the president in the Buckeye State, and the Obama campaign spent millions of dollars here early in the year defining Romney negatively. Still, Democrats may be a bit concerned that early voting in their Ohio strongholds is down from four years ago.

    Wisconsin, with its 10 Electoral Votes, is close enough that both parties’ presidential and vice presidential candidates have visited the state in recent days. If Romney can win the Badger State after losing Ohio, he would still need to win Colorado and either Iowa or Nevada to win the election.

  33. Joe Walker says:
    Quote: “Hunter will leave the South and hook up with a cute Irish gal in Boston.”

    ‘Haven’t the Irish people suffered enough?’

    Hahaha. Good one.

  34. @ … Even though the vast majority of Roman Catholic political leaders and pundits are going with Obama and a future Latino-Mestizo America..

    The split between the White Catholics and non-white is large. Pew says White catholics are the biggest loss in a religious group. The u.s. is becoming catholic (almost half now, down from clear protestant majority from the 1965 changes)—but the real underlying belief systems are many. A Southron catholic and an inner city non-white catholic are not socialized in the same way—some would say not praying to the same Jesus.

    And the majority protestants are increasingly sick of hearing other ethnic groups put words in their mouths, frame them in ways completely alien to their own experience and ideas. They’re getting tired of all the others presuming to speak for them.

    The old saw about Vatican II making them like protestants is the worst.

  35. As best as I can tell, not only is our government importing itself a new citizenry, but the Church, Catholic and Protestant alike, is importing itself a new congregation. Ignorant turd worlders are used to fill the benches left vacant by us.

  36. The church, like any corporation, has zero loyalty to our nation…zero. Where corporations highest loyalty is to the almighty dollar, the church’s is to warm bodies to fill pews.

  37. Sam says:
    November 2, 2012 at 4:01 am
    Mary says:
    ‘And no one seems much interested in the fact that among real Americans – i.e., White people – we’re certainly looking at a landslide for Romney.’

    Romney has it sewed up. A new world is coming.

    My predictions:

    1) Romney/Ryan and GOP candidates at all levels will ride the crest of a powerful wave.”

    God willing…..Please God PLEASE. For so many reasons..the grand Mal Chimp Out to Literally End ALL Grand Mal Chimpouts will be wildly entertaining, and do world’s of good…..Romney is NOT Pro White – but he won’t actively seek to kill us….he’ll be too busy sending the American Orc Army to Iran, and looting the mineral deposits of Latin America, and making endless amounts of confused, sincere apologies to various enraged Orc Jewscasters, whenever he utters a word that sounds anything like it could be taken as positive or admiring to anything pertaining tp White People….and my eyes. God – please PLEASE spare my eyes. Ann Romney is human. I’m sick of the visceral shock a receive, every single time I go to a TV screen ,or website, and The First Jaboon’s scowling visage appears. Please God. Please.

    “2) Obama will fall into a deep depression. He will leave his wife and chilluns for a bi-racial transvestite then be found dead due to drug overdose.”

    That may happen no matter what the outcome of the Installation is…

    “4) Chris Matthews will go postal at the Mormon Tabernacle in Utah and get killed by a SWAT team.”

    I agree with Svigor! THAT wold be immesne fun. The ONLY thing that would be better, and make me happier, would be if the annual AIPAC conference would suddenly be torpedoed, and an ENORMOUS fiery conflagration would occur…

    “5) Southrons and Yankees will join together producing a ‘Golden Age’ for Whites in America. ”

    I am doing my best to make Yankees understand that they were WRONG ALL ALONG, and the SOUTH WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG. I tormented an old man this past week, after he commented on reports of Negro post-storm looting, via proclaiming “The Klan was right about Niggers all along”. I tried to make him say it. He didn’t – but he winced, and did not contradict me…the tide is moving right along.

    “6) Hunter will leave the South and hook up with a cute Irish gal in Boston. How would, “paaak da caaaa” sound with a Bama accent? ”

    Hunter will leave for a short trip – but Colleen must return to the Southlands with him, and they will settle in Dixie. On a plantation. The White Chilluns will have a Black Mammy – and Colleen’s Irish brothers will serve as overseerers to thier vast plantation’s army of slaves.

    “7) Romney will appoint Denise as Ambassador to Israel.”

    I would be a brilliant Ambassadoress to the Spawn of Satan! I wil give them the things they love best. I will come bearing arms! Lots and lots and lots of arms. Missiles, and all. My one flaw is that I can be a bit of a klutz (see – I can speak Jewish!) – and I can drop things if I am not paying attention, before I am fully awake, after my morning boatload of coffee. Whoopsie! I dropped abunch those missiles…Whoopsie!

    Goodbye Kikenvermin!

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