About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Holier than thou doom an gloomers might be the new vanguardists. “I’m too pure to vote, and besides we’re dooooomed I say.”

  2. Unconfirmed reports of guns being drawn at several polling stations in the Metro Detroit area. State police and Sheriffs deputies are starting to roll up all over. Looks like playtime is ending. I’m going to call it a day. Fun while it lasted though.

    Go Michigan! Romney 2012!

  3. Going to really enjoy watching the media meltdown tonight when Romney wins.
    Still think the electoral map will be 2004 redux.

    Glad you’re having fun Chris, but be careful. I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to my favorite snapping turtle. It would spoil my fun in watching Michigan turn blue for Obama again tonight if I knew you were in the pokey for election fraud felony charges.

    Yankees down here routinely vote twice, both in their home state and in Florida. They like to brag about it, too.


    46,000 New Yorkers alone. Yankees are a truly vile people.

    Deo Vindice

  4. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/charles-lane-the-2012-predicament/2012/11/05/794c8d8a-2771-11e2-b4f2-8320a9f00869_story.html

    Polarization has reached the point where party affiliation predicts a person’s beliefs better than race, education, income, religiosity or gender, according to a remarkable study published in June by the Pew Research Center. More ominous, to anyone familiar with the political history of 19th-century America, is that party and ideology overlap heavily with geography.

    Divergent social systems, founded in divergent value systems, are taking root in different regions. Are there really no red states and no blue states? Only if you think it’s an accident that public-sector unionism is weakest below the Mason-Dixon line, or that almost all of the states that allow same-sex marriage are in the Northeast.

  5. “I’m so glad you’re voting Romney, you caucasians are waking up again!”. She even called Obama a disgrace to her race and brought up Benghazi and his babying by MSM.”

    That was the ONE positive post so far, today on this forum. After trying to get online to view OD since 7:30 a.m. CST (after voting for Romney- i.e., the Anglo-Saxon) and then reading what I have read, I was very disappointed in the clientele you’ve managed to keep after all this time, HW. self-centered egotists, boasters, and idiots.

    Wopp666 is not even a joke anymore. He’s merely Joew with a four-letter lexicon at his disposal, and an IQ disproportionately lower, as well.

    I emailed a foreign law firm today, to begin the process of applying for citizenship in another country. We are looking at ‘retiring’ as expats, taking our money, and leaving, if the “O” wins – hell, we may do it if “R” wins. As Barnhardt.biz noted, R can’t even BEGIN to fix the economic mess Bush and Obummer have made of the US economy.

    You can wage a battle or even a war with intelligent folk. And I would like to see the South rise again. But “stupid is as stupid does,” and the vast majority of Americans are just that- far too stupid (read STEWWW-pid) to even grasp what is going on. Voting for a candidate that has no chance of winning, via the third party? God, how utterly insane!

    Better far to raise up the next generation (my covenant seed) – even in a foreign land- and merely long for and remember JerUSAlem as she WAS, [Ps. 137:5] than to live in it, when it has become nothing but an habitation for beasts like ‘O’. (see Denise’s post for today.) For if ‘O’ is elected again, then shall come to pass the word of the Lord, ” Babylon the great is fallen… and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.” [ Rev. 18:2]

    May God have mercy on His elect, who cry unto him, and say, ‘How long, o Lord, how long?”

    See y’all tomorrow…. maybe.

  6. Sorry to all you Zionists that would trade Vermont and Massachusetts for Israel. Doesn’t look like you’re going to get the chance this time out. Keep up that pro-white stance though! Maybe we can get Bennie ben Shalom to run on the Republican ticket next time! No doubt he’d take the South in a landslide.

  7. The Democrats are throwing the kitchen sink at this point: the homeless, nursing homes, illegal aliens, rigged machines, “faulty” ballots. You name it.

  8. I don’t know about trading them for Israel, but it is obvious that Vermont and Massachusetts are not now and not likely to ever be allies of and pro-white movement. Yeah, they are white, but…

    I have little trouble imagining that the people who like to think that white=ally are the very same guys who hold open doors for their [ex]girlfriends and wives who cussed them out regularly and openly screwed around on them all the while bragging about it and denigrating them for it.

  9. Heh, did anyone watch Field Marshall Romney and the Zero wrap up last night? By all reports, the Romneys were ecstatic and the 0bamas were barely holding it together.

    An Oscar-level performance from Ann Romney, or…?

    The zero was really looking forward to shooting some hoops today, by all accounts. Probably thinking “fuck the optics” while he does…

  10. Irish Betting Company So Sure Obama Will Win It’s Paying Out a Day Early

    Even the Irish aren’t that thick…


    Rumor is that Navy SEALs from @TrueTheVote are about to confront the Black Panthers at the Philadelphia polling location.

    God DAMN if I wouldn’t pay to see that. Well, if it were fenced-in, anyway. Not gonna pay just to watch niggers run away.

    Bob Whitaker’s theory on early voting gives Obama an advantage, I frankly didn’t understand it but I wouldn’t bet against his knowledge.

    It doesn’t take much more than casual observation to know that early voting gives Dems an advantage. It certainly doesn’t take any theories, much less hard-to-understand theories.

    Early Voting:

    Day 1 of early voting, union thugs drag 1k bodies to polling stations. They do the same thing for every day of early voting. That’s 14k votes in 14 days.

    No Early Voting:

    Union thugs drag 1k bodies to polling stations. That’s 1k votes, total.

    They were more pissed Obama won than any white people I talked to. So they do exist, they’re just pretty rare. I think it’s more common in the South.

    They probably wanted a real American black in there, not a mulatto socialist from Kenya.

  11. When did this sight get back up? I logged on a couple hours ago, and I got some message that it was offline. I figured it crashed or something.

    So who else was out there today? What did the lines look like?

  12. I can’t really say I’ve met a white anti-white that has reached the true duplicity and venomous nature of a Zionist anti-white. If I had perhaps I’d feel differently. If you’re a Zionist, you’re a Jew, regardless of your skin color. A white anti-white is still white.

    Think George Bush (Zionist) vs. Bill Clinton (white anti-white)

    In my opinion Clinton better represents Whiteness, even though, as an evolving paleoconservative, I was opposed to him while in office.

    Romney = Bush, Obama = Clinton

    I vote for the least anti-white (the least Zionist). IN THEORY. I voted A3P in practice. Though to be honest if I was the only guy deciding who would be President I would probably chose Romney, because I like comfort and money as much as the next guy, and I’m not that into suffering.

  13. Svigor says:
    November 6, 2012 at 10:19 pm
    Irish Betting Company So Sure Obama Will Win It’s Paying Out a Day Early

    Even the Irish aren’t that thick…


    Rumor is that Navy SEALs from @TrueTheVote are about to confront the Black Panthers at the Philadelphia polling location.

    God DAMN if I wouldn’t pay to see that. Well, if it were fenced-in, anyway. Not gonna pay just to watch niggers run away.

    Bob Whitaker’s theory on early voting gives Obama an advantage, I frankly didn’t understand it but I wouldn’t bet against his knowledge.

    It doesn’t take much more than casual observation to know that early voting gives Dems an advantage. It certainly doesn’t take any theories, much less hard-to-understand theories.

    Early Voting:

    Day 1 of early voting, union thugs drag 1k bodies to polling stations. They do the same thing for every day of early voting. That’s 14k votes in 14 days.

    No Early Voting:

    Union thugs drag 1k bodies to polling stations. That’s 1k votes, total.

    They were more pissed Obama won than any white people I talked to. So they do exist, they’re just pretty rare. I think it’s more common in the South.

    They probably wanted a real American black in there, not a mulatto socialist from Kenya.

    Wicked comment: all of it. Like you, my biggest smile of the day came when I imagined six beautiful White men strolling up to those baton wielding Black Panthers, lol….love it!
    Glad you will be on here giving commentary Svigor, you make me feel hopeful 🙂

    Ps: The bet I placed (based on your enthusiasm) is with Paddy Power, the Irish betting outfit already paying out on an Obama win, lol 😉

  14. AGGGGHHH! FYI – I still have to vote. GOP folk have to vote AFTER work.

    Chris! I wish I had known about “voting” in DEE-troy. I should have driven in and helped you vote all day.

    Be safe my dear little Bro! I’ve actually been praying for your safety today. Ever since I read your first post.

  15. Romney’s Intrade numbers rising. But I don’t put any stock in European bookies, so who knows?

    Also, coal stocks rising. How are the health stocks doing?

  16. Exit polls are media’s final death-rattle effort to make it appear Obawilds winning. The only thing I want to hear is the actual vote count.

  17. A lot of morons on Dr. Wang’s Princeton site too; people speculating Arizona is in play for Obama from the Latino vote.

  18. I confess. I gave in and voted for Romney. But, only because I am in a swing state (FL). I wanted to vote for Goode but realized I had to do what I had to do. Stopping the black plague was more important than ideology. This time.

  19. Nothing makes me happier than yankees getting all excited about whipping a negro…
    …don’t despair brave northern pro-whites, you are fighting the good fight.


    Even though Obama won Vermont (New England, what did you expect?), Kentucky and Indiana went for Romney.

    The race is on and its 19-3! Romney takes an early lead!

    Deo Vindice

  20. Snowhitey says:
    November 7, 2012 at 12:04 am
    I confess. I gave in and voted for Romney. But, only because I am in a swing state (FL). I wanted to vote for Goode but realized I had to do what I had to do. Stopping the black plague was more important than ideology. This time.

    Good for you 🙂

  21. Though I love Vermont, I have to say that there is a part of me that will enjoy watching Vermonters get their turn with the latino invasion.

  22. Democrat greeters weren’t standing outside some of the local polls today (like they always did before. Maybe they weren’t being paid enough this time (they were all paid $35 per day in the last, primary election) since they don’t do it as unpaid volunteers like the Republican greeters. There weren’t very many Democrat signs set up either, by noon today. One poll lacked an Obama 2012 sign altogether, and only one sign for one of the local Democrat candidates had been set up. Strange. But then, Obama 2012 signs and bumper stickers are pretty rare around here, outnumbered vastly by the Romney signs, and about equal to the Ron Paul signs. Rural counties tend to vote at least two-thirds Republican, and the metropolitan counties vote the reverse. Even though this state has the largest rural population of any state, the rural voters are still outnumbered by urbans, so our votes are cancelled and our voice silenced.

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