About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Our race has had many nations throughout its history, but I recall famed 19th Century British philosopher Herbert Spencer commenting on America that our nation will produce the strongest one due to hybrid vigor.

    That happened.

    Then we gave it all away.

    Time to get it back.


  2. Svigor keeping a low profile. He is one of the best minds in the community. Surprising he drank Republican kool-aid on this one.

  3. Lily Della Valle says:
    November 7, 2012 at 2:21 am

    Seriously, how freaking stupid can people be?
    How can ANYONE vote for this ass-clown?

    I can’t figure it out either. Massachusetts politicians should be a known quantity by now.

  4. These races they are counting city districts which is basically going with D+11 methodology. The PA call was too soon, the other calls too soon as well.

  5. Shame for the conservatives. They were yodeling about how the polls were faulty but they appear to be spot on.

    The GOP’s only chance was to use affirmative action and immigration to win the working class whites in places like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota and elsewhere.

    Instead they pander to Hispanics and others who laugh and them and despise them.

    Republicans are dead due to the immigration they love so much.

  6. I think the Romney wave at the small community here is illustrative of just how hard it will be to wean our people off Republican-mainstream conservativism.

    This isn’t going to be easy.

    BUT a massive White vote for a candidate who loses will begin to build group conciousness.

  7. Lew,

    I will repeat … there is no such thing as “White people.” There never has been any such thing as “White people.” “White Nationalism” is ridiculous because it assumes the existence of a people that doesn’t exist.

    Yankees are not our people. They do not share our culture. They are nothing like us. They do not value their race. We have see this over and over again. Even though we knew better some of us wanted to believe that this time it would be different.

    How many times have I said that Yankees always take the nigger side? How many times have they sided with niggers and against us now? They destroyed the Confederacy. They imposed Reconstruction on the South. They destroyed the Jim Crow system. They created BRA.

    Yankees voted for Obama in 2008. They’re voting again for Obama tonight.

  8. Just having fun there Johnnyboy. You’re probably right. Doesn’t mean you’re not an English twat. Didn’t you promise to go back to England if Obama won? Fucks sake, get the fuck out my country.

  9. This is more of a watershed than the 2008 election, I think. You could forgive some of them who voted for “Change” then, “who knew not what they do” — but NOW “they are without excuse” for they CHOSE the greatest darkness AGAIN.

  10. Hunter,

    I agree with you these cultural divides seriously problematize WNism. The other major problem is with the ethnostate concept (pure abstraction). Those two things together, well, add up to pretty serious problems.

    I disagree the system is not the problem. It is the system the prevents the emergence of a candidate that could win White support everywhere and represent white interests in every region (Buchanan or an equivalent).

  11. HW, you child, the great Southern Fire-eaters all campaigned for Lincoln. And sure, they lost that war but that doesn’t discount their reasoning. This time the demographics and the internet are in our favor.

    You MUST present the US government and union as ABSURD!

    You can’t do that with Mitt Romney, but you can do it with Obongo.

    Wise up or confess.

  12. Pat Buchanan could take this country in a second, north and south.

    I wonder what ethnic group prevents it. Hmmm. I know. Blacks!

  13. Most of the uncounted votes in Florida are in heavily Democratic Broward and Miami-Dade counties. It’s over folks, Florida has renigged.

  14. I did hear several spontaneous racial and “demographic” discussions going on outside the polls today. Let no one imagine it never happens in rural areas in northern states.

  15. Mood in my part of Florida (Rural) was very happy, actually festive, and had record turnout. There are going to be a lot of people scratching their heads on Wednesday morning wondering how Obama Won.

  16. The “System” is not the problem. Yankees are the problem. If it were not for Yankees, the race would have been over an hour ago. Romney still might win Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina.

  17. The Tea Party approach will now appear futile. Their Republican volunteers will be discouraged, worn out, and drift away.

  18. Yankees are not the problem. The geographical location of the birth and upbringing of an Anglo-Celt or German does not determine character.

  19. Bill,

    If you knew anything about the real Yancey, you would know that he polarized and undermined the Democratic Party by proposing reasonable tests that he knew Yankees would fail. The real Yancey also knew better than to outrage public opinion and make himself irrelevant in the process.

    Only the vanguard is stupid enough to celebrate Obama’s reelection by dancing in the endzone when their target audience is overwhelmed by fear and hatred of Obama. What is that supposed to accomplish?

  20. It’s not an Occidental site, it’s a Dixie site.

    I wish Hunter would change the name to Dixie Ascent, to clear any lingering confusion. Hand Occidental Dissent off to 313.

  21. “You MUST present the US government and union as ABSURD! You can’t do that with Mitt Romney, but you can do it with Obongo.”

    The caveat to that would have been *if* the polling did have a systemic flaw i.e. white bluecollar ex-democrats unexpectedly breaking Romney, then because the GOP elite are so anti-bluecollar the only explanation would be racial voting. The reaction to that would have been insane and *might* have outweighed four years of Obama.

    Kinda disappointed now.

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