About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Apuleius says:
    November 7, 2012 at 3:11 am

    “I thought the Occident was Western Civilization.”

    Dixie is the last bastion of Western Civilization.

    Deo Vindice

    That’s why I chose the name six or eight years ago.

    God bless Neoneit

  2. Hunter, there is never a reason to bet against 150+ year old trends. You are a good writer and a clear thinker. You are doing great work for our people and have the potential to sway many men, but you’re still young and soft. You’ll be a much better force for our cause once you lose that softness. I’m not saying you want to be as forceful as me in your condemnation of our foe, that shouldn’t be your role and won’t draw the followers that your capable of pulling, but you’ll be a better advocate once all your youthful silliness is gone

  3. Apuleius says:
    November 7, 2012 at 3:11 am

    “I thought the Occident was Western Civilization.”

    Dixie is the last bastion of Western Civilization.

    Deo Vindice

    That’s why I chose the name six or eight years ago.

    God bless NeoNeitzsche.

  4. @ peak finance, White nationalistic pessimism does not mix with alcohol, i myself am 22 and nearly drank myself to death, don’t touch that shit when your down brother, it doesnt do anything? did you really think romney would rip off his mask if he won and reveal himself as a cryto otto strasser or jeff davis or oom paul or whoever else, he would sell your family to nig- i mean, mooncricket sex slavers for a dime, then he’d give that dime to bibi.

  5. The “Conservative” pundits are all lamenting that Romney went “too hard Right” and not “moderate enough”.

    They are talking about appeasing Latinos. S’OK – they’ll have LOADS of Latinoes to appease.

    The FOX Pundits are openly discussing Race, now. Decades too late.

    All the Southerners here have EVERY right to gloat about Yankees.

    Chris – they are right. Don’t be angry at the Southerners here, or John. They are not the enemy. White Yankees are the enemy.

    YT is about to learn a really really hard lesson.

  6. Who but Dixie is trying to stem the advance of cultural marxism that is destroying the West? I see the rest of the Western world running down the road of destruction with happy faces and out stretched hands

  7. OMG first its not over, these are basically exit polls predicting victory. Secondly the “establishment” has not met the Mantra, but thanks to you folks will soon have that pleasure.

  8. “Chris – they are right. Don’t be angry at the Southerners here, or John. They are not the enemy. White Yankees are the enemy. ”

    Denise, deep down every one of us knows this. It’s tough when your family and friends are complicit in their own demise. It’s painful, and you don’t want it to be that way, but it is. I knew Romney was garbage, that’s why I voted against him in the primary. He never even got a majority in any major early primary states. That’s the sign of a week candidate right there. But, you don’t want to think all your white neighbors are idiots, so “hope springs eternal”. I should have gone with my head, my head said Romney gets blown out. Trust logic over emotion every time.

  9. Hey Peak, life is too short for ugly women and cheap booze. Have any Wild Turkey Rare breed? It’s the best of the store bought stuff imo

  10. “Porter says:
    November 7, 2012 at 3:10 am
    ABC news is discussing the need for republicans to jettison whites. I think they will listen.”

  11. The Republican Party Died with Reagan, but the New Order will now have to fight the Second Civil War against both the US Military and the DIEversities.

    Unfortunate. This may require Nuclear Weapons to sort out now.

    Fortunately, the nigger will STILL BE KILLED by the Jumping Jews of Jerusalem.

  12. So what if my WAG were effin wrong, so were Barone’s. But on the positive side BRA owns every screwup, in a nation with a white majority.

    Yeah this means eff you Tim Wise you anti-white POS, Amurikan hating fool.

  13. I almost punched my father in law in the face last year, he’s the epitome of one of stone’s “damnyankees”.

    Oh well, this shit was fun while it lasted. At least now I can get back to hating mainstream conservatards.

  14. The Libertarians, Ron-Paul / Alex Jones types need to be hit hard with the following: “Liberty is only possible in a white society.”

    That has been empirically true since Cyrus the Great if not earlier.

  15. Afterthought says:
    November 7, 2012 at 3:22 am

    Open hatred for America on Free Republic…

    speaking of it in the past tense

    a VERY good sign!!!!

    I remember seeing this behavior during the Clinton years, which made Rushie a star. Trust me, they’ll be flag saluters again when their man wins again. Luckily, that won’t happen again. They’ll be forced to do death with the devil instead of evading him. Great observation though.

  16. My incredibly optimistic prediction had Romney squeaking by with 270, and I was fully aware of how optimistic even that was.

  17. Well, Jay Nixon got re-selected and that gliberal whigger Obongo-bitch Claire McCaskill got reselected as well. In Missouri the Repubs only picked up one statewide office, that of Secretary of State.

    Establishment Repulsivecunts forced Shittens onto the whiggers and they decided to simply say hell no.

    Hunter, Matt Parrot was right in that Establishment Repulsivecunts were nothing but a pack of thieves out to screw the working whiggers. So so they lost simply because there was nothing in it for them to support corporate Shittens.

    Let’s understand something. Establishment Republicans forbid me as an open “White Supremacist” for running for federal and state office in 2010. In 2012 a law passed by Republicans got me kicked off the LibberToon ballot for County Sheriff. So I boycotted the [S]Election.

    Shittens and the Corporate Repulsivecunts never were the White Nationalist’s friend. Yes, Obongo and the DemoncRATS are our open enemies, but the Repulsivecunts are nothing but traitors and liars and out to sell us out and then whine that whiggers didn’t support these treasonous fuktards enough.

    Give up on Northron whiggers, Hunter. They want to die.

    Southern Nationalism depends upon Southern Nationalists. Let the Devil and niggers and beaners and jews take the rest of the ZOGland.

    Your audience are Southern Regional warlords. Stop worrying about how the inevitable happened.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  18. Ok, found some Evan Williams and Fireball time to get started!

    BTW I am a happy drunk, all smiles and songs, the exact opposite as how I am normally.

  19. In this house I have lost my genius lable with the independents breaking for Romney, Ds staying home predictions, damn.

  20. This is like watching a massacre in real time.
    As if a Genghis Khan had swooped in and taken everything away.

    Except it’s a Gay Hispanic Negretto Khan in a wheelchair.


  21. Amazing anecdote: Obama even winning Paul Ryan’s small hometown. Question: would northern whites vote for Idi Amin or their own first born son?

  22. Peak Finance – “BTW I am a happy drunk, all smiles and songs, the exact opposite as how I am normally.”

    God bless you, Sir!

  23. From a southern nationalist pov – i’m not one but trying to look at it objectively – i think Bill Yancey has the strategy of it right but HW has the tactics of it i.e. being seen as on the same team as the people you want to influence.

  24. And I’ll bet Tim Wise is orgasmic this minute. But that is ok Amuurika is Greece exponential financially with out entitlement obligations and all, meaning its politics will be totally radical from now on out.

    Can we kids say “Golden Dawn?”

  25. Jim – I really really thought Romney was in. I thought Big Hebery was backing him. No matter. Genociding Whitey is more important than anything, I guess.

    Every-one I knew voted for Romney. They did. I got Gibs Me Dat White Yankees to change their votes. To no avail.

    The Southerners here rightfully hate Yankees – but they still do not understand that the VAST majority of the Yankees have re-nigged BECAUSE Diversity is still largely ideological. Most Whites do not think there wil ANY problems with a Brown America.

    They’ll find out. ‘Cause now we are Brazil.

    At least ostensible White people are now openly discussing Race – but it’s OVER. It’s too late.

    The West is gonna go down the hard way. It’s like the West – Whitey World – decided to slit it;s collective White Wrist, in a huge Drama Queen Mea Culpa – and then realized that, “Hey – that’s an awful lot of blood, and I’m starting to feel cold, and faint, and that nice diverse Spanish speakng person that answered my 9/11 call – well – didn’t seem to understand me too well…they’re not here yet…”

    That’s what it’s like.

    The White GOP pundits are pre-grovelling to the Diverse.


    Why have I even bothered?

  26. At least OD was culturally and intellectually prepared for this result. Indeed Hunter probably ought to be hired by the MSM to predict general cultural dynamics.
    This Yankee v Southron thing is SPOT ON. Everything predicted as if preordained.

  27. “Amazing anecdote: Obama even winning Paul Ryan’s small hometown. Question: would northern whites vote for Idi Amin or their own first born son?”

    If he spoke in complete sentences and gave them a hug, certainly. Voting for niggers helps them get to heaven, it’s in their religion.

  28. In the northern white world, a good deed done for an “other” is worth, like, 20 more points than helping one of your own. Look at the state of the white family if you need any further evidence.

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