About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Take heart, Obama is the stepping stone toward the future, the dark dark future. Realize the heart, mind and souls have but nearly left all whites in America. Take heed there is still a chance, form strong white communities with financial ties prepare for Oriental despotism.

  2. Southern Nationalism is the correct route. I was born and raised in Wisco and I sign off on Occidental Dissent. The northerners are idiot – I’m surrounded by pukes. I think Secession/Southern Nationalism is a strong symbolic gesture. SN makes more sense than WN. The question is implementation and viability. In my mind it’s the best combo of viability and symbolic potentcy. Ignore the YKW and N-word and concentrate on how to actually secede. Even if it doesn’t actually “happen” it still has symbolic strength.

  3. “Afterthought says:
    November 7, 2012 at 3:44 am
    Denise was wrong on the election, and she is wrong now.”

    Yes. I was wrong about the election.

    Tell me why I am wrong about “now”.

  4. I live with these fucking people, hell, they ARE my people. I know better. A sucker’s born every minute.

    The only reason I am the way I am now is because I lived in the south for a while. I received the best racial education one could receive.

  5. 313Chris,

    He ought to not post on here again. Consistently wrong, poor predictions.
    Partition is the only way out of complete racial destruction.

  6. “The White GOP pundits are pre-grovelling to the Diverse.”

    I think anyone working within the Republican framework would need to accept as a given that the top-level GOP are and will remain traitors. The aim would be for a bottom up takeover.

  7. its conchobar, means connor, come and find limey, you trolling flamewarrior , im gwyn ge an drwnk mesef a cup o’ tea i weew. i’m a respeckatble engwlishman donchaknow. i bet you are an overweight graphic designer sitting at his desk afriad to go home and deal with his wife so you troll this site all fucking day, you have posted on every comment some stupid trope since the “lord scorpius: phase . you probably got some porn up on the other window, latina porn LOL, got to pound that golden circle eh?

    hail victory!

  8. Denise, I’ve been trying to keep it light all day, but believe me when I tell you that my heart is just as heavy as yours, HW’s, or anyone else who cares for the future of white people in Amurrica.

    I wanted to believe it would be different this time, too. That the race would resemble 2004 rather than 2008. Too much water has passed under the bridge, now. We must look to the future.

    Tonight BRA secured the whip hand over our people for good. We Southerners already knew deep down the reality of the situation, but there was room for hope that enough Northerners had been awakened.

    This illusion, more wishful thinking than anything else, has now vanished.

    Southerners now face the petty vindictiveness of Obama, eagerly abetted by legions of cheering anti-white Northern whites. The venom of nominally pro-white Northerners expressed on this site is nothing compared to the deep seated contempt of the majority of anti-white Northern whites for our people. I hear it every day here in South Florida.

    John Brown’s body lies a moulderin’ in the ground, but his truth goes marching on…
    His “truth” is the intended genocide of our people. Haiti writ large.

    Deo Vindice

  9. I wonder how many white conservatives will experience the painful epiphany that the country has been lost as they dreamed in colorblind. They are swamped.

    Some will wail, many will become radicalized.  Either way, this is an inflection point. The day ideology succumbed to tribe.

  10. @Denise & Jim

    Guys, it’s cool. Really. I’ve had tougher nights than this, and I have no doubt there will many more to come. My reply at John read pretty angry, and no, I do not care for the guy, but text on a screen is absent the audible inflection of the spoken word and I’m honestly not emotional about this. Just a little sad that I have to accept the reality that America is no more.

  11. I’m rejoicing Apuleius because a win for romney is a win for BRA an obama win will yield our cause more members then anything else I can think of.

  12. LOL, Gary Johnson has .5% in Florida, he may end up costing Romney the state. Right now that .5% would give Romney the lead. Makes me wonder how Ron Paul would’ve done.

  13. Actually 313 Chris this could be a good night for you. Reality sucks some times but we must live in it and you are beginning to waken up to reality

  14. “Porter: they will double down again, slide to the left, and promote Rubio, West, and Love.”

    LOL, and they’ll still lose. Probably by more.

  15. Apuleius,

    I’m going fishing, then I’m going to have a sit down and think about what’s to become of my children in America. A brown horde of cannibals is simply going to destroy them and there nothing I can do to prevent the acceleration of the degradation of the culture that is doing it to them. At least my prejudices were fully active.

    Now they are warming up the concession/ acceptance speeches. White fools applauding a Mugabe wannabe.

  16. Well, the pretty little wife cooked a great meal, so that all went down as planned. The kid was a bit crabby though, perhaps he senses his future is gonna be one tough row?

  17. The Retard Party is a self-licking ice cream cone. They exist to win elections, not for any beliefs. It will shift beliefs to survive. Don’t doubt it.

  18. whoa little testy there, what did you do to help the great white hope win? i spent all day stealing obama signs off of my yankee neighbors lawns, i skipped my 10,000 jewmoney a year college classes to troll obama voters i stood at the polling place and handed out obamney pictures, i didn’t troll od pretending im some sort of southern nationalist revolutionary in my secret confederate bunker with my nerfguns pointed out at all possible entry points. i got asked by cps to put the signs back, and me and my colleges had to return them, blah blah. fuck o’nigger damn, this is so pathetic, i wanted it to at least be close so we could get some chimping, damn

  19. Wayne, the leadership is certain to. Republicans are going to drop even the pretense of  white interest politics.  They will nominate their own LBJ who is going to offer mestizos the moon and a side trip around mars.

    He’ll have those wetbacks voting republican for the next 200 years!

  20. Apuleius,

    It’s kinda the opposite for me. I have been hectoring EVERY-ONE – all the White Yankees I know, who are not fully aboard the White Train. I’ve gotten called so many names – you know the names for “racist” – but the worst names revolved around my wnrnings being dismissed as “ridiculous”. “No. It’s not as bad as all that. Race doesn’t matter. Things aren’t that bad. Stop being ridiculous”

    I’ve only gotten feedback from a handful tonight – but they are EFFING scared. Reality is sinking in. The Yankees I know a sheeyiting a sheeyitload of bricks.

  21. Do not believe these poll results. Northerners HATE niggers as much or MORE than southrons. As Stalin would say, its not who cast the votes that counts, but those who count the votes that matters. The North is HEAVILY INFILTRATED by YKWs, and they’re the ones shredding the evidence and projecting the winners hoping that Whites will not talk to each other about the results.

    Reagan was the last Real Conservative in the GOP. He only did those things because of Bushie boy I and Alzheimers.

    It seems that the Domestic juden are not bothered by the antisemitic mooslim and his Hatred of Israel. Interesting.

    There seems to have been a schism in the Tribe! Israel and the Diasporia seem to be at odds with each other, and the Diasporia are siding with Radical Islam!

    I wonder what the Domestic judenschweinhund will do when the Jumping Jews of Jerusalem shoot their pet monkey?

  22. Here are the next steps:

    1) Buy gold
    2) Pay off your debts EXCEPT mortgage and student loans
    3) Get into a cash business, either convert existing business to cash or start new cash business on the side
    4) Simplify your life
    5) Turn off cable
    6) Grow food, buy extras of stuff you need to protect against more inflation
    7) Minimize the taxes you pay by any means necessary

  23. Once again, Waukesha county whites vote like Alabama whites. That place is the only thing keeping Wisconsin from full-on pinko californika status. Why? It’s like a mini nation all its own.

  24. I was listening to NPR on the drive home from teaching. There was an Hispanic talking about Obama being her pick. Obama would, and I quote “bring more stuff to OUR economy and bring stuff to MY people.” cheeky spic bitch. She could barely speak English, actively identified herself as other and laid out the cargo cult rationale that L’Obamaphonia! articulated.

    I got out of my car and chatted with my neighbour who arrived home same time i did and we both would have preferred Romney. Nice normal guy. He looked upset. My voice was cracking.

    I just saw a country invaded and defeated by browns and blacks and turncoat whites.
    I’m pissed.

  25. must be nice to have the ability to spin away the bad decisions of people you look up to, but I’ll say no thanks to spin and howdy to reality

  26. Finally, the GOP has died. I do think Romney may win the popular vote but will lose the EC which is good. We need to get these conservatives angry. We need to let them know that leftists and the dusky hordes defiling these fair shores have killed their state, and that the American nations (the Southern nation- the Southern folk) are most especially being occupied and the government is illegitimate in that it is not just hostile to our interests, but rather hostile to our very existence.

    I’m heartened by my Tennessee, also West Virginia and old Kentucky as well. Over 60% Romney in all three. Hopefully we can start burning American flags soon and raising the Stars and Bars.

  27. “I just saw a country invaded and defeated by browns and blacks and turncoat whites.
    I’m pissed.”

    Did you just get back from 1865?

  28. I’d say it is all over for Romney. He’s not going to get the electoral votes he needs. Looks like he is going to lose Ohio.

  29. Whites did in Rhodesia, they did in the South, they did in South Africa, now they are doing in them-selves. It’s like a cannibal in a life boat gnawing on his own arm after eating all his buddies.

  30. I stopped four Dems from voting nig in Missouri. Missouri was a foregone conclusion though. So no biggie.

    I was a force multiplier in my own little social world. Hard leftie people too.

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