About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Chris – I live in Pennsylvania. Rural PA. I’m Ok. Unless Valeria Jarrett decides to punish me and wreak revenge tomorrow, that is. I’m physically safe.
    My family – who lives in an urban area, is not so safe. They are really upset now. They are among those that had to gaurd their generator, last week, from thieves.

    My hubby’s business is going to SUFFER under Obama Part II. Already is – but the pain is going to get infinitely worse. Small businesses around here are failing like mad. Mine already is suffering – but I’m highly mobile. I’ve been screwing around, about bailing…..but even the highly resistant to bailing Hubster is seeing the light of complete looming financial failure tonight.

    My dear cohort Haughty Blonde is already well established in Dixie. Aryan Goddess has offered a standing invitation to keep her company. In Hunter’s neck of the woods….

    Please consider joining us. Where I type right now – I’m physically completely safe. You are not.

  2. @Sean

    I know. Now I really do. So now my purpose is clear — carve a future, a real one, for myself and my family and friends out of this wreckage.

  3. Now everyone can see why we give Yankees such a hard time. We have only spent the last year discussing ethnic and cultural differences between the North and South. The results correspond with everything I have been saying for over a year now.

  4. I voted Goode at the last minute. I’m glad I did. Kept my streak intact of never voting for a mainstream candidate in either party.

    I do think all this animus toward Obama and “niggers” couldn’t be more misplaced.

    The animus needs to be directed toward the WHITE and JEWISH top leadership of the national GOP, their financial backers, and the mainstream conservative punditry. They’ve been abusing White folks for decades. They used their Southern Strategy bullshit, their code speak instead of talking about RACE, and the rhetoric of liberty and freedom as window dressing for plutocracy. Now that this vile strategy is no longer viable, they’re already telling White folks “it’s your fault. We need to reach out!” They’re not even waiting for the pollHs to close.

  5. Hey Chris,

    If I’ve been a bastard don’t take it personal. You did what you could no doubt. I’m as shocked by this mass suicide as you are.

  6. In late September, I made the decision that I would morally support our Yankee friends in the final stretch rather than rain on their parade as I had been doing for most of the summer.

    After Paul Ryan got the VP nomination, I said the race was now totally in the hands of Yankees. Well, the Yankees have made their choice and now we all have to suffer the consequences.

  7. “Jim says:
    November 7, 2012 at 4:04 am
    “I just saw a country invaded and defeated by browns and blacks and turncoat whites.
    I’m pissed.”

    Did you just get back from 1865?”
    AWESOME response.

    I really did LOL.

    Thank you.

  8. Can you imagine the humiliation of first McCain and now Romney? Two “big shot” white men who thought they had enormous clout in the world have to bow down before a Chicago nigger and admit defeat at his hands.

    I predict many, many more such white men will before long experience the reality that is happening and will also be bowing down before niggers. You can bet that whatever might be the mental problem of nigger lovers and these Yankee college types, you can bet the McCain’s and Romney’s of this world are hit hard when they take it from Obama type niggers. It’s got to humiliate them.

  9. How can anyone be shocked? Is it impossible for men to look at the past, see a track record and then form their opinions on it?

  10. The most disgusting part for me is to listen to these Fox idiots ignoring the 10000 pound elephant in the room. They just can’t figure out how! Amazing!

  11. It is retrospectively surprising that the Dems never thought to runs bigger before.

    It’s been nothing but brilliant for them.

  12. I feel sick. CNN is showing Niggers dancing in Kenya. Tamer

    Good. Let them drive the message home that this was a win for niggers. Who knows how many White men that will give us

    Hey Tamer, I sent you a PM btw

  13. @Denise

    Thanks for invite, sis. I really, really appreciate it, honestly. And I hope to someday meet you and your husband in person — you guys sound like terrific people. But my place, and my heart, is here, and always will be. I just can’t let this go. I’ll be fine. I survived Detroit in the 1980’s — Coleman Young, Devil’s Nights and all that horror. I descend from a tough, proud bloodline. Obama and Holder are nothing.

    So you keep safe and healthy.

  14. Take a few days off. Fish, road trip, paint a landscape. Whatever it takes to get back to a calm place.

    Talk to friends about how this was demographically inevitable and that it comes as no surprise. Blacks,Hispanics and Jews vote in a phalanx and whites vote 50/50 like lemmings.

  15. hunter as a yankee troll, i rescind my condemnations of slavery, this yankee is disgusted with his nigger loving fellow states people, may they recieve what they sew. fucking rats, oh well my county was “pro-white guy who was going to assrape them for the jews”.

  16. “Finally, the GOP has died. I do think Romney may win the popular vote but will lose the EC which is good. We need to get these conservatives angry. We need to let them know that leftists and the dusky hordes defiling these fair shores have killed their state, and that the American nations (the Southern nation- the Southern folk) are most especially being occupied and the government is illegitimate in that it is not just hostile to our interests, but rather hostile to our very existence.”

    This was the consensus here up until a few days ago. That there was so little difference in the candidates that this was the time to punish the Republican Party. I still agree with that philosophy. This was the time. It burns now. This is the pain. The pain will probably get worse. Obama could go psycho. But we’re better than all of them combined. And we’ll be ok.

  17. The exit polls in many northern states do not show whites voting for Obama, in fact most show white men going for Romney. The difference is that white southerners vote 70-30 or better for the right, while in the north it’s more like 60-40 for the right + the minority vote. White women are another deal altogether in the north.

  18. Romney appears to be carrying the popular vote. The actual white people. The actual nation. This nation will expell the blacks and brown in a spasm of violence that will make the angels weep and the demons quake.

  19. I don’t blame the Jew.

    Did anyone see how the race was called tonight? DC, Maryland, Delaware, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, and Rhode Island were called as a block. Vermont was the first state called. New York and New Jersey were called together.

    At the opposite end of the spectrum, Kentucky and West Virginia were called back to back. Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas were all called at the same time. Georgia and South Carolina were called together.

    Sorry, but the Jew can’t explain why Yankees and Southerners vote as blocs in opposition to each other. Yankees voted for Obama because they support him. Southerners voted for Romney because they oppose Obama.

    I don’t see how anyone can deny that Dixie is a nation which had made up its own mind about Obama. The White South must have voted overwhelmingly against Obama tonight.

  20. There is a lot of ways this can play out. the fact of the matter is, the country is bankrupt, and financial collapse is a mathematical certainty. When things get really bad, I can see secession of a region to repudiate that regions share of the federal debt and issuing their own currency and forming a economic block. The south is really well situated for this, with all of the gulf oil, control of refineries, food, crops, manufacturing etc. Exact opposite of civil war conditions when the north was the economic powerhouse.

  21. It wasn’t “Yankees” that put O back in the white house. Take a look at the exit polls. When I went to vote early this morning the line was 30% young females. I knew Romney was in trouble then – O got the Lena Dunham vote. Foolish, vain, stupid, and easily duped white women who have been genociding the white race since Roe v Wade put O back in the white house. Suffrage is the biggest mistake that white men ever made. It permits women to act as if they have an interest apart from their immediate group. The jokes on white women though. In the next round of affirmative action you will be passed over by some brown babe.

  22. According to my friends in the gun community, Obama’s first move will be to go after high capacity mags and foreign ammo. It turns out 70% of US civilian ammo is imported. Obama can shut that down with an executive order, taking 70% of civilian ammo off the market overnight. It won’t matter that 30% is made domestically. Because of supply and demand, nobody will be able to afford it. $500.00 of ammo will be going for 2 or 3K.

  23. jews doesn’t explain yankee behavior; yankees have been doing these kind of things before the jews showed up in numbers, but I understand it is easier to say “its the jews” then saying “my people are killing themselves with xyz”. However blaming the jews is unproductive, which isn’t the same as saying jews aren’t a problem, they simply are not the problem. THE problem is yankees

  24. This is the start of civil war 2. Mark my words. They are interviewing a black Obama volunteer in Idaho!

    Wake up assholes! It’s race replacement.

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