The Rule of the White Minority


In Black Run Amerika (BRA), Andrew Jackson's legacy has been turned upside down, and the White minority rules the White majority

According to the CNN exit polls, Mitt Romney won 61% of the White vote in Virginia, 68% of the White vote in North Carolina, and 61% of the White vote in Florida. It wasn’t even that close in the rest of the Southern states.

Note: In this upside down world, the White majority in every Southern state voted against Obama, but the White minority rules with a “Democratic” mandate. Even if Romney had won Virginia and Florida, he still would have lost the general election to the sectional president of the Yankees.

Update: After checking the New York Times exit polls, I see that Romney got 59% of the White vote, and Obama got 39% of the White vote.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Look, don’t blame the loss on a “white minority”. Mitt Romney was a great person, but a terrible candidate. He was pro-choice for 30 years and flipped, he was for a health care mandate in Mass and flipped, he was for gun control and then flipped for the NRA…..

    The GOP needs to get someone like Chris Christie or Ron Paul that doesn’t waiver on key issues. People don’t respect flippers.

  2. Chris Christie? omg. Wasn’t he the Reagonite who took all the money from the Semblers or something, to create those “Straight Inc” entities in NJ that locked up all the kids who were supposedly “drug addicts” until they escaped and filed a class action law suit or something? —A snapshot of the state run health care of the future, where the ‘war on drugs’ gets out of the hands of citizens and into big pharma…

  3. Wow… “…As of 1 a.m., Obama had 50,237,808 votes — Romney, 50,113,942…”

    That’s really something. Seriously, at 1 a.m., a 100,000 difference is all.

    Eventually, it seems they will want “one man, one vote” but only when the “demographics are right” will that be pushed. The number of votes between California and New York (areas often so alien to Generational or Colonial Era Americans) seems huge!

  4. What surprises me most is that Obama did get a significant share of white votes all around the “Last Bastion.” This proves that the so-called “Yankee disease” has already struck with points of infection all through the Bastion. Where Talmudvision is in use in the homes, and Christ is denied, the disease is present.

  5. The other thing about the more recent White immigrants (like in NY, who came within the past 3-5 generations)— is their Euro experience with Statism (whether they fell fascist or communist over there).

    Most of them are from traumatized families who saw violence over that kind of polarized situation.

    It’s like they never even perceived how the u.s. where they landed could have offered something different from what they came from.

  6. Dixiegirl says:
    November 7, 2012 at 2:28 pm
    The other thing about the more recent White immigrants (like in NY, who came within the past 3-5 generations)— is their Euro experience with Statism (whether they fell fascist or communist over there).

    Most of them are from traumatized families who saw violence over that kind of polarized situation.

    It’s like they never even perceived how the u.s. where they landed could have offered something different from what they came from.”

    What is taught is what is known. Culture is a genetic imperative.

  7. No no no.

    He was a pretty good candidate.

    It’s just that there is no such thing as America.

    Every Mexican or Haitian or Nigerian is a pre American.

    This is what you get for the revolution in 1776. The true face of the brotherhood of man, the cause of liberty, freedom, the cause of mankind, mankind’s last best hope. It’s in blackface and is called Obama.

    Id suggest that wealthy people hide their money in the Carribean. The Latinos and Niggers are primed to plunder you and everything will be taken away.

  8. The GOP needs to be split assunder.

    What point is their in power if your folk are disposssed in achieving power?

  9. Hunter-

    James Howard Kunstler was, as recently as two weeks ago, saying that he wouldn’t vote for either Romney or Obama even if you water-boarded him. He did a 180 in his column this week, and pulled the lever for Barry Soetero. He matriculated in Manhattan and then transplanted himself to Rochester, so good luck dis-aggregating whether it was the Jew or the Yankee (or both) that made him renege (and renig).

  10. Drudge’s latest total has Obama up by 2 million votes. Barone has some splainin to do, and Rasmussen.

  11. Stiff upper lip folks.

    Thanks to all OD writers and readers who cared, who still care.

    Our kinsmen in the South now have every right to bash, punish the NorthEast.

    Start buying up cheap properties in the NorthEast, do cheap make overs then ship your worst Blacks to the NorthEast. New Hampshire, very recently arrogant “patriots” there mouthed off that they were the “freedom state” – I think NH voted in an all ugly Lib women Congressional delegation and voted with Massachusetts for the Obamination.

    Wasn’t the New Hampshire state motto “Live free or die”? Well, yesterday they died.

  12. Political correctness originated in Yankeeland and spread to Western Europe through the Frankfurt school after WW2. Jews only accentuated and exacerbated extreme egalitarian tendencies already present in Yankee utopianism which dates back to before the civil war.

    Feminism never succeeded anywhere in provoking serious strive between the sexes except in Western Europe and in Yankeeland. No fault divorce dissipated in Eastern Europe after communism failed, but still thrives in Western Europe and in Yankee America.

    The American South is unique in its consistent rejection of egalitarianism.

    There are a lot of blacks in Brazil and very few White racial awareness. Quite a bit of inter-racial porn too. Portugal also contains a fair deal of blacks and its Whites are not racially concious. In the US, most porn comes out of the West coast.

  13. Out here in the field, the awakening predicted IS TAKING PLACE!

    Our people now see that there is no electoral path to victory. Practical politics leading to Partition along the India – Pakistan model is the only solution.

    Whether “the yankees” are lost is irrelevant, there will always be 20% that can’t be reached. We have to press forward with disruptive action that will make them glad of Partition.

  14. “After checking the New York Times exit polls, I see that Romney got 59% of the White vote, and Obama got 39% of the White vote.”

    The country starts to break up when 66%+ of the white vote votes for the losing candidate.

  15. It’s over except for the tears.

    Couple days back I posted about how many implicit WNs there are in New England. There are; it just doesn’t matter.

    Had the GOP put up someone other than a crass plutocrat paired with a Randian buttboy, who knows? As is, they told working whites to fuck themselves, so no wonder how it played out in OH, etc.

    I’m glad many of the WWII “Greatest Generation” assholes, the cretins who flattened Hamburg and Dresden, get to live to see this. Let their dying thought be of all the fellow whites, many of them children, they annihilated – burned to a crisp by the thousands – so that, one day, slick, jive-talkin Untermenschen could take over the country.

    War for the YKWs really pays off, don’t it?

  16. “Also interesting – White 18-29 vote – 51-44 for Romney. Wonder what the White male 18-29 was?”

    Yes it is. Flipped from 2008 i think.

  17. Election Night was intensely painful for me. It is one thing to know in advance what will happen, it is another thing altogether to watch it unfold. As I received confirmation after confirmation that the long-awaited demographic turn in the road had definitively arrived, I found myself fighting against realizing exactly what that means, in all its likely effects.

    First, what happened last night?

    What happened is the arrival to determinitive status of America’s Latino population, which was able to overrule the most solid European-American block vote in the modern era. Today, the New York Times set forth the results of its state-by-state exit polling, including results by ethnicity. It shows the following results as averages for ALL STATES:

    White 59% Romney
    Black 93% Obama
    Latino 71% Obama
    Asian 73% Obama

    This finding provides solid proof that the American electorate has functionally broken down into the “White Party” and the “Non-White Party,” although in all cases except with Blacks there are minor numbers in each block voting differently. Even if you refuse to believe this, despite all evidence, despite the fact that ALL of these racial groups save White are explicitly organized openly on the basis of race and ethnicity, even if you feel strongly that these votes are not primarily motivated by racial interest but by a rational weighing of the national interest, the result is the same: in the United States of America, European-American Whites’ decisions about leadership and policy are minority views.

    Right-wing dissenters have been saying this was coming for years, but to say it out loud was to be called a racist. Of course, now that the long-awaited tipping point has arrived, it suddenly can be spoken aloud with glowing, slobbering praise. Thus, today’s San Francisco Chronicle:

    “A demographic tidal wave became a Democratic tidal wave as President Obama won a tight but decisive re-election victory Tuesday with the help of record-breaking support from Hispanic voters, massive turnout from African Americans and continuing enthusiasm from young Americans.

    “Although Republican nominee Mitt Romney won a larger share of the white vote than any presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan scored a landslide re-election victory in 1984, the former Massachusetts governor ended up a loser at the polls because of the racial, ethnic and generational changes that have altered the U.S. electoral landscape.”

    NOW they tell us. Did. Not. See. That. Coming.

    Okay, it’s a done deal. So, second, now what?

    The level of unease and distress that will now accompany White political discourse, while a significant development, is not enough yet to overturn decades of ideological indoctrination. Expect the Republican Party to pander even more to non-Whites in an attempt to become competitive again. A non-entity with a Latino name, like Senator Rubio, will probably be the next hapless sacrifice.

    By the next Presidential election, Texas will occupy the slot California now does: so solid Blue that there is no point of any campaigning there and unspoken of even though it provides a huge number of electoral votes.

    And quietly at first, but picking up steam as European-Americans are tax farmed, subject to capital controls, surveilled overseas for possible asset-hiding, as crime creeps back up, as everything seems to begin to crumble, literally and figuratively, as the government becomes even more openly corrupt as it is today, as more and more men realize the ballot box is no answer, well….

    Well, just look at the election-night map: the second crisis of secession is coming.

  18. Good luck with the southern secession thing. I’m sure all of the blacks south of Kentucky and east of Oklahoma will be all for it.

    The Republicans abandoned working class white people decades ago. No surprise that they lost almost half the white vote.

  19. Anyone know how Constitution party did? It is hard to get their vote tally.

    I see the Libertarians set a record with over a million votes.

    Politically, it is now one big California. There is no political solution any more. And when there is no solution there is no problem.

  20. test says:
    “Also interesting – White 18-29 vote – 51-44 for Romney. Wonder what the White male 18-29 was?”

    ‘Yes it is. Flipped from 2008 i think.’

    Encouraging if true.

    I helped a sister in law move her son into an apartment downtown. He’s a good kid enrolled at the University trying to pay his own way and advance in life. He is originally from the extreme northern section of our state.

    He’s experiencing culture shock.

    He first had his moped stolen, then his bicycle and various belongings. He needs to live near the school and can’t afford a place not infested with rotten negroes. He’s been assaulted and beaten 3 times already. His phone was stolen the other day and he is at his wits end. He’s only 5’6” tall and very slightly built. He has asthma and other physical problems. He is easy pickins, afraid to walk down the street if he sees niggers anywhere in sight. He wants to quit school and go back home.

    Once, he was walking to a store and 6-7 of them began following him, calling him names and stating they wanted money. He tried turning down another street , they ran after him, beat him up, stole his money and phone.

    This happens everyday to many of our kids.

    During the election neither the media nor the candidates mentioned the explosion of predatory violence committed by blacks.

    I’d like to hear Limbaugh, Hannity etc. jump on this issue. No one will. No one cares.

    Our leaders do not give a damn about him. Every institution is designed to shut him out, step on his back. All minority groups are preferred over him.

    I help him financialy, but can only do so much.

    Rest assured, this young White man knows the score. He realizes he is at the bottom of the pecking order in this new society. He and several of his friends are wising up in a hurry. Perhaps it will be his generation that rectifies the situation. We need to reach out to them.

  21. Well, at least now it’s official. There has of course been a civil war under way for years now –for decades even– but whites up til now have refused to admit that they are under attack, their nation invaded, their birthright stolen.

    But now it’s official. Now we can begin frankly, openly discussing racial partition and secession, and all the irritating but necessary nuts and bolts of how it will work.

    Thanks, Jews! You did it at last! All your hard work has paid off! You’ve worked long and hard, beavering away like mad, undermining anything and everything you could, and you’ve finally succeeded in your great dream of ruining the only country that was ever good to you. Hope you’re proud of that.

    Be assured we’ll keep your Jewish deeds in mind, Jews, as we begin to plan the new dispensation of this continent. It’s a big place after all, larger even than the old Roman Empire, which you’ll recall was large enough after its dismemberment to split apart into many different formidable empires.

    Hope you enjoy living next door to negroes! Because you sure as hell won’t be living next door to us, after what you’ve done, and what you always do.

  22. Derk says:
    Political correctness originated in Yankeeland and spread to Western Europe through the Frankfurt school after WW2….”

    No… Columbia University in NYC agreed to host some of the “intellectuals” who later became known as the Frankfurt School when they had to skeddadle out of Europe. During that time, they also wound up offering upper class/ solidly prep school “wasps” scholarships to lure them back to Columbia…but they never went.

    While, yes, New England had enlightenment types like Thoreau, MOST of this was Imported FROM Europe. Lincoln’s “48-ers.”

  23. “….I helped a sister in law move her son into an apartment downtown. He’s a good kid enrolled at the University trying to pay his own way and advance in life. He is originally from the extreme northern section of our state….”

    It may help that some adults can see what’s happening to the kids. Someone told me that in the 70s, it was really rough, but the adults around them hadn’t experienced the system, since they were already out of school by 1965, so they had no sympathy or care.

  24. It’s pro-Catholic (yikes!) but Libido Dominandi by E. Michael Jones explains the collapse of culture in the US like nothing else:


  25. “Our kinsmen in the South now have every right to bash, punish the NorthEast. Start buying up cheap properties in the NorthEast, do cheap make overs then ship your worst Blacks to the NorthEast.” So speaks the moderator, Jack Ryan, who guards the site against all flaming and bashing, except that against Ron Paul, and against the “Yankees” who “are WORSE than n—–s!” But there is no such thing as a white race or a white people anymore, genetic identity no longer counts, only geographical position!

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