A Historic Election

American North

We’ve been so obsessed with Obama’s reelection by White Yankees that we haven’t taken a look at the other big news out of the Northern states from this election cycle:

(1) Wisconsin elected the first open lesbian to the U.S. Senate.

(2) Maryland, a Southern state overwhelmed by Yankee transplants, government workers, and immigrants, passed a state version of the DREAM Act.

(3) Maryland, Maine, and Washington all approved gay marriage. In Minnesota, a ban on gay marriage in the state constitution was also defeated.

Note: I’m sure there are other stories that will percolate up on my radar screen. If you know of anything I have missed, post the links below.

About Hunter Wallace 12411 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In Montana we passed statewide ballot measures limiting state services to illegal aliens and rejecting the federal individual mandate for health care.

    A conservative libertarian took enough votes from establishment neocon Republican Denny Rehberg to make him lose the Senate race to the Democrat.

    The South and the Yankees are really battling it out. Everyone else I believe has had enough, or is getting close to it.

  2. May we call this GOP loss the Bush Hangover and move on to destroying the establishment’s censorship against whites discussing what is good for whites?

    The Obamatards I listened to (I allow them a brief consice statement as to exactly why they chose blue gum) and it was basically it was all Bush’s fault and they did not want to go back, and some line about Romney’s tax hikes on the middle class would destroy the middle class.

    Be honest the avg Doofus Americanus can only spew perhaps a sentence and a half of political rhetoric, and this cycle was no different. They simply cannot debate they in effect must be bludgened their world view must be destroyed within a few consice statements and then they are ready for a new view. Unlike our beloved HW I actually listen to Yanktards and I am a very good interogator of them.

  3. I believe there are more Democrats that would drop the freak show social issues like a hot potato than there are Republicans who would drop the multicult war machine for Zion.

    A Republican Party using the Sailer Strategy would probably take 50% of the Democrat white vote and lose 55% of the Republican white vote.

  4. Landshark I agree.

    Anyway off to the pursuit of white tail deer at my Camp Custer (Yes named after a white man who knew he was a white man).

    Thank you HW, but please take a breather yourself.

    God bless Nebraska

  5. It was a sweep for the GOP in THIS red county, in a “solid” blue state, even with up to 5% of the vote going to third party (Libertarian) and write-ins, and even with many old tradition “coal regions” Democrats still voting their straight ticket blindly. So don’t generalise so much about the trees in every forest. Nearly every forest has some good oaks in it, as well as scrub pines.

  6. I believe there are more Democrats that would drop the freak show social issues like a hot potato

    I’d like to say I agree with you, but on the whole I cannot. What you’re saying might be true in a few places (WV, NV, maybe even PA) but living as I do in Massachusetts I get to see the freaks play on a daily basis, and trust me, if there’s one positive thing you can say about them it is that they truly believe what they’re spouting. And so far as I can tell, with no discontent from the average rank and file voter.

    than there are Republicans who would drop the multicult war machine for Zion.

    Can’t disagree with this part, though I’m not clear what’s directly “multicult” about it. Or do you simply mean the same idiots who act like performing poodles for Israel are also the same ones who’ve managed to delude themselves into, say, thinking the Republican party is making “inroads” (whatever that means) among Hispanics or Latinos or whatever it is they call themselves? The “Karl Rove strategy” joined at the hip with rabid Zionism, that I can certainly see.

    A Republican Party using the Sailer Strategy would probably take 50% of the Democrat white vote and lose 55% of the Republican white vote.

    Where would the voters the Republican party lose go? To the Democrats? Or nowhere, as in stay home on election day? As best I can figure those would be their only options. I can’t see a third party of any stripe built from the ground up ever being more than a fringe group, and while the Republicans might come apart like the Whigs someday, I don’t think that day is in the foreseeable (say, next 20 years) future.

  7. I recently moved to Washington where they also just made possession of weed legal so I’m just gonna smoke up and not worry about the yankees anymore.

  8. That was interesting, and that picture of the demonstrator with the sign “Obama speaks like Jesus, kills like Herod” worth copying.

  9. The female id is out in force – the drunken maenads are dressed in their fawn skins, carrying their thyrsus, and are devouring any small animals, children or men that they happen upon. As soon as women are allowed to use sex for anything else besides procreation all sorts of abominations follow. Women have even unwittingly re-instituted Moloch worship. What else is sacrificing their own young in abortion so that they can remain independent and self-supporting but Moloch worship? Sacrifice a child so that the plenty may continue.

  10. I think it’s true there is no “White people” in a politically useful sense at the national level however accepting that leads very rapidly to a practical conclusion which is thinking about strategy on a state by state or region by region level.

    It wouldn’t actually matter if at the state level the “White” party, whether hijacked GOP or 3rd party, was Southern Nationalist, Rustbelt economic nationalist, Midwest libertarian or whatever else worked best in that state – whatever works to get white ethnic bloc voting. Then at the national level the various state-level white parties horse-trade for a compromise on national issues.

    The pie is shrinking rapidly while the number of people who want a slice is increasing rapidly so there’s only one way this can end but maybe the best path through it isn’t White nationalism but Homestate White nationalism.

  11. 2012 is a Revolutionary year.

    Conservative Whites are finished as a force that can win elections nationally (forever)

    Gay Marriage having won in 4 states is now inevitable in all 50 states. (It will be imposed by the courts) Our culture is degenerating.

    A Kenyan won re-election in to the White House with a coalition of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and single white women that is absolutely unstoppable. As long as the Democratic Party holds that coalition together they will win every national election from here on out. 2008 was no fluke. Demography is on their side now and will be increasingly on their side as time goes by.

    California has become a permanent one party state Soviet Socialist Republic. The leftwing of the DEM party has a super majority (veto proof) in both houses of the California legislature and Governor Moonbeam. What California is now all of the USA will be in the future.

    The America of November 7, 2012, is profoundly different from the America of November of 6, 2012. The 2012 elections will be remembered as a huge socio-political revolution. Similar to the elections of 1860, 1933, 1964.

  12. Hunter,

    I disagree with you that Obama was re-elected by white Yankees. He had the support of many whites, Yankee or Rebel. I see anything over 5% of whites – in any area – as extremely unfortunate, not just double digits or quarters or halves. Any loss of racial consciousness among “our people” puts them in the category of “people that look like us but are no longer are us.” It’s just as sad though not nearly as destructive as the real collective numbers of traitors that live among all of us.

  13. Hunter if you read this I was wondering something. You mentioned in the comments of another post (I don’t remember which) that blacks were slowly but surely moving out of Alabama to big cities in other states.

    I was curious if you think that Mexicans are moving in to Alabama as blacks move out? This trend is going on in in places like Los Angeles, and I’m curious if it has begun in your corner of the Deep South?

  14. The only way the Republicans will ever win another election is if they adopt a neutral position on social issues. They presently take a position designed to kiss evangelical ass, but half of the evangelicals never vote. As long as Republicans drive Whites away by trying to govern what goes on between consenting adults and between adults and doctors, they will continue to get their asses handed to them by ideologues whose plans encompass far more than queer sex and abortions.

  15. ” As long as Republicans drive Whites away by trying to govern what goes on between consenting adults and between adults and doctors, they will continue to get their asses handed to them by ideologues whose plans encompass far more than queer sex and abortions.”

    God, you sound like a f*cking Minnesota Democrat.

    If one party wants to legislate morality of a degenerate nature, shouldn’t the other party be the one to DE-legislate immoral morality? Otherwise, BOTH parties are on the side of the perverts.

    In other words, NO decision is ever morally neutral. cf. Gary North.

  16. @Gottfried: I think you are wildly exaggerating. In spite of a concerted campaign by conservative states to hound illegals out of their states, and O actively courting the vote of their co-ethnics, O’s base was not motivated by these RAYCISS events and O’s vote total went down by 9 million! Romney actually got 2 million fewer votes than McCain, though, and that is why he lost. The trend for the dems is bad. Blacks did the worst of all groups under O, and maybe they figured out the magic negro can’t change their situation. If the dem trend continues they could lose the next election, especially if O cannot deliver the goods (literally speaking). Only YKW and like-thinking whites vote out of pure schadenfreude – every else only votes if there is something in it for them. You can construe this election as the republican rank-and-file throwing a hissy fit and telling the republicans that until you run a closed borders economic protectionist candidate you can GO FUCK YOURSELVES. If white tea party types had any sense in view of the election, they would march on Washington and demand the government enforce the borders. What’s O going to do? He’s president of the USA, not of every illegal that wants to come to this country.

  17. The Libertarian wing of the Republican Party won’t vote for Neoconservative foreign policy. They just won’t. That is why Bill Kristol and friends demonize Ron Paul constantly. They didn’t come out for Mitt because of his association with John Bolton and Dan Senor.

  18. Hey, I’m sure that is just one of many reasons. The republican party also now encompasses holders of both financial capital and human capital. Romney couldn’t help himself though, and showed that he only was interested in representing financial capital. Every time he opened his mouth about stapling a green card to a high tech diploma he was stabbing half of the republican party base in the back.

    That’s why the shabbos goy assholes like Britt Hume are saying its about changing demographics. If the repubs had repudiated foreign wars on Israel’s behalf and embraced closed borders and some economic protectionism they would have won in a landslide, and they know it. But the Rockefellers want race replacement and they pull Karl wormtongue Rove’s strings.

  19. Admirer,

    It may be possible that a moderate to liberal Republican could win the Presidency if the DEMs just completely run the country off into a ditch. The GOP will eventually embrace Amnesty and Gay Marriage so there won’t be any difference there in the future.

    My point was that there will never be another Conservative president again. And I’ll stand by it. If a white Southern Baptist guy from Mississippi ran for President on a platform of, pro-life, traditional marriage, enforcement of immigration laws, lower taxes, lower spending, Conservative Justices on the SCOTUS, etc. That person would lose no matter what.

    On the other hand if a half Kenyan Black Liberationist Protestant black guy from Chicago ran for President on a platform of pro-choice, gay marriage, Amnesty for illegals, higher taxes, higher spending, Radical Justices on the SCOTUS, etc. That person would win. In fact one has, twice now. I’m not exaggerating we are in a horrible spot in this country now.

  20. I’m not giving up. I’M A TRUE BELIEVER – We will have a conservative president again. I’m sure there were plenty of Hamiltonian types like you saying woe is us before Old Hickory Andrew Jackson appeared and ran the serpents back to Europe.

  21. Look man I hope you’re right and I’m wrong. But all of the trends that are running against us such as demography, and growing social liberlism in young people are getting worse with time not better. What societal trend is going the Conservatives’ way? America is getting browner, young people in college are all for gay marriage, pot, abortion, the single life etc. America is also getting more secular with time.

    It is true that the US House of Representatives is still pretty Conservtaive (thank god) but how long will they hang on? They’ll just end up like the California State Legislature eventually.

  22. We’re in the Weimar stage – all our children have been corrupted. That turned around, didn’t it? This time let’s pray for s St. Benedict and not an Adolph, though.

  23. Goverment is so inflated, people so apathetic to things that matter, too many coloureds, a least one Jew(hahaha) and a people so evil and head filled with pleasant lies that this American people if they still exist are against so many odds it would be foolish to think it can remain a whole. Worse it might not be worth saving, think of the goverment intrusion, parrots of brainwashing, sluts of many women infantile adults, killers, rapists, thieves and tyrants so rampant it defies belief.

  24. Fr. John+ : Unless you get your head out of your ass and start reaching for attainable goals you will find yourself in a world where abortions and gay marriage will be the least of your worries. America is full of Caucasians who are smart enough to know that fiscal responsibility and public safety should be the foremost concerns of a presidential candidate, but they set their intelligence aside and vote for single social issues. Those voters can be added to the White herd just by getting your nose out of their personal lives.

    They have a name for species who were unable to adapt to their surroundings: Extinct.

    That is where we are headed as long as dipshits like you keep fantasizing about a world that never was and will never be and start supporting candidates that are actually electable. That candidate will have to be strong on issues that really effect our lives, such as jobs, affordable energy and keeping us from getting overran by both domestic and third world trash, and mute on non-issues such as gay marriage and liberal cunts killing off their fetid offspring.

    You know, this very afternoon, in Massachusetts or some other queer-loving state, Carl and George tied the knot and will spend the evening packing each others fudge. Disgusting as that is, it will not effect my bank accounts and it will not make my neighborhood unsafe. It will not raise the price of gasoline or beef.

    Also on this very afternoon, some selfish little liberal bitch will terminate that slimy baby liberal in her womb. One less liberal. Man, that’s just awful. My heart is in a fucking wringer. Boo-fucking-hoo.

    Quit worrying about the wrong shit.

  25. Tamer of Savages says:

    So, Jews who once lived in America and now make Israel their home land support Romney. Of course! Why wouldn’t they? Romney would continue giving them everything they want and MORE.

    Most of the Jews living here voted for Obama! Not exactly a news flash.

  26. Playing Roots Backwards says:

    ‘Fr. John+ : Unless you get your head out of your ass and start reaching for attainable goals you will find yourself in a world where abortions and gay marriage will be the least of your worries.’

    I agree with you. Pains me to admit we MUST back off on abortion and queers. Any candidate that gives the slightest appearance of disapproval of any aspect of abortion is toast! Most women consider it their sacred right. Most men do to. We have become a nation of alley cats. If a man knocks up a woman on a one nighter he wants her to terminate! It is what we have become.

    I was once a very religious fanatical zealot. I marched with church groups, stood on corners, passed out tracts, knocked on doors and contributed lots of money to Christian causes.

    When I learned our elected officials often paid no attention to form letters, I wrote hand written letters to every US Congressman and Senator in addition to most elected officials in my state.

    It is a different day. Abortion has been legal for 40 years. Unfortunately, the queers have won too.

    We must focus our resources towards attainable goals, as you have said.

    From another angle. I wonder how many negro babies are aborted every year? What would their population be today if left totally unchecked?

  27. Sam: Lot’s and lots of nigger sprog are aborted each year. I posted a link to a youtube video a while back on OD. The nigger in the video said that since the late-70’s over 15 million niglets had been prevented by abortion. The video was several years old at the time I posted the link, so many more sprog have been added to the 15 million.

    And consider this. If the sprog from the seventies had been allowed to go forth and proliferate, they would be great grandparents by now. The niggers aborted in the eighties would be grand parents, as would a few who were prevented in the nineties.

    Add them all up, guessing closely and rounding down, and it would be safe to say that without abortions we could easily have more than double the number of niggers we have today.

    People who plan don’t abort. People who care don’t abort. Abortion only effects the populations of Black Trash and selfish, liberal Whites who would otherwise pass their undesirable traits on to their offspring. No great loss.

  28. Say this:

    If you are carrying a white kid, we will have a whip around and give you 3,000 to carry to term.

    Nothing for a Mulatto–we will pay you to abort.
    We will the same for a full blooded niglette.

    Take abortion docs to Africa and pay them to run amok in Africa.

    Nasty but effective. Inutero genocide.

  29. Yes, and there are OTHER ways about going about handling the queers and “liberal cunts” who abort.

    Item: women liked Brokeback Mountain, but ALL of them had to avert their eyes from that infamous tent scene with an “OMG!” exclamation.

    Item: men and even most women do not like the kind of cunt that Charlize Theron played in Prometheus.

  30. The problem with the evangelical types is they don’t practice humor, ridicule and shaming. No one likes to be made fun of. I like what Ole Hickory called James Buchanan and his “body man” William King: Miss Nancy and Aunt Fancy!

  31. A lot of complex problems are insoluble by a head-on approach, but actually turn out to be quite easy when handled by another, indirect approach.

  32. John: The Dutch have a government owned abortion ship that makes regular stops all around the African coast, and business is booming.

    The only thing I ever liked about George Bush and our present Nigger In Chief is that they both sent tons of loot to the Darkie Continent to fund abortion. Now that’s a program that is worth borrowing from the Chinese to pay for.

    Ask yourself this, John: If a White girl is such a piece of shit that she thinks it’s okay to murder her unborn child, do we really want to pay her to perpetuate her hateful bloodline? Besides, how long do you think it would take for your plan to turn into part time jobs for ineducable, low IQ White Trash girls who shouldn’t even be ALLOWED, let alone ENCOURAGED, to have babies?

  33. Society needs gammas.

    This is also a Swiftian proposal.

    Oh so abortion is a sacred right? Ah see… Supose we did this? Abort nigs and encouraged white babies?

  34. John: Yes, let’s abort plenty of nigs, but lets be sensible about WHICH Whites we encourage to breed. We already have plenty of White folks who think that living on welfare and voting for a nigger president is just great. Do we need more of those?

    The problem is that the White folks who should be reproducing care enough and are responsible enough to look around the shithole we inhabit and decide not to bring a child into such madness. I can’t tell them they are wrong because they probably aren’t.

  35. For everything there is a season, and I believe this is the season for righteous white male anger. We were told by women that they should have the vote, and look at where it has gotten us – we are trillions in debt! Obviously they have abused the privilege and should be rebuked. Further, most of their social causes are excuses to do anything except have white children. Haven’t we had enough of their bullshit? They have put the country and our people at risk and we have allowed it.

    Examples of righteous anger:

  36. “Note: I’m sure there are other stories that will percolate up on my radar screen. If you know of anything I have missed, post the links below.”

    Did you watch the debates?!? Romney supported the Dream Act fer chrissakes!

    All of these things you mentioned would have eventually occurred during a Romney administration as sure as the sun will come up tomorrow morning. Whoever won this election would have fundamentally changed absolutely nothing.

    Get a grip. Romney is a Northeast Yankee liberal (and governed Massachusetts as such) with lighter skin than Obama but they are brothers underneath.

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