Jared Taylor on the 2012 Election


I would add here that the support the GOP gets from “White voters” is non-random. The “White voters” they depend on so heavily are Southerners and Westerners and some Midwesterners.

Yankees are “White voters,” but the Democrats have the Northeast locked up. That’s the base of the Democratic Party.

The GOP can’t reach these voters with racial appeals because Yankees are allied with blacks and support changing the racial demographics of America because it benefits them politically.

Thus, it is easier for the GOP to drive down the non-White vote by downplaying race than it is to win over the White “moderates” in the North by emphasizing racial solidarity:

Note: Surely, Jared knows this living in Northern Virginia which shifted the whole state to Obama for a second time.

If Romney had made a racial electoral appeal to the White working class, he would have lost the NOVA suburbs by even wider margins than he actually did.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Now things are starting to make some sense. I knew Romney was playing hard core moneyball but I couldn’t see the plan. I also understand Yankees better now.

  2. Think about it: does anyone here seriously think that Romney would have performed better by making an explicit appeal to White racial solidarity? Has anyone here tried that in the Northeast?

  3. No, an explicit appeal to whites would not have worked, and not just in the Northeast. It would have undoubtedly spooked a lot of people.

  4. I don’t think white racial solidarity, that is to say among the whole of the white population, ever truly existed in America. Whites in general are naturally hyper-individualistic. American whites, exponentially more so.

  5. Yes, it would have spooked all the Yankee suburban moderates, and Romney would have lost even more decisively because it would have raised non-White turnout and exacerbated the margin.

  6. Some the vanguardists who are outraged that the Republicans don’t make explicit racial appeals live in the very same areas where all of these “moderates” live and join us in cyberspace using anonymous pseudonyms because they themselves have no confidence in the racial beliefs of their own neighbors.

  7. It would have spooked every non-Southron so-called “respectable” Republican, from coast to coast. They would have run screaming from the room.

    That doesn’t mean he, or someone else, couldn’t have found a better way to appeal to the white electorate than Romney did.

  8. “Some the vanguardists who are outraged that the Republicans don’t make explicit racial appeals live in the very same areas where all of these “moderates” live and join us in cyberspace using anonymous pseudonyms because they themselves have no confidence in the racial beliefs of their own neighbors.”

    Absolutely! But I’m not outraged the Republicans don’t make explicit racial appeals. It would be suicide. No question.

  9. Shoot, even having a border raises anti-white hackles. I don’t even know what the Republican Party represents anymore except war, vague hope and, of course, Israel.

  10. Taylor isn’t saying that the Republicans should make explicit appeals to white racial solidarity to try and win over white northerners. He’s making the same argument that Pat Buchanan and VDARE have been making for years now—if the GOP would adopt the “Sailer Strategy” ie (immigration restriction/economic nationalism/anti affirmative action/etc) the GOP would be able to attract enough Northern whites to continue to win national elections for years to come.

    Far left Yankee true believers make up only a minority of the northern whites that vote Democratic. The majority are simply working class union types that perceive the current GOP as hostile to their economic interests.

  11. Shit, I hit every branch on the way down here. Abortion, religion, border, you name it, I hit it. For me the last option out there is race that’s going to save this country, and it’s certainly the most hair-raisingly unpopular. It was probably the only option all along. If we watch what the enemy does it probably was. Keep the border open, divert the attention, dilute, polarize, destroy.

  12. And thats the problem Hunter.

    Its all good and fine that the Democrats play to specific minorities (Blacks for Obama, Latinos for Obama, etc.), hell its expected. But when the Republicans try the same pander tactic they fail every time. Period. McCain was considered more liberal than Obama when it came to comprehensive immigration reform and Amnesty. Romney–after winning the primaries–fell in line behind Obama stating he would not retract the DREAM order, and that deportation would be impossible so illegals would have to “leave of their own volition…” Romney also pandered to inner city schools multiple times, so did McCain (I don’t ever remember him going to suburban or rural schools for the purpose of talking education, only to use the venue after school was out to hold a generic rally). Black/Latino unemployment is in the high teens, twenties percentage. Romney promised change from the status quo, and job creation potential. This didn’t appeal to them. Because they are already being taken care of by the welfare complex. Both men failed in getting even 10% of the black vote, and 25% of the latino vote.

    But now all I hear, after losing the election, is rightwing “pundits” like Huckabee, Gingrich, Rubio, and FOX claiming we aren’t doing enough to appeal to the minority vote. Insanity. Romney and McCain were moderate candidates, and these pundits want the GOP to move more to the left in order to win. So what does moving left of center make an already watered down moderate Republican Party? Democrat Lite. This is the end of the GOP. Especially if Obama gets amnesty through early on and more illegals flock to the country, driven by the mayhem of a drug-war torn Mexico.

    So, seeing hypocrisy , why can’t a well spoken, informed, solid conservative candidate address the white demographic? Address their interests as a group, and the problems that they face in the next few decades as a shrinking majority in a soon-to-be balkanized nation. Some people’s heads are in the sand, but another 4 years of racial divide will open more minds. When did being the great white hope become a negative (after all isn’t Obama the Black’s messiah?). Its stunning that people are so concerned with the budget/debt/deficit. In turn the politicians craft budget plans that solve the problem-but only decades into the future. This same future that will look so different because of the demo-shift we all know is coming. But the GOP wont explore this option of informing people of the new reality of racial politics. The truth hurts sometimes. And white guilt has been ingrained in many since birth, fortified over years of indoctrination.

    The GOP will die if they continue to pursue a minority appeasement plan. At the same time those disgusted with the etch-a-sketching will look for a better, new party that represents their best interest. One that doesn’t tax and marginalize them for the benefit of the takers (wait until the tax hikes hit in January). Death by a thousand cuts. This election made it clear. It’s all about identity politics now. It will be easier to try and shift 3% Yankee to the cause, after another 4 years of Obama, than 8+% minority.

  13. The Republicans are weak on everything.

    We all know this event is the culmination of about 70 years of the weakest representation of a people’s interest in the history of man.

  14. Hunter Wallace says:
    ‘Think about it: does anyone here seriously think that Romney would have performed better by making an explicit appeal to White racial solidarity?’

    I think many White Republicans have been shaken up badly by the election. Limbaugh and many others have said we may have lost the country. Whites are primed now to accept the truth of race.

    If the conservative media celebrities would be brave enough to lay out the situation as Taylor has, it could catch on. Whites are frustrated, afraid and seeking answers. If the media mouthpieces take the bull by the horns, so to speak and speak of the reality of identity politics, I believe real progress could be made

    I’m sending that clip to Mark Belling, and Gop politicians in my state.

  15. Does anyone here know of a single person from Vermont or Maine or any of the New England states that posts regularly on any pro-white site? I can’t recall ever knowing of one.

    Has there ever been one?

  16. They can’t make overt racial appeals to white people before white people are already voting as a racial bloc and given the anti-white media domination white politicians would have a hard time even then without it being potentially counter-productive.

    The second option is implicit appeals based on crime, anti-white employment discrimination, immigration ect. These are treated in the anti-white media as explicit racial appeals with some of the same negative effects among some white voters but they could in theory be defended without triggering the white fairness programming if GOP politicians could do subtle.

    The third and most practical option is the Buchanan-style economic nationalist argument: pro tariffs where neccessary, anti-offshoring, anti-immigration, pro full employment, education and training – make it about the victims of immigration to counter the other side making immigrants the victim. This would appeal to white self-interest while at the same time neutralizing white fairness programming.

    The reason the national GOP won’t make that argument is the people who fund the national GOP want globalism, offshoring and mass immigration to lower wages so in effect the economic self-interest of the GOP elite is outweighing their electoral self-interest.

    However at the state and local level that argument could be successfully made imo e.g. Arizona turning “Southern.” If the state and local GOP (or a third party) can be pushed into making the economic nationalist argument – particularly over immigration i.e. immigration undercuts jobs and wages for the existing population – and that creates a racial voting bloc as a side effect, then it would be easier to move from there.

  17. I think we are going to see an essential ousting of the people who run the GOP. In fairness I think many who have been commenting negatively about the FOX news people are simply letting there knee jerk reflex of denigrating everything “mainstream” do the talking. That’s not what I saw last night and today and tonight. The people still recommending more minority outreach have been a few guest, for example. About all the rest that I saw seem to me to be so stunned they are actually wanting to know what to do about it. The demographic problem and even the 1965 legislation is being mentioned constantly.

    I think a lot of them are ready to start listening some. They are clearly shook up badly. A few guest “pundits” are telling them quite a few things that need to be said.

  18. I think it likely a lot of the conservatards are ready to do some listening to us, too. They are now painfully aware they have been looking ridiculous and know they were made fools of by the Karl Rove’s and the like. They know too now about the demographic nuclear bomb that has been set off. They know now how impotent the kind of conservatism they have been getting suckered by really is and how impotent it makes them look.

    The Vanguardist are at least somewhat right in that regard: Worse may have been better for right now. It sure as hell has rocked them right down to their very foundations and woke up a ton of them. Now is the time for us to mingle outside of these echo chambers and crank it up. A “wave of history” has come in. These people are available for reaching in ways not possible before. Make use of that wave, they do not come but rarely in a century.

  19. I believe Romney could have won comfortably, if he had embraced Ron Paul’s followers and not banged the drums of war.

    Ron Paul’s followers are young and enthusiastic, they are the future, while the GOP as a whole, looks old and tired. And no one in their right mind wants WW3.

    So the choice was for a rapidly browning Amurrica, or WW3. Both choices sucked.

  20. Jamie
    “I believe Romney could have won comfortably, if he had embraced Ron Paul’s followers and not banged the drums of war.”

    Given the relatively narrow gap that may be true and in terms of party politics it may even have been better. I think the economic nationalist argument is better in terms of creating a racial voting bloc not neccessarily in optimal economic terms.

  21. Still talking electoral politics?

    We aren’t going to vote our way out of this!

    Look at the demonstrations at ole miss. We should be talking about OD Signs and chalk campaigns on campuses like the infowarriors have done.

    Practical politics!

  22. Lawrence Auster happily posts some racial results:

    White 59% Romney
    Black 93% Obama
    Latino 71% Obama
    Asian 73% Obama

    Interestingly, he leaves out Jews. But I will add their statistic:

    Jews 69% Obama

  23. “….313Chris says:
    I don’t think white racial solidarity, that is to say among the whole of the white population, ever truly existed in America. Whites in general are naturally hyper-individualistic. American whites, exponentially more so….”

    This is the most contradictory “wn”/ “white ethnic” MEME—

    Books such as “Albions Seed” make very clear many COMMUNITY folkways of the early Americans.

    On the one hand, they bitch about “irish need not apply” signs, the “clubby-ness” of the E-ville wasp, Kevin MacD’s endless references to the (evil) “anglo-elite,” the stories about how badly the “wops” and “micks” were treated, on and on and on, bitching. Not to mention “total war” on the wasp population (which totally overlaps with the upper South, which is where they really “fought,” mostly in VIRGINIA, which just so happens to be the E-ville (propagandized against) “Bible Belt,” and on and on— making people and their families hate themselves!

    LAWS were necessary to create “integrated” neighborhoods (where the non-wasps benefited as the “clubs” were opened and the “white shoe law firms” (K-mac brings this up a lot), and the Tobacco Acts, that devalued land, and clean air to devalue the coal region livelihood (wasp).

    Somehow, at the same time—- those stupid, rednecks real problem is “individualism.” Yeah right.

    Such ignorant, transparent attempt to cover the dirtiness and foul morality of their attacks… lol. How contemptible.

    They have no honor. (obviously.)

  24. No one should ever be allowed to get away with that— pretending Colonial-Era Americans were too “individualistic” and that’s some kind of problem of theirs.

    In reality, there is much documentation of their COMMUNITIES. Just as there is much documentation of attacks on their communities—- from Indian attacks, to current propaganda attacks, legal attacks, economic disenfranchisement attacks—

    Chris, you need to do some studying.

  25. Still talking electoral politics?
    We aren’t going to vote our way out of this!

    I guess that’s why NSDAP, Communists and IRA/Sinn Fein shunned electoral politics. 🙂

  26. I doubt if we’d be in this fix if the South hadn’t been so eager to go to war in 1917 and 1940-41. There wasn’t a single AFC chapter in the South. The South ignorantly went along with FDR’s simultaneous demonizing of Hitler/coddling of the Soviets.

    That said, whoever ordered the assassination of Huey Long (ally of Fr. Coughlin and Gerald L.K. Smith) was a political genius with great foresight.

  27. The South came out of WW1 and WW2 more committed to segregation than ever before. White racial consciousness collapsed in the North and West. It didn’t collapse here because the South is a nation within a nation.

  28. Hunter’s absolutely right about the consequences of actually trying to implement the Sailer/Taylor strategy.

    If you’re a Republican, the way to get what you really need (a greater percentage of the white vote) without getting what you don’t need (higher minority turnout for Democrats) is to go moderate (not liberal) on the social issues and work like hell to pick up the people who say “i’m fiscally conservative but socially liberal.” Then when you get in office, appoint anti-AA judges, stall for time on “comprehensive immigration reform,” stay out of wars, and hope for the best.

  29. Romney was a fiscal con and social liberal. Didn’t do him any good as he’s hit the Iron wall of racial demographics. Browns and blacks are the balance of power in the modern
    US politics.

  30. “If you’re a Republican, the way to get what you really need”

    is to do what works on a state by state basis.

  31. “is to do what works on a state by state basis.”

    and by “what works” i mean “what gets 66%+ of the white vote.”

  32. @ Sam, November 8, 2012, 6:50 am: I think many White Republicans have been shaken up badly by the election. Limbaugh and many others have said we may have lost the country. Whites are primed now to accept the truth of race.

    I believe it. Today was a red-letter day at The Oculus Report — a 1000 percent increase in first-time hits within the past 24 hours. My mailbox is filled with messages asking for more information on white racial identity. Most common comment: “My eyes have been opened.”

    Folks, if we fail to glean when the corn is ripe, we are fools. Leave the swastika and Klan hood behind, get out there now, and start talking to white people about white identity. Our people are waking up.

  33. “That said, whoever ordered the assassination of Huey Long (ally of Fr. Coughlin and Gerald L.K. Smith) was a political genius with great foresight.”

    Huey Long was assassinated by the Jew, Carl Weiss.

  34. test says:
    November 8, 2012 at 5:26 pm
    “If you’re a Republican, the way to get what you really need”

    is to do what works on a state by state basis.

    Jack Responds:

    Well said. I would add, try to work in some area that you are reasonably good. Get some honest feedback, not everyone is a great writer, great speaker, great communicator. There are other skills that are needed, things like being a good fundraiser, recruiter of new candidates (If the White voting public likes famous actors, ex college football coaches, fine – recruit some decent ex actors, beloved ex college football coaches)

    Also, look in the mirror and be honest at what you see. How old are you? If you’re 11 years old, that’s probably too young to run for US Senate, President of the United States, likewise if you’re 87 years old.

    Practice listening, getting feedback. Don’t lie, but learn to tell different groups of Whites what they want to hear.

    Stop trying to ram home


    to various groups of Whites that don’t want to hear your version of the truth (ie economic conservatism, Libertarianism etc).

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