About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Maps are telling.

    North Carolina seemed like VA, FL, with the NET areas “blue,” along with any largely non-white counties. If the Transplants were gone, most of the land space would look “red.” It changed only in the past ten years, seems like, with non-southerners suddenly ‘highly incentivized’ to move there.

    (They think they thought of this by themselves, lol. Because they are into “self determination,” lol. Like it was just a personal idea for hundreds of thousands to move— which, in itself, is kind of contemptible.) Although lately Nets seem to be going to other states, like pacific northwest, having “changed” the south enough. Now, they are “changing” other places.

  2. All entirely predictable and Predicted.

    But only Nate Silver gets the credit. I’m sure Silver is a reader though.

  3. Hunter,

    Check out Emanuel Todd’s demographic/family studies of Anglo Saxon cultures.
    La Chute Final appears to have been proven correct this year.

  4. What have any of you intellectuals done to break the censorship against whites talking about what is good for whites?

    Free speech is the highest priority, not worrying about the GOP.

  5. I don’t care about “Whites” because I don’t believe such an ethnic group exists. I’m also positive that if national hate speech legislation is passed in this country that Vermont will pioneer it and Northeastern liberal Democrats will be the ones leading the charge for it.

  6. Okay Rob do this.

    Move to Vermont.

    Buy a big house in the middle of town and paint the mantra on the house in big red letters. Set up some bullhorns on exterior of the house that repeats it loud and ad nauseum.

  7. You must break the censorship, otherwise you will be another version of basement vanguardists.

    Dixie vanguardists, and I know the type I spent about 15 years in the LoS and the word “white” was only used to describe linen. Otherwise the grannies who really set the tone for that org. would get the upsets, and golly you don’t wanna upset Ol’ Ma.

    Free Speech for whites.

  8. Are these people stupid?

    Do they not know that they are voting for a candidate who wants to redistribute their wealth to the blacks and grant a huge amnesty to illegal aliens? Do they not know that the cumulative effect of that is a more non-White America?

    Of course they know. They don’t really care that America is becoming less White. They don’t see it as genocide. On the contrary, they see it as a good thing, as an opportunity to get more stuff. They see it as “progress.”

  9. I’m a half breed, half Scots-Irish half Puritan exile (see that section in Western Wisconsin that would be my other half of the family voting Obama).

    I see both sides of the story and it doesn’t change the absolute need to break the censorship that strangles us. Job #1

    We break the censorship, then we can lable the stupid yankee moralist (I know them personally my maternal grandfather if alive would be 100 years old and would have voted Obama after a lifetime of GOP nonsense, simply because being morally superior trumps all in that world view) We can label them anti-whites and strip them completely, destroy them. And destroy the cacoon those Dixie grannies live in, completely (but with Southern grace of course).

    Free speech for Whites

  10. I have Yankee DNA and I can tell you what turns off white swing voters to the GOP: warmongering, forcing religion into their lives,and plutocracy.

    Now, if the Southern whites are committed to voting their race and race alone, you could run a libertarian man of the people and win again. Think of Reagan. But there is this problem of the party apparachiks who govern so badly that whites have to vote performance over race just out of self defense, as they did in 2008.

    As some have pointed out, the GOP “brand” is dead.

  11. The first steps are not discussing the Neo-confederacy and the gothic resurgency or Covington’s NWR, that crap scares all the “nice people.” I knew the LoS would flounder when I spoke to a wonderful lady from MS she of prime Southern Blood, my gentle description of the LoS you would have thought I was talking about a good ol nigger reeducation party.

    The censorship is broken then a million books will be sold whose theme is Dixie reborn, if not the third world will roll all over the South and the grannies will play dress up with a few of them and that is it.

    The word “racist” used to censor us must be destroyed.

    Free Speech for Whites

  12. God appears to have told NJ, NY, Conn, Mass something with the weather.
    What it is ain’t exactly clear though.
    The weather is a reward for masochists. It’s like an anemic Roland disaster film.

    “The Day After Yesterday” or something. None can tell and none will speak.

  13. The censorship needs broken in yankee land and the west coast. You can say nigger, beaner etc all you like here in the rural South and no one gives a damn

  14. Au contraire,

    Just get on with saying it, take the hits. As soon as the result came in the pundits were spitting and salivating about the shrinking white vote.
    Make a stink. If you were right about this election being about Demographics then you are right to conclude that there is literally nothing to lose now.

  15. The extinction of the founding population means the extinction of civilization. The extinction of high art, the extinction of Just War, the extinction of uncorrupted civil. The end of everything sweet and noble about mankind.

  16. RobRoy is right. Break the cencorship against whites speaking up. Break it, break it, break it. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. It’s a code word for anti-white. What else is there? Nothing!

  17. Hunter Wallace says:
    November 8, 2012 at 1:31 pm

    “I don’t care about “Whites” because I don’t believe such an ethnic group exists. I’m also positive that if national hate speech legislation is passed in this country that Vermont will pioneer it and Northeastern liberal Democrats will be the ones leading the charge for it.”

    you may not believe in the Devil, but the Devil believes in you.

  18. Jared says:
    November 8, 2012 at 1:54 pm

    “RobRoySimmons obviously hasn’t kept up with the League of the South in the last 6 months or so.”

    LoS gave us Black Confederates, because they were terrified of the word “racist”.

    RRS is right – We must break the embargo on free speech for Whites.

  19. “Hunter,
    you may not believe in the Devil, but the Devil believes in you.”

    Yeah, that’s the thing.

    HW is correct that white people do not identify as an ethnic group. But our enemies do identify us as a single group and that group is being deliberately targeted for destruction.

    I’d like to be able to follow that up by saying that “We must all hang together or we will assuredly all hang separately.” But that’s not quite true anymore.

    By now, it’s too late to save the ship. It’s time to make sure that your family makes it a lifeboat. Saving the South (or a portion of it) would be a great victory at this point, far more than we can reasonably hope for… but not yet outside the realm of possibility.

  20. “The Mantra doesn’t work at all on these people because they don’t give a damn about “White people” and don’t identify with their race.”

    Absolutely, in fact, they openly despise white people doing anything as a block, whether racially motivated or otherwise. They are the type who live in all-white neighborhoods and complain about the lack of diversity. They do all the stuff white people do, then they bitch about it. It’s like a bizarre manifestation of group-deprecation.

  21. Jim says:
    November 8, 2012 at 8:26 pm

    No Anti-Mantra Pro White, ever describes a situation where they have used the Mantra in the real world . Their criticism is always based on their untested opinions.


    And what RRS said about Puritans and moral superiority is right, because I am also related to anti-whites and I understand them well. Moral Superiority is what makes the anti-white, so Puritanical.

    If you guys had ever used the Mantra or asked for help using it, you would know it is not about converting anti-whites.

    It is about exposing what the anti-white really thinks in public, for all the world to see.

    It is about making the anti-white doubt, destroying their faith and suppressing them – just as “racist” is used to silence White and Normal people.

    Hard core anti-whites will always be anti-white, but there aren’t as many of them as you think. Hard core anti-whites, are a small minority that bullies everyone else. If anyone speaks up ,they shout them down with their scare word, “racist”.

  22. Thugs calling White people “racist” today, are exactly the same kinds of thugs that shouted HERETIC! during the Spanish Inquisition.

    The first logical step, is to break the hold their “scare word” has on White people. After that we have free speech.

  23. My ultimate goal for their “scare word”, is to make it as dangerous to call a White person “racist” to their face, as calling a Black man, nigger to his face.

    If you call a Black man, nigger in this day and age, you know you are looking for a fight.

    As an anti-white, if you call a White and Normal person “racist”, in the coming years, I expect that White and Normal person will rearrange your face.

    When that day comes, White people will have free speech.

  24. RRS is right on the mark. I think one error in our way of thinking is that there will be one pivotal event that takes us out of this mess. I hope there may be, but we didn’t get in this perdicament overnight and we’re not going to get out overnight. It’s going to have to be a gradual process. We are going to have to engage with these people on terms they understand, not just run others down. A piss poor economy can help us, as well as minority crime, etc.

  25. Wayne says:
    November 8, 2012 at 9:25 pm

    “RRS is right on the mark. I think one error in our way of thinking is that there will be one pivotal event that takes us out of this mess. I hope there may be, but we didn’t get in this perdicament overnight and we’re not going to get out overnight.”

    It took a lot of work by anti-whites to get us into this mess and its going to take a lot of work to get us out. Thinking something will just fix itself, is Cargo Cult mentality.

    “A piss poor economy can help us, as well as minority crime, etc.”

    The Mantra can work with Minority Crime.

    Right now, they have a video of a White man getting his brains beat out, by a big Black thug in a Pizza Store, while 5 or 6 White guys ignore it. The Whites don’t help, because White Society/Solidarity has been destroyed, by the anti-whites.

    Fight at Pizza Parlor

    You can put a video up and say, this is what White Genocide looks like. You don’t have to stop doing what you are doing, the Mantra works with almost anything.

  26. You know, maybe if Northerners were consciously going “Let’s fuck over the South! I hate Southerner! Yeah, Vote Obama!”

    But they aren’t. They are just clueless people. It’s not done out of malice towards Southerners.

    But your Yankee hatred is done out of malice. And that’s worrisome and disappointing.

  27. Cabbageroll wrote: ‘You know, maybe if Northerners were consciously going “Let’s fuck over the South! I hate Southerner! Yeah, Vote Obama!”

    But they aren’t. They are just clueless people. It’s not done out of malice towards Southerners.

    But your Yankee hatred is done out of malice. And that’s worrisome and disappointing.’

    Cabageroll, while I want an independent South that is Southern where my people are not colonised and replaced, I do not hate Yankees. I recognise that they are a different people but as long as they do me no harm I don’t really care what they do. If they want gay marriage in Massachusetts, that’s fine but they shouldn’t be able to force it on us here through the courts and so forth. If they want millions of Mexicans there, that’s fine, but they shouldn’t be able to sign an amnesty into place that affects us here. Things like this are why there are hard feelings – because a lot of us feel like we’re being screwed over by the North in general. I know it’s not OD readers who are doing it though.

  28. “Northern Whites Defeated Romney”

    You know this isn’t true, so why do you keep repeating this blatant falsehood? Northern whites voted for Romney over Obama by roughly a 53% to 45% margin.

    So rather than waging a mindless anti-Yankee jihad, why don’t we instead start analyzing the demographic data culled from the exit polls?

    First, let’s break up the North into its constituent regions: New England, the Mid-Atlantic, the Great Lakes and the Great Plains.

    In New England, a majority of whites, aka ‘Yankees’, voted for Obama in all 6 states, from a low of 51% in Connecticut and New Hampshire to a high of 66% in Vermont (no data from Rhode Island). I would estimate that about 55% of whites in New England voted for Obama.

    In the Mid-Atlantic states, 49% of whites in New York voted for Obama, 43% in New Jersey and 42% in Pennsylvania. Overall, about 45% of whites in the Mid-Atlantic voted for Obama.

    In the Great Lakes states, whites in all 5 states voted against Obama, from a high of 47% in Wisconsin to a low of 38% in Indiana. Overall, about 43% of whites in the Great Lakes voted for Obama.

    In the Great Plains states, whites in Iowa voted for Obama (51%), but against him in the other 6 states, with a low of 31% in Missouri. There is no exit poll data from North Dakota, South Dakota or Nebraska, so it’s harder to estimate the totals for the Great Plains as a whole, but I would estimate that Obama got about 40% of the white vote here.

    Starting to notice a pattern? Obama’s vote among Northern whites rapidly shrinks moving from east to west. From a high of 66% in Vermont and 55% in New England as a whole, to a low of 31% in Missouri and 40% in the Great Plains as a whole. There are a couple of minor outliers like New Hampshire on the Atlantic and Iowa west of the Mississippi, both at 51% for Obama, but the pattern is remarkably consistent.

    In a way, it’s a bit like the South, with the South Atlantic states renigging for Obama 58-40 in electoral votes, while Transappalachia voted for Romney 98-0. The South Atlantic states also re-elected all 4 Democratic senators up this year, leaving them a total of 8 Dem senators total compared to 6 Republicans. Transappalachia, on the other hand, re-elected 3 Republican senators and 1 Democrat, leaving them a total of 14 Republicans and just 4 Dems.

    So instead of issuing blanket denunciations of the damnyankees, we should realize that there are vast political differences in the different regions of Yankeeland. White New Englanders deserve all the scorn that Southrons can heap on them. Mid-Atlantic whites aren’t so bad, PA and NJ more so than NY. Great Lakes whites are even better, especially the folks in Indiana. And Great Plains whites (with the exception of the people of Iowa, who seem to have some special affinity with Obama) are the most righteous Yankees of them all.

  29. If its that close it is as good as handing the state to the black. Also, how big is the minority population in Vermont for christ’s sake? Or Maine? Or New Hampshire?

  30. If the white population is 93% in New Hampshire, which is also the most conservative state in New England, it’s not possible for the minorities to have tipped the balance Jeppo. That result was the result of whites, you gullible twit.

  31. There’s no exit polling data from ND, SD, NE and RI, but looking at how decisively Obama won RI and Romney won the other 3, I’m going to revise the estimated white vote for Obama in New England slightly up to 56%, and slightly down in the Great Plains to 39%. That’s a 17 point difference in voting patterns between the easternmost and westernmost regions of the North. Clearly, all Yankees are not created equal.

  32. If the white population is 93% in New Hampshire, which is also the most conservative state in New England, it’s not possible for the minorities to have tipped the balance Jeppo. That result was the result of whites, you gullible twit.

    Who said anything about minorities tipping the balance in New Hampshire? In my first comment, I stated not once but twice that Obama won 51% of the white vote in NH.

    You’re right Chris. I made John cry. 🙂

  33. New Hampshire
    President Obama won the popular vote in New Hampshire in 2008 by 9.5 percentage points, with approximately 78.7% of Latinos voting for him.16 Current polls suggest that 51% of Non-Hispanic Whites and 49% of all other racial/ethnic groups intend to vote for Obama in 2012 in New Hampshire. If this is the case Obama will obtain approximately 50.9% of the popular vote in the state.17 (See table 8). These data indicate Obama will win the popular vote in New Hampshire even if 0% of voting Latinos cast their ballots for him.
    Table 8
    Election Scenario Assuming Current Polls by Race/Ethnicity in New Hampshire 2012
    Non-Hispanic White Non-Hispanic Black Asian Latino Other
    What if New Hampshire Latinos Voted at the Same Percentages as Non-Hispanic Whites and Blacks?
    In 2008, Non-Hispanic Whites and Non-Hispanic Blacks turned out to vote at approximately 66% of all eligible voters, while Latinos turned out at approximately 50%.18 If Latinos who are eligible to vote in 2012 in New Hampshire turned out to vote at similar rates as Non-Hispanic Whites and Non-Hispanic Blacks (66%), Obama would obtain approximately 50.9% of the vote, assuming the accuracy of current polling. Yet, if support for Obama among voting Non-Hispanic Whites in New Hampshire were to decline by approximately 1 percentage point (50.1% support among voting Non-Hispanic Whites) Obama would not win the popular vote in New Hampshire. In this scenario, if all Latinos who are eligible to vote in New Hampshire turn out to vote at 66% and 49% of voting Latinos cast their ballots for Obama, he would obtain the majority vote in New Hampshire. (See table 9).
    Projected Voting
    Projected Voting for Obama
    % of Total

    Gypo I don’t even know what point you are trying to make. It was clearly white voters doing the damage. Stupid Lascar bullshitter.

  34. There are three reasons why Obama won the election.
    First and foremost it is the continual propoganda by the liberal (and I hate to bring this up) jewish owned media that has provided ammunition to the liberal, self guilt propogating media for the last 50 or more years. Their hatred for white christians is a priority over the survival of their historical first priority: Israel, which is proven by their overwhelming support for Obama. This propoganda has also impacted white single women who are more concerned about birth control than the future (or their future children’s future) and the myth Obama has successfully implanted in their minds, that for some reason republicans are against them. Real men have got to work on changing this perception, since if they are unwilling to do this, we as a race are going to face a battle, not for ourselves, but for our children.
    Second, it is the fact that we continually ignore the real racism that exists: That is the fact that 93% of blacks, 74% of asians, and 69% of hispanics voted for Obama. The liberals like to point at whites as the real racists. I’m going to turn this around every chance I get when discussing this election with any race or ethnic group. If whites voted anywhere near these numbers for their race, the press would be unabashedly calling for whites to renounce the election on racial terms. The bottom line is that this was a racial and ethnic division, that even FOX news would not acknowledge. We are in a battle of survival which will determine whether our children and their children survive. This is no longer a battle of ideas, political parties, or opinion expressed in polite conversation with your neighbors. This now becomes a race and ethnic battle. The media over decades has put us at a disadvantage. I have realized this for two decades, but have always thought that the majority of my race would wake-up. If the results of this election was not a wake up call, then 4 years from now might be, but it will be more difficult to combat. When I see how the white people of Zimbabwe and South Africa have succumbed, I fear this will happen here. Do we really want to be ruled by a race that hates us? What do we want our children to inherit?
    Third is the large amount of white liberals who are basically committing self genocide on themselves and their children by allowing this country to become a haven for welfare recipients and illegal immigrants with no skills besides basic labor and who will bring their extended families thanks to the great benfactor – Obama. They are the ultimate sheep being herded by a wolf that does not have their interests at heart. Brainwashing only exceeded by the black population that worships at the altar of race hustlers that promise neverending money owed by the white man for things done 150 years ago, but remedied by the white man. I’d love to see anything ever done for whites by blacks. That would be a day to treasure.
    Wake the hell up!

  35. Actually the main reason Romney lost was because of a drop in the working class white voter turnout particularly in rural areas. The most likely cause of this drop is that many working class whites see the GOP as the party of the rich and only the rich. Instead of wasting time going after the Hispanic vote it would be better for the GOP to concentrate on developing economic policies that would be attractive to working class whites such as bringing a halt to immigration.

  36. Headline from Election Day should read:

    Hostile Minority Takeover US!

    Pod People Win At the Polls!

    Minority Occupation Government!

  37. No malice from yankees toward Southron men? I call bullshit. You can see it every day on the tv, but you’re so use to it it seems normal

  38. “No malice from yankees toward Southron men? I call bullshit. You can see it every day on the tv, but you’re so use to it it seems normal”

    A lot of that is directly from the poisonous pens of Jewish screenwriters who also have no love for working class white men from any region of the country. Archie Bunker being a well known and early caricature on TV.

  39. And don’t forget all the STD-ridden racemixing white sluts who voted like their diseased lady parts depended on it!

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