How The 2012 Election Would Have Looked Without Universal Suffrage


Buzzfeed Politics compares how the 2012 electoral map would have looked under the system created by the Founders and after various Yankee improvements: black male suffrage, women’s suffrage, universal suffrage, and universal suffrage plus younger voters.

Note: These changes to the electorate have all worked to the advantage of Vermont and Massachusetts.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. And lastly, I bet property ownership and net taxpaying status is a far greater sign that a white man is going to vote conservative than being married.

  2. “But barb, why throw women’s issues into the mix? It only splits the men again, then those cracks can be widened by further dissemblers.”

    I know. It’s a problem. Look, I’m a woman. I’ve got interests. When MRAs bash all women, and say, take away the woman’s vote, that means me. Would my own life be better or worse without the vote? Worse, because of minority men.

    I’m also White. I have those interests. Which is why I want a White nation.
    I’m a mother, I have those interests. I want my son and daughter to have a stake in their country.
    And I’m a wife so my husband’s interests are also mine. Which is why I’m for low taxes (since my husband earns more than me, which increases my lifestyle over what I could provide) and keeping minority men (and women) from voting themselves our property.

    What particular voting bloc, if superenfranchised, would bring back the lovely 50s of White Men’s and Women’s Superiority?
    Answer: superempower the voting bloc that votes my way: Married people (marriage defined as one man and one woman).

    “I like the idea of weighting the ballot to increase the vote of a parental unit.
    But it’s too clever by half, it hides the racial intent. It could also turn negresses into queen bees who pump out niglettes by the dozen.”

    NOT parents, per se. We need to DISempower single mothers, particularly nigglet birthers.
    MARRIED couples (using the normal definition of one man and one woman) is the correct way to define it.

  3. “nd lastly, I bet property ownership …”

    Ah, but you only BET. You’re asking me to take as gospel your mere hunch. Why should I? You refused to take my hunch that married White women are conservative, back before I had the data to prove it.

    Now I have data to SHOW that married White women DO vote more conservatively than single White men.

  4. “I’m fine with only married men voting barb. Doesn’t bother me.”

    I’m not. The map shows, “men only” vote VERY red. Due in large part to (married) Jewish men’s excess political influence due to their affluence vote-buying. Since jewish men are liberal and their money gives them outsized impact, just saying married men only does not get us what we want. In fact, because it disenfranchises a huge demographic that is our friend (married White women) we’ll be leftier than before.

    We have to LEVERAGE the power of our reliable friends to overcome the jewish monkey wrenching.

  5. There’s no nationwide democratic solution. Only Partition! Then the racialized whites in the South have a fighting chance to prove that expelling blacks improves things.

    Barb is just fiddling with detail.

  6. “SO, men without property can vote themselves the goodies off of women propertyholders. Got it.
    YOU, sir, are a communist.”

    No. Women property owners have almost always been married. After all, they are the most “eligible” women.
    YOU, madam, are nothing but a feminist.

  7. Here’s an anecdata:

    Wyoming is known as the Equality State because it was the first to give women (i.e., White women as we have always been lily white) the vote. That was in 1869. Here we are in 2012, 143 years of (White) Women’s Suffrage, Wyoming is *reliably* red.
    So red, we’re 2nd only to Mississippi red.

    Why? No jews. (Particularly, none in the universities). No naggers. We are of Southern stock. (And some Germans who assimilated). We have one of the highest marriage rates (we also have have one of the highest divorce rates, but that means that at least our folks ARE getting married, not just cohabitating) Overall, we’re high on percent of households headed by married couples: #15 out of 50 states.

  8. “No. Women property owners have almost always been married. After all, they are the most “eligible” women.
    YOU, madam, are nothing but a feminist.”

    Interesting. Since we have a right to express our hunches around here, I don’t buy it. Does not jibe with the stereotype of us women in the West, the property owners were the madams. Also, my own, homely, sarah-plain-and-tall gramma, who homesteaded and inherited and acquired through purchase a total of 500 acres of prime Nebraska ranchland and ran 100 head of cows (this was the early decades of 20th century, BEFORE national women’s suffrage) had to write her friend back in New York and ask her to find a nice White guy fresh off the boat and tell him about her, because at 30, she was getting far too long in the tooth to land a husband.

  9. @barb:

    “Single people (most especially single mothers, but even single men are scarily lefty — having voted for Obama 48%. Mon dieu!)”

    Not to get into another Battle of the Sexes debate, but Obama being popular with this group makes a certain amount of sense.

    He’s a godsend to irresponsible single men in that he will relieve the irresponsible, sperm-chucking swinging bachelor of the burdens of fatherhood by forcing the taxpayers to pay to terminate any pregnancies he can talk his playthings into aborting.

    He’s a godsend to irresponsible single women because he will relieve them of any compromises men may require of their wives by ensuring that the taxpayer will support them if they have children outside of the marriage.

  10. “as we have always been lily white here”

    Never use the phrase “lily white”. Never. It is pejorative and it degitimizes the idea of an all-white community, as though it will only start to become legitimate once it dilutes, or loses entirely, its whiteness. Further, even when used without malice, it is poor and weaselly English usage as it imparts nothing that could not be got by the simpler “all white” or “extremely white” — nothing, that is, except its intended political malicious quality, whethere the speaker meant it or not. The mindworm has been planted, and the hearer will hear it.

    Among metaphors like this (“snow white” etc) I especially object to “lily white” as it makes whites out to be frail, delicate, fragile, flower-like things: not the robust mothafuckas who conquered half the planet. Think of how silly it would sound to call a Russian tank squadron “lily white” — or for that matter, the SEALs.

  11. Among White men, Romney won 45 states (including NH, RI and Conn.)

    Among White men, Romney won every “nation”, including “yankeedom” and “leftcoast”.

    If we took the rules back to the 18th century, and only counted White Protestant men, would Obama win a single state?

    The “white” male vote that went Obama’s way in 5 states includes Jews, Arabs etc. And would Obama win the White male vote in Mass. without the Kennedy family political machine?

  12. “It was the Enlightenment ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity. The Zoroastrian idea that despite bodily differences, the souls of people are equal and will be judged by God based on their good or evil deeds.”

    You are confusing the Enlightenment values of life, liberty, and property with a Rousseauean Romanticism.

    “Against that what do we hope to juxtapose?

    For that we must look to peoples that have managed to resist being blended into a universal humanity: not the Persians, but the Chinese.”

    We don’t need to turn into a bunch of insectoid chinks, and the billion odd Han are frighteningly monolithic to my eyes, in order to find the touchstones of our ethical roots.

  13. “Also, my own, homely, sarah-plain-and-tall gramma, who homesteaded and inherited and acquired through purchase a total of 500 acres of prime Nebraska ranchland and ran 100 head of cows (this was the early decades of 20th century, BEFORE national women’s suffrage”

    Like I said. Western European women have always enjoyed a pretty high level of property rights going all the way back to the Ancient Greeks.

  14. And since she was in fact eligible and actually became married she quintessentially proves my point. This also shows your lack of reading comprehension alone should bar you from voting.

  15. Good point Rudel. The dumb women basically blamed social pathologies on Alchohol instead of what already lurks in the Human Heart.

  16. I think most people here are closed system thinkers. Not surprising, because this is the type of thinking that is taught by our “intellectuals”, in what passes for the education system these days.

    In closed system thinking, everything must have oppressive rules and strict limits, which results in stagnation and failure. Jews and Communists for instance, love closed system thinking. They put limits on freedom, speech, the right to self defence, they strictly control who appears on the mainstream media, etc. Very closed system.

    White people on the other hand love open system thinking. Open system thinking is no limits,everyone has access and a chance to thrive. Think of the American frontier, free speech, right to bear arms, the internet, where anyone can build a website and put their opinion out there.

    Taking the vote away from women to save us from White Genocide, is a classic example of closed system thinking. All it will mean is women won’t want to live in your country.

    However, creating a system of informants. Rewarding them for information on anti-whites involved in White Genocide. An industry that profits from suing wealthy anti-whites, is an example of open system thinking. People will flock to make money from suing rich anti-whites and informing on them.

    Anti-whites of both sexes will self deport from pro white countries or face ruin and if they have been really bad, the long arm of the White Genocide Industry will chase them all over the world.

  17. “However, creating a system of informants. Rewarding them for information on anti-whites involved in White Genocide. An industry that profits from suing wealthy anti-whites, is an example of open system thinking. People will flock to make money from suing rich anti-whites and informing on them.”

    Troll. I don’t know which part is more Jewish; the Bolshevik political police or the use of trial lawyers.

  18. Rudel wants the freedom to promote White Genocide.

    Smart anti-whites always go into a panic, when I mention informant systems and a system for extracting TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS from their sponsors. They know what it means for THEM.

  19. “Ah, but you only BET. You’re asking me to take as gospel your mere hunch. Why should I? You refused to take my hunch that married White women are conservative, back before I had the data to prove it.”

    a. I’m not asking you to take it as gospel truth, I’m throwing it out there.

    b. I fully accepted that married white woman were more conservative. I just didn’t accept it as grounds enough to defend women’s suffrage. If the women are conservative, their husbands probably will be too, and so her vote will essentially count when his vote is weighted.

    Regardless, I’m not a multicultist, and I don’t think it serves anyone to set women against men. They have competing interests, which you fully admit, and only one should win. Being a man, I believe that should be men.

    This is not a do or die scenario. I’m merely pointing out that in my ideal world, women don’t vote. I wish they could. I think women are great. They smile, they look pretty, some are extremely competent, but overall from a man’s perspective they are flat-out nuts. In good ways and in bad ways. They are different creatures. I don’t need different creatures to cloud my political world. I’ll build it, I’ll certainly consider your needs therein, for it is in my interests that you are satisfied. But that satisfaction ends at my common sense and historical understanding that you are insane, beautiful creatures that deserve good boundaries. Outside those many boundaries is the voting booth.

    Women as equals in the voting booth leads to the idea that women are equal to men in all ways, deserve equal treatment in all things and should excel equally in all fields. This is a blatant lie. We do not want political norms to further blatant lies. At some things you are better, at some we are better. We orbit in entirely different emotional realms. Yet equality in the voting booth leads to all kinds of presumptions, the most destructive being that we ultimately would build the same kind of worlds. We would not. Why would we? Why should we want to?

    The better part of logic, barb, is that too many cooks spoil the broth.

  20. “Question:
    Why would anyone living in a Pro White country, want the freedom to be anti-White?”

    The only anti-white around here is you who is promoting spying on your neighbors and then suing them. Jew.

    Go away troll.

  21. Does it make any logical sense to live in a Pro White country and Demand the right to be anti-white?

    Explain it to us Rudel.

  22. Again, Rudel wants the right to be anti-white, in a Pro White country.

    He gets quite upset, when his right to be anti-white is challenged – Even in a country that is Declared Pro White.

    What is up with that Rudel?

  23. LandShark says:
    November 11, 2012 at 12:15 am

    “Because they’re kids in college and want to rebel?”

    Some kids like to drink and drive and innocent people get killed. Should they have the freedom to do that?

  24. As for my suggestion, the higher up leadership are aware of it and we will lobby for it.

    The idea is the first White Nationalist Government will help the White Genocide Industry get started and the industry will be self sustaining after that:

    The industry will extract enormous sums from anti-whites in high profile law suits, so people are constantly reminded of what they did in all White countries.

    This money will be used to pay lawyers and finance further lawsuits, as well as fund powerful political lobbies and build White Genocide memorials – Those Youtube videos showing White people getting attacked by non-whites, would be featured in these memorials, along with the news stories of all of the white people, that were robbed, raped and murdered by non-whites.

    Of course the informants would not be government, they would be any member of the public. And the rewards would not come from government, they would be from successful lawsuits.

    I can imagine educated and independent fellows, like Hunter Wallace for instance, using their skills to track down damning evidence on these anti-whites, finding out how much money they have, so we can see if they are worth suing and then writing proposals of why these people should be sued.

    The other kinds of informants could be those that worked closely with them and have documentation to submit.

    Something you should know about anti-whites, is Jail does not scare them at all, Jail for a cause, is a badge of honor.

    What really upsets anti-whites is the threat, that money might be taken from them. The possibility that their entire fortune might be lost, really gets under their skin for some reason. I think we can all guess why. 😉

  25. This is all academic. Let’s start some memes and social shaming movements.

    1. Diversity is genocide when only white countries do it.
    2. Diversity in immigration is reverse colonialism – if white colonialism was bad for Africa, black colonialism of America is bad for America.
    3. Miscegenation is genocide. Show a crowd of white faces first and the next the faces of the next generation with 25%, 50%, 100% miscegenation.
    4. Supporting black dominated sports is disguised wealth and social status transfer from whites to blacks. All whites who frequent professional sports dominated by blacks should be shamed by whites from now on.

    From now on whenever the issue of diversity is discussed whites should be there to call it what it is – white genocide by a thousand cuts.

  26. Admirer,
    This is just as important as the Mantra. You must plan for victory. Do not forget what I posted, it is important.

  27. One other thing – white males at SEC schools should withdraw from the school football program and form a white club football team. White students who continue to frequent the school football team instead of the club football team should be shamed by their pears – particularly white coeds.

  28. More memes:

    Whites demand slavery reparations from Arabs for the millions of white europeans sold into slavery by muslim slave traders.

    Eastern european nations demand reparations from Israel for the thousands of eastern europeans women tricked into sex slavery in Israel.

    Irish demand superior affirmative action rights over blacks because Irish were the first victims of the Atlantic slave trade.

  29. “Smart anti-whites always go into a panic, when I mention informant systems and a system for extracting TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS from their sponsors. They know what it means for THEM.”

    Why propose absurd strategies when a 35 cent pistol cartridge fired into your head will solve the problem?

  30. Rudel says:
    November 11, 2012 at 2:07 am

    “a 35 cent pistol cartridge fired into your head will solve the problem?”

    Now you are fantasizing about my death. lol


    As I said folks, the anti-whites really lose the plot when this policy is discussed.

    They know there will be no “community organizing”, once it is in place.

  31. The proposition nation is over – non-white immigrants did not assimilate and become individualistic persons seeking their own destiny – rather non-white immigrants refuse to assimilate and act as an alien nation within the greater nation as a whole. In essence, by their voting patterns they have betrayed the trust of those who admitted them into the country. Any republican who does not immediately propose an immigration moratorium is a stupid traitor.

  32. ” Any republican who does not immediately propose an immigration moratorium is a stupid traitor.”

    What? You don’t want to sue them for trillions of dollars? 🙂

  33. If white women stop aborting the next generation of white engineers Mitt Romney won’t have to staple a green card to Sanjay’s diploma and we can send Sanjay back home to develop a high tech start up in his own country.

  34. White parents should be encouraged to raise their children in an environment where white heroes and heroines have pride of place – and where non-white “heroes” are given no bandwidth at all. Any white parents that allow their sons and daughters to identify with non-whites should be shamed and socially shunned until they reform.

  35. In order so that the government isn’t in the business of playing permanent favorites, a revolving system of affirmative action should be adopted. White women and minorities have had 40 years of affirmative action and, as a result, white male college matriculation and professional advancement has suffered. In order to be fair and keep things honest, it is now time that white men should be given affirmative action for forty years. Otherwise, people will think that affirmative action was really a disguised war on young white men with no end in sight.

  36. Never use the phrase “lily white”.
    Ooops. That was utterly boneheaded of me. Correction accepted; “All White,” it is.

    “Like I said….”
    Not like you said. I never argued with you about property rights, per se. I was arguing your assertion that property ownership is the thing that made a women most “eligible.”
    That’s false, if my gramma is any indicator. My gramma owned a great deal, but couldn’t find a husband — because she was unfortunate looking. Loving, sweet lady, but not easy on the eyes. Only because she had property did she manage to get a husband at all. And a poor, immigrant husband with only farm skills and no English, at that.

    Contrast that with the phenomenon that the Frontier Army complained about — gazillions of cases of penniless, but lovely to behold, washerwomen for the Frontier Army who, instantly upon arrival at her new post at the fort, had a dozen enlisteds and officers clamoring to marry her, leaving the Frontier Army constantly in the lurch for new washerwomen, cuz the previous one quit to get married.

    ONLY in the cases where the husband is himself penniless and prospects are poor, does a woman’s property ownership make for sufficient compensation to override lack of looks. When the guys are rich, the gals better be goodlooking.

  37. “The passage of Prohibition alone proves that women’s suffrage was a disastrous failure.”

    Prohibition was boneheaded. And reversed.

    White men giving the vote to minority men was boneheaded. (And came long before Prohibition.) When can we expect THAT to be reversed?

    Oh, and Prohibition? Yeah. the 18th Amendment was ratified on January 16, 1919

    Women’s suffrage? The 19th Amendment was ratified on August 18, 1920.

    Funny that. Prohibition was ratified by men BEFORE women even got universal suffrage.
    Cuz 1/16/19 is before 8/19/20, and 18th Amendment came before 19th Amendment.

    Don’t you facts-n0t-emotion driven, clever, therefore worthy of making all the decisons, MRAs even BOTHER to check your facts?

  38. It is time for a new immigration policy that disproportionately favors white immigrants 90-10. We’ve had a long period of minority-favored immigration, so now its time to favor whites once again. Anyone who vociferously argues against this on racism charges should reflexively, and in all cases, be shouted down as a closet genocidalist who fantasizes about using the immigration policy of the US to genocide the white race. After all, its only fair, isn’t it? The 1924 immigration program lasted 40 years, and now Hart-Cellar has been in place for fifty years. In fact, one can say that whites have already done more than their fair share and now its time to enshrine new goals in our immigration policies. The current immigration polices are not holy writ and not enshrined in the constitution and can be easily be changed. Non-whites have nothing to fear either, because we let them into the country, didn’t we?

  39. “Only because she had property did she manage to get a husband at all.”

    Yes, just like I said. Her property made her more “eligible.”

    The suffragette movement was part and parcel with the crusade against drink. Women were given both more or less simultaneously because they bitched about it incessantly for decades.

    Now we’re in danger of losing the means to defend ourselves and our families – all because of women having the vote. Same reason we can no longer drink while driving and have to live with absurdly low permitted blood alcohol levels even when we do observe the ridiculous open container laws.

    And you also want to force Catholic and 7th Day Adventist and God knows who else’s hospitals to give out free birth control pills and perform abortions. What’s up with that? Those are private institutions.

  40. “Universal suffrage… It was already widespread.”

    Nuh uh. You don’t get to put this one on women.

    Before 1920, a handful of states allowed women to vote in local elections, yes, but NOT national.
    To pass a Constitutional Amendment requires the passage of a bill to introduce it by a 2/3 majority of both the United States Senate and the House of Representatives. The 66th Congress, which passed the bill leading to the 18th Amendment, (a requirement that must be achieved before an amendment goes to the States where women’s local votes could conceivably do any deciding) was made up, according to a perusal of wikipedia, of all MEN.
    This was the doing of MEN.
    That Prohibition was repealed AFTER women’s suffrage is testament that women can wise up.
    Another testament to the fact that women can be wise is that the 1924 Immigration Restriction Act, one of the most pro-White acts ever passed, was passed after women were granted Universal Suffrage.

    When will White men, (including the 48% of single White men who voted for Obama Mon DIEU!) wise up and start effectively agitating for the disenfranchisement of minority men?

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